How to highlight specific days in a date picker using Ext js Date picker? - extjs

I am new to EXt js.
Can anyone tell me how to highlight specific days in a date picker using Ext js Date picker?
Without overriding Ext.picker.Date can we achieve the same?

Highlighting of dates is not configurable/supported in Ext. You can override the picker - it is not very difficult, I've done it to highlight holidays.


Why date picker of material UI change the date to an strange object

Good morning colleagues, I wanted to consult you about a problem. The problem is when I use the material ui date picker,
when selecting a date as it generates an object that is not a date.
I attach a screenshot of: the date picker, the 'handleDateChange' function and what it prints on the console
Thanks in advance.
datepicker on tsx
object printed in console
body of the function

Is Range selection possible in WPF Date Picker?

My requirement is to have some relative date support in my date picker and I want to select start and end date from wpf date picker. But picker showing single calendar and i couldn't achieve two date selection.i have gone through some sites but couldn't get clear answer.
Is it possible to achieve my requirement in WPF date picker or any custom template available for this?

Date/Time range picker for angular material

I am using angular material for my project.
I need date range picker for some functionalities & date-time range picker for some functionalities.
I have searched for it but i am not able to find any picker with all working functionality.
I have tried smDateTimeRangePicker but it didn't work with start-date. always open picker with current date. it also doesn't have functionality of dynamic min/max date.
Can anyone point me on right direction where i can fine range picker with working start, min, max,.. functionalities.
The best angular js date time picker is
We can choose 720kb datepicker for date alone, it has nice UI and nice features.
720kb datepicker
<datepicker date-format="MM/dd/yyyy">
<input type="text" maxlength="10" id="dtdate"
ng-model="" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy">
The best time picker is angular moment picker
angular moment picker for time
<input show-header="false" moment-picker="#NGModel2" format="HH:mm"
today="true" min-view="day" ng-model="model.time" maxlength="5 "
id="time" placeholder="HH:mm" />
The screenshot for both date picker and time picker below

Two colored date in onezone datepicker

I'm using ionic onezone datepicker for the representation of calendar in my app,but for certain date I need to provide two colored date as show below.Can anyone help me with that.

Show current date in WPF Toolkit Date Time picker

I am using codeplex wpf toolkit and want to show current date at the bottom of calendar same as date time picker of windows form shows, tried various properties but could not find a solution. Please help
If i understand you correctly,you want to show the current selected date in the calender part of the datepicker.For that you want to customize the control template of the Datepciker COntrol.Go through the link below to get started
To have a Today Button in the calender check the below thread
