Django/pyodbc error: not enough arguments for format string - sql-server

I have a Dictionary model defined in Django (1.6.5). One method (called get_topentities) returns the top names in my dictionary (entity names are defined by Entity model):
def get_topentities(self,n):
entities = self.entity_set.select_related().filter(in_dico=True,table_type=0).order_by("rank")[0:n]
return entities
When I call the function (say with n=2), it returns the top 2 elements but I cannot access the second one because of this "not enough arguments to format string" error:
In [5]: d = Dictionary.objects.get(code='USA')
In [6]: top2 = d.get_topentities(2)
In [7]: top2
Out[7]: [<Entity: BARACK OBAMA>, <Entity: GOVERNMENT>]
In [8]: top2[0]
Out[8]: <Entity: BARACK OBAMA>
In [9]: top2[1]
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django_pyodbc/compiler.pyc in as_sql(self, with_limits, with_col_aliases)
172 # Lop off ORDER... and the initial "SELECT"
173 inner_select = _remove_order_limit_offset(raw_sql)
--> 174 outer_fields, inner_select = self._alias_columns(inner_select)
176 order = _get_order_limit_offset(raw_sql)[0]
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django_pyodbc/compiler.pyc in _alias_columns(self, sql)
340 # store the expanded paren string
--> 341 parens[key] = buf% parens
342 #cannot use {} because IBM's DB2 uses {} as quotes
343 paren_buf[paren_depth] += '(%(' + key + ')s)'
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
In [10]:
My server backend is MSSQL and I'm using pyodbc as the database driver. If I try the same on a PC with engine sqlserver_ado, it works. Can someone help?


Declare a queue with x-max-length programmatically using Rabbitmq-c

I am implementing a RPC function for my C application , and try to programmatically declare a queue which limits maximum number of pending messages, after reading the declaration of amqp_table_entry_t and amqp_field_value_t in amqp.h , here's my minimal code sample :
int default_channel_id = 1;
int passive = 0;
int durable = 1;
int exclusive = 0;
int auto_delete = 0;
amqp_table_entry_t *q_arg_n_elms = malloc(sizeof(amqp_table_entry_t));
*q_arg_n_elms = (amqp_table_entry_t) {.key = amqp_cstring_bytes("x-max-length"),
.value = {.kind = AMQP_FIELD_KIND_U32, .value = {.u32 = 234 }}};
amqp_table_t q_arg_table = {.num_entries=1, .entries=q_arg_n_elms};
amqp_queue_declare( conn, default_channel_id, amqp_cstring_bytes("my_queue_123"),
passive, durable, exclusive, auto_delete, q_arg_table );
amqp_rpc_reply_t _reply = amqp_get_rpc_reply(conn);
The code above always returns AMQP_RESPONSE_LIBRARY_EXCEPTION in the object of amqp_rpc_reply_t, with error message a socket error occurred , I don't see any active connection triggered by this code in web management UI of the RabbitMQ. so I think rabbitmq-c library doesn't establish a connection and just reply with error.
However everything works perfectly when I replace the argument q_arg_table with default amqp_empty_table (which means no argument).
Here are my questions :
Where can I find the code which filter the invalid key of the queue argument ? according to this article , x-max-length should be correct argument key for limiting number of messages in a queue , but I cannot figure out why the library still reports error.
Is there any example that demonstrates how to properly set up amqp_table_t passing in amqp_queue_declare(...) ?
Development environment :
RabbitMQ v3.2.4
rabbitmq-c v0.11.0
Appreciate any feedback , thanks for reading.
According to the server log rabbit#myhostname-sasl.log, RabbitMQ broker accepted a new connection, found decode error on receiving frame, then close connection immediately. I haven't figured out the Erlang implementation but the root cause is likely the decoding error on the table argument when declaring the queue.
131 =CRASH REPORT==== 18-May-2022::16:05:46 ===
132 crasher:
133 initial call: rabbit_reader:init/2
134 pid: <0.23706.1>
135 registered_name: []
136 exception error: no function clause matching
137 rabbit_binary_parser:parse_field_value(<<105,0,0,1,44>>) (src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl, line 53)
138 in function rabbit_binary_parser:parse_table/1 (src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl, line 44)
139 in call from rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1:decode_method_fields/2 (src/rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1.erl, line 791)
140 in call from rabbit_command_assembler:process/2 (src/rabbit_command_assembler.erl, line 85)
141 in call from rabbit_reader:process_frame/3 (src/rabbit_reader.erl, line 688)
142 in call from rabbit_reader:handle_input/3 (src/rabbit_reader.erl, line 738)
143 in call from rabbit_reader:recvloop/2 (src/rabbit_reader.erl, line 292)
144 in call from rabbit_reader:run/1 (src/rabbit_reader.erl, line 273)
145 ancestors: [<0.23704.1>,rabbit_tcp_client_sup,rabbit_sup,<0.145.0>]
146 messages: [{'EXIT',#Port<0.31561>,normal}]
147 links: [<0.23704.1>]
148 dictionary: [{{channel,1},
149 {<0.23720.1>,{method,rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1}}},
150 {{ch_pid,<0.23720.1>},{1,#Ref<>}}]
151 trap_exit: true
152 status: running
153 heap_size: 2586
154 stack_size: 27
155 reductions: 2849
156 neighbours:
RabbitMQ may not support unsigned integers as table values.
Instead try using a signed 32 or 64-bit number (e.g., .value = {.kind = AMQP_FIELD_KIND_I32, .value = {.i32 = 234 }}).
Also the RabbitMQ server logs may contain additional debugging information that can help understand errors like this as well as the amqp_error_string2 function can be used to translate error-code into an error-string.

