Rx Example not working - winforms

I'm trying to follow along with Jonathan Worthington's airport announcement example in An Event-driven and Reactive Future
It compiles.
The problem: SayGateChange is never called. I'm new to Rx. I must be leaving something out. What I have here is his code as exactly as I could transcribe it. Sadly, there is no source available online.
AddGateChange is supposed to push a new item onto EventStreams.GateChanged, which in turn is supposed to be watched by Announcer.Announcements, which is supposed to be watched by SayGateChange.
I'm in Windows forms, not WPF, if that makes a difference.
I will gladly put it into a console app or LinqPad if that will make it work.
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Reactive.Concurrency;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Threading;
public class frmAnnouncements
Announcer _Announcer = new Announcer();
ObservableCollection<string> Announcements = new ObservableCollection<string>();
private void frmRx_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
private void AddGateChange()
EventStreams.GateChanged.OnNext(new GateChanged {
Destination = "DAL",
FlightCode = 1503
private void PopulateAnnouncements()
private void SayGateChange(string Message)
public class GateChanged
public string FlightCode;
public string Destination;
public class EventStreams
public static Subject<GateChanged> GateChanged = new Subject<GateChanged>();
public class Announcer
public Announcer()
this.Announcements = EventStreams.GateChanged.Select(e => string.Format("gate change {0} to {1} ", e.FlightCode, e.Destination));
public IObservable<string> Announcements;
public frmAnnouncements()
Load += frmRx_Load;

As #Enigmativity stated, using ObserveOnDispatcher() is a problem - although without looking at Interaction.MsgBox its hard to be 100% certain it's the whole story - I guess it may be in the video, but it's rather long and I didn't watch it all.
The use of ObservableOnDispatcher() suggests you have pulled in the wrong nuget package for Rx:
For WPF applications, use rx-xaml (deprecated synonym rx-wpf), which provides the extension method ObserveOnDispatcher()
For Winforms applications, use rx-winforms, which provides the extension method overload ObserveOn(Control)
Both Winforms and WPF have a similar design where the user interface runs on a dedicated thread. In Winforms this is known as the "UI Thread" and in WPF as the "Dispatcher". Although the concept is very similar, the implementation is quite different.
ObserveOnDispatcher in WPF will cause the observer notifications OnXXX to be invoked on the dispatcher thread.
In WinForms, where you use ObserveOn(this), the this will generally be the form itself. For any WinForms control, this will locate the control's SynchronizationContext and Post OnXXX notifications to that.
Both overloads are smart in that invocations are direct if you happen to be on the correct Dispatcher thread or UI thread already.
I do seem to remember that WinForms is a lot more tolerant of updating UI off the UI thread - although this problem occurs in WPF too. This isn't a good thing, since it can lead to unpredictable results that are hard to debug. I note that the WinForms MessageBox.Show method, for example, doesn't care which thread it is invoked on since it creates it's own window. In general, use of some form of ObserveOn/ObserveOnDispatcher is always recommended in UI scenarios.
For this reason, it's a good idea to understand how these work in detail. For this, and to learn about the related SubscribeOn, have a look at this question.
I am surprised that you didn't get an informative InvalidOperationException stating that "The current thread has no Dispatcher associated with it." I can only think some other part of your code is swallowing exceptions, or you are using WPF code in your app as well and a Dispatcher had been created associated with the Winforms UI thread. That code behind Interaction.MsgBox is probably to blame for swallowing an error. Either way, I suggest removing rx-xaml to avoid confusion.


await Task.Delay(...) freezes if there exists a System.Windows.Forms.Form instance

