Trying to get ng-csv to work with Firebase - angularjs

I have data stored on Firebase. I have a function that will grab the information from Firebase and return it as an array. I want to be able to use ng-csv to download that file as a .csv however when I download it is an empty file.
Is it possible to use ng-csv if I am trying to grab data from Firebase and if so does anyone have any examples?
Update (from OPs duplicate question):
I am trying to use ng-csv to allow a user to download a .csv file by clicking a button. The information is stored in Firebase and I have created a function that returns the needed information from Firebase as an array. However, I think the problem is when the button is clicked the file is downloaded before the information is pulled from Firebase and loaded, so the .csv file is always empty. Is there a way around this? Here is my code in my main.js app:
this.export = function() {
var results = fireFactory.getResults() //code that returns the array of objects
results.$loaded().then(function(array) {
var test= [];
return test;
Here is my code in my HTML file:
<button class ="btn" ng-csv="main.export()" filename="test.csv">Export</button>
Is there anyway to delay the file downloading until the information has been loaded and returned from the main.export() function?

You are almost there. Frank van Puffelen was on the right path, but stopped short of providing the fix for your code.
return test;
the above statement inside your callback is returning the result inside a promise. This results can only be consumed using promise aware code. Fortunately, ng-csv accepts a promise. If the promise is returned it should work:
this.export = function() {
var results = fireFactory.getResults()
//Here we return the promise for consumption by ng-csv
return results.$loaded().then(function(array) {
var test= [];
//the array is returned from the callback, not export
return test;

You're being tricked by the asynchronous nature in which Firebase loads data. You seem to be thinking that return test; in your original code returns a value from the export function. But if you look more carefully you'll notice that you're actually returning from the (anonymous) callback function.
It's a bit easier to see this, if we separate the callback function out and add some logging statements:
function onDataLoaded(array) {
console.log('Got results from Firebase');
var test= [];
return test;
this.export = function() {
console.log('Starting to get results from Firebase');
var results = fireFactory.getResults() //code that returns the array of objects
console.log('Started to get results from Firebase');
console.log('Registered result handler');
When you call fireFactory.getResults() Firebase will start downloading the data from its servers. Since this may take some time, the downloading happens asynchronously and the browser continues executing your export function, which registers a callback that you want invoked when the data from Firebase is available.
So you'll see the following output in the JavaScript console:
Starting to get results from Firebase
Started to get results from Firebase
Registered result handler
Got results from Firebase


JSON stored into an array not callable by specific index

I am trying to develop an app for my fantasy baseball league to use for our draft (we some kind of quirky stuff all the major sites don't account for) - I want to pull some player data to use for the app by using MLB's API. I have been able to get the response from MLB, but can't do anything with the data after I get it back. I am trying to store the JSON into an array, and if I console.log the array as a whole, it will give me the entire chunk of data, but if I try to call the specific index value of the 1st item, it comes back as undefined.
let lastName = 'judge';
let getData = new XMLHttpRequest;
let jsonData = [];
function getPlayer () {'GET', `http://lookup-service-
sport_code='mlb'&active_sw='Y'&name_part='${lastName}%25'`, true)
getData.onload = function() {
if (this.status === 200) {
When I change the above console.log to console.log(jsonData[0]) it comes back as undefined. If I go to the console and copy the property path, it displays as [""0""] - Either there has to be a better way to use the JSON data or storing it into an array is doing something abnormal that I haven't encountered before.
The jsonData array will be empty after calling getPlayer function because XHR loads data asynchronously.
You need to access the data in onload handler like this (also changed URL to HTTPS to avoid protocol mismatch errors in console):
let lastName = 'judge';
let getData = new XMLHttpRequest;
let jsonData = [];
function getPlayer () {'GET', `https://lookup-service-
sport_code='mlb'&active_sw='Y'&name_part='${lastName}%25'`, true)
getData.onload = function() {
if (this.status === 200) {
// Now that we have the data...
First answer from How to force a program to wait until an HTTP request is finished in JavaScript? question:
There is a 3rd parameter to XmlHttpRequest's open(), which aims to
indicate that you want the request to by asynchronous (and so handle
the response through an onreadystatechange handler).
So if you want it to be synchronous (i.e. wait for the answer), just
specify false for this 3rd argument.
So, you need to change last parameter in open function as below:'GET', `http://lookup-service-
sport_code='mlb'&active_sw='Y'&name_part='${lastName}%25'`, false)
But from other side, you should allow this method to act asynchronously and print response directly in onload function.