Complex number in Fenics

I am currently trying to solve a complex-valued PDE with Fenics in a jupyter notebook but I am having trouble when I try to use a complex number in Fenics.
Here is how I've defined the variational problem:
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
a = (inner(grad(u[0]), grad(v[0])) + inner(grad(u[1]), grad(v[1])))*dx + sin(lat)*(u[0]*v[1]-u[1]*v[0])*dx+1j*((-inner(grad(u[0]), grad(v[1])) + inner(grad(u[1]), grad(v[0])))*dx + (sin(lat)*(u[0]*v[0]-u[1]*v[1])*dx))
f = Constant((1.0,1.0))
b = (v[0]*f[0]+f[1]*v[1])*ds+1j*((f[1]*v[0]-f[0]*v[1])*ds)
I got the following error message:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-74-7760afa5a395> in <module>()
1 u = TrialFunction(V)
2 v = TestFunction(V)
----> 3 a = (inner(grad(u[0]), grad(v[0])) + inner(grad(u[1]), grad(v[1])))*dx + sin(lat)*(u[0]*v[1]-u[1]*v[0])*dx+1j*((-inner(grad(u[0]), grad(v[1])) + inner(grad(u[1]), grad(v[0])))*dx + (sin(lat)*(u[0]*v[0]-u[1]*v[1])*dx)
4 f = Constant((0.0,0.0))
5 b = (v[0]*f[0]+f[1]*v[1])*ds+1j*((f[1]*v[0]-f[0]*v[1])*ds)
~/anaconda3_420/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ufl/ in __rmul__(self, scalar)
305 "Multiply all integrals in form with constant scalar value."
306 # This enables the handy "0*form" or "dt*form" syntax
--> 307 if is_scalar_constant_expression(scalar):
308 return Form([scalar*itg for itg in self.integrals()])
309 return NotImplemented
~/anaconda3_420/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ufl/ in is_scalar_constant_expression(expr)
84 if is_python_scalar(expr):
85 return True
---> 86 if expr.ufl_shape:
87 return False
88 return is_globally_constant(expr)
AttributeError: 'complex' object has no attribute 'ufl_shape'
Could someone please help me?
By the way, Fenics might not be the best tool to solve complex-valued PDE and I would like to read your suggestions about such problems.

