Fill secondly data from Q KDB+ - loops

I have a csv file with some high frequency stock price data, and I'd like to get a secondly price data from the table.
In each file, there are columns named date, time, symbol, price, volume, and etc.
There are some seconds with no trading so there are missing data in some seconds.
I'm wondering how could I fill the missing data in Q to get the secondly data from 9:30 to 16:00 in full? If there is missing price, just use the recently price as its price in that second.
I'm considering to write some loop, but I don't know how to exactly to that.

Simplifying a little, I'll assume you have some random timestamps in your dataset like this:
time price
2015.01.20D22:42:34.776607000 7
2015.01.20D22:42:34.886607000 3
2015.01.20D22:42:36.776607000 4
2015.01.20D22:42:37.776607000 8
2015.01.20D22:42:37.886607000 7
2015.01.20D22:42:39.776607000 9
2015.01.20D22:42:40.776607000 4
2015.01.20D22:42:41.776607000 9
so there are some missing seconds there. I'm going to call this table t. So if you do a by-second type of query, obviously the seconds that are missing are still missing:
q)select max price by time.second from t
second | price
--------| -----
22:42:34| 7
22:42:36| 4
22:42:37| 8
22:42:39| 9
22:42:40| 4
22:42:41| 9
To get missing seconds, you have to join a list of nulls. In this case we know the data goes from 22:42:34 to 22:42:41, but in reality you'll have to find the min/max time and use that to create a temporary "null" table to join against:
q)([] second:22:42:34 + til 1+`int$22:42:41-22:42:34 ; price:(1+`int$22:42:41-22:42:34)#0N)
second price
Then left join:
q)([] second:22:42:34 + til 1+`int$22:42:41-22:42:34 ; price:(1+`int$22:42:41-22:42:34)#0N) lj select max price by time.second from t
second price
22:42:34 7
22:42:36 4
22:42:37 8
22:42:39 9
22:42:40 4
22:42:41 9
You can use fills or whatever your favourite filling heuristic is after that.
q)fills `second xasc asc ([] second:22:42:34 + til 1+`int$22:42:41-22:42:34 ; price:(1+`int$22:42:41-22:42:34)#0N) lj select max price by time.second from t
second price
22:42:34 7
22:42:35 7
22:42:36 4
22:42:37 8
22:42:38 8
22:42:39 9
22:42:40 4
22:42:41 9
(Note the sort on second before fills!)
By the way for larger tables this will be much faster than a loop. Loops in q are generally a bad idea.
You could use a comma join too, both tables need to be keyed on the second column
(where t1 is the null-filled table keyed on second)
I haven't tested it, but I suspect it would be slightly faster than the lj version.

Using aj which is one of the most powerful features of KDB:
sym time price size
MS 10:24:04 93.35974 8
MS 10:10:47 4.586986 1
APPL 10:50:23 0.7831685 1
GOOG 10:19:52 49.17305 0
in-memory table needs to be sym,time sorted with g# attribute applied to sym column
q)data:update `g#sym from `sym`time xasc data
q)meta trade
c | t f a
-----| -----
sym | s g
time | v
price| f
size | j
Creating a rack table intervalized per second per sym :
q)rack: `sym`time xasc (select distinct sym from data) cross ([] time:{x[0]+til `int$x[1]-x[0]}(min;max)#\:data`time)
Using aj to join the data :
q)aj[`sym`time; rack; data]


