Unable to download appengine sdk inside Android Studio - google-app-engine

As per this tutorial, I tried adding app engine module in my android application on android studio.
But when the project sync starts up, it starts downloading app-engine sdk which is taking infinite time to download
Also after a very long time, sync failed and unable to download errors come up
Error:Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':backend:appengineSdk'.
Could not download artifact 'appengine-java-sdk.zip (com.google.appengine:appengine-java-sdk:1.9.14)'
Failed to download resource 'https://jcenter.bintray.com/com/google/appengine/appengine-java-sdk/1.9.14/appengine-java-sdk-1.9.14.zip'.
Connection reset
I tried downloading it externally too, using the same link, but there too it was taking an infinite time.
Can someone please enlighten me what the problem might be and what all steps should I take to solve the problem?
P.S. I have a decent internet connection. I tried downloading some other material and there was no problem with it.

Yeah it's a pretty big download. There are instructions here : How to manually install App Engine in Android Studio?
on how to link to a downloaded appengine sdk.


Google App Engine: connection interrupted while running gradle appengineDeploy and now application will not work (including firebase cloud messaging)

While I was deploying my google app engine project (Java) using gradle appengineDeploy my internet connection was interrupted.
I re-deployed the project. Although the console said BUILD SUCCESSFUL, the app engine instance no longer works. No matter how many times I re-deploy or update my application, the logs show nothing but errors:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/appengine/api/ThreadManager
(GoogleAppEngineControlFilter.java:61) at
com.google.api.control.ControlFilter.init (ControlFilter.java:141) at
(FilterHolder.java:139) at
(ServletHandler.java:873) at
(ServletContextHandler.java:349) at
(WebAppContext.java:1406) at
(AppEngineWebAppContext.java:175) at
(WebAppContext.java:1368) at
(ContextHandler.java:778) at
(ServletContextHandler.java:262) at
(WebAppContext.java:522) at
(AppEngineWebAppContext.java:120) at
(AbstractLifeCycle.java:68) at
(AppVersionHandlerMap.java:240) at
(AppVersionHandlerMap.java:178) at
(JettyServletEngineAdapter.java:120) at
(JavaRuntime.java:747) at
(JavaRuntime.java:710) at
(JavaRuntime.java:680) at
(JavaRuntime.java:872) at
(ThreadGroupPool.java:270) at java.lang.Thread.run (Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
com.google.appengine.api.ThreadManager at
java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass (URLClassLoader.java:381) at
(ApplicationClassLoader.java:135) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass
(ClassLoader.java:424) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass
Is there some way for me to clear out the partial build (or whatever there may be) in google app engine?
I tried deleting all versions and instances (you cannot delete them all, it won't let you delete the serving one).
I tried increasing the version number in appengine-web.xml.
I tried gradle clean.
I tried disabling and enabling the application in the google cloud console.
No luck.
One idea I have is maybe if I can somehow force all the files for the app to be uploaded again? Because with gradle appengineDeploy only the changed files get uploaded.
I managed to fix one part of this by upgrading classpath 'com.google.cloud.tools:appengine-gradle-plugin:2.2.0' in my gradle to the latest version. (Felt kind of hackish to do that and not reliable in the future if this happens again.) Maybe this flushed whatever was in app engine or something by doing that. I still have one problem remaining:
I am using the firebase admin SDK to send firebase cloud messages (authenticated with a .json credentials file) like this:
When I do I am getting this error:
com.google.firebase.messaging.FirebaseMessagingException: Unexpected
HTTP response with status: 401; body: null
Which is strange because other parts of the firebase admin SDK are working (like writing/reading from firestore).
So there is still something weird going on and I think it has to do with the fact that as I was uploading my google app engine project the connection was interrupted.
Here is something interesting: When I deploy my application using gcloud app deploy appengine-web.xml the application again will not work. Deploying with gradle appengineDeploy does though. I also noticed that the size of the application is shown as much smaller in the GCP console when deploying with gcloud app deploy appengine-web.xml. So something is messed up here. I tried looking up some sort of gcloud command to clear cache? Or something like that but no luck.
Additional Info:
My app was already deployed and working before the failed attempt. I changed one small piece of code in a function and upon uploading the app, the connection was interrupted because the internet went out.
I am on app engine standard environment.
I am deploying my application from the macOS terminal and using android studio to develop.
I have tried the stopPreviousVersion promote and version configs in gradle (actually the first two are true by default and version gets auto-generated if you do not set it).
Running gcloud app deploy appengine-web.xml --verbosity=debug shows a lot of sensitive information but one thing I am seeing is all the files in WEB-INF are being skipped:
DEBUG: Skipping upload of [WEB-INF/....
INFO: Incremental upload skipped 100.0% of data
DEBUG: Uploading 0 files to Google Cloud Storage
DEBUG: Using [16] threads
So perhaps files are not all being uploaded? This SO post raises a similar problem but has no solution: stackoverflow.com/q/42137452/3075340
It's weird but when I do gcloud app deploy, the app won't work at all. There are run-time errors all over the place. Doing gradle appengineDeploy fixes that but I still am having the firebase-admin issue.
To actually answer your question, GAE uses a staging bucket to cache files.
You can delete this bucket, and it will get recreated next time you try to deploy.
The bucket is always named staging.[PROJECT-ID].appspot.com. It should show on the buckets overview page
Just to be clear, I'm not anywhere near sure that this will actually resolve your issue, but this will most definitely clear whatever files GAE cached
Here there was a discussion on a, more or less, similar issue on App Engine from last year.
You can use it as a source of inspiration to fix your current issue, because I think they are really similar as a concept. From there I think it may worth trying to put the appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.9.63.jar ( or whatever your version is ) file under WEB-INF/lib.
It the same post there were some guys who found out the there was a problem with gcloud v194 and switching to another version fixed the issue.
Here there is a similar issue which was resolved by upgrading the gcloud tool.
Anyhow, this behaviour is not normal and things should not work like this. You can try to find a workaround, but my recommendation is to report the issue and let an App Engine engineer taking a look over it. There are good chances to be something internal.

