ui-bootstrap pagination resetting current page on initialization - angularjs

I am using the pagination directive from the ui-bootstrap (angular-bootstrap) library. I am having an issue when it initializes. My issue occurs when I navigate to a specific page via url.
What is happening is that my controller initializes with the correct page from $stateParams, then the pagination directive initializes and triggers the ng-change function which is resetting the page to 1. Now that on-select-page is no longer used, is there a way to only capture user clicks to change the page? Ideally I would like the directive to initialize before the controller so that my page does not get reset. Thank you in advance.
I can include code if needed, but I feel my question does not necessarily require a code block.

So I found a solution after drilling down into the angular-bootstrap code. Their code has a watch on totalPages that checks if the current page is greater than the totalPages value.
angular-bootstrap code:
if ( $scope.page > value ) {
} else {
What was happening was if I refreshed the page on page 3 (for example) my controller was reloading the items for that page temporarily causing total-items to be 0 and totalPages to be calculated as 1. This triggered the watch and the above code.
My solution was to load the items in the state resolve so that total-items (and in turn totalPages) would always be accurate.

If you don't want to use state resolve the data then you could just add a ng-if directive on paginator. Assuming $scope.total_count is used to bind to total-items attribute, you can do something like the following:
<pagination data-ng-if="total_count"
This way the directive is always initialized when you have total count from the server & currentPage will not be greater than totalPages

The ng-if directive didn't work for me as expected (I didn't use the controllerAs syntax): the pagination wasn't able to update the $scope.currentPage variable anymore. The solution was to use ng-model="$parent.currentPage" instead of ng-model="currentPage".
<uib-pagination ng-if="totalItems"

A solution to this problem I've found from Github and implemented and worked perfectly.
As mentioned in other answers also, the issue is with totalItems and when I try to move to page 2/3/n, totalItems becomes 0 for a moment and in the process, currentPage value becomes 1 and I can't move to my desired page. So my trick is, before I call the data from server, I just set a bigger number as totalItems and after I receive data from server, I update totalItems.
$scope.totalItems = 1000;
QuotationService.getQuotations(url).then(function ( response ) {
$scope.totalItems = response.data.total;
$scope.quotations = response.data.data;
$scope.isTableLoading = false;
In my view, only if isTableLoading is false, I show the Pagination, otherwise pagination will show a wrong number of pages.
<div class="text-center" ng-show="isTableLoading == false">
<uib-pagination boundary-links="true"
items-per-page="15" max-size="15" ng-model="currentPage"
class="pagination-sm" previous-text="‹"
next-text="›" first-text="«" last-text="»">
Now everything working perfectly.

If you are looking to set the page when the page loads, then just load up the model as it describes here.
From the website:
<pagination total-items="totalItems" ng-model="currentPage" ng-change="pageChanged()">
I'm sure you've already looked there, so if the model is not being set properly upon the initialization of the controller then you're obviously going to have problems. There is also the case where it is possibly being overwritten in another place where you are using $scope.currentPage. Although you may feel it is easier without code, I would suggest posting the HTML and Angular Controller you are referring to. Hope it helps!

An alternative to the state resolve would be to set the total-items in a value module once known. Same dealio, actually I just wanted to comment on your above answer, but I didn't have the points necessary. Thanks for the explanation, helped me out!

Just adding another simplest way to fix the problem.
1. First, pass query params to your URL(to make more sense about at which page you are currently at). To do this, add this line of code to your function that runs on (pageChange). i.e (pageChange)="getAllData(page)"
this.router.navigate(['/Advertisement'], { queryParams: { page: page }});
2. Second, get query params and assign the params to page variable. i.e
this.route.queryParamMap.subscribe((params:any) => { this.page = +params.get('page')});
<ngb-pagination [collectionSize]="collectionSize" [(page)]="page" [pageSize]="pageSize" (pageChange)="getAdvertisements(page)">