Alternative solutions to an array search in PostgreSQL

I am not sure if my database design is good for this tricky case and I also ask for help how the query for this could look like.
I plan a query with the following table:
search_array | value | id
{XYa,YZb,WQb} | b | 1
{XYa,YZb,WQb,RSc,QZa} | a | 2
{XYc,YZa} | c | 3
{XYb} | a | 4
{RSa} | c | 5
There are 5 main elements in the search_array: XY, YZ, WQ, RS, QZ and 3 Values: a, b, c that are concardinated to each element.
Each row has also one value: a, b or c.
My aim is to find all rows that fit to a specific row in this sense: At first it should be checked if they have any same main elements in their search_arrays (yellow marked in the example).
As example:
Row id 4 an row id 5 wouldnt match because XY != RS.
Row id 1, 2 and 3 would match two times because they have all XY and YZ.
Row id 1 and 2 would even match three times because they have also WQ in common.
And second: if there is a Main Element match it should be 'crosschecked' if the lowercase letters after the Main Elements fit to the value of the other row.
As example: The only match for Row id 1 in the table would be Row id 4 because they both search for XY and the low letters after the elements match each value of the two rows.
Another match would be ROW id 2 and 5 with RS and search c to value c and search a to value a (green and orange marked).
My idea was to cut the search_array elements in the query in two parts with the RIGHT and LEFT command for strings. But I dont know how to combine the subqueries for this search.
Or would be a complete other solution faster? Like splitting the search array into another table with the columns 'foregin key' to the maintable, 'main element' and 'searched_value'. I am not sure if this is the best solution because the program would all the time switch to the main table to find two rows out of 3 million rows to compare their searched_values to the values?
Thank you very much for your answers and your time!
You'll have to represent the data in a normalized fashion. I'll do it in a WITH clause, but it would be better to store the data in this fashion to begin with.
WITH unravel AS (
SELECT, t.value,
substr(u.val, 1, 2) AS arr_main,
substr(u.val, 3, 1) AS arr_val
FROM mytable AS t
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest(t.search_array) AS u(val)
SELECT AS first_id,
a.value AS first_value, AS second_id,
b.value AS second_value,
a.arr_main AS main_element
FROM unravel AS a
JOIN unravel AS b
ON a.arr_main = b.arr_main
AND a.arr_val = b.value
AND b.arr_val = a.value;

Can I set rules for string comparison in SQL? (or do I need to hardcode using CASE WHEN)

I need to make a comparison for ratings in two points in time and indicate if the change was upwards,downwards or stayed the same.
For example:
This would be a table with four columns:
ID T0 T0+1 Status
1 AAA AA Lower
2 BB A Higher
3 C C Same
However, this does not work when applying regular string comparison, because in SQL
I need
So my order(highest to lowest): AAA,AA,A,BBB,BB,B
SQL order(highest to lowest): BBB,BB,B,AAA,AA,A
Now I have 2 options in mind, but I wonder if someone know a better one:
1) Use CASE WHEN statements for all the possibilities of ratings going up and down ( I have more values than indictaed above)
CASE WHEN T0=T0+1 then 'Same'
WHEN T0='AAA' and To+1<>'AAA' then 'Lower'
....adress all other options for rating going down
ELSE 'Higher'
However, this generates a very large number of CASE WHEN statements.
2) My other option requires generating 2 tables. In table 1 I use case when statements to assign values/rank to the ratings.
For example:
CASE WHEN T0='AAA' then 6
CASE WHEN T0='AA' then 5
CASE WHEN T0='A' then 4
CASE WHEN T0='BBB' then 3
CASE WHEN T0='BB' then 2
CASE WHEN T0='B' then 1
The same for T0+1.
Then in table 2 I use a regular compariosn between column T0 and Column T0+1 on the numeric values.
However, I am looking for a solution where I can do it in one table (with as little lines as possible), and optimally never really show the ranking column.
I think a nested statement would be the best option, but it did now work for me.
Anybody has suggestions?
I use SQL Server 2008.
If you are using Credit Rating, this is very likely that this is not just about AAA > AA or BBB > BB.
Whether you are using one agency or another, it could also be AA+ or Aa1 for long term, F1+ for short term or something else in different contexts or with other agencies.
It is also often requiered to convert data from one agency to other agencies Rating.
Therefore it is better to use a mapping table such as:
Id | Rating
0 | AAA
1 | AA+
2 | AA
3 | AA-
4 | A+
5 | A
6 | A-
7 | BBB+
Using this table, you only have to join the rating in your data table with the rating in the mapping table:
SELECT d.Rating_T0, d.Rating_T1
CASE WHEN d.Rating_T0 = d.Rating_T1 THEN '='
FROM yourData d
INNER JOIN RatingMapping m0
ON m0.Rating= d.Rating_T0
INNER JOIN RatingMapping m1
ON m1.Rating= d.Rating_T1
If you only store the Rating id in you data table, you will not only save space (1 byte for tinyint versus up to 4 chars) but will also be able to compare without the JOIN to the mapping table.
SELECT d.Rating_Id0, d.Rating_Id1
CASE WHEN d.Rating_Id0 = d.Rating_Id1 THEN '='
WHEN d.Rating_Id0 < d.Rating_Id1 THEN '<'
WHEN d.Rating_Id0 > d.Rating_Id1 THEN '>'
FROM yourData d
The JOIN would only be requiered when you want to display the actual Rating value such as AAA for Rating_ID = 0.
You could also add an agency_Id to the Mapping table. This way, you can easily choose which Notation agency you want to display and easily convert between Agency 1 and Agency 2 or Agency 3 (ie. Id 1 => S&P and Id 2 => Fitch, Id 3 => ...)

