Silverlight Automation with Powershell - silverlight

I want to know if I can automate a Silverlight application with Powershell. If so, is there sample code or a website that has more information about it. So far, I haven't find any useful resources in developing a script to automate Silverlight. I know a similar question was asked here on this site, but the link in the answer no longer works.

I've used C# and Telerik's testing framework for automating Silverlight and WPF. It's free and once configured - easy to use. Since Powershell stays on top of the .Net, I guess you can reuse framework's API or libs. I personally don't see why favor Powershell over C# here.


Converting VB6 Forms to .Net Core WinForms

I have a VB6 Forms application and want to convert to .Net Core WinForms. I know conversion tools are available that make that claim. However, I'm looking for recommendations or first hand experience in doing this.
Manual may be best, but if you're looking for an automated route, I would suggest
VB6 to VB.NET WinForms (.NET Framework)
VB.NET to C# (.NET Framework)
Upgrade to .NET Core
I do not have any experience with #1, VB6 to VB.NET.
For #2 check out this project It works very well.
For #3, Microsoft has a try-convert project to upgrade .NET Framework projects to .NET Core. It has worked flawlessly for me.
I just converted a decent sized app from VB6 to C#. The biggest challenge for me was the third party controls. Most tools can't manage those as most old controls are either discontinued or the interfaces are so wildly different it made no sense to use a tool.
I ended up just recreating all the forms using modern controls first. I would then just paste the old VB6 code where is made sense and worked my way through converting the logic to C#. In some cases I literally printed files to paper and read through them and typed in the C# code.
I wanted to take advantage of the .net programming model so I rewrote a lot and improved the function and readability of the code.
I have used tools and while they do help, I didn't feel it really saved me a lot of time. My "brute force" method helped me understand the application much better and helped me sort through errors and bugs easier.
In my experience it's worth the effort doing it manually. There really is no shortcut if you want to do a proper job.

Running White UI from Java

Is there any way I can invoke White UI Automation tool from Java?
I already have a Java framework with me and now I need to handle some Silverlight application (which is legacy code and the developer has not made it scriptable). I don't want to maintain a separate workspace/technology for this. Is there any way I can call White UI or the underlying Windows UI Automation from within my Java code?
Perhaps IKVM would work? I haven't used it before, but it looks like it allows you to run Java code that can directly access .NET assemblies.
So, sounds like it might be a way to use both White and your Java test framework at the same time.
There's an interesting tutorial here (see the section Developing a .NET application in Java):
And the main IKVM website is at

How can automation testing on Silverlight using Selenium be done?

I am looking for a way by which I can automate my application build on Silverlight.
I need to use Selenium as required, can anyone tell a process or any good tutorial by which I can achieve what I require.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at:
Silverlight testing: Watin vs Selenium comparison
Also bear in mind that Silverlight's future looks uncertain: and
etc. etc.
So you may prefer to consider HTML5 for future projects after completing your current Silverlight project, as HTML5 has a brighter future because of its cross browser support and efficiency compared with proprietary technologies like Flash and Silverlight.
I suggest Sikulix which a desktop automation tool using which you can automate almost everything. which uses text interpretation of image so that us can locate your component.
If you are using python selenium i suggest to use pyautogui which is nice python package to automate silverlight web pages.

Silverlight application for Windows Embedded

I am developing a Silverlight application for Windows Embedded and I am using Blend2 for making GUI.
SL for Windows Embedded will not support the C# code and we have to use C++ as we know this.
So my question is: I created a sample GUI in Blend2 and I created one button. When I click that button it should move to another screen & it will show that and for this what should I put in function definition?
It seems your question is about making your first steps in this technology, I would recommend to take a look on this tutorial. I also found this video tutorial regarding using .net compact framework with Silverlight for Windows Embedded, you may find it useful too.

Winforms or Silverlight

I have a small project that I will be working on shortly that collects employees time and what project the person was working on. Pretty straight forward. I was orginally going to work on it in WinForms but since im new to that I though maybe using Silverlight for the application since I will have a learning curve for each. Here is a couple of business requirements that i need to incorporate into the application.
-System will use an Access database hosted on a particular persons computer.
-Ability to generate and print reports
-Installed on the emploees desktop who will have access.
Would one technology be recommended over the other in terms of what I need to do. Here is a screen mockup of one of the pages I will need to create.
If you want access to the machine on which the application will run (e.g. to access a database, and to use printing), that pretty much rules out Silverlight, without jumping through a lot of hoops (e.g. having to install something on the user's machine anyway).
You say that WinForms will require a learning curve for you - well you might as well use WPF then, as it's a similar technology from the UI perspective as Silverlight. However, you can proably find a lot more resources online for WinForms though, and it's likely you'd be more productive in WinForms given its strong Visual Studio designer support.
Deployment with WinForms or WPF should be fairly easy with ClickOnce.
Since it's a local (desktop) app which needs to access a local resource (Access database), it's probably better to do winforms.
However, you might be better off doing this as WPF instead - it's more current than winforms.
Winforms and WPF are easier than Silverlight when you have to access a database because you can do it directly. If your install base uses only .net 2.0 then stick with WinForms, if you know they can install .NET 3.5 then try out WPF. Just be warned, there is more to learn with WPF and XAML but it's very rewarding especially if you want to get fancy.
Silverlight 3 lets your application to run on desktop as well.
So I'd write it on silverlight. Yet another technology to master.