White Screen - App content failed to load after launch released iOS app

I installed my application play store seamlessly. However, when I tried to install the App Store, the application was rejected and I received the following message.
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 12.3.1 on Wi-Fi.
When we launched the app, app displayed a splash screen and no further action occurred in the app during the review.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please run your app on a device to identify any issues, then revise and resubmit your app for review.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue. For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue.
For information about testing your app and preparing it for review, please see Technical Note TN2431: App Testing Guide.
For a networking overview, please review About Networking.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
When I write flutter doctor there is no problem.
I tried the application on the real device again no problem.
But the app store made such a turn. Does anyone know the reason or are having the same problem?
i faced same problem with android version of flutter app, when testers install app from google play, the white screen appear, but when test direct apk on device the app not installed appear.
That problem happen after i update android sdk tool to version 30
after long search, i solved the problem with step:
in dependences in android\build.gradle downgrade gradle from 4.0.0 to 3.5.0 as the default value new flutter app determined
in app\build.gradle downgrade compileSdkVersion to 29 and so targetSdkVersion to 29 too
run the flutter clean command
Thank you!
It took me three days. But solved ...
Make sure you followed the developer guidelines carefully here at this link:
Steps to generate ipa:
Execute the following command flutter build ios --release
To ensure that Xcode refreshes the release mode configuration, close and re-open your Xcode workspace. For Xcode 8.3 and later, this step is not required. Finally Select Product > Archive to produce a build archive.
Hope this helps :)

Codename One: Can't install iOs App anymore

I made some fixes for my App and wanted to try it out today on my iPhone and now I can't install it on the device anymore. I'm getting the error "Unable to Download App" on the phone.
I haven't changed anything on my Apple Developer Account and yesterday everything was working fine. Is this a known bug and does anybody know how to fix this? My iPhone is of course registered and I also did the "iOS Certificate Wizard" and built it again but it didn't work either.
Edit: So I was able to install the app after doing the complete Certificate Wizard again with also overwriting everything (which I had not done before), but now I made another build and I can't install it again! Do I really have to do the Wizard thing every time I send a build now?
Are you trying to install a distribution build on top of a development build, or vice-versa? If so, uninstall the existing app first.

How to add Scandit barcode plugin to custom build of Phonegap developer ios app?