angularjs chain http post sequentially

In my application, I am storing data in local storage and trigger async http post in the background. Once successfully posted, the posted data gets removed from local storage. When http post is in process, there may be more data added to local storage so I need to queue up the post and sequentially process it because, I need to wait for the local storage to be cleared from the successful posts. The task should be called recursively until there is data in local storage.
taskQueue: function () {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var promise = deferred.promise;
if (!saveInProgress) {
// get post data from storage
var promises ={$<post url>, <post data>).then(function(result){
// clear successful data
}, function(error){
return $q.all(promises);
As angular newbie, I am having problems with the above code not being sequential. How can I achieve what I intend to? The queue length is unknown and also the queue length increases as the process is in progress. Please point me to other answers if this is a duplicate.
Async.js sounds a good idea but if you don't want to use a library ...
$q.all will batch up an array of requests and fire them at the same time and will resolve when ALL promises in the array resolve - WHICH IS NOT WHAT YOU WANT.
to make $http calls SEQUENTIALLY from an array do this ....
var request0 = $http.get('/my/path0');
var request1 = $'/my/path1', {data:'fred'});
var request2 = $http.get('/my/path2');
var requestArray = [];
then ...
then ...
requestArray[0].then(function(response0) {
// do something with response0
return requestArray[1];
}).then(function(response1) {
// do something with response1
return requestArray[2];
}).then(function(response2) {
// do something with response2
}).catch(function(failedResponse) {
console.log("i will be displayed when a request fails (if ever)", failedResponse)
While having a library solution would be great (per #nstoitsev's answer), you can do this without it.
sequential requests of unknown length
Just to recap:
we do not know the number of requests
each response may enqueue another request
A few assumptions:
all requests will be working on a common data object (local storage in your case)
all requests are promises
running the queue
function postMyData (data){
return $<url>, data)
var rqsts = []
function executeQueue (){
//we're done
var rqst = rqsts.shift()
//based on how you're determining if you need to do another request...
rqsts.push(postMyData(<more data>))
codepen -
I intentionally left this vague because I don't understand what the conditions for failure are and if you wanted to vary up the requests to use more than the same $ call, you could pass it back in some way.
and just a suggestion
As angular newbie...
Many things are progressing towards this whole functional, reactive programming paradigm. Since you're relatively new to Angular and NG2 already has some of this built in, it might be worthy of your attention. I think rxjs is already in many NG2 example bundles.
The easies way to achieve this is by using Async.js. There you can find a method called mapSeries. You can run it over the queue and it will sequentially process all elements of the array one by one, and will continue to the next element only when the correct callback is called.

How to loop through $resource returned query and get desired value?

I am using MEANJS
In my controller i have
// Find a list of Cars
$scope.findHome = function() {
$ = Cars.query();
Which outputs
here i want to get the _id string inside the first array 0: Resource
I tried $[0]._id which returns undefined, Please help.
You are inspecting the results of the query immediately after the call, but ngResource is asynchronous, so perhaps the data has not yet returned from the server by the time you are trying to access it. Try putting your access in the callback function passed to query().
$ = Cars.query(function() {

