Storing Chat Messages w/ Redis + Another Database - database

I've recently begun working on a realtime chat application as a side project, mainly for experience. The clients will initially only be iOS/Android applications.
For the backend, I'm utilizing NodeJs for two reasons:
I want to use websockets
And I've never worked on a project with node before so its good exp
My main question, as the question indicates is regarding the architecture of how I will be storing chat messages on the server.
By reading other posts regarding this topic and researching the internetz I've come up with the following:
Client sends message to server to send to another user through sockets
Message gets put into Redis(stores last 50 messages for each chat)
Message also gets added to a permanent store database(Relational or NoSQL) asynchronously
At a later point in time if the user needs to for any reason retrieve the messages for a chat again, he/she gets the 50 messages from Redis(fast) and if he/she scrolls up to see older messages, query the permanent store for next batch of older messages.
I'm in no way an expert on databases but this seemed to be a reasonable/scalable approach to me.
I'm looking for any advice you can regarding reliability/scalability/anything for this architecture that you can give me. I'm happy to provide more info if needed.


Mobile app client-server operations, pusher or just code it?

I'm starting an app, and am facing a big doubt.
Relevant info on the app:
Users can chat (p2p, or via server)
Users queue before chatting (i.e omegle, chatroulette, wakie, etc)
Basically, these is the client-server operations of the app. I was
searching for ways to implement this, to not reinvent the wheel, and
so i found Pusher and Quickblox.
Pusher: This is where i have doubts. I need one server to send events to clients, another server to listen to client events via webhook, and yet another server to handle authentication. Though i suppose everything can be on the same server, havent tried this.
Quickblox: to use for chatting, looks good enough, no doubts here for now.
Minus chatting, the only network operation is the queueing, which should be very simple, thus i am left wondering if this is the proper course.
Since these decisions have a major impact on the project (i shiver at the thought of having to rollback), I thought i would ask for some opinions here.
This is my opinion about pusher since I only know pusher.
I'm in the midst of writing my app using pusher now for 1 to 1 chat. (And you can have everything on the same server. )
Implementation is easy, including client events, authentication etc and we do not need to bother about maintaining the infrastructure.
The problem I've encountered over the course of my project is cost. For just sending of messages between 2 person, every time you send a message you are using up 2 message credits minimum(one to the channel, one to subscriber). This is fine, but if you want to create feature like read status, delivery status, and 'user is typing' status, the number of messages adds up very quickly if you have to use 2 message credit for every of such simple client event.
Hence if you have cost consideration like I do, what I did was to use pusher for more critical feature like sending messages in a 1-1 chat and checking whether user are online. On the other side I am planning to use Slanger or other similar pusher self hosted solutions to implement other features like delivery status, read status, and 'user typing' status which I feel are good to have but not as mission critical as sending/receiving the messages itself.
I've read a lot on and their pricing is quite reasonable comparing to building and managing the architecture myself, and their service is reliable so far. So it depends on how mission critical is your app.