The following program hangs on the DoTheStuff().Wait(); line, if running as a Console application:
namespace Test
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
new Form();
private static async Task DoTheStuff()
await Task.Delay(1000);
It works just as expected though, if you comment out the new Form(); line. (Runs for 1sec, then quits).
How can I keep the expected behaviour and still have a Form instance?
Now, some background if you are interested:
I have an application which is hosted as a windows service (as console when testing locally).
It requires to have access to the SystemEvents.TimeChanged event.
However, as per the documentation, this only works when having a windows Form (thus not in a service or console app). A workaround is presented in the linked documentation, and consists of creating a hidden form.
Unfortunately, the program now completely freezes instead, which is caused by the combination of await and having a Form instance.
So how on earth can I still have the expected async/await behaviour while accessing the SystemEvents.TimeChanged event?
Thanks to help below, here comes modified code which works without freeze:
namespace Test
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
new Thread(() => Application.Run(new Form())).Start();
// SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(null);
private static async Task DoTheStuff()
await Task.Delay(1000);
In my program, I need to use "SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(null);", since the threadpool should be used for awaiting tasks. I don't think that is a good practice, since Form obviously initialized it for a reason. But running the form hidden without user input (it is a service!), and can't see any harm right now.
The documentation feels a bit incomplete, with MS not even mentioning the issue that may arise using the example 2 (await/async implicitly changes behaviour when instantiating a Form).
This is by design. Creating a new Form object get the Winforms plumbing to install a new SynchronizationContext. Something you can see in the debugger by looking at the SynchronizationContext.Current property.
That property is big deal whenever you do anything asynchronously. If it is null, the default, then using await gets code to run on threadpool threads. If it is not then the await plumbing will implement the await by calling the SynchronizationContext.Post() method. Which ensures that your code runs on the main thread.
But that doesn't work in your program because you broke the contract. You didn't call Application.Run(). Required.
The SystemEvents class will create its own hidden notification window and pumps a message loop if you don't provide one. No need to create a form. The consequence is that its events will fire on an arbitrary thread, not your main thread. So do watch out for locking requirements.
The call to Wait causes a deadlock, as I explain on my blog and in a recent MSDN article.
In your case, you could use a simple MainAsync as such:
static void Main(string[] args)
static async Task MainAsync()
new Form();
await DoTheStuff();
private static async Task DoTheStuff()
await Task.Delay(1000);
However, there are a couple of problems here. First, when you create a form (even a hidden form), you are expected to run an STA event loop, e.g., Application.Run. Second, as a Win32 service, you are expected to give your main thread back to the SCM, e.g., ServiceBase.Run.
So I would recommend a solution where you create a form and run an event loop on a secondary thread.

Replacing methods that use backgroundworker to async / tpl (.NET 4.0)

My questions are many. Since I saw. NET 4.5, I was very impressed. Unfortunately all my projects are .NET 4.0 and I am not thinking about migrating. So I would like to simplify my code.
Currently, most of my code that usually take enough time to freeze the screen, I do the following:
BackgroundWorker bd = new BackgroundWorker();
bd.DoWork += (a, r) =>
r.Result = ProcessMethod(r.Argument);
bd.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, r) =>
Honestly, I'm tired of it. And that becomes a big problem when there is a logic complex user interaction.
I wonder, how to simplify this logic? (Remember that I'm with. Net 4.0) I noticed a few things by google, but not found anything easy to implement and suitable for my needs.
I thought this solution below:
var foo = args as Foo;
var result = AsyncHelper.CustomInvoke<Foo>(ProcessMethod, foo);
public static class AsyncHelper
public static T CustomInvoke<T>(Func<T, T> func, T param) where T : class
T result = null;
DispatcherFrame frame = new DispatcherFrame();
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
result = func(param);
frame.Continue = false;
return result;
I am not sure about the impact is on manipulating the dispatcher frame.
But I know That it would work very well, for example, I could use it in all the events of controls without bothering to freeze the screen.
My knowledge about generic types, covariance, contravariance is limited, maybe this code can be improved.
I thought of other things using Task.Factory.StartNew and Dispatcher.Invoke, but nothing that seems interesting and simple to use. Can anyone give me some light?
You should just use the Task Parallel Library (TPL). The key is specifying the TaskScheduler for the current SynchronizationContext for any continuations in which you update the UI. For example:
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
return ProcessMethod(yourArgument);
.ContinueWith(antecedent =>
Aside from some exception handling when accessing the antecedent's Result property, that's all there is too it. By using FromCurrentSynchronizationContext() the ambient SynchronizationContext that comes from WPF (i.e. the DispatcherSynchronizationContext) will be used to execute the continuation. This is the same as calling Dispatcher.[Begin]Invoke, but you are completely abstracted from it.
If you wanted to get even "cleaner", if you control ProcessMethod I would actually rewrite that to return a Task and let it own how that gets spun up (can still use StartNew internally). That way you abstract the caller from the async execution decisions that ProcessMethod might want to make on its own and instead they only have to worry about chaining on a continuation to wait for the result.
UPDATE 5/22/2013
It should be noted that with the advent of .NET 4.5 and the async language support in C# this prescribed technique is outdated and you can simply rely on those features to execute a specific task using await Task.Run and then execution after that will take place on the Dispatcher thread again automagically. So something like this:
MyResultType processingResult = await Task.Run(() =>
return ProcessMethod(yourArgument);
How about encapsulating the code that is always the same in a reusable component? You could create a Freezable which implements ICommand, exposes a property of Type DoWorkEventHandler and a Result property. On ICommand.Executed, it would create a BackgroundWorker and wire up the delegates for DoWork and Completed, using the value of the DoWorkEventHandler as event handler, and handling Completed in a way that it sets its own Result property to the result returned in the event.
You'd configure the component in XAML, using a converter to bind the DoWorkEventHandler property to a method on the ViewModel (I assume you've got one), and bind your View to the component's Result property, so it gets updated automatically when Result does a change notification.
The advantages of this solution are: it is reusable, and it works with XAML only, so no more glue code in your ViewModel just for handling BackgroundWorkers. If you don't need your background process to report progress, it could even be unaware that it runs on a background thread, so you can decide in the XAML whether you want to call a method synchronously or asynchronously.
A few months have passed, but could this help you?
Using async/await without .NET Framework 4.5