AngularJS ui-router - Generated <href="">returns current url

I'm new to angularjs and have been scouring for an answer to this problem but to no luck I can't find one.I know that angular (1.x) is older but I still wanted to learn this anyway.
Moving on, I'm trying to dynamically generate links based on a $scope.menu_item object inside a controller of my module. For example if
$scope.menu_items = ['Home','Profile','Settings']
the values in the array correspond to child states of parent state User and is configured using $stateProvider.state()
//these are the child states
template:'<p>Home</p>' (this is loaded in the template of its parent)
then this in the template using ng-repeat:
<li ng-repeat="menu_item in menu_items">
<a ui-state="user.{{menu_item}}">{{menu_item}}</a>
As expected, it renders the view properly, the values from $scope.menu_items are properly made into links but the href="" attribute of the tag is equal to the current url.
The default state is 'user.Home' and as such /user redirects to /user/home
<a ui-state="user.Home" class="ng-binding" href="/user/home">Home</a>
<a ui-state="user.Profile" class="ng-binding" href="/user/home">Profile</a>
<a ui-state="user.Settings" class="ng-binding" href="/user/home">Settings</a>
Here we see that all of the generated tags have the href value set to the current url (localhost:[port]/user/profile will make it into href="/user/profile")
So is there anything that I'm forgetting to do? From my understanding, it should work when I use ui-state since it can handle $scope properties.
Some additional notes:
1.) Manually typing the specified state url in the address bar works just fine and renders the correct template
2.) I am using Express to handle the server-side
3.) I set $locationProvider.html5Mode(true)
Temporary Work-around
For the people who might stumble upon this question, I temporarily used a work-around solution and just removed ui-sref="" or ui-state="" and just used
ng-repeat= "state in states"
states = [{name="stateName", url="/relativeToRootUrl"},{..more States}]
I'd still appreciate a solution for this using ui-sref since it utilized ui-router more.

Paging in Angular Js to redirect to same page without going to first page

I have a situation in paging like, i bought all the data from $http request at a time(for example 50 records) and there i used following for paging.
$scope.numPerPage = 10;
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.maxSize = 5;
<pagination total-items="game-length" page="currentPage"
max-size="maxSize" class="pagination-sm"
boundary-links="true" rotate="false" num-pages="numPages">
Records are now divided into 10-10. Now from third page i clicked on first record, i'm redirecting to another html page to show that particular records data. Now i'm coming back then my page is reloading completely and starting from the first page. I'm trying to get back to third page itself. Please give me any solution. Thank you
A simple solution, set a 'GET param in your url like this:
In your ng-init function:
$scope.currentPage = $location.search()['pageNum'] ? $location.search()['pageNUm']:1;
// do other things you need
In your pageChange Event:
Hope this can help you!
You can save the state of the current pagination page before going to the next page in the localStorage or any factory/value(if not reloading it completely) and before coming back check the previous state of the page and initialize it.
Plunker to change page for pagination.

AngularJS using ng-if vs ng-show

In my AngularJS I have the following code where I check if there is a currently logged in user or not in order to switch the top app menu text from Login to Logout (login if no user is logged in) and vice versa. When I used ng-show ng-hide the app started to be extremely heavy so I tried switching to ng-if, but then the css effects on the top menu started not to work specifically in the login/ logout tab. So can someone please tell me what is the best approach to handle this situation with example please? Thanks
<div ng-controller="MenuController">
<div ng-if="userLevel() == 1">
<div ng-if="userLevel() == 2">
function MenuController($scope, UService){
$scope.userLevel = function(){
var userType = UService.checkULevel(); //This will return either 1, 2,3,4...etc
return userType;
The difference between ng-show and ng-if is that ng-show applies a display: none to the element when the specified expression is a false value, while the ng-if removes the node from the DOM, basically equivalent to the .empty in jQuery.
An approach you can consider for your element, is rather than using it within a controller, use a directive for the access level, and follow the approach described in this article, which is really flexible and allows you to have different elements in the UI depending on the user level: http://frederiknakstad.com/2013/01/21/authentication-in-single-page-applications-with-angular-js/
Another reason for your application to be slow when you check the user level, could be that every time that is evaluated your application has to perform a check on the server side, slowing the application. An approach for it would be to cache the result of that query, and then use it while the login status doesnt change. At that stage you can invalidate the cache and fetch the user level again, ready to update the UI.
The ng-if directive removes the content from the page and ng-show/ng-hide uses the CSS display property to hide content.
I am pretty sure that no-show is lighter than ng-if and no-show should not make the app too heavy. If it is becoming heavy, I think there could be other causes for it.
If you use ng-if the node is rendered only when the condition is true
In case of ng-show ng-hide the Nodes will be rendered but shown/hidden based on the condition if condition changes the same nodes are shown/hidden
when ever you use ng-if it will render only that code which satisfy the condition.
while ng-show ng-hide will render the code on page but will be hidden with the help of CSS properties.
so better to use ng-if for reducing the line of code to be rendered on page.