Frequent Database Query for Instant Message

I am creating an Instant Messaging application for our department. The features of this application are:
The messages will be stored in a database
The messages may be sent to one, multiple, or all users/locations
The logged in user will be able to see a history of the messages they are included in.
My question: is it appropriate to constantly query the database from each client - there should be less than 20 clients running - say every 15 - 30 secs or so? I have seen examples of a server/client messaging app using tcipclient but am not familiar with that subject. So I thought querying the database might be the approach I could go with. What are the ramifications of performing these queries so often? I'm also looking at sqldependencies??? Should I really go back to and try and learn tcip technology?
If you know that you will always have of the order of tens of clients but not of the order of thousands of clients, then polling will work just fine, and you do not have to poll every 15 seconds, (it would be unusable if you did so,) you can poll every 100 or 200 milliseconds, so chatting will appear instantaneous.
Just make sure that each polling operation is as simple as possible. The simplest operation you can do is this:
SELECT * FROM chat_log WHERE > ? where id is your IDENTITY primary key, and ? is the last id that your client has seen so far from the server. Therefore, if there are no new chat messages, no rows are retrieved. With every row retrieved by a client, update the largest id that the client has seen so far, and you are good to go.
I have done it and it works like a charm.
From a technical point of view polling is a very ignoble technique, but in many situations it can be a practical compromise which may yield good enough results with very little development. (The alternative would be to create a proper chat server which sends push notifications to the clients, good luck with that.)
If its less that 20 clients (20 select queries every 20 seconds + some writes), SQL Server will have no issues to process these messages.
Selection of tools and technology depends on your actual requirements. (size of messages, allow file transfers, delete/edit messages...)
I can suggest few options to improve performance,
Reading Messages - You can use Caching (e.g. Azure Redis Cache) for recent messages (last 30days). You can come up with background cache update strategy to make sure it's continuously updated with new messages. Read messages will call the cache first, it will hit the database only if there is a cache miss.
Also you can create a local message cache (client side) which will dramatically improve performance for end user. You can create a SQLite for this (like Skype does. Win + R -> %appdata%\skype -> folder -> main.db)
Or else you can simply have an Archive table in your db where a scheduled (every 24 hours) background process archives messages older than 14/30 days. So you will have recent messages
Writing - Writing messages will be chatty, rather than directly updating the database you can use a Message queue (Azure Message Queue, Rabbit MQ.. etc). Then you can have another process to write messages to the database.
Each technology selection will have it's own cost, pros and cons and learning time. Therefore start simple and leave room to scale later.

windows desktop notification

we want to build an application (c#/.Net) for the following Scenario:
internal "alert System". Users should be informed about it-system outage, planned downtime for Services and so on.
only one-way : central Service will push Messages to user
we also Need the possibility to enable/disable a message, for example:
The message "there a Problems with mail System" should be removed from every Computer after the Problem is solved
we want to shedule Messages for planned maintanance
about 1000 windows Clients, we also want to "group" this Clients, so we can control which Client will get a message
First thought was writing small application which will query every X seconds a central database for new and existing Messages.
Maybe somebody has already worked on similar Project?
Is a Client with database query a way to go? Better to use other Technology, like WCF Service?
Thanks for your help
Sounds like you need an enhanced version of push notifications.
I'd suggest using push for all the messaging, it's delivered faster and I find it more reliable. Simply make the client connect to a message server and maintain the connection open. Whenever a message is supposed to be displayed to the client, have the server push it trough the connection (that's where the name comes from).
To group and manage the clients you could use a database, it's probably the best way to go, but the server needs to handle all the open connections, and databases can only store DATA, not virtual objects representing a connection, so the server software need to manage them in a different way.
My suggestion: Whenever the server receives an incoming client connection, it will accept and query the client computer for a ID number that will also be used to find that client's information in the database.
Then it will create a dictionary using that ID as key, and the connection as the value.
This way at the time of sending a message to a determined group, you can do in two ways:
1) You can load from the database the IDs that belong to that group, and then send the messages to them. You will have to check whether that ID exists in the dictionary's KEYS array, because it is possible that a determined client is not yet connected.
2) You can iterate of the KEYS array of dictionary, check to which group that ID is part of, and if it is the desires group, send it.
If you're dealing with a big number of clients, I suggest you use method 1.
To disable/remove a message from the client's computer, simply have the server send a special Command message that the client software interprets as "remove that message". To make this possible every non-command message must have unique IDs, so that command messages can tell the client software which message that command applies to.
Your project sounds very interesting.
I would be glad to help you by writing a library you could use, or just help you figure it out on your own if you prefer. (Free of charge, just for the experience).

What is the right way to use PushSharp?

