How to convert Angular $resource object to regular object without methods - angularjs

I am starting to learn AngularJS $resource, and noticed the $resource object has a few methods (see below for examples) attached to my data downloaded from server. How do I remove these methods and convert the object to a regular (array) object?
__proto__: Resource $delete: function (params, success, error) {$get: function (params, success, error) {$query: function (params, success, error) {$remove: function (params, success, error) {$save: function (params, success, error) {constructor: function Resource(value) {toJSON: function () {__proto__: Object
For instance, I'm trying to send a POST request including some key value data using $, but these 'proto' items in the array is somehow causing the data to become "undefined" when passed to $.param(data) in the factory. I could do the same thing using $http with ease, but want to learn $resource. Thanks!
Inside a Controller
$scope.ok = function () {
$scope.entry = new calEntry();
$ = data // data is $resource object including _proto_ items
$scope.entry.$save( function(){
toaster.pop('success','Message','Update successfully completed.');
myApp.factory("calEntry",['$resource','$filter', function($resource, $filter) {
return $resource("/griddata/", {}, {
save: {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'},
transformRequest: function(data, headersGetter) {
return $.param(data); // data is undefined when it reaches here

Try the toJSON function, it will fetch the data and remove the extra properties.


access headers with ngResource

I have a Api in which retrieves a custom header: X-Total-Count : "total of items", I'm using angular with ngResource.
My factory look like this:
app.factory("shopFactory", function ($resource) {
return {
User: $resource("http://localhost:58495/users/api/User/?id=:id", { id: "#id" }),
Category: $resource("http://localhost:58495/category/:id", { id: "#id" }),
Product: $resource("http://localhost:58495/products/?from=:from&to=:to", { from: "#from", to: "#to" })
And when I call it:
var productServer = shopFactory.Product.query({ from: 0, to: 10 }).$promise.then(function (response) {
$scope.product = response;
}, function (error) {
How can I access my custom header through ngResource, I can access it but with $http, I want to do it with the $resource way, Thanks
The query action method can be called with three arguments:
Resource.query([parameters], [success], [error])
The success callback is called with (value (Object|Array), responseHeaders (Function), status (number), statusText (string)) arguments, where the value is the populated resource instance or collection object. The error callback is called with (httpResponse) argument.
var productServer = shopFactory.Product.query(
{ from: 0, to: 10 },
function success (value, headers, status, statusText) {
$scope.product = value;
function error (error) {
For more information, see AngularJS $resource Service API Reference.
whats the difference between using $promise.then and the success function,
The function in the .then method exposes only the value of the final response. While the success callback exposes four arguments: value (Object|Array), responseHeaders (Function), status (number), statusText (string).
The $promise can be passed as an argument to other functions and its .then method can be invoked multiple times.
Another very important difference is that the .then method creates a new promise from values returned.
Chaining promises
Because calling the .then method of a promise returns a new derived promise, it is easily possible to create a chain of promises.
It is possible to create chains of any length and since a promise can be resolved with another promise (which will defer its resolution further), it is possible to pause/defer resolution of the promises at any point in the chain. This makes it possible to implement powerful APIs.
— AngularJS $q Service API Reference (Chaining Promises)

