Generating xml from SQL Server 2008 - sql-server

For a given claim I have 3 diagnosis codes. Currently while generating xml from SQL Server, I get 3 branches one for each diagnosis code with same claim id as displayed in below output. But I need a way out so that all the 3 diagnosis code can be clubbed with the associated claim id and produce desire result snippet.
Select statement is :
select *
from sandbox.dbo.testing
WHERE claimID = 20
The output is
claimID diagnosis
20 v234
20 v24
20 v256
The XML generated is:
But need the result in below form

Fetch the rows in a subquery and hard code or use a parameter for the claimID in the main query.
select 20 as claimID,
select diagnosis
from sandbox.dbo.testing
where claimID = 20
for xml path(''), type
for xml path('sandbox.dbo.testing')

Use Xml Path() and Root
FROM sandbox.dbo.testing
WHERE claimID = 20
FOR xml path(''), root('sandbox.dbo.testing')


Subtract one column from another and get running total SQL Server 2008 R2

I hate to ask a question that it seems like the answer already exists somewhere, but I've been working through various articles over the last couple days ( , Calculate a Running Total in SQL Server, etc.) with minimal progress.
It seems most of the examples given provide a way to join (a self join) or some other WHERE clause to narrow the result set? Anyway, I have a table Location that has columns for PassengersOn and PassengersOff; I would like to be able to calculate the running total of passengers on board at a given time so that my resulting table might look something like this
Which shows a running total (OnBoard) for passengers after each location.
Also, I am aware of the OVER clause available in SQL Server 2012, but unfortunately I'm using 2008 R2.
Again sorry for what may be a duplicate question, but I don't see how I can limit my result set based on a join or WHERE clause since I don't have an incrementing column in my "location" table, instead it uses a guid.
EDIT: here is a sample of the table information
CREATE TABLE Query_8v2 (
[IDStopEvent] NVARCHAR(36),
[LocationID] NVARCHAR(6),
[LocName] NVARCHAR(5),
[PassOn] INT,
[PassOff] INT
I feel like if you were to index the table, you could do this pretty simply. I created a numbered Index via location. If you have the same route of these 10 stops and the data repeats loc1-loc10 over and over, you wouldn't want to use this. You need a primary key, or a date system to make this significantly easier.
SELECT CONVERT(INT, RIGHT(Location, LEN(Location) - 3)) AS ID
INTO #IDtable
FROM #table
,(SELECT SUM(passengerson-passengersoff)
FROM #IDtable b
WHERE b.ID <= a.ID) AS Total
FROM #IDtable a
this will give a result that looks like this:
Hopefully this helps you in some way.
I don't have access to 2008 R2 but this solution should work from 2005+. It's mid page on the second link provided.
;with MyData as(
select 'loc1' [location], 69 PassengersOn, 0 PassengersOff
union all select 'loc2',61,0
union all select 'loc3',333,0
union all select 'loc4',57,21
union all select 'loc5',49,29
cross apply (select
--SUM(PassengersOn) PassOn
--,SUM(PassengersOff) PassOff
SUM(PassengersOn) - SUM(PassengersOff) as RunningTot
from MyData MyDataApply
where MyDataApply.[location]<= MyData.[location]
) as RunningTotal
ORDER BY MyData.[location]

