AngularJS Template Replace directive not working - angularjs

I have a templating directive that is almost working the way I want, simple version works :-
<div bw-template-replace>
<template>This is template text, replace [[#this]] please</template>
<this>text replaced</this>
expands to
<div bw-template-replace><span>This is template text, replace text replaced please</span></div>
However, if I embed other directives they dont fully work as expected.
See my plunk
At the end of the directive's link function I $compile the resulting text/node which works for {{scope interpolated text}} but does not work for embedded directives using the same scope.
The reason I need this is because I am using ng-translate for an existing ng-app and I want to use the existing English text as keys for translation lookups. An uncommon translation case is where we have HTML like the following (extract from the app), the [[#ageInput]] and [[#agePeriod]] 'arguments' may appear at different places in other languages, as I understand it ng-translate has no real support for this scenario currently.
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12" translate bw-template-replace>
If current version of media has not been read for [[#ageInput]] [[#agePeriod]]
<ageInput><input type=number ng-model="policy.age" style="width:50px"/></ageInput>
<agePeriod><select style="width:100px" ng-model="policy.period" ng-options="p for p in periods" /></agePeriod>
Any help much appreciated.
I love having to work through these scenarios when you are a newbie at something as it really forces you to understand what is happening. I now have it working, basically my previous directive I found several ways of just replacing the html in the hope Angular would magically sort everything out. Now I have a better understanding of transclusion and in particular the transclusion function I made it work as desired. The cloned element passed into $transcludeFn already has scope attached and has been $compiled, so my function now parses the template text and generates individual textElement's and moves the argument elements around to suit the template.
My Current Solution
.directive('TemplateReplace', ['$compile', '$document', '$timeout',
function ($compile, $document, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'AC',
transclude: true,
link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller, transclude) {
transclude(scope, function (clone, $scope) {
$timeout(function () {
// Our template is the first real child element (nodeType 1)
var template = null;
for (var i = 0, ii = clone.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (clone[i].nodeType == 1) {
template = angular.element(clone[i]);
// Remember the template's text, then transclude it and empty its contents
var html = angular.copy(template.text());
iElement.append(template); // Transcluding keeps external directives intact
template.empty(); // We can populate its inards from scratch
// Split the html into pieces seperated by [[#tagname]] parts
if (html) {
var htmlLen = html.length;
var textStart = 0;
while (textStart < htmlLen) {
var tagName = null,
tagEnd = htmlLen,
textEnd = htmlLen;
var tagStart = html.indexOf("[[#", textStart);
if (tagStart >= 0) {
tagEnd = html.indexOf("]]", tagStart);
if (tagEnd >= 0) {
tagName = html.substr(tagStart + 3, tagEnd - tagStart - 3);
tagEnd += 2;
textEnd = tagStart;
// Text parts have to be created, $compiled and appended
var text = html.substr(textStart, textEnd - textStart);
if (text.length) {
var textNode = $document[0].createTextNode(text);
// Tag parts are located in the clone then transclude appended to keep external directives intact (note each tagNode can only be referenced once)
if (tagName && tagName.length) {
var tagNode = clone.filter(tagName);
if (tagNode.length) {
textStart = tagEnd;
}, 0);

If I have understood your question properly, I guess the issue is your directive is getting executed before ng-repeat prepares dom.So you need to do DOM manipulation in $timeout.
Check this plunker for working example.
Here is a nice explanation of similar problem:


Angular dynamic templating with compile VS template function?

I already know what is the purpose of each item in : compile vs link(pre/post) vs controller
So let's say I have this simple code :
<body ng-controller="mainController">
{{ message }}
<div otc-dynamic=""></div>
app.controller("mainController", function($scope) {
$scope.label = "Please click";
$scope.doSomething = function() {
$scope.message = "Clicked!";
app.directive("otcDynamic", function($compile) {
var template = "<button ng-click='doSomething()'>{{label}}</button>";
return {
compile: function(tElement, tAttributes) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
angular.element(tElement).append("<br>Repeat " + i + " of {{name}}");
return function postLink(scope, element, attrs) { = "John";
So as we can see , I modify the template (at the compile function - which is where it should be actually)
Result ( plnker):
I didn't know that template:... can also take a function.
So I could use the template function instead (plunker) :
app.directive("otcDynamic", function() {
var template1 = "<button ng-click='doSomething()'>{{label}}</button>";
return {
template: function(element, attr) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
element.append("<br>Repeat " + i + " of {{name}}");
link: function(scope, element) { = "John";
If so - When should I use the template function vs compile function ?
Let me try to explain what I understood so far.
Directives is a mechanism to work with DOM in Angular. It gives you leverage of playing with DOM element and it's attribute. So it also gives you callbacks to make your work easy.
template , compile and link are those examples. Since your question is specific with compile and template I would like to add about link as well.
A) Template
Like it state, it is a bunch of HTML tags or files to represent it on DOM directly as the face of your directive.
Template can be a file with specific path or inline HTML in code. Like you stated above. template can be wrap in function but the sole use of template is the final set of HTML which will be placed on DOM. Since you have the access to element and its attributes, you can perform as many DOM operation here as well.
B) Compile
Compile is a mechanism in directive which compiles the template HTML or DOM to do certain operation on it and return final set of HTML as template. Like given in Angular DOC
Compiles an HTML string or DOM into a template and produces a template function, which can then be used to link scope and the template together.
Which clearly says that, this is something on top of template. Now like I said above you can achieve similar operations in template as well but when we have methods for its sole purpose, you should use them for the sake of best practice.
You can read more here$compile
C) Link
Link is used to register listeners like $watch, $apply etc to link your template with Angular scope so that it will get binded with module. When you place any directive inside controller, the flow of scope goes through the link that means the scope is directly accessible in link. Scope is sole of angular app and thus it gives you advantage of working with actual model. Link is also useful in dom manipulations and can be used to work with any DOM element using jQlite
So collecting all above in one
1. Template is the primary source of DOM or HTML to directive. it can be a file or inline HTML.
2. Compile is the wrapper to compile HTML into final template. It is used to gather all the HTML element and attribute to create template for directive.
3. Link is the listener wrapper for various scope and watchers. It binds scope of current controller with html of template and also do manipulation around it.
Hope this helps a bit to understand. Thanks