In SSRS, how can I add a row to aggregate all the rows that don't match a filter?

I'm working on a report that shows transactions grouped by type.
Type Total income
------- --------------
A 575
B 244
C 128
D 45
E 5
F 3
Total 1000
I only want to provide details for transaction types that represent more than 10% of the total income (i.e. A-C). I'm able to do this by applying a filter to the group:
Type Total income
------- --------------
A 575
B 244
C 128
Total 1000
What I want to display is a single row just above the total row that has a total for all the types that have been filtered out (i.e. the sum of D-F):
Type Total income
------- --------------
A 575
B 244
C 128
Other 53
Total 1000
Is this even possible? I've tried using running totals and conditionally hidden rows within the group. I've tried Iif inside Sum. Nothing quite seems to do what I need and I'm butting up against scope issues (e.g. "the value expression has a nested aggregate that specifies a dataset scope").
If anyone can give me any pointers, I'd be really grateful.
EDIT: Should have specified, but at present the dataset actually returns individual transactions:
ID Type Amount
---- ------ --------
1 A 4
2 A 2
3 B 6
4 A 5
5 B 5
The grouping is done using a row group in the tablix.
One solution is to solve that in the SQL source of your dataset instead of inside SSRS:
WHEN CAST([Total income] AS FLOAT) / SUM([Total income]) OVER (PARTITION BY 1) >= 0.10 THEN [Type]
ELSE 'Other'
END AS [Type]
, [Total income]
FROM Source_Table
See also SQL Fiddle
Try to solve this in SQL, see SQL Fiddle.
WHEN I.TotalIncome >= (SELECT Sum(I2.TotalIncome) / 10 FROM Income I2) THEN 10
) AS TotalIncomePercent
FROM Income I
After this, create two sum groups.
SUM(TotalIncome * TotalIncomePercent) / 10
SUM(TotalIncome * TotalIncomePercent)
Second approach may be to use calculated column in SSRS. Try to create a calculated column with above case expression. If it allows you to create it, you may use it in the same way as SQL approach.
1) To show income greater than 10% use row visibility condition like
=iif(reportitems!total_income.value/10<= I.totalincome,true,false)
here reportitems!total_income.value is total of all income textbox value which will be total value of detail group.
and I.totalincome is current field value.
2)add one more row to outside of detail group to achieve other income and use expression as
= reportitems!total_income.value-sum(iif(reportitems!total_income.value/10<= I.totalincome,I.totalincome,nothing))

TSQL Least number of appearances

My question is that I want to find the "Balie" with the least number of "Maatschappijen" booked on it. So far I got this query wich displays all "Balies" and all the "Maatschappijen" with them. The wanted result is one "balienummer" record with the least number of "maatschappijen" booked on it.
SELECT [Balie].[balienummer], [IncheckenBijMaatschappij].[balienummer], [IncheckenBijMaatschappij].[maatschappijcode]
FROM [Balie]
JOIN [IncheckenBijMaatschappij]
ON [Balie].[balienummer] = [IncheckenBijMaatschappij].[balienummer]
Query result
balienummer balienummer maatschappijcode
1 1 BA
1 1 TR
2 2 AF
2 2 NZ
3 3 KL
4 4 KL
SELECT [Balie].[balienummer], count([IncheckenBijMaatschappij].[maatschappijcode])
FROM [Balie]
JOIN [IncheckenBijMaatschappij]
ON [Balie].[balienummer] = [IncheckenBijMaatschappij].[balienummer]
GROUP BY [Balie].[balienummer]
ORDER BY count([IncheckenBijMaatschappij].[maatschappijcode])
First record should be your answer.