SQL Server XML XQuery select where clause attribute

I have a table with the following content
Id | Guid | XmlDefinitionId
1 | 5a0bfc84-13ec-4497-93e0-655e57d4b482 | 1
2 | e28e786b-0856-40b6-8189-0fbd68aa3e45 | 1
And in another table the following XML structure stored:
<ActionActivity DisplayName="DisplayName 1" IsSkipped="False" Id="5a0bfc84-13ec-4497-93e0-655e57d4b482">...</ActionActivity>
<p:Sequence DisplayName="Prerequisites">
<ActionActivity DisplayName="Inner DisplayName 1" IsSkipped="False" Id="e28e786b-0856-40b6-8189-0fbd68aa3e45">...</ActionActivity>
<ActionActivity DisplayName="DisplayName 2" IsSkipped="False" Id="dcc936dd-73c9-43cc-beb4-c636647d4851">...</ActionActivity>
The table containing the XML have the following structure:
Id | XML
1 | (XML Structure defined above here)
Based on the Guid I want to show the displayname. At the moment I have the following query that returns null at the moment. Later I want for every guid from the first table show the displayname.
,CAST(Workflow as XML).value('data(//ActionActivity[#Id="73c9-43cc-beb4-c636647d4851"])[1]', 'nvarchar(50)') as displayname
FROM SerializedData
Anyone ideas to show the displayname with a sql query?
Assuming that the XML stored in XML typed column, you can do this way -otherwise you'll need to CAST the column to XML- :
g.guid, x.display_name
FROM GuidTable g
SELECT as 'xml_id'
, c.value('#Id', 'varchar(max)') as 'guid'
, c.value('#DisplayName', 'varchar(max)') as 'display_name'
FROM XmlTable t
CROSS APPLY t.xml.nodes('//ActionActivity') as aa(c)
) x on x.guid = g.guid and x.xml_id = g.xmldefinitionid
Basically, above query shred the XML at ActionActivity node. And then joins shredded data with GuidTable on guid and xmldefinitionid columns.
output :
SQL Fiddle

SQL Server 2008 ssrs multiple records into one

I've been reading other similar "multiple records into one" posts, but either cannot seem to get any to work, or they don't really apply to what I am trying to do.
Here are my 3 tables. vehicle, vehicle_repair, comments
vehicle columns: vehicle_name and other vehicle related info,vehicle_make, vehicle_model
vehicle_repair columns: vehicle_name, vehicle_repair_type, vehicle_repair_num, etc, etc
comments columns: vehicle_name,vehicle_repair_num, comments_detail
The way the program is written, if I write more than 1 line of comments, it doesn't concatenate them, it makes 1 entry for each line, ie:
comments table:
vehicle_name vehicle_rpr_num comments_detail
150 1 replaced hose
750 1 replaced belt
750 2 replaced fuel and also saw that the
750 2 timing belt needs to be replaced
750 2 as well
I was trying to use something like:
substring((select ' '+comments_detail AS 'data()'
from comments
for xml path('')), 3, 80) as 'comments_detail'
I tried to add the join and other tables inside the substring but then the comments_details become all jacked up, like it then combines 20 comments together instead of 1 at a time.
I'd rather start from scratch and see if I can get it working another way.
My issue comes in when I try to link the 3 tables above.
I do not know how to put in the other fields that I need from the vehicle table, ie vehicle_make, vehicle_model
Any ideas? Am I writing my concatenate completely wrong? I am trying to put this into a stored procedure, would a view be better?
SELECT c1.vehicle_name,
STUFF((SELECT ' ' + comments_detail
FROM comments c2
WHERE c2.vehicle_name = c1.vehicle_name
AND c2.vehicle_rpr_num = c1.vehicle_rpr_num
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)'),
AS comments
FROM comments c1
GROUP BY c1.vehicle_name, c1.vehicle_rpr_num;
SQLFiddle with the sample comments data.
You were on the right track using FOR XML PATH to concatenate the comments. There are many different ways to concatenate, a good article on the pros/cons of each is here. I'd put this into a view definition to allow for easier joining with other tables.
CREATE TABLE tbl (vehicle_name INT,vehicle_rpr_num INT,comments_detail NVARCHAR(1000))
(150,1,'replaced hose'),
(750,1,'replaced belt'),
(750,2,'replaced fuel and also saw that the'),
(750,2,'timing belt needs to be replaced'),
(750,2,'as well')
SELECT DISTINCT t.vehicle_name, t.vehicle_rpr_num , STUFF(List.Comments, 1 ,2, '') AS Comments
FROM tbl t
SELECT ' ' + comments_detail [text()]
FROM tbl
WHERE vehicle_name = t.vehicle_name
AND vehicle_rpr_num = t.vehicle_rpr_num
Result Set
vehicle_name vehicle_rpr_num Comments
150 1 eplaced hose
750 1 eplaced belt
750 2 eplaced fuel and also saw that the timing belt needs to be replaced as well