How to implement a background worker thread queue

I'm trying to implement my first application using the MVVM pattern. I've manged to get most things working, but now I'm facing a problem with the following (IMHO pretty common) scenario:
Pressing a Button (View) shall invoke a Method (Model). Using a ICommand (ViewModel) this is pretty easy. But what to do if a time consuming operation has to be executed?
My current solution required me to implement a WorkQueue class containing WorkQueueItems. The WorkQueue has a Thread associated with it which executes the WorkQueueItems. Each WorkQueueItem has a Name, a Status and a Progress which is updated during execution.
Each Window has its own WorkQueue - visualized as StatusBar.
My problem: How can a ViewModel find the appropriate WorkQueue? Do I have to pass the WorkQueue to each ViewModel I create (this would be really be annoying)? Or are there other mechanism I could use?
I'm not really familiar with RoutedCommands - tough the basic concept seems to go into this direction. What'd love to see is a solution where I can bind a WorkQueueItem to a Command/Event which then bubbles up to the containing Window where it is added to the Window's WorkQueue.
I also considered making WorkQueue a Singleton - but this only works if I only have one Window at a time.
With the later .Net Frameworks (4.0+) and WPF you can utilize the System.Threading.Tasks library to provide a lot of this work under the hood.
If say your Command on your needs to update a property on your View Model, but it has to wait for the information, you simply start a task to perform the IO:
this.FindDataCommand = new RelayCommand<string>(
/* ICommand.Execute */
value =>
.StartNew<IEnumerable<Foo>>(() => FindData(value))
task =>
/* ICommand.CanExecute */
value => !String.IsNullOrWhitespace(value));
Breaking this down into manageable parts, we're starting a new task which calls some method IEnumerable<Foo> FindData(string). This is the plain old boring synchronous code you've always written. Likely it already exists on your view model!
Next we tell the framework to start a new task when that one finishes using ContinueWith, but to do it on the WPF Dispatcher instead. This allows you to avoid the hassles of cross-thread problems with UI elements.
You can extend this for monitoring with a helper class:
public class TaskManager
private static ConcurrentDictionary<Dispatcher, TaskManager> _map
= new ConcurrentDictionary<Dispatcher, TaskManager>();
public ObservableCollection<WorkItem> Running
private set;
public TaskManager()
this.Running = new ObservableCollection<WorkItem>();
public static TaskManager Get(Dispatcher dispatcher)
return _map.GetOrAdd(dispatcher, new TaskManager());
// ...
Using this class in XAML would be along the lines of adding its instance to your Window's ViewModel:
public TaskManager CurrentTaskManager
get { return TaskManager.Get(Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher); }
// <StatusBarItem Content="{Binding CurrentTaskManager.Running.Count}" />
You would then add a method to your TaskManager to handle the adding of tasks to and from the Running collection:
public Task<TResult> StartNew<TResult>(Func<TResult> work)
var task = Task.Factory
// build our view model
var workItem = new WorkItem(task);
// Pass the result back using ContinueWith
return task.ContinueWith(
t => { this.Running.Remove(workItem); return t.Result; },
Now we simply change our FindDataCommand implementation:
.StartNew<IEnumerable<Foo>>(() => FindData(value))
task =>
The WorkItem class could expose the properties on the Task class to the UI, or it could be extended to encapsulate a CancellationToken to support cancellation in the future.
I'm not sure I got the question right, but I feel that using buil in Dispatcher would solve your problem and you do not need implementing WorkQueue manually since Dispatcher implements such a queue for you and able dispatching "worker items" to the UI/any thred using predefined set of priorities. You can execute an operation either synchronously or asynchronously using Dispatcher.Invoke() or Dispatcher.BeginInvoke()
Useful links:
MSDN Magazine: WPF Threads, Build More Responsive Apps With The Dispatcher

