Read parameters from Java client in WPF application - wpf

I have created WCF service in .net.
It is called by Java client, how do I read parameters when service is being called?
Here is my code:
public string getMethod(string id, string name)
string str = name;
return str;
Here is my WPF application code, I have added web reference:
WebReference.Service1Soap client = new WebReference.Service1Soap();
string str = client.getMethod(id, name);
How do I read values of "id" and "name" called from Java client?
I am stuck here, please help me please!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The simplest way:
Run a local instance of the service in debug mode, or attach the visual studio debugger to WCF service host process.
Put a breakpoint in the getMethod() service operation code
Call the service with the java client.
Check the values using a watch or just mouseover.
EDIT.. from comments...
but I have set debug point, still it is not happening
That means that your java client call is not being made successfully. If your java client cannot call the service then you need to sort that out first. Please post a new question to address this, or there are plenty of stuff on google:
I need those parameter values in WPF application and I have to read
it. How to do it?
You can't send a message to a service and then have that data relayed to another client (WPF) unless you use callbacks via a duplex binding like wsDualHttpBinding, which is not a nice solution in my opinion. More reading here:
If your java client needs to call into a WPF then you'll need to use ServiceHost inside your WPF application and host a WCF service from there. Look here for an example:
From Java, service client has been made successfully, and it is
getting the response. But how do I read parameters, and is there any
way or code, that "we come to know that .net service is being called".
Then the only thing you can do is either host the WCF service inside your WPF application, or use a duplex WCF binding on the service, and have the WPF application subscribe by registering a callback delegate. This way the service can call back to the client when something happens (a call is made).
Alternatively you could use a shared database which is updated with the call values when the java client makes the call. Your WPF app can then poll or use a SqlDependency to know when the data has changed.


Wcf - using duplex - callbacks

I'm creating a wcf project with a wpf client using mvvm design pattern,
Where do I need to implement the ICallback interface so I will be able to update the
The callback contract should be implemented on the client-side. Likewise, the service contract should be implemented on the server-side, with which the server can send data to the client-side by the callback contract.
Please refer to my example of the previous post.
TimeOut exception in WCF while implementing duplex
the client sends a parameter to the server by using the service interface, subsequently, the server sends the handled result to the client with the callback contract so that the client application gets the updated.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

windows service code in c ,where to write service logic code?

the title is quite general but my doubt is specific.
I have doubt regarding where to write the service logic code (in service control handler or in ServiceMain),as in whatever the functionality the service would perform . Is it in ServiceMain ?
I have looked upon these topics on MSDN relate to service. But ,didn't help me
Basically, I want to start a socket listening on windows using a service. This listening socket logic code will be in service file because of I am going to use winexe utility to send this service from linux box to windows box. currently, winexe sends the winexesvc service file on windows. So, ultimately I am going to replace the existing winexesvc service so that it will perform listening on a particular port function when sent on windows. (Service skeleton would remain same but its task performing logic will change,right?). please tell if I am missing anything.
Thanks in advance.
Service control handler should only, well, handle control messages that are sent to the service (the ones shown in the examples you linked are SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP and SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE). These control messages are sent to the service from the environment.
The logic of your service should be implemented in the ServiceMain function, when all required initialization is done. In the example at the URL in your post, the service logic code is put into the SvcInit function (which is probably not the most appropriate name for a function that implements logic of a service).

How to make WPF MVVM application connect to multiple WCF Services?