Angular JS 1.X Access Resolved Promise Objects values

I have read a lot of posts on promises,resolving promises, and accessing the data however I cannot seem to. Following some posts on Stack Overflow has just caused errors, so I am not sure what exactly I am doing wrong.
I have a function like so:
function getJsonl() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
url: 'urlNotShownForSecurity',
method: 'GET',
}).success(function(data) {
}).error(function(error,status,headers,config) {
return Promise.resolve(deferred.promise);
Here I return a json promise that has been resolved resulting in a json object I believe.
Printing to console I get the following:
Inside data is the information I need, it looks like this:
description:"My description paragraph"
I have tried things with the returned object in my controller like:
vm.result =[0].description;
vm.result = data[0].description
I have tried many different approaches in the view as well to access but I get 2 blank li tags and that is it.
I would like to be able to access the data so I populate a table. So if I can use it with ng repeat that would be great, as well as being able to access without because some data is used in more than just the table.
#DanKing, following your implementation I get the following output in console:
Now I am back with a promise object.
It looks to me as though you're fundamentally misunderstanding the nature of promises.
$http() is an asynchronous function - that means it doesn't complete straight away, which is why it returns a promise.
It looks to me as though you're trying to call $http() and then get the result back and return it from your getJson1() method, before $http() has finished executing.
You can't do that. Your getJson1() method should just return the promise, so your calling method can chain onto it - like this:
getJson1().then(function(data) {
// do some other stuff with the data
The whole point of promise chains is that they don't execute straightaway - instead you provide callback functions that will be executed at some indeterminate point in the future, when the previous operation completes.
Your getJson1() function just needs to do this:
return $http({
url: 'urlNotShownForSecurity',
method: 'GET',
should work. Where is your $http request and where is your call to getJsonl() will also make a difference. So choose that carefully when implementation. If you are using this in a service then you will have to return the function result say
this.somefunction = function (){
return getJonl();
and in your controller inject the service and do the following
Ok, rewrote the answer as a complete component to show the moving parts.
$http returns a promise so your original getJsonl call can be simplified. Using your original $http parameters this should dump your API response to the screen if you use the <json-thing> tag:
.component('jsonThing', {
template: '<pre>{{$ctrl.thing|json}}</pre>',
controller: function ($http) {
var $ctrl = this;
.then(function (response) {
console.log(response); // we have the $http result here
$ctrl.thing =; // allow the template access
}, function (error) {
console.log(error); // api call failed
// call backend server and return a promise of incoming data
function getJsonl() {
return $http({
url: 'urlNotShownForSecurity',
dataType: 'json',
method: 'GET',
data: { requestId: '123'},
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', requestId: '123'}

$http.get doesn't work with REST model using then() function

As you guys know, Angular recently deprecated the http.get.success,error functions. So this kind of calls are not recommended in your controller anymore:
myctrl.myobj = data;
Rather, this kind of calls are to be used:
function(data) {
myctrl.myobj = data;
function(error) {
Problem is, simple Spring REST models aren't working with this new code. I recently downloaded a sample code with the above old success function and a REST model like this:
public Map<String,Object> home() {
Map<String,Object> model = new HashMap<String,Object>();
model.put("id", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
model.put("content", "Hello World");
return model;
This should return a map like {id:<someid>, content:"Hello World"} for the $http.get() call, but it receives nothing - the view is blank.
How can I resolve this issue?
The first (of four) argument passed to success() is the data (i.e. body) of the response.
But the first (and unique) argument passed to then() is not the data. It's the full HTTP response, containing the data, the headers, the status, the config.
So what you actually need is
function(response) {
myctrl.myobj =;
function(error) {
The expectation of the result is different. Its the response and not the data object directly.
documentation says :
// Simple GET request example:
method: 'GET',
url: '/someUrl'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
}, function errorCallback(response) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
Properties of the response are
data – {string|Object} – The response body transformed with the transform functions.
status – {number} – HTTP status code of the response.
headers – {function([headerName])} – Header getter function.
config – {Object} – The configuration object that was used to generate the request.
statusText – {string} – HTTP status text of the response.
As the data object is required,
Please convert the code as
function(response) {
myctrl.myobj =;
then must be return a new promise so you should handle it with defers.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.factory('modelFromFactory', function($q) {
return {
getModel: function(data) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var items = [];
items.push({"id":"f77e3886-976b-4f38-b84d-ae4d322759d4","content":"Hello World"});
return deferred.promise;
function MyCtrl($scope, modelFromFactory) {
$scope.model = data;
Here is working fiddle ->

Get response header in then() function of a ngResource object's $promise property after resource resolved?