Issue intercepting property in Silverlight application

I am using Ninject as DI container in a Silverlight application. Now I am extending the application to support interception and started integrating DynamicProxy2 extension for Ninject. I am trying to intercept call to properties on a ViewModel and ending up getting following exception:
“Attempt to access the method failed: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod..ctor(System.String, System.Type, System.Type[], System.Reflection.Module, Boolean)”
This exception is thrown when invocation.Proceed() method is called. I tried two implementations of the interceptor and they both fail
public class NotifyPropertyChangedInterceptor: SimpleInterceptor
protected override void AfterInvoke(IInvocation invocation)
var model = (IAutoNotifyPropertyChanged)invocation.Request.Proxy;
public class NotifyPropertyChangedInterceptor: IInterceptor
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
var model = (IAutoNotifyPropertyChanged)invocation.Request.Proxy;
I want to call OnPropertyChanged method on the ViewModel when property value is set.
I am using Attribute based interception.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class NotifyPropertyChangedAttribute : InterceptAttribute
public override IInterceptor CreateInterceptor(IProxyRequest request)
return request.Context.Kernel.Get<NotifyPropertyChangedInterceptor>();
return null;
I tested the implementation with a Console Application and it works alright.
I also noted in Console Application as long as I had Ninject.Extensions.Interception.DynamicProxy2.dll in same folder as Ninject.dll I did not have to explicitly load DynamicProxy2Module into the Kernel, where as I had to explicitly load it for Silverlight application as follows:
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(new DIModules(), new DynamicProxy2Module());
Could someone please help? Thanks
Reflection can be really tricky in silverlight because of security issues.
Check Gabe's answer for this question, it's the same problem.
The good news is that you can achieve the same functionality you want using dynamic instead of proxies. Just extend your ViewModel from DynamicObject and override the TrySetMember method.
I hope it helps :)

AppDomain.GetData method not accessible?

I am developing a Silverlight 3 application and I would like to delegate all unexpected error handling in a single instance of a class I have named ErrorHandler. This class has one method named HandleApplicationException, plus a couple of other methods to handle more specialized errors.
In my application I am using Unity for dependency injection, but since I want the error handling object to be available even when the Unity container is not yet set up, I register the object as AppDomain global data in the App class constructor, this way:
public App()
this.Startup += this.Application_Startup;
this.Exit += this.Application_Exit;
this.UnhandledException += this.Application_UnhandledException;
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("ErrorHandler", new ErrorHandler());
And in case of unhandled exception, I retrieve the error handler object and use it this way:
private void Application_UnhandledException(object sender, ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
var errorHandler = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("ErrorHandler") as ErrorHandler;
Debug.Assert(errorHandler != null, "No ErrorHandler registered.");
The problem is that the AppDomain.GetData method in the Application_UnhandledException method is throwing a MethodAccessException. I don't understand why, as I am just invoking a public method on the AppDomain class. I have used a similar approach in other applications and it worked fine (anyway these were not Silverlight applications).
So, what's going on? Am I doing something wrong?
Ok, I got it. From MSDN documentation:
This member has a
SecurityCriticalAttribute attribute,
which restricts it to internal use by
the .NET Framework for Silverlight
class library. Application code that
uses this member throws a
I have resorted to storing the error handler in a public property in the App class, then I access it using ((App)Application.Current).ErrorHandler. I don't like doing things this way but I suppose it is ok in this special case.
Why can't you just use a static instance of ErrorHandler? I.e. have something like ErrorHandler.Current?
It looks like you're trying to manually construct a poor man's IoC framework to be honest.
Consider doing some research on Unity/Ninject and see for yourself why strongly-typed decoupling is better.
