protractor: onPrepare for different test suites - angularjs

I have onPrepare in my conf.js file where I log in to the application. My understanding is every time I run 1 or more test suites, it first executes whatever is in onPrepare. This is great, as I use onPrepare to log into the application before running the tests.
Issue is, I don't want to login when I run my login-spec.js suite.
I could first logout before running through login-spec.js, but there must be a more elegant way to do this.

As far as I understand, you need a place for suite-specific preparations.
This is what jasmine can help you with.
For jasmine 2.1 and above, there are built-in beforeAll and afterAll notations:
The beforeAll function is called only once before all the specs in
describe are run, and the afterAll function is called after all specs
finish. These functions can be used to speed up test suites with
expensive setup and teardown.
If you are on an older jasmine version, use a separate jasmine-beforeAll package.


Is it possible to use Jasmine without Karma for testing Angular/Node based Nw.js apps?

I've read ton's of tutorials, but I must admit that this testing stuff is still very confusing to me. I have a Nw.js app which (of course) uses NodeJS and also Angular. I've installed the Jasmine test framework globally via npm and wrote an example test which starts with the following lines, and placed it in the spec sub-directory:
describe ( 'Test for my controller', function () {
beforeEach ( module ('module_under_test') );
... and so on ...
When running the test by typing jasmine on the cmd line (from the root folder of the app), I get the following error message:
TypeError: module is not a function
I know that I have to include the Angular library somehow. But where? In a normal browser application, it is included in the HTML <script> tag, but I don't have this possibility. I also know that I could write a HTML file, which shows the Jasmine result page after tests have finished, but I would prefer to start Jasmine on the cmd line.
First I thought about adding the angular library to the "helpers" entry in jasmine.json. But it didn't work. The documentation of this file is unfortunately very poor. In the Angular documentation and tutorials it is always mentioned to use Karma. But my understanding is that Karma is only useful for testing with browsers, since it spawns an own webserver. This does not make sense in my case.
Would be great if somebody could give me a hint, thanks!

Running more than 10 tests on karma using jasmine causes: "ERROR: Some of your tests did a full page reload!"

So, this is my first project where I'm using Karma and Jasmine to unit test my angularJS code. Used Yeoman angular generator for the setup.
As soon as I reached 11 tests, I got an error saying "Some of your tests did a full page reload". I'm not doing any tests that would trigger a reload.
Digging deeper I saw the same issue being referenced on Github. -- (FuzzySockets comments)
The problem seems to stem from a line of code in jasmine-core
To avoid overflow of stack, the maximumSpecCallbackDepth is set to 20. And every time currentSpecCallbackDepth exceeds that, further tests are executed on a new stack by using the setTimout function.
This is the line that seems to cause problems and makes karma throw the error. (I've verified this by invoking the setTimeout method in my own unit test, and it threw the same error).
If change the maximumSpecCallbackDepth to 100, my tests run fine, and no errors are thrown at the end
Has anyone seen this issue and know a fix? I'm using the latest versions of karma(0.13.15) and jasmine(2.4.1).
I haven't really messed around too much with the default grunt or karma config that came with yeoman generated ones, except that I'm using the chrome launcher instead of the default phantomJS, so I don't understand how everyone else is not facing the same issue here.
+1 for this issue. As u said, it caused by maximumSpecCallbackDepth limitation, but I didn't find no fix for this issue so far. You probably could track issue here .
One temporary solution is to reduce nested 'describe' block in your project.
I got a similar issue where the angular injections in the global beforeEach stopped working and all tests failed after the 20 limit of maximumSpecCallbackDepth.
During my investigations, I found out that angular-mock doesn't play well with the setTimeout done in jasmine when that limit is reached.
The following code that is given as example everywhere will create a new injector on each test case:
var yourService;
beforeEach(inject(function(_yourService_) {
yourService = _yourService_;
Instead, you could do the following, which will use a single injector and register your modules only once.
var yourService;
beforeEach(inject(function(_yourService_) {
yourService = _yourService_;
Hope this might help others as it took me almost a week to find out that this was the root cause of the issue and not Jasmine itself like some people think on github.

