Scala Play with Angular and Protractor project setup - angularjs

I'm going to setup a new project with Scala Play on the one and angular/protractor on the other side. I could use sbt-web to load my js assets, but what is with testing?
Is there a best practice to integrate Angular into the Play framework without losing benefits like automated testing by using yeoman? Or is it better to make two projects and use gulp proxy in development?


JHipster vs MEAN-Stack vs MERN-Stack

I am familiar with developing AngularJS and Angular 2/4 UIs utilizing JHipster 4's JPA CRUD scaffolding but it feels unnatural. And I think developing MEAN-Stack UIs is the path of highest productivity.
How much refactoring is involved utilizing MEAN-Stack UIs with JHipster JPA (MongoDB) and Angular scaffolding?
Also, if using JHipster's new React support, how much refactoring is required to utilize MERN-Stack UIs with JHipster JPA (MongoDB) and React scaffolding?
Oh, I forget to mention my development target is PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) aka mobile first design.
You'll have to fork the jHipster generator, add your own templates for mongodb, express.js and nodejs.
The server side templates are mostly in generators/entity-server/templates, and generators/server/templates. These template files are written as EJS templates (EJS).
One of the steps during the app generation is to create JSON files from the JDL file. You can run just the json creation using a command like this:
yo jhipster:import-jdl jhipster-jdl.jh --db=mysql --json-only=true
The JSON files will get created in .jhipster folder (note the "." in front which makes the folder hidden) under your project.
Create your own sub-generators similar to the "server" and "entity-server" sub-generators, that use the generated JSON. The templates will have JavaScript that uses nodejs, express.js and mongodb, instead of Java with JPA, and Spring Boot.
This is not going to be easy, although you could follow the JHipster code and create the sub-generators.
I guess someone might have already done all this in one of the forks from JHipster, in which case you might want to start from there.

unit testing of AngularJS code deployed under JBoss 7.1EAP

We all know that one of the best combination for Unit testing for AngularJS code is NodeJS, Jasmine and Karma js framework .
However challenge with our project is that client doesn’t want to use two containers i.e. NodeJS for testing and Jboss for deployment. Reason is the way Angular JS components are packaged for nodeJS is very different from Jboss. Also another angle to this problem is that angular components should be tested in a continuous integration environment. If you have two containers it makes whole CI/CD cycle complex.
Hence we are trying to find out a way on to how to execute these unit test cases with only Jasmine with JBoss 7.1EAP. And without using Nodes and Karma.
Please let us know if someone has faced this issue and let us know the steps for the resolution.

Using an angular2 app as a plugin for HawtIO

Is it possible to use an entire Angular2 app as a plugin within HawtIO? Our reasoning for doing this is so that as we develop our OSGi applications, each having their own UI, we can use HawtIO as the overall container and can detect and display each UI webapp within.
From what I have investigated so far, it looks like the only possibility is either adding simple plugins which add static links to our individual web apps, or re-write the Angular2 app as a AngularJS one instead?
The hawtio-core component from hawtio 2.x supports bootstrapping a hybrid angular 1/2 app which is pretty much what you're looking for:
It's been awhile but I played around with it in this branch from the fabric8-console project, it may need some adjusting to be inline with new angular2 developments:

Modular application structure for the MEAN app with Angular2 and material design

I have to develop an application using MEAN Technology in which i have to use:
Angular 2 For client ui
Angular material css
Mongoose for ORM for mongodb
Typescript for writing server-side and client-side code
gulp task runner.
How do i structure my application so that it will be modular and easily manageable and maintainable in Dev and production environment.
I created an application recently that uses angular1, but with MEAN and mongoose and everything else you describe here... If you want to create the angular2 part I recommend using the angular cli that gets everything in place Lastly material for angular2 is in alpha and doesn't have nearly all the features with material and angular1 so be careful with expectations.

Does javascript sdk play nicely with angular?

I'm evaluating as a backend for a cordova/ionic mobile project and was curious about peformance or potential conflicts with using parse's javascript sdk. I'd rather have all the features of their javascript sdk but am wondering if ionic's angular based framework will have conflicts or slow down performance when combined with's backbone based solution.
Will it get bloated and slow or will they both run nice and lean without conflicts? Any showcase apps out there that use both?