angularjs, $compiled templates and ng-repeat

Essentially, I take two templates inside a compile function of a directive.
I compile them once and for all (via $compile) in the compile phase of the directive.
In the link phase of the directive, I watch a scope variable and applies one or the other compiled template to the scope.
testApp.directive('testField', ['$compile', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: true,
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
var viewFn = $compile("<div>View: <span ng-repeat='x in [1,2,3]'>{{x}}</span></div>");
var editFn = $compile("<div>Edit: <span ng-repeat='x in [4,5,6]'>{{x}}</span></div>");
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
var innerScope = null;
scope.$watch("mode", function (mode) {
if (innerScope) innerScope.$destroy();
innerScope = scope.$new();
if (mode == 'VIEW') {
} else {
It works fine, except when the template includes a Ng-repeat that is not the root element in which case it behave strangely:
To reproduce, go to
And switch a couple of time from Edit to View.
You'll notice the number of iterations of ng-repeat grows over time.
First time, it displays 123 and 456, like it should
After the first back and forth between view and edit, it displays 123123 and 456456
And it keeps adding one iteration every time you do a back and forth between view and edit.
I probably found the solution shortly after posting.
The problem apparently lies in the fact that ng-repeat needs to clone the template.
After stumbling on a comment in the angular source, turns out we can pass a second argument to the function returned by compile.
This second argument is a function that is called with a clone of the template (and the scope being linked to).
so instead of
if (mode == 'VIEW') {
} else {
I can do
function setElts(elts) {
if (mode == 'VIEW') {
viewFn(innerScope, setElts);
} else {
editFn(innerScope, setElts);
Maybe you can do like this.
Firstly, you inject new dom directly in your view. After, catch it and apply $compile.
like this;
var viewFn = "<div>View: <span ng-repeat='x in [1,2,3]'>{{x}}</span></div>";

Initializing an Angular Directive in JavaScript

I have a directive in my template. It's working great:
<ul class="activity-stream">
<my-activity-stream-item ng-repeat="activity in vm.activities" activity="activity"></my-activity-stream-item>
I'd basically like to include the same HTML in that template as a popup in a Leaflet Map, but I have no idea how to create that in code. Here's what I tried:
for (i = 0; i < activities.length; i++) {
var activity = activities[i];
var marker = L.marker([, activity.location.lng]);
marker.type = activity.type;
marker.bindPopup( '<my-activity-stream-item activity="activity"></my-activity-stream-item>' );
marker.addTo( map );
I didn't really expect that to work, I feel like I have to pass the scope in somehow... but I'm at a complete loss as to how to do it.
var app = angular.module('myPortal');
app.factory('TemplateService', TemplateService);
app.directive('myActivityStreamItem', myActivityStreamItem);
function myActivityStreamItem( $compile, TemplateService ) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: linker,
transclude: true,
scope: {
activity: '='
function linker(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.rootDirectory = 'images/';
TemplateService.getTemplate( 'activity-' + scope.activity.type ).then(function(response) {
element.html( );
function TemplateService( $http ) {
return {
getTemplate: getTemplate
function getTemplate( templateName ) {
return $http.get('/templates/' + templateName + '.html');
(Note - I've only been using Angular for about a week, so please let me know if you think I've done this completely wrong)
EDIT: I took Chandermani's advice and switched my directive to an ngInclude:
<ul class="activity-stream">
<li ng-repeat="activity in vm.activities" ng-include="'/templates/activity-' + activity.type + '.html'"></li>
This works great! I also tried to use Josh's advice to compile the HTML in JavaScript, however I'm not quite there...
var link = $compile('<li ng-include="\'/templates/activity-' + activity.type + '.html\'"></li>');
var newScope = $rootScope.$new();
newScope.activity = activity;
var html = link( newScope );
marker.bindPopup( html[0] );
This results in the popup appearing, but the HTML contained within the popup is a comment: <!-- ngInclude: '/templates/activity-incident.html' -->
Do I have to pass it the activity in the li somehow?
Edit 2: Got it! As noted in Issue #4505, you need to wrap the snippet in something, so I wrapped my ngInclude in a div:
var link = $compile( '<div><ng-include src="\'/templates/activity-incident.html\'"></ng-include></div>' );
Not sure i have understood your problem, but what you can do is to use ng-include directive and it can take a template expression to dynamically load a template. Something like:
<ul class="activity-stream">
<li ng-repeat="activity in vm.activities" ng-include="'/templates/activity-' + activity.type + '.html'"></li>
You may not require a directive here.
Anytime you want to add raw HTML to the page and have Angular process it, you need to use the $compile service.
Calling $compile on a template will return a linking function which can then be used to bind a scope object to.
var link = $compile('<span>{{someObj}}</span>');
Linking that function to a scope object will result in an element that can then be appended into the DOM.
//Or the scope provided by a directive, etc...
var newScope = $rootScope.$new();
var elem = link(newScope);
//Could also be the element provided by directive
That's the basic flow you need to be able to tell Angular to process your DOM element. Usually this is done via a directive, and that's probably what you need in this case as well.