How to collate rows to a delimited string in SQL2008R2

We are currently upgrading a current data import process we have written in C#.
As part of the upgrade process, we need to check the results of the import process from the rewrite against the results of the old system.
One of the changes we made was breaking comma-delimited lists into rows in another table. This will enable us to filter results using a simple join.
This is the old schema:
FormNumber MainCategories
1 blue,green,red
2 yellow,red,blue
3 white
Which we normalized to:
FormNumber AttributeId Value
1 1 blue
1 1 green
1 1 red
2 1 yellow
2 1 red
2 1 blue
3 1 white
Now, our next step is to confirm that the results from the two processes are the same. One of these checks is to compare the MainCategories field of the old process with the results from the normalized tables.
This leads us, finally, to the question: How do I create a comma-delimited list of the new schema to compare to the value of the old.
We have tried the XMLPath solution proposed by #Ritesh here: Concatenate many rows into a single text string?
Here is the adapted sql statement:
Select distinct ST2.FormNumber,
(Select ST1.Value + ',' AS [text()]
From cache.ArtifactAttribute ST1
Where ST1.FormNumber= ST2.FormNumber
ORDER BY ST1.FormNumber
For XML PATH ('')) [Values]
From cache.ArtifactAttribute ST2
The problem is the results are not correct. Even though FormNumber 1 only has three entries in the table, the Values column (the dynamically built delimited string) shows incorrect results. Obviously we are not implementing the sql code correctly.
What are we doing wrong?
Here is a way for you to try:
SELECT DISTINCT A.FormNumber, MainCategories
FROM YourTable A
FROM YourTable
WHERE FormNumber = A.FormNumber FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') MainCategories) B
Though there is the problem where you can't really be sure that the order of the items concatenated is the same as the one you have, since there isn't a column that explictly gives that order. Here is a working SQL Fiddle with this example.
This seems to work fine for me:
DECLARE #s TABLE(FormNumber int, AttributeId int, Value varchar(32));
SELECT ST2.FormNumber, [Values] = STUFF(
(SELECT ',' + ST1.Value AS [text()]
WHERE ST1.FormNumber = ST2.FormNumber
ORDER BY ST1.FormNumber
TYPE).value(N'./text()[1]', N'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')
FROM #s ST2 GROUP BY ST2.FormNumber;
Example db<>fiddle

How do i find the total number of records created on a given day using T-SQL?

I need to find out the total number of records that were created on a given day.
ID CreatedDate
1 17/07/2009
2 12/07/2009
3 17/07/2009
4 05/07/2009
5 12/07/2009
6 17/07/2009
3 Records were created on 17/07/2009
2 Records were created on 12/07/2009
1 Record was created on 05/07/2009
Upon testing the second suggestion made by Chris Roberts of including the formatting in the SQL i get this error:
Syntax error converting the varchar value ' Records were created on ' to a column of data type int.
Does anyone know how to rework the solution so that it works?
You should be able to get the data you're after with the following SQL...
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY CreatedDate
Or - if you want to do the formatting in the SQL, too...
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, COUNT(ID)) + ' Records were created on ' + CONVERT(varchar, CreatedDate)
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY CreatedDate
Good luck!
Is the column actually a timestamp? In which case you will need to apply a function to remove the time component, e.g.:
SELECT COUNT(*), date(CreatedDate) FROM MyTable GROUP BY date(CreatedDate)
I don't know what the function is in T-SQL, it's date() in MySQL and trunc() in Oracle. You may even have to do a to_string and remove the end of the string and group by that if you lack this.
Hope this helps.
select count(*), CreatedDate from table group by CreatedDate order by count(*) DESC
