Applying conditions in bind in view - extjs

How to apply conditions in bind?
In view let
xtype : 'label',
bind : {
text : '{//--- set text as per the condition }',
hidden : '{//should be true if 'param' in VM is 1 or 2 else should
be false}'
in view model, 'param' is a data variable. If value of
param=1, text should be one,
param=2, text should be two,
param=3, text should be three.
Is this possible without formula by applying conditions directly in view?

xtype : 'label',
bind :
text : '{textVal}'==0?'Test':'TEST1234',
hidden : ('{param}'==1 || '{param}'==2)?true:false
In the associated viewModel, if one has the property param in data config, then one can use it for binding along with condition checks as mentioned above. If the param value is being changed dynamically, (i.e, this.getViewModel().setData('param', 1)) then still the code will work in hiding the component dynamically. The same applies with the other config, viewModel -> data:{textVal:0,param:1}. If one has an object inside the data, like data:{ config:{ textVal:0 }, param:1 }, One can use bind:{ text:'{config.textVal}' //along with ur condition check }


ExtJS: Issue updating HTML on bound form

Please refer to the following fiddle: Binding HTML Issue
When you select a row from the combobox on the left panel, it prints the bound value, along with some HTML in the form on right. When you then click on the button labeled as 'Test Update' it first clears the bound value in the drop down, and then is supposed to update the HTML to clear it, as well.
Problem is, that the update for the displayfield referenced in the Ext.ComponentQuery.query does not work in this order. If I do the update first in the fiddle it works, but if I try this in my actual app, it does not (in my app the setValue on the combobox DOES work though, but then leaves the HTML label - which I want to clear).
An ideas as to why this behavior is occurring would be most welcome.
You probably would want to use a formula for that, it simplifies the logic behind it.
viewModel: {
formulas: {
foo: function(get) {
var sel = get('peopleComboRef.selection');
return sel ? ('HTML Label: ' + sel.get('name')) : '';
then bind this formula to your displayfield.
xtype: 'displayfield',
itemId: 'displayTest',
bind: {
html: '{foo}'

Extract component in formula using bind in ExtJS

How can I extract the context of the component to which formula is bound? I want to get the context of label1 in the get() of formula1.
I have a view component
xtype : 'label',
name : 'label1'
bind : {
text : '{formula1}'
in view model
formula : {
formula1 : {
get : function(param){
//------------------ how to get the name of the label
here to which this formula is bound ------
Theoretically, you could use ComponentQuery and find the component you need but I advice strongly against this approach. Much better is to bind also name. Then you can use this.getName() to access value 'label1'.

Angular - Filter based on nested array boolean

I'm trying to find a good way to filter on click, based on a boolean value that's within a nested array.
My current scope looks like the following
$scope.persons = [
firstName : 'Drew',
lastName : 'Minns',
views : [
name : 'View 1',
support : true
name : 'View 2',
support : false
firstName : 'Peter',
lastName : 'Parker',
views : [
name : 'View 1',
support : false
name : 'View 2',
support : false
I'm looking to add a filter that sorts based on the boolean value of each view object. The problem that I'm running into is that I can't access that value without iterating over every array. Doing that is making it tough to access each individual value without referencing the array number.
I want to hide the parent object based on whether or not the specific "view" object has a true or false in the support field.
Again, I'm looking to do this on click, so the idea is that you click a button for 'View 1' and only those parent objects with true value for support shows up. There will be multiple buttons for each "view" so I'm looking to provide the action of drilling down based on support for views.
Here's a plunkr
You can use Angular JS's "Filter" function to do this. Plunkr example, with the relevant change below
<ul ng-repeat="view in person.views | filter:{ support: true }">
Edit: For what you want, I've slapped together a quick custom filter:

Extjs how to add close icon to the combo box

how to add close icon to the combobox list items at right most
Ext.define('ezdi.view.SaveSearchComboboxView', {
extend : 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
alias : 'widget.saveSearchComboboxAlias',
queryMode : 'local',
id : 'saveSearchComboId',
store : 'SaveSearchComboboxStore',
emptyText : 'Saved Searches',
displayField : 'searchQueryName',
valueField : 'searchQueryId',
lazyInit: false
You can do this by adding triggerXCls and onTriggerXClick to specify any number of additional trigger icons, where "X" is the position of additional trigger.
For example, to add a "clear" icon, you might do something like:
id: 'saveSearchComboId',
trigger1Cls: 'x-form-clear-trigger',
onTrigger1Click: function() {
Keep in mind there are only a few "default" trigger icons, which can be found here (for classic theme): ext/resources/ext-theme-classic/images/form. These each have their corresponding "x-form-XYZ-trigger" class. For a different trigger icon (like a "close" icon or an "add" icon), you'll need to create your own images as well as the appropriate CSS class that you can apply to triggerXCls.
See this tread for more info:

ExtJS: Display model in

I'd like to display the persistent fields (those defined in my model file) in a property grid.
Property Grid:
Ext.define('ATCOM.view.InspectorProperties', {
extend : '',
alias : 'widget.inspectorProperties',
cls : 'property-grid',
height : 150,
listeners : {
beforerender : function() {
// Rename the first column
var cols = this.getView().getHeaderCt().getGridColumns();
beforeedit : function(e) {
// Read-only
return false;
source : {} // Start with no items
I load items like so in a select event (in a controller), where record is our model object and getInfo() is the property grid:
var source = {}; = record.get('id');
source.start = record.get('start');
source.end = record.get('end');
Ext.define('ATCOM.model.Shift', {
extend : '',
fields : [ 'id', {
name : 'start',
type : 'date',
}, {
name : 'end',
type : 'date',
}, 'position', 'controller' ],
hasMany : {
model : 'ATCOM.model.ShiftAlloc',
name : 'allocations'
Is there a better way to go about this so all non-associative fields (excluding allocations in my case) are automatically sent to the property grid? It might also be possible to read the fields with ATCOM.model.Shift.getFields() and iterate over those checking for persistent:false; to keep the remaining keys, but how do I get the class reference from an instance - as in, how do I get ATCOM.model.Shift from one of its instances so I can call getFields()?
For finding the class name:!/api/Ext.Base-static-method-getName
It may work to say setSource( I am just playing with this now; it seems to show the right information, though you may lose control over the details of which fields to enable for editing, etc.