Precompiled templates strange effect

I am testing idea of dynamically changing templates. I ended with sample code that oversimplifies
whole process just to show the problem:
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="MyController">
<content-item ng-repeat="item in data"></content-item>
and JS:
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('MyController', function ($scope) {
$ = ["heading1", "heading2"];
app.directive('contentItem', function ($compile) {
var templates = [
var compiledTemplates = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = templates.length; i < ii; i++) {
return {
restrict: "E",
replace: true,
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var template = templates[0];
var link = $compile(template);
//var link = compiledTemplates[0];
Hardcoded is number of template (0) just to simplify the code and compiledTemplates array is not used (next sample will use it)
Effect the whole list of elements is rendered:
OK. But I want to pre-compile the templates so compile process doesnt happen each time link function is called.
So, If I use compiledTemplates I just need to comment first to lines in link function and uncomment fird line (comment in code above). In the end link function looks this time :
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var link = compiledTemplates[0];
Not much of a difference (at least I cannot see the difference), but effect is :
heading 2
(if we have 10 items in list only last one would be rendered)
Why? What am I missing?
Here is JSFiddle:
Maybe what I'm saying is wrong but ng-repeat is a special directive. It won't compile each item.
Read here in the documentation about the compiler
ngRepeat works by preventing the compilation process from descending
into the LI element so it can make a clone of the original and
handle inserting and removing DOM nodes itself.
Instead the ngRepeat directive compiles LI separately. The result of
the LI element compilation is a linking function which contains all
of the directives contained in the LI element, ready to be attached
to a specific clone of the LI element.
At runtime the ngRepeat watches the expression and as items are added
to the array it clones the LI element, creates a new scope for the
cloned LI element and calls the link function on the cloned LI.
I hope that will help!

binding ng directives inside custom directive

I have the following code with custom directive 'my-repeater':
<div ng-controller="AngularCtrl">
<div my-repeater='{{items}}'>Click here</div>
Here is my custom directive:
myApp.directive('myRepeater', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var myTemplate = "<div ng-click='updateRating({{item}});' ng-class='getRatingClass({{rating}});'>{{rating}}</div>";
var items = scope.items;
console.log('length: ' + items.length);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var child = scope.$new(true);
child.item = items[i];
child.rating = items[i].ratings;
var text = $compile(myTemplate)(child);
ng-click and ng-class bindings are not happening properly inside my custom directive. Can anyone help me with what i am doing wrong here?
Here is the JS Fiddle.
Hi I've updated your sample to what I think you want to do.
First, in directives like ng-click='updateRating({{item}});' that
receive an expression you dont need to use '{{}}' because it is
already executed in the scope.
Second, when you need to add siblings to your directive, you need to do it in the compilation phase and not the linking phase or just use ng-repeat for that matter
I added .ng-scope { border: 1px solid red; margin: 2px} to #rseidi's answer/fiddle, and I discovered that a scope is being created by the $compile service for each item in the template -- i.e., each <div>. Since you have so many items to display, I assume that fewer scopes will be much better. After trying a bunch of different things, I discovered that Angular seems to create a new scope for each "top level" element. So a solution is to create an outer div -- i.e., ensure there is only one "top level" element:
var mainTpl = '<div>'; // add this line
for(...) { }
mainTpl += '</div>'; // add this line
Now, only the outer div creates a scope, since there is only one "top level" element now, instead of one per item.