I use PushSharp to send notifications for a few Apps.
PushSharp is great it really simplifies the work with push services, and I wonder what is the right way to work with it?
I haven't found examples/ explanations about that.
Now, when I have a message to send , I ...
create a PushSharp object
do a PushService.QueueNotification() for all devices
do a PushService.StopAllServices to send all queued messages
exits the method (and kill the PushService object).
Should I work this way, or keep this PushService object alive and call its methods when needed?
How should I use a PushService object to get the unregistered device ids? with a dedicated instance?
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
This is a question which frequently comes up.
The answer isn't necessarily one way or the other, but it depends on your situation. In most cases it would be absolutely fine to just create a PushBroker instance whenever you need it, since most platforms use HTTP based protocols for sending notifications. In the case of Apple, they state in their documentation that you should keep your connection to APNS open in order to minimize overhead of opening and closing secure connections.
However, in practice I think this means that they don't want you connecting and disconnecting VERY frequently (eg: they don't want you creating a new connection for every message you send). In reality, if you're sending batches of notifications every so often (let's say every 15 minutes or every hour) they probably won't have a problem with you opening a new connection for each batch and then closing it when done.
I've never heard of anyone being blocked from Apple's APNS servers for doing this. In fact in the very early days of working with push notifications, I had a bug that caused a new apns connection to be created for each notification. I sent thousands of notifications a day like this and never heard anything about it from Apple (eventually I identified it as a bug and fixed it of course).
As for collecting feedback, by default the ApplePushService will poll the feedback servers after 10 seconds of starting, and then every 10 minutes thereafter. If you want to disable this from happening you can simply set the ApplePushChannelSettings.FeedbackIntervalMinutes to <= 0. You can then use the FeedbackService class to poll for feedback whenever you need to, manually.

.NET CF mobile device application - best methodology to handle potential offline-ness?

I'm building a mobile application in VB.NET (compact framework), and I'm wondering what the best way to approach the potential offline interactions on the device. Basically, the devices have cellular and 802.11, but may still be offline (where there's poor reception, etc). A driver will scan boxes as they leave his truck, and I want to update the new location - immediately if there's network signal, or queued if it's offline and handled later. It made me think, though, about how to handle offline-ness in general.
Do I cache as much data to the device as I can so that I use it if it's offline - Essentially, each device would have a copy of the (relevant) production data on it? Or is it better to disable certain functionality when it's offline, so as to avoid the headache of synchronization later? I know this is a pretty specific question that depends on my app, but I'm curious to see if others have taken this route.
Do I build the application itself to act as though it's always offline, submitting everything to a local queue of sorts that's owned by a local class (essentially abstracting away the online/offline thing), and then have the class submit things to the server as it can? What about data lookups - how can those be handled in a "Semi-live" fashion?
Or should I have the application attempt to submit requests to the server directly, in real-time, and handle it if it itself request fails? I can see a potential problem of making the user wait for the timeout, but is this the most reliable way to do it?
I'm not looking for a specific solution, but really just stories of how developers accomplish this with the smoothest user experience possible, with a link to a how-to or heres-what-to-consider or something like that. Thanks for your pointers on this!
We can't give you a definitive answer because there is no "right" answer that fits all usage scenarios. For example if you're using SQL Server on the back end and SQL CE locally, you could always set up merge replication and have the data engine handle all of this for you. That's pretty clean. Using the offline application block might solve it. Using store and forward might be an option.
You could store locally and then roll your own synchronization with a direct connection, web service of WCF service used when a network is detected. You could use MSMQ for delivery.
What you have to think about is not what the "right" way is, but how your implementation will affect application usability. If you disable features due to lack of connectivity, is the app still usable? If you have stale data, is that a problem? Maybe some critical data needs to be transferred when you have GSM/GPRS (which typically isn't free) and more would be done when you have 802.11. Maybe you can run all day with lookup tables pulled down in the morning and upload only transactions, with the device tracking what changes it's made.
Basically it really depends on how it's used, the nature of the data, the importance of data transactions between fielded devices, the effect of data latency, and probably other factors I can't think of offhand.
So the first step is to determine how the app needs to be used, then determine the infrastructure and architecture to provide the connectivity and data access required.
I haven't used it myself, but have you looked into the "store and forward" capabilities of the CF? It may suit your needs. I believe it uses an Exchange mailbox as a message queue to send SOAP packets to and from the device.
The best way to approach this is to always work offline, then use message queues to handle sending changes to and from the device. When the driver marks something as delivered, for example, update the item as delivered in your local store and also place a message in an outgoing queue to tell the server it's been delivered. When the connection is up, send any queued items back to the server and get any messages that have been queued up from the server.