Sagemaker Hyperparameter Optimization XGBoost

I am trying to build a hyperparameter optimization job in Amazon Sagemaker, in python, but something is not working. Here is what I have:
sess = sagemaker.Session()
xgb = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(containers[boto3.Session().region_name],
from sagemaker.tuner import HyperparameterTuner, IntegerParameter, CategoricalParameter, ContinuousParameter
hyperparameter_ranges = {'eta': ContinuousParameter(0.01, 0.2),
'num_rounds': ContinuousParameter(100, 500),
'num_class': 4,
'max_depth': IntegerParameter(3, 9),
'gamma': IntegerParameter(0, 5),
'min_child_weight': IntegerParameter(2, 6),
'subsample': ContinuousParameter(0.5, 0.9),
'colsample_bytree': ContinuousParameter(0.5, 0.9)}
objective_metric_name = 'validation:mlogloss'
metric_definitions = [{'Name': 'validation-mlogloss',
'Regex': 'validation-mlogloss=([0-9\\.]+)'}]
tuner = HyperparameterTuner(xgb,
max_parallel_jobs=3){'train': s3_input_train, 'validation': s3_input_validation})
And the error I get is:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'keys'
The error seems to come from the file:
----> 1{'train': s3_input_train, 'validation': s3_input_validation})
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sagemaker/ in fit(self, inputs, job_name, **kwargs)
144 self.estimator._prepare_for_training(job_name)
--> 146 self._prepare_for_training(job_name=job_name)
147 self.latest_tuning_job = _TuningJob.start_new(self, inputs)
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sagemaker/ in _prepare_for_training(self, job_name)
121 self.static_hyperparameters = {to_str(k): to_str(v) for (k, v) in self.estimator.hyperparameters().items()}
--> 122 for hyperparameter_name in self._hyperparameter_ranges.keys():
123 self.static_hyperparameters.pop(hyperparameter_name, None)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'keys'
Your arguments when initializing the HyperparameterTuner object are in the wrong order. The constructor has the following signature:
so in this case, your objective_type is in the wrong position. See the docs for more details.