I have 4 WCF services that I have developed.
Each service is responsible for something else.
Each service has a UserNamePasswordValidator, so clients need to supply credentials when connecting.
I would now like to develop my WPF client application, in an MVVM architecture.
I would like for the WPF application to load with a 'Login' screen,
where the user will input a username and password,
and then this will be passed on to the 4 clients for the 4 WCF services (all use the same username and password).
What is the best approach to doing this ?
Where are the clients located ? in the 'Model' part ? which view's model ?
The WCF Service needs to be consumed by multiple views, so I don't think I can put any of the WCF service clients in a specific Model class...
To do this, we have created a ServiceFactory class that connects to a service given its endpoint and an appropriate IClientChannel-derived interface. This assumes that you are using the WCF services directly, e.g. not via the VS-generated proxies, since you need to set the username and password values on each client channel creation.
The client channel interfaces are in an external "service library" along with the service factory, so they can be shared with the WCF service implementations and the clients. We store the credentials in a static state dictionary (though you also put it, for example, into the main resource dictionary) with the password being saved in a SecuredString for a tiny bit of extra security.
I've described the basic process for creating such a service factory on by blog:
In our case, we perform a setup routine in App.xaml.cs that prompts for credentials and makes an attempt to call one of our services, looping until we get a successful login. That code is much more complex, but it's basically:
while (true)
var factory = new ChannelFactory<ITestChannel>(new WSHttpBinding("SecuredBinding"));
ITestChannel client = null;
factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = logOnModel.UserName;
factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = logOnModel.Password;
var address = Settings.Default.TestServiceUrlBase));
client = factory.CreateChannel(address);
// Catch various exceptions here.
The trick here is that, if your login or password is wrong and your UsernamePasswordValidator fails your login, you'll get a MessageSecurityException which will fault your channel, so you'll need to close it and open a new one. But you cannot change the credentials on a ChannelFactory once you've opened the first channel, so you need to dispose and re-create a new factory and new client channel every time.
We also check for CommunicationException and ArgumentException here in case the URL is wrong.
Once that's done, you can use similar code in your service factory class to construct a client, given its channel interface, and set up the credentials for each call. (We actually cache the service factories for each distinct interface because we create and destroy channel frequently, but that's up to you.)

WCF Service using PollingDuplex but also having a standard method with no callbacks

I'm not sure if I'm on the right lines but this is what I'm trying to do, I have a Silverlight application and a WCF service, the Silverlight app "subscribes" to the WCF service using PollingDuplex and the service can send data to any connected clients which works.
The service is marked with [ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IServiceCallback))] and it is single instanced
The problem is there is another service which should be able to call a standard method on this service to pass it data that will get distributed to the connected Silverlight clients, but because of the above settings it requires it to use callbacks (I can't change the other service).
Is there a way to have both types of operations, callback and standard in the same service if that makes sense?
Thanks for your time
Yes. It is possible. I guess CallbackContract parameter will not stop you from using your service as a regular request/response service (though I have not tried it).
But for the same contract, you may have to define two end points with different bindings, one with PollingDuplexHttpBinding and another one with basicHttpBinding (with silverlight this is the only other option).
You have to make sure that you are calling the right operation from the clients using duplex and basic http bindings.

Understanding how WCF works

I am using a WCF service between the Client side UI (Silverlight 3.0) and the Data Layer. We are using NHibernate for Database Access. So please tell me if my below understanding is correct or not:
UI calls WCF for a Save Method (for eg).
The WCF has a Save method in it which actually encapsulates a Save method from the Data
Access Object.
The Data Access Object method of Save in turn encapsulates a default Save Method of
NHibernate which actually saves some Business Object/s into the Database.
Also can someone tell me that how do we pass objects from WCF to the UI (Silverlight 3.0) layer and vice versa. I have read that we use DTO for that. But how does a DTO work? Do they correspond to the 'Data Contracts' in the WCF? If not then is the DTO declared on WCF (server) side and Client side code as well?
No, not quite....
UI calls the client-side proxy method Save
the WCF runtime takes that call and all parameters being passed in, and serializes them into a message (typically a XML serialized message)
the WCF runtime sends the serialized message over some kind of a transport media (whatever it is)
on the server side, the WCF runtime takes the incoming message
the message is deserialized, the appropriate class and method to handle it are identified
typically: a new instance of a service class is instantiated to handle the request
the WCF runtime unpacks the parameters and calls that appropriate message on the service class
same steps - basically backwards - are done for response
Important point: the only thing between the client and the server is a serialized message (which could be sent by e-mail or pigeon courier) - there's no other connection - no "remote object call" or anything like that at all
marc_s mentions the client-side proxies, which can be generated via the service references in your Silverlight project. The generated proxies are decent enough and provide an async model for running requests from the Silverlight side; those will look mostly like remoted procedure calls.
Another approach is to use the leaner (but maybe more advanced?) channel factory directly. A simple example of that can be found here. Both methods take care of most of the serialization details for you.