ng-include onload not working anymore in angularjs 1.2.0 rc

I am using angular's ng-include like this :
main html:
<span ng-include="'tpl.html'" ng-controller="TplCtrl" onload="loadMe()"></span>
template tpl.html:
<h2>{{ tplMessage }}</h2>
the controller:
$scope.loadMe = function () {
$scope.tplMessage = 'template';
this was working fine with angularjs 1.1.5 but not anymore in 1.2.0 rc 3
here is a plunkr :
any idea how to make this work with 1.2.0 ?
i saw this : https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/3584#issuecomment-25279350
but can't find the answer to this problem here.
ok i found the answer here : https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/3584#issuecomment-25857079
ng-include can't be on the same element as ng-controller. In 1.1.5, it was working
here is a working updated plunker with an html element wrapping the ng-include:
It seems to have to do with you mixing 2 things on the same tag - it has both ng-include and ng-controller on it. put your span inside of a new one and move the ng-controller to the outside tag.
They might'of changed the order in which these attributes are processed. In general I think mixing them on the same tag is not a good idea.
Because it's just broken, and there is currently no workaround.
According to the change long:
"previously ngInclude only updated its content, after this change ngInclude will recreate itself every time a new content is included. This ensures that a single rootElement for all the included contents always exists, which makes definition of css styles for animations much easier."
but instead of being improved, it appears to have been broken.
According to the comments here the current implementation is broken.
Other sources will tell you the same.

AngularJS: Updating a view with a template from a controller?

I have been working with routing and I have seen how I can update the ng-view using routing and a view template.. But the problem I have is that I am doing a REST call and depending what I get back from the response I wish to update part of the DOM with a view template but I don't want to involve routing.
Does anyone know how I can do this? Or any examples would be great
Thanks in advance
Another answer. Based on your description in the comment, it sounds like you wish to display part of the DOM conditionally.
When you want to display part of the DOM conditionally, you have the following choices:
Use an ng-show and ng-hide directive.
Based on what returns from the RESTful call, you can set up a model that will identify the DOM that needs to be displayed. An example:
<div ng-show="status">
This text will be shown only when the status is truthy
<div ng-hide="status">
This text will be shown only when the status is false.
Inside your controller, you could then set the status to true or false based on your RESTful calls and based on which part of the DOM you wish to display post RESTful call.
You can use ng-switch directive
While the ng-show and ng-hide directives will display the content of your DOM conditionally, that is anybody could simply open the source file and see the contents for both, ng-switch directive will load the contents only based on which case fulfills the swtich. An example:
<div ng-switch on="status">
<div ng-switch-when="true">
This text will be shown only when the status is truthy.
Else this is completely hidden and cannot be seen even
when looking at the source.
<div ng-switch-when="false">
This text will be shown only when the status is false.
Else this is completely hidden and cannot be seen even
when looking at the source.
The first child div is shown when the status is true else it is not shown at all. The advantage over ng-show or ng-hide is that the DOM will not contain the child elements if the case is not fulfilled.
$location.path() can be used here.
So, in your Parent Controller, you can make the REST call. Once you have the data with you, you can then decide which route to take. The route value goes into the path() function.
As an example, let us say that if your REST call returns with cherries, you need to take the /foo path (which, based on your $routeProvider will load the template associated with that route). You can then write the following:
and it will loads the /foo path - $routeProvider will then take care of loading the template associated with that path.
Reference: $location
