how to pass values from one view to another view extjs? - extjs

I am trying to pass values from one view to another view, Below is the code what I have tried so far but no luck,
var newWindow = Ext.create( 'newView', {"clickedRule" : clickedvalue} );;
Ext.define('newView', {
extend : 'Ext.window.Window',
id : 'newWindow',
constructor : function (clickedRule){
Ext.applyIf(this, clickedRule);
requires : ['Ext.form.Panel'],
title : 'Title Selection'+ this.clickedRule
I am getting undefined, your help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Do it in Ext.create:
var newWindow = Ext.create( 'newView', {
clickedRule : clickedvalue,
title : 'Title Selection ' + clickedValue
and lose the title config on the class:
Ext.define('newView', {
extend : 'Ext.window.Window',
id : 'newWindow',
constructor : function (clickedRule){
Ext.applyIf(this, clickedRule);
requires : ['Ext.form.Panel']
Edit from comment:
You will have to put it in the initComponent function in that case:
this refers to an instance of your window class so won't be available in the class definition (config statements) but you can access it after the class has been initialized using the initComponent function:
Ext.define('newView', {
extend : 'Ext.window.Window',
id : 'newWindow',
initComponent: function (){
var clickedRule = this.clickedRule;
// title can also be defined here
this.title = 'Title Selection ' + clickedRule;
requires : ['Ext.form.Panel']
initComponent is the normal way of adding constructor logic to ExtJS components. See this in the docs.
Keep your original create statement:
var newWindow = Ext.create( 'newView', {clickedRule : clickedvalue} );
You can access the clickedRule property after the create statement:


custom component reuse with extjs4

I have created a custom grid in a javascript file. I want to use it as a xtype on to different panels in seperate js files. If I use it on a single panel, it works fine; but when I use try it use it on different panels at the same time, I get a error in the chrome developer tool console saying:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isComponent' of undefined
My grid definition is as follows:
Ext.define('DataBox.view.FootNotes', {
extend : 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias : 'widget.footNotes',
initComponent : function() {
this.columns = [ {
header : 'SL',
field : {
xtype : 'checkbox',
checked : 'true'
}, {
header : 'Symbol',
}, {
header : 'Notes',
}, ];
and to include the grid on the panels i use following code
initComponent : function() {
/* this.footNotesInfoGrid = Ext.create('DataBox.view.FootNotes', {
colspan: 2,
border: false,
frame: 'false'
}); even tried this */
items : [{
xtype : 'footNotes',
columnWidth : .50,
id : 'infoFootNotesGrid',
I tried many other ways suggested on different forum discussions.. but my problem stil persists.
Can somebody point out where I am going wrong?
Don't assign created objects within a configuration! Use initComponent for that!
this line
plugins : [ Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit : 1
}) ],
should be placed as
this.plugins = [ Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit : 1
}) ];
anywhere in the initComponent body, but before callParent is called
to still allow override do
if(!this.plugins) {
this.plugins = [ Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit : 1
}) ];
Avoid using static id properties! The framework handle that part for you. Wrap your head around Ext.ComponentQuery instead. It will help you to find any Component you are looking for.

Sencha - combining dataview with button in same view

I am very new to Sencha and I am trying to get a button under a DataView in a Panel. I have tried different scenario's.
The View
Ext.define('MyApp.view.Profile', {
extend : 'Ext.Panel',
xtype : 'profileview',
requires : ['', 'Ext.List', 'Ext.DataView', ''],
initialize : function() {
var me = this;
var record = 1;
//Create the instance of the store and load it
var userStore = Ext.create('');
//Create the dataview
var view = Ext.create('Ext.DataView', {
store : userStore,
itemTpl : ['<h1>Mijn Profiel</h1>', '<h2>{USERNAME}</h2>', '<p>{EMAIL}</p><br/>', '<img src="{AVATAR_PATH}" />', '<br/>'].join()
//Add the dataview to the panel
var button = Ext.create('Ext.Button', {
text : 'Edit',
handler : function() {
Ext.Msg.alert('You clicked the button');
config : {
title : 'Profiel',
iconCls : 'user3',
scrollable : true,
styleHtmlContent : true,
items : [{
xtype : 'button',
text : 'Edit',
handler : function() {
Ext.Msg.alert('You clicked the button');
The above view shows only the button but NOT the Dataview. I needed to add
layout : 'fit'
to the config to make it show DataView. But in combination with the button it makes the button fullscreen and the dataview is not shown anymore (???).
I tried both scenario's where I add a Button as config item and by using the handler.
How can I get the button below the dataview ??
Thanks for your help.
Don't use layout fit, it's made to fit one component in your canvas. I'd use a vbox layout. Which automatically puts items vetically under each other.
Try this:
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch' //this tells to take the full width
Flex your dataview
var view = Ext.create('Ext.DataView', {
flex: 1, //Use the remaining space.
store : userStore,
itemTpl : ['<h1>Mijn Profiel</h1>', '<h2>{USERNAME}</h2>', '<p>{EMAIL}</p><br/>', '<img src="{AVATAR_PATH}" />', '<br/>'].join()

