Chrome app and azure database connection - database

I am developing an application that requires access to a cloud azure database for the chrome box. The application will only be running on the chrome box device.
It will be required to design the application so that a user of the device can insert, update or delete records in the database.
What is the best approach for this project?

One approach is to use Azure Mobile Services to create a facade for your database that can be easily be called from an HTML app.
Check this tutorial:
Is it the "best" approach? Well, you'll have to decide.


Offline sync in xamarin forms without azure mobile service client

I am new to Xamarin development.
I am building a Xamarin application with RESTful API and using SQL server for online storage and SQLite for the Local storage.
I need to add offline sync feature to my app.
Is there any way to sync remote server and local DB, without using azure mobile service client?
yes you can make use of Sync Adapter this would sync your data in background but this is Platform specific and hence you had to implement it in Native Class Also If you want a Periodic Sync you can also use JobSchedular in Android
You Can Read More Here
Android SyncAdapter Documentation

Which offline database is suited for a lightweight Chrome App?

I'm starting to learn how to build an app in google chrome.
I want to my app to be operated offline only and its database is offline, this is because I will just use my app inside our office...
Is there a database is very simple way to connect to a database (eg: like I'll just copy paste it in my app folder)? I would prefer that the database has a very simple documentation on how to use it..
your recommendations would be of great help.
You can use HTML5 Local storage and similar technology to save the database offline, but it would be different on different machines.

Angular js web application- offline authentication and persistence

We have an angular js application application developed on Sails framework and uses mysql for persistence. The website is authenticated using Active Directory credentials.
Now we would like to enhance the app to work offline as well. So the following questions arise.
How should we accomplish Active Directory authentication while accessing the app offline?
As I can understand that Indexeddb or Pouchdb can be considered for offline persistence, which one between the two would be better or is there any other better alternative and how can we sync data from offline storage to online persistence which is on mysql?
Any thoughts are appreciated.
offline web application may not contain all online applicability.
for example; authenticating a user in a large system, need an online connection to server and its not possible and very stupidly idea to save hash of all password in client offline storage.
so you can show a message in offline stat to unknown user that say: you must Login in online stat first!
for making better angularjs offline web application, i recommend to you this article: Offline apps using Ionic Framework, PouchDB and AngularJS

Azure Web Site with Push notifications

I'm trying to develop a Windows Phone 8 app. I've created a Web Site in a Windows Azure account which is an MVC 4 project with REST endpoints. I've got an SQL database in Azure to store data from the Azure Web Site. Ocassionaly, I want my application to send PUSH notifications to mobile phones. So I've created a Mobile Service and I've linked the SQL database with the Mobile Service's database in order to have got the same data for the web page and the service.
I though that when I send an HTTP POST to the web site, the script in the database from the Azure Mobile Service would be launched but it looks not to be true. Isn't it? Because of that, I would write in the controller of an HTTP POST endpoint the code to send the data to the Mobile Service endpoint in order to launch the JavaScript code to send the Push Notification.
Is that the right approach for my goal? Is there any way for sending PUSH notifications from an Azure Web Site or it is only allowed from a Mobile Service?
My last question: Do you know any books or blogs about development in Windows Azure? On the Internet there is lots of documentation but principally those are get started tutorials. I've read some books but those are really complex, boring, and not really practical.
As your website MVC4 based and is running on Windows Azure using SQL Database as backend, I will guess that it is based on ASP.NET and i will write my suggestion based on that.
Now about your question "Is there any way for sending PUSH notifications from a Azure Web Site or it is only allowed from a Mobile Service?" I would say, Azure Mobile web services are designed for the same purpose for any service running on Windows Azure to send push notification on multiple of platforms. Application developer can choose to use Mobile Services to expedite their development as well as have multiple application using the one single service for such objective.
However as you mentioned "Is there any way for sending PUSH notifications from a Azure Web Site" this is not depend on "Azure web sites" instead it is depend on what development technology you are using with your Windows Azure Application. For example in ASP.NET your can use SignalR implementation if your application is based on Java, PHP, Python, Node,js etc then you can find some other run time specific real time implementation. If you look around for websockets you will find implementation in almost every popular language or look for comet programming on this regard. Not only that you can use some of the popular 3rd party applications for this purpose as well. i.e. pusher or any other.
While Windows Azure Mobile Services will give you the best results on Windows Azure platform as it is designed to provide such specific functionality for applications running on it.
Recently released: Azure Notification Hub

Accessing SANs through Application on the cloud

I am preparing to make a project "Accessing SANS through application on the cloud"
the objective of the project is deploy a SAN in our company and allow users to upload and use data through application stored at Google App Engine.
Is this achieveable? if yes then how could application deploy on google server access my company's network for data?
Is the project too hard? Plz advice..
The App Engine only allows http(s) communication, your SAN will need to have some sort of web server that allows deploying file using some sort of a PUT or POST handler.
If not the SAN you will have to implement that web web server inside your organization, that web server will need to be open to the internet (but have a security layer to prevent from anyone to access it)