Merging Data to Run Specific Individual Analysis

I have two data sets. FIRST is a list of products and their daily prices from a supplier and SECOND is a list of start and end dates (as well as other important data for analysis). How can I tell Stata to pull the price at the beginning date and then the price at the end date from FIRST into SECOND for the given dates. Please note, if there is no exact matching date I would like it to grab the last date available. For example, if SECOND has the date 1/1/2013 and FIRST has prices on ... 12/30/2012, 12/31/2012, 1/2/2013, ... it would grab the 12/31/2012 price.
I would usually do this with Excel, but I have millions of observations, and it is not feasible.
I have put an example of FIRST and SECOND as well as what the optimal solution would give as an output POST_SECOND
Product Price Date
1 3 1/1/2010
1 3 1/3/2010
1 4 1/4/2010
1 2 1/8/2010
2 1 1/1/2010
2 5 2/5/2010
3 7 12/26/2009
3 2 1/1/2010
3 6 4/3/2010
Product Start Date End Date
1 1/3/2010 1/4/2010
2 1/1/2010 1/1/2010
3 12/26/2009 4/3/2010
Product Start Date End Date Price_Start Price_End
1 1/3/2010 1/4/2010 3 4
2 1/1/2010 1/1/2010 1 1
3 12/26/2009 4/3/2010 7 6
Here's a merge/keep/sort/collapse* solution that relies on using the last date. I altered your example data slightly.
/* Make Fake Data & Convert Dates to Date Format */
input byte Product byte Price str12 str_date
1 3 "1/1/2010"
1 3 "1/3/2010"
1 4 "1/4/2010"
1 2 "1/8/2010"
2 1 "1/1/2010"
2 5 "2/5/2010"
3 7 "12/26/2009"
3 7 "12/28/2009"
3 2 "1/1/2010"
3 6 "4/3/2010"
4 8 "12/30/2012"
4 9 "12/31/2012"
4 10 "1/2/2013"
4 10 "1/3/2013"
gen Date = date(str_date,"MDY")
format Date %td
drop str_date
save "First.dta", replace
input byte Product str12 str_Start_Date str12 str_End_Date
1 "1/3/2010" "1/4/2010"
2 "1/1/2010" "1/1/2010"
3 "12/27/2009" "4/3/2010"
4 "1/1/2013" "1/2/2013"
gen Start_Date = date(str_Start_Date,"MDY")
gen End_Date = date(str_End_Date,"MDY")
format Start_Date End_Date %td
drop str_*
save "Second.dta", replace
/* Data Transformation */
use "First.dta", clear
merge m:1 Product using "Second.dta", nogen
bys Product: egen ads = min(abs(Start_Date-Date))
bys Product: egen ade = min(abs(End_Date - Date))
keep if (ads==abs(Date - Start_Date) & Date <= Start_Date) | (ade==abs(Date - End_Date) & Date <= End_Date)
sort Product Date
collapse (first) Price_Start = Price (last) Price_End = Price, by(Product Start_Date End_Date)
list, clean noobs
*Some people are reshapers. Others are collapsers. Often both can get the job done, but I think collapse is easier in this case.
In Stata, I've never been able to get something like this to work nicely in one step (something you can do in SAS via a SQL call). In any case, I think you'd be better off creating an intermediate file from FIRST.dta and then merging that 2x on each of your StartDate and EndDate variables in SECOND.dta.
Say you have data for price adjustments from Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2013 (specified with varied intervals as you have shown above). I assume all the date variables are already in date format in FIRST.dta & SECOND.dta, and that variable names in SECOND do not have spaces in them.
tempfile prod prices
use FIRST.dta, clear
keep Product
duplicates drop
save `prod'
set obs 1096
g Date=date("12-31-2009","MDY")+_n
format date %td
cross using `prod'
merge 1:1 Product Date using FIRST.dta, assert(1 3) nogen
gsort +Product +Date /*this ensures the data are sorted properly for the next step */
replace price=price[_n-1] if price==. & Product==Product[_n-1]
save `prices'
use SECOND.dta, clear
foreach i in Start End {
rename `i'Date Date
merge 1:1 Product Date using `prices', assert(2 3) keep(3) nogen
rename Price Price_`i'
rename Date `i'Date
This should work if I understand your data structures correctly, and it should address the issue being discussed in the comments to #Dimitriy's answer. I'm open to critiques on how to make this nicer as its something I've had to do a few times and this is how I usually go about it.