Problem with registering xtype

I am trying to create factory functions as per factory-functions-in-ext-extensions,
below is my code
MyApp.SubmitButton = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, {
,initComponent:function() {
MyApp.SubmitButton.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
} // eo function initComponent
}); // eo extend
var btn = new MyApp.SubmitButton();
Ext.reg('submitbutton1',btn);//this is not working
Ext.reg('submitbutton', MyApp.SubmitButton );//this works
var win1;
if(!win1) {
win1 = new Ext.Window({
title : 'title',
closeAction : 'hide',
autoHeight : true,
autoWidth : true,
height : 300,
width : 500,
items : [{xtype:'submitbutton1',id:'submitbutton'}]
when i run this it throws error "b[d.xtype || e] is not a constructor"
You cannot use an instance of a class for registering xtype. You have to use the classname for it. Ext doesn't keep track of the instances you are creating, but just register the custom component class - so that you can just use this way:
var button = new MyApp.SubmitButton({
id : 'submitbutton'
xtype : 'submitbutton',
Both are same. Check Saki's this article for more information.

ExtJS: add checkbox column "on-the-fly"

I have a custom 'class' which extends Ext.grid.GridPanel. I would like to have a column of checkboxes (example which uses Ext.ux.grid.CheckboxColumn - just the thing i need).
My goal is to use it with pre-generated configuration object, including column model (it's generated by a PHP script), so I overloaded initComponent method to add column inside it:
MyGrid = Ext.extend
initComponent : function()
xtype : 'checkcolumn'
,header : 'Show on map ?'
,dataIndex : 'showonmap'
,width : 130
Ext.apply(this, {columns:this.columns});
MyGrid.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
Such thing worked with ActionColumn component, but this code fails, because it can't find constructor (probably for CheckColumn).
How should I modify my code or CheckColumn to make this thing work?
Thanks in advance!
If the constructor can't be found, you must not have imported the CheckColumn class properly. Try this to see if the constructor can be found directly:
MyGrid = Ext.extend
initComponent : function()
this.columns.push(new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn({
,header : 'Show on map ?'
,dataIndex : 'showonmap'
,width : 130
Ext.apply(this, {columns:this.columns});
MyGrid.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
If you get an exception that Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn is not a constructor, then you know for sure the classes isn't avaiable. Make sure that you have included the class properly, and you can verify using Firebug that the source was actually included and is available.

displaying labels in marathi language

i am tring to display lable of form in marathi language for that
am creating marathi.js
this my mararhi.js
and my other js file contain this
var = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel,{
selectUser:'Select User',
initComponent : function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
title : 'User Rights',
bodyStyle : 'padding: 10px; background-color: #DFE8F6',
labelWidth : 100,
width : 755,
id : 'formUserRights',
items : [ id: 'User',
] //items
});//Ext.apply, arguments);
}//init component
}); //yuyu
but it can not work
it gives error ; missing before
var = Ext.extend.....
but when i checked all carefully every thing is correctly nested.
First thing, the syntax error that vava noted in his comment above.
Second, you should not var the '' namespace.
Third, initComponent does not pass any arguments.
Fourth, you need to call the superclass, not apply it - also no need to pass arguments, as there are none.
Ext.ns(''); = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, {
selectUser : 'Select User',
initComponent : function() {
Ext.apply(this, {
title : 'User Rights',
bodyStyle : 'padding: 10px; background-color: #DFE8F6',
labelWidth : 100,
width : 755,
id : 'formUserRights',
renderTo : 'adminpanel',
items : [ {
id : 'User',
fieldLabel : this.selectUser,
width : 200
} ]
On a side note, I prefer not to use the Ext namespace for my app code, there is a chance for collision that way. I would suggest creating your own namespace.
Enjoy this one on the house, with the hope that someday you will actually award answers.