Non-essential Angular promises

I'm trying to rewrite the code for in a more modern style. Basically single page Angular app downloads a set of restaurants with locations and places them on a map. If the user is the Amsterdam area then the user's location is added too, as are the distances to places.
At present I manage the asynchronous returns using a lot of if (relevant object from other async call exists) then do next step. I'd like to make more use of promises would be better.
So, flow control should be:
Start ajax data download, and geolocation call
if geolocation returns first, store coords for later
once ajax data is downloaded
if geolocation available
calculate distances to each restaurant, and pass control to rendering code
else pass control immediately to render code
if geolocation resolves later, calculate distances and re-render
The patterns I find on the internet assume that all async calls must return successfully before continuing, whereas my geolocation call can fail (or return a location far from amsterdam) and that's OK. Is there a trick I could use in this scenario or are the conditional statements really the way to go?
Every time you use .then, you essentially create a new promise based on the previous promise and its state. You can use that to your advantage (and you should).
You can do something along the lines of:
function getGeolocation() {
return $http.get('/someurl').then(
function resolveHandler(response) {
// $http.X resolves with a HTTP response object.
// The JSON data is on its `data` attribute
var data =;
// Check if the data is valid (with some other function).
// By this, I mean e.g. checking if it is "far from amsterdam",
// as you have described that as a possible error case
if(isValid(data)) {
return data;
else {
return null;
function rejectHandler() {
// Handle the retrieval failure by explicitly returning a value
// from the rejection handler. Null is arbitrarily chosen here because it
// is a falsy value. See the last code snippet for the use of this
return null;
function getData() {
return $http.get('/dataurl').then(...);
and then use $q.all on both promises, which in turn creates a new promise that resolves as soon as all the given promises have resolved.
Note: In Kris Kowal's Q, which Angular's $q service is based on, you could use the allSettled method, which does almost the same as all, but resolves when all promises are settled (fulfilled or rejected), and not only if all promises are fulfilled. Angular's $q does not provide this method, so you can instead work your way around this by explicitly making the failed http request resolve anyways.
So, then you can do something like:
$q.all([getData(), getGeolocation()])
.then(function(data, geolocation) {
// `data` is the value that getData() resolved with,
// `geolocation` is the value that getGeolocation() resolved with.
// Check the documentation on `$q.all` for this.
if(geolocation) {
// Yay, the geolocation data is available and valid, do something
// Handle the rest of the data
Maybe I'm missing something... but since you have no dependencies between the two async calls, I don't see why you can't just follow the logic you outlined:
var geoCoordinates = null;
var restaurants = null;
var distances = null;
restaurants = data;
if (geoCoordinates) {
distances = calculate(restaurants, geoCoordinates);
// set $scope variables as needed
geoCoordinates = data;
if (restaurants){
distances = calculate(restaurants, geoCoordinates)
// set $scope variables as needed

Angular js way to download file and show loading screen using the $resource

I am using Angular js to show loading screen. It works for all the REST services call except REST service to download the file. I understand why it is not working because for download I am not making any service call using $resource; instead of that I am using normal approach to download the file therefore Angular js code doesn't have any control on start/finish the service request. I tried to use $resource to hit this REST service however I am getting the data from this service and in this case loading screen was working fine however not sure how to use this data to display to user to download in angular way. Following are required details. Please help.
Approach 1 using iframe approach:
/*Download file */
scope.downloadFile = function (fileId) {
//Show loading screen. (Somehow it is not working)
var fileDownloadURL = "/api/files/" + fileId + "/download";
//Hide loading screen
var $idown; // Keep it outside of the function, so it's initialized once.
var downloadURL = function (url) {
if ($idown) {
$idown.attr('src', url);
} else {
$idown = $('<iframe>', { id: 'idown', src: url }).hide().appendTo('body');
Approach 2 using $resource (Not sure how to display data on screen to download)
/*Download file */
scope.downloadFile = function (fileId) {
//Show loading screen (Here loading screen works).
//File download object
var fileDownloadObj = new DownloadFile();
//Make server call to create new File
fileDownloadObj.$get({ fileid: fileid }, function (response) {
//Q? How to use the response data to display on UI as download popup
//Hide loading screen
This is the correct pattern with the $resource service:
scope.downloadFile = function (fileId) {
//Show loading screen (Here loading screen works).
var FileResource = $resource('/api/files/:idParam', {idParam:'#id'});
//Make server call to retrieve a file
var yourFile = FileResource.$get({ id: fileId }, function () {
//Now (inside this callback) the response data is loaded inside the yourFile variable
//I know it's an ugly pattern but that's what $resource is about...
//Hide loading screen
I agree with you that this is a weird pattern and is different of other APIs where the downloaded data is assigned to a parameter in a callback function, hence your confusion.
Pay attention to the names and the cases of the parameters, and look that there're two mappings involved here, one between the caller to the $resource object and the object itself, and another between this object and the url that it contructs for downloading the actual data.
Here are some idea's for the second approach, you could present the user with a link after the download has happened:
With a "data url". Probably not a good idea for large files.
With a URL like "" You'd first have to save the file with the filesystem API. You can find some inspiration on html5rocks