Loading data into R with rsqlserver package

I've just installed rsqlserver like so (no errors)
install_github('rsqlserver', 'agstudy',args = '--no-multiarch')
And created a connection to my database:
> library(rClr)
> library(rsqlserver)
Warning message:
multiple methods tables found for ‘dbCallProc’
> drv <- dbDriver("SqlServer")
> conn <- dbConnect(drv, url = "Server=MyServer;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True;")
Now when I try to get data using dbGetQuery, I get this error:
> df <- dbGetQuery(conn, "select top 100 * from public2013.dim_Date")
Error in clrCall(sqlDataHelper, "GetConnectionProperty", conn, prop) :
Type: System.MissingMethodException
Message: Method not found: 'System.Object System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetValue(System.Object)'.
Method: System.Object GetConnectionProperty(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.String)
Stack trace:
at _conn, String prop)
When I try to fetch results using dbSendQuery, I also get an error.
> res <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select top 100 * from public2013.dim_Date")
> df <- fetch(res, n = -1)
Error in clrCall(sqlDataHelper, "Fetch", stride) :
Type: System.InvalidCastException
Message: Object cannot be stored in an array of this type.
Method: Void InternalSetValue(Void*, System.Object)
Stack trace:
at System.Array.InternalSetValue(Void* target, Object value)
at System.Array.SetValue(Object value, Int32 index)
at capacity) in c:\projects\R\rsqlserver\src\\src\SqlDataHelper.cs:line 116
Strangely, the file c:\projects\R\rsqlserver\src\\src\SqlDataHelper.cs doesn't actually exist on my computer.
Am I doing something wrong?
I am agstudy the creator of rsqlserver package. Sorry for the late but I finally I get some time to fix this bug. ( actually it was a not yet implemented feature). I demonstrate here how you can read/write data.frame with missing values in Sql server.
First I create a data.frame with missing values. It is important to distinguish the difference between numeric and character variables.
url = "Server=localhost;Database=TEST_RSQLSERVER;Trusted_Connection=True;"
conn <- dbConnect('SqlServer',url=url)
## create a table with some missing value
dat <- data.frame(txt=c('a',NA,'b',NA),
value =c(1L,NA,NA,2))
My input looks like this :
# txt value
# 1 a 1
# 2 <NA> NA
# 3 b NA
# 4 <NA> 2
I insert dat in my data base with the handy function dbWriteTable:
Then I will read it using 2 methods:
res = dbSendQuery(conn,'SELECT *
txt value
1 a 1
2 <NA> NaN
3 b NaN
4 <NA> 2
rsqlserver is DBI compliant and implement many convenient functions to deal at least at possible with SQL.
conn <- dbConnect('SqlServer',url=url)
txt value
1 a 1
2 <NA> NaN
3 b NaN
4 <NA> 2
(EDIT: I had missed something in your post (call to fetch). I can now reproduce the issue too.)
Short story is: do you have a NULL value in your database? this may be the cause.
Longer story, for a full repro:
I've used a sample DB reproducible by following the instructions at
I can reproduce your issue with:
drv <- dbDriver("SqlServer")
conn <- dbConnect(drv, url = "Server=Localhost\\somename;Database=Fabrics;Trusted_Connection=True;")
res <- dbSendQuery(conn, "SELECT TOP 100 * FROM [Fabrics].[dbo].[Client]")
## Formal class 'SqlServerResult' [package "rsqlserver"] with 1 slots
..# Id:<externalptr>
> df <- fetch(res, n = -1)
Error in clrCall(sqlDataHelper, "Fetch", stride) :
Type: System.InvalidCastException
Message: Object cannot be stored in an array of this type.
Method: Void InternalSetValue(Void*, System.Object)
Stack trace:
at System.Array.InternalSetValue(Void* target, Object value)
at System.Array.SetValue(Object value, Int32 index)
at capacity) in c:\projects\R\rsqlserver\src\\src\SqlDataHelper.cs:line 116
the following commands suggest things work as expected if using other commands.
> dbExistsTable(conn, name='Client')
Error in sqlServerExecScalar(conn, statement, ...) :
Message: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
> dbClearResult(res)
[1] TRUE
> dbExistsTable(conn, name='Client')
[1] TRUE
> dbExistsTable(conn, name='SomeIncorrectColumn')
Note that I cannot reproduce the very odd one about MissingMethodException
df <- dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT TOP 100 * FROM [Fabrics].[dbo].[Client]")
Error in clrCall(sqlDataHelper, "Fetch", stride) :
Type: System.InvalidCastException
Message: Object cannot be stored in an array of this type.
Method: Void InternalSetValue(Void*, System.Object)
Stack trace:
at System.Array.InternalSetValue(Void* target, Object value)
at System.Array.SetValue(Object value, Int32 index)
at capacity) in c:\projects\R\rsqlserver\src\\src\SqlDataHelper.cs:line 116
Since the debug symbols seem present, I can debug it further through visual studio. It bombs in SqlDataHelper.Fetch at
_resultSet[_cnames[i]].SetValue(_reader.GetValue(i), cnt);
and the variable watch gives me:
i 11 int
_cnames[i] "Street2" string
_reader.GetValue(i) {} object {System.DBNull}
_reader.GetValue(i-1) "806 West Sir Francis Drake St" object {string}
_reader.GetValue(i+1) "Spokane" object {string}
The entry for Street2 is indeed a NULL:
ClientId FirstName MiddleName LastName Gender DateOfBirth CreditRating XCode OccupationId TelephoneNumber Street1 Street2 City ZipCode Longitude Latitude Notes
1 Nicholas Pat Kane M 1975-10-07 00:00:00.000 3 ZU8 5ML 4 (279) 459 - 2707 2870 North Cherry Blvd. NULL Carlsbad 64906 32.7608137325835 117.112738329071
For information, sessionInfo() output includes:
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
other attached packages:
[1] rsqlserver_1.0 rClr_0.5-2
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] DBI_0.2-7 tools_3.0.2
Hope this helps.

Complex query mongodb c

I've created my mongodb query like this >
86 bson query[1];
87 bson_init(query);
88 bson_append_start_object(query, "service.virtual_mach ine");
89 bson_append_oid(query,"_id",result);
90 bson_append_finish_object(query);
91 bson_finish(query);
and i run it using this>
93 bson fields[1];
94 bson_init(fields);
95 bson_append_oid(fields, "_id", result);
96 bson_finish(fields);
98 mongo_cursor* cursor = NULL;
99 cursor = mongo_find(conn, "", query, field s, 9999,0,0);
and if i print the "mongo_cursor_next(cursor)" method i got a "-1" (ERROR), i want to know, what's the error in my query.
Thank you in advance.
This one?
Most functions return MONGO_OK or BSON_OK on success and MONGO_ERROR or BSON_ERROR on failure. Specific error codes and error strings are then stored in the err and errstr fields of the mongo and bson objects. It is the client's responsibility to check for errors and handle them appropriately.