Sinon.stub works in karma, mocha with chrome running but not headless

I am working on an angularjs project where if a user scrolls on an element, the element calls scrollTop() to determine if another method should be called.
I wrote this sinon.stub
scrollTopStub = sinon.stub($.fn, "scrollTop").returns(50);
This is the validation
The tests pass when I run them using karma, mocha and chrome.
However, when I run the tests headless the sinon stub is never called.
Any thoughts?
I know this is an old question. But if someone bumps into this: this is probably a completely different issue. I run into a similiar one once almost been driven crazy by cryptic and misleading errors when running with phantomjs (I assume this is the headless browser) - in the end I found out that Phantomjs doesn't support bind (and some other es5 methods So code using them would fail. just adding es5 shim to the test index.html (or karma.conf or.. ) file solved the problem. Since I used sinon.js with phantomjs in another project I know this can work correctly

Including angular-scenario.js breaks my Rails Jasmine tests, as in they don't run

I have some Jasmine tests for my (currently) very simple site consisting of a Rails back end and an AngularJS front end. I'm trying to do some Jasmine end-to-end testing, but including angular-scenario.js makes my tests not run. It doesn't make them fail. It makes them not start at all.
I'm using version 1.0.7, and all the Angular files are from the same version (and all from the official Angular site. The version of Rails I'm using is 3.1.3 with Ruby 1.9.3. I'm also using the jasmine gem version 1.3.2 and jasmine-rails 0.4.5.
- assets/application.{js,coffee}
- stylesheets/**/*.css
- helpers/**/*.{js,coffee}
- lib/angular-scenario.js
- '**/*[sS]pec.{js,coffee}'
src_dir: 'app/assets/javascripts'
spec_dir: spec/javascripts
#= require angular.min
#= require angular-mocks
describe 'test', () ->
it 'works', () ->
Of course, that's just a placeholder until I can get the test work correctly with angular-scenario.js in place.
Without angular-scenario.js, the tests run. With it, nothing.
To test, I typically run RAILS_ENV=test rake spec:javascript, but I've also tried from the web server interface.
The output without angular-secnario.js:
1 spec, 0 failures in 0.005s.
ConsoleReporter finished
The output with angular-scenario.js:
0 specs, 0 failures in 0s.
ConsoleReporter finished
Things I've tried:
Moving angular-scenario.js to vendor/assets/javacripts and requiring it from
Removing either other Angular-related requirement from
angular-scenario.js comes with jQuery packaged with it. Commenting out the jQuery bit, oddly enough, makes the tests run, though they fail because angular-scenario needs jQuery, apparently. I also tried commenting out the jQuery in angular-scenario and including jQuery from the jquery-rails gem. (That was a shot in the dark. I didn't think that would actually work.)
Thank you very much to whoever wants to take a swing at this one.
Jasmine and angular-scenario.js (e2e runner) are two different things and they should be run separately. Angular e2e test framework uses syntax which is very similar to jasmine. Probably when you include it along with jasmine it overrides some jasmine's methods like describe, it and beforeEach.

AngularJS + Testacular / Jasmine unit tests: Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS

I am trying to write unit tests for an AngularJS project. The project is based on angular-seed and uses Testacular to run tests. Every attempt to run script always ends up with "Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS".
I tried this super-simple "test":
describe('Testing Jasmine', function() {
var test = 'test';
it('should be test', function() {
The result is that only 'describe' is logged, the 'it' part is skipped. When I try the same thing on clean angular-seed clone everything works - so I assume that the testing system itself with Testacular and Jasmine is working correctly.
Our project is based on Rails, but the clean angular-seed that I was testing for comparison is running on Apache so I thought that this might be the difference - messed up paths or something in that Rails project.
But there are no error messages, e2e tests work... and also I assume that if some files were missing or paths were incorrect it would not be able to log that 'describe' in tests - if I understand correctly this means that Jasmine is processing the right file (there are no other dependencies in this pseudo-test). How is it possible that the 'describe' part works just fine and only 'it' part seems to be skipped?
Any hint or help would be appreciated.
If you are doing unit tests, do not include the angular-scenario.js file in your testacular config file. That will break the unit tests.
e2e testing in testacular has a long way to go. I struggled with this for a while. It turns out that the left side of an expect must be one of the methods defined in the angular documentation:
the following is an example
describe('Testing Jasmine', function() {
it('should be test', function() {
Remember, if you dont enter in one of the prescribed method calls into the expect, testacular will not run the 'it'
Also make sure that you have one of these attributes used on page you are testing:
'ng:app', 'ng-app', 'x-ng-app', 'data-ng-app'
Because if function angularInit() won't find element with one of these arguments runner won't start.
This is espcially important if you would like to use angular test runner on webage that does not have ng-app - with current version it just won't work.
Please check the order of the Javascript files.
A similar issue was reported in Testacular and reordering the js files fixed the problem.