I use Phonegap Desktop and Phonegap Developer app for a while now. This is really interesting for quickly testing my development.
But I'm facing a limitation with the embedded barcode scanner which is displaying the camera display in full screen.
I need to embed the camera display into a container so I have space for displaying information in the same time.
After searching for a while, I've discovered the Scandit SDK for PhoneGap was the only plugin which allows cropping the camera display.
I spent a lot of time trying to implement Scandit, but no success. At least I can build the app, but when using it, scanner is not working...
Here are the steps I've followed:
clone the PhoneGap Developer project from Git
Install using npm
add ios platform
open the xcode project file
build the application and run it on device
=> At this time the PG Dev is running well and my application is working fine
Then, i continued:
remove all reference to the default barcode scanner plugin
build the application and run it on device
==> PG Dev still working fine and my application is working fine
Next steps:
clone the Scandit phonegap plugin from Git
download the Scandit SDK from my scandit account
put the SDK into the cloned scandit phonegap plugin
modify the plugin.xml to change the path to the bundle and framework (mismatch of version name in the path)
<resource-file src="src/ios/scanditsdk-community-ios_4.16.1/ScanditBarcodeScanner.bundle"/>
<framework src="src/ios/scanditsdk-community-ios_4.16.1/ScanditBarcodeScanner.framework" custom="true"/>
copy bundle and framework into the correct folder of scandit
modify the config.xml to include reference to Scandit and set the spec attribut to the version of the SDK
build the application and run it on device
==> PG Dev still working fine and my application is working fine (it doesn't use scandit for the moment)
Next steps:
Remove my project from PhoneGap desktop
add Scandit Sample project to PG Desktop
I used the "Continuous Scaled/Cropped" example from there: http://docs.scandit.com/4.12/phonegap/cordova-examples.html
add my App Key for the license
launch my PG Dev app on my device and download the project files
==> PG Dev is running fine and download the Scandit Sample App.
But the app doesn't work. When clicking on the scan button, nothing happends..
After some investigation, I found that I ran through an exception on Scandit class.
Adding a try on the command 'Scandit.License.setAppKey' allowed me to report in the PG Desktop log the following error:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Scandit
Adding this try/catch made the app raising an exception at the next line:
var settings = new Scandit.ScanSettings();
After searching the web about my error, and some posts were suggesting to manually add the framework and bundle into xcode.
So I did it by drag&droping the framework and bundle into the framework folder of the xcode project.
But when I try building my project, it is failing with many errors...
To solve it, I had to had manually all the scandit plugin files (*.h and *.m) into my xcode project.
All previous errors have been solved, but new ones appeared.
This was due to some other missing native ios frameworks...
Once these framework added, all errors were solved and I managed to successfully build the application.
But when running it, I'm still having the error: "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Scandit"
I'm now running out of idea..
What did I do wrong?
Is there anyone having managed to build a PG Desktop with Scandit embedded?
Sorry for this long post, just tried to be the more precise I could be.
The issue here is two fold. First you need to be aware that the Scandit Barcode Scanner plugin makes use of native code and can therefore not be used in the Phonegap Developer app, as the only thing transmitted to it is your html/css/javascript and the javascript part of the plugin. To also include the native parts of the plugin you have to build and deploy the project yourself. As you are trying to build the XCode project it seems like you are now doing this.
The second part is that you are way overcomplicating the adding of the plugin. There is no need for you to manually clone the git repo, add our libraries, adjust paths in the plugin.xml etc. You can directly download the entire plugin as a zip from your account at scandit.com where the library is contained and the plugin.xml is correct. After that you can simply add the plugin to your project through the CLI (also see our documentation for this at http://docs.scandit.com/stable/phonegap/cordova-integrate.html) and there is no need to do anything manually unless you are using a very outdated Phonegap version that fails to properly handle the plugin.xml. Doing it the automated way with our properly prepared plugin zip will remove most error sources, please try it that way.
Thanks #moritzha. It helped me finding the solution.
I followed this doc at the beginning but it was not working.
After adding the plugin and building the application, I never managed to see it in my xcode project.
I took the opportunity of changing my mac to restart everything from scratch, and after many tries I found where I was wrong.
In fact, the documentation provided by scandit is missing one step.
The command ' phonegap plugin add < path to downloaded and unzipped plugin > ' is doing half of the job.
The command is correctly copying the plugin files to my project but it is not updating the config.xml.
So before building your application, you have to edit the config.xml located at the root of your project folder.
You need to manually reference the plugin with the following:
and replace the x by the version of the sdk you will use.
Once the config.xml updated, you will be able to build the app for your targeted platform.
I now have my own version of the Phonegap Developer App with the Scandit plugin in place of the default barcode scanner plugin. And it works perfectly.
This plugin is awesome!
PhoneGap Developer App version: 1.7.2 (taken on Github)

Eclipse new Web Application Project, can't find my GAE SDK

I've installed the Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.4 and it seems to work fine.
But when I start a new Web Application Project, it wants me to configure the Google App Engine SDK. I click on Add App Engine SDK, but it doesn't recognize my (valid) GAE SDK. It comes back with "Failed to initialize App Engine SDK at %path", no matter what path I give it.
Are you trying to use the Java or Python SDKs, and are you sure you downloaded the right one?
If Python, remember that the Google Eclipse plugin is currently Java-only.
Does your SDK run if you start dev_appserver from the command line? I had a similar problem once and it was because the script wanted to ask me about automatically checking for updates - once I'd answered the question and exited the appserver I was then able to add it to Eclipse.
Have you checked your "path" environment variable to include
;C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\
I had this issue. I downloaded the java zip package and extracted it manually but it turned out that the zip file was either corrupted or messed up during the extraction. Regardless, downloading the package again and re-extracting it fixed the problem for me.
Also, if you are on Python use the PyDev plugin for eclipse and start a Google AE project that way. Use the Google Eclipse plugin for GWT, Java->Js stuff.