I'm willing to retrieve the response header of a resource request, cause I've put pagination information and something else in it rather than the response body, to make the REST api clear.
Though we can get it from the success / error callback like below:
Object.get({type:'foo'}, function(value, responseHeaders){
var headers = responseHeaders();
Where 'Object' is my resource factory service.
Further, when I'm trying to make the route change after required resources resolved, I've tried this:
.when('/list', {
templateUrl: 'partials/list.html',
controller: 'ListCtrl',
// wait for the required promises to be resolved before controller is instantialized
resolve: {
objects: ['Object', '$route', function(Object, $route){
return Object.query($route.current.params).$promise;
and in controller, just inject "objects" instead of Object service, because it's resolved and filled in with real data.
But I got problem when I try to get headers info from the "objects" in controller.
I tried objects.$promise.then(function(data, responseHeaders){}), but responseHeader was undefined.
How can I change the $resource service's behavior so that it throws the responseHeader getter into the $promise then() callback function?
My service "Object" for reference:
myServices.factory('Object', ['$resource',
return $resource('object/:id', {id: '#id'}, {
update: {method: 'PUT'},
I had the exact same problem. I used an interceptor in the resource definition to inject the http headers in the resource.
$resource('/api/resource/:id', {
id: '#id'
}, {
index: {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true,
interceptor: {
response: function(response) {
response.resource.$httpHeaders = response.headers;
return response.resource;
Then, in the then callback, the http headers are accesible through $httpHeaders:
promise.then(function(resource) {
I think I had a similar problem: After POSTing a new resource I needed to get the Location header of the response, since the Id of the new resource was set on the server and then returned via this header.
I solved this problem by introducing my own promise like this:
app.factory('Rating', ['$resource',
function ($resource) {
// Use the $resource service to declare a restful client -- restangular might be a better alternative
var Rating = $resource('http://localhost:8080/courserater/rest/ratings-cors/:id', {id: '#id'}, {
'update': { method: 'PUT'}
return Rating;
function RestController($scope, $q, Rating) {
var rating = new Rating();
var defer = $q.defer(); // introduce a promise that will be resolved in the success callback
rating.$save(function(data, headers){ // perform a POST
// The response of the POST contains the url of the newly created resource
var newId = headers('Location').split('/').pop();
return defer.promise;
.then (function(newId) {
// Load the newly created resource
return Rating.get({id: newId}).$promise; // perform GET
// update the newly created resource
rating.score = 55;
return rating.$update(); // perform PUT
We can't use .then for returning the header because the promise doesn't allow for multiple return values. (e.g., (res, err))
This was a requested feature, and was closed
... the then "callbacks" can have only [one] argument. The reason for this is that those "callbacks" correspond to the return value / exception from synchronous programming and you can't return multiple results / throw multiple exceptions from a regular function.

Can someone give me an example on how I can call $resource directly?

In my code I have:
var EntityResource = $resource('/api/:entityType', {}, {
postEntity: { url: '/api/:entityType/', method: 'POST' },
getEntity: { url: '/api/:entityType/:entityId', method: 'GET' },
putEntity: { url: '/api/:entityType/:entityId', method: 'PUT' },
deleteEntity: { url: '/api/:entityType/:entityId', method: "DELETE" },
getEntities: { url: '/api/:entityType/:action/:id', method: 'GET', isArray: true },
Then I am using the following to get data:
getProjects: function (
deptId) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
action: "GetProjects",
entityType: entityType,
deptId: deptId
function (resp) {
return deferred.promise;
and the following to call getProjects:
.then(function (result) {
$ = result;
}, function (result) {
$ = null;
I think the intermediate function getProjects is not needed and I would like to directly use $resource.
Can someone give me some advice on how I could do this? I looked at the AngularJS documentation for $resource and it's not very clear for me.
$resource calls by default return empty arrays and then fill them up when the response is received. As mentioned in documentation
It is important to realize that invoking a $resource object method
immediately returns an empty reference (object or array depending on
isArray). Once the data is returned from the server the existing
reference is populated with the actual data.
There are default 5 methods already defined on resource, get,save,query,remove,delete. You can directly call these rather than defining your own as you have done like postEntity, but the url template remains the same.
So once you define resource like this
var entityResource = $resource('/api/:entityType');
you can make calls like
var entity=entityResource.get({entityType:1},function(data) {
//The entity would be filled now
See the User example in documentation
If you want to return promise then you have to wrap the calls into your your service calls like you did for getProjects.
Update: Based on your comment, the definition could be
var entityResource = $resource('/api/:entityType/:action/:id')
Now if you do
entityResource.get({},function(){}) // The query is to /api
entityResource.get({entityType:'et'},function(){}) // The query is to /api/et
entityResource.get({entityType:'et',:action:'a'},function(){}) // The query is to /api/et/a
entityResource.get({entityType:'et',:action:'a',id:1},function(){}) // The query is to /api/et/a/1
Hope it helps.
$resource does expose $promise but it is on return values and subsequent calls.
