EXT JS 5 - Is it possible to display combobox data in a tree view? - extjs

I am currently working on a project that will be written with EXT-JS 5 and I've been asked to minimize the number of "special purpose" controls required by the UI, and to rely on existing EXT-JS 5 components and simple customizations as much as possible.
There is a form going in the UI that would benefit from having a combobox with the selection area displayed like a single-select tree view. I have done some research and know that the EXT-JS 5 combobox does support customization but I am not familiar enough with the package (and don't have the time to become more familiar with it) to be able to tell whether it would be possible to customize it to use an EXT-JS 5 tree control.
I've done some searching on Google and these forums and have not found anything which specifically addresses this question and would appreciate advice, and possibly an example (if it is possible), from those more knowledgeable than I am.

Extjs supprts treepicker as built-in. Check this https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/?mobile (gind treepicker) or this https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/?mobile=/api/Ext.ux.TreePicker


Need to replace DevExpress Bootstrap for ASP.NET Core in project. Solution from experience? Rewrite with different framework like Vue? Smthn else?

We need to get rid of DevExpress Bootstrap Controls for ASP.NET Core from project.
What would be the easiest/cheapest/feastet solution?
To simply rewrite everything with a different framework like Angular/Vue/React?
Maybe there is a known framework/method of migrating to DevExpress ASP.NET Core Controls? Or to something else?
How many controls were used from DevExpress?
If you only used a few controls, then you only need a few replacements.
I would not call purchase of some controls from DevExpress a whole "framework", but that of only purchasing some controls to use with your project.
So, does the project use 3-5 or 50 of those DevExpress controls? (by using, I mean DIFFERENT kinds of controls).
If you only used a few, say like their GridView, then you would only need to find a replacement for their gridview control, or simply use the built-in one, and fancy it up with some css, and addtional options. (I would make a user control).
So, you want to determine what the controls used did, how many different controls were used, and then find some controls that have a great look and feel that you like.
Their grid controls are VERY nice, since they have some "really" nice filter options for the header of that grid control.
So, you need to find some control replacements, but how many did the project use will quite much determine scope here.
So, in place of say their tab control, then consider using the jQuery one. As noted, I would wrap say the jQuery.UI tab control into a user control, so then you can just drag + drop in that jQuery.UI "tab" control in place of the devExpress one.
Same goes for the multi-select combo box (dropdown list).
So, either you cobbile together some replacements of your own, or you find some replacemetns, or you buy some more controls from another vendor.
The challenge and issue will of course be that each of their controls has a specific object and event model.
However, that's not really any different then say if you started used sweet-alert, and now want to replace sweet-alert say with some jQuery.UI dialogs.
I would say that the real challenge of replacing their controls is often not so much finding a replacement, but finding something that has a great look and feel. The main huge wonderful bonus of the devExpress controls tends to be their look and feel. In other words, they had someone with REALLY good taste in terms of look and feel.
I mean, for years I used the ajaxtoolkit. (free, open source). it was and still remains a fantastic set of controls. The pop dialog, the tab control, the multi-select combo box, the HTML editor?
They are all great, but their HUGE downside is not the features, but the controls from that free toolkit look like something from the 1980's!!!
The popular jQuery.UI? Same thing, the controls look ugly and something designed by a un-employed rodeo clown living in a trailer park.
There is a HUGE but BEYOND huge reason that bootstap is so popular.
Know the answer?
Why of course bootstrap is popular for ONE big HUGE massive SIMPLE reason:
Bootstrap has a fantastic look + feel. (zero other reasons for bootstrap being popular!!).
If you ever hired a graphic artist to re-work the look and feel of your web site? Guess what? Their resulting work and suggestions will look like the default of bootstrap!!!
So, someone in the print and graphic design industry or someone with VERY good talent and great taste created the bootstrap system. So, when you use bootstrap, then you get fantastic looking results, results that normally would take a full time graphic artist on your staff.
Regardless, we are wondering off topic here.
The main issue you have to determine is how many controls were used from devExpress. Most of their controls do follow a similar object model as the base controls found in asp.net webform controls.
So, for example, jQuery.UI controls has a great set of features (a great set of UI components), but they look way too dated and old fashioned.
The issue you have is not that you want to replace some of the devExpress controls you used, but how much work it would be to replace say a dev-express "gridview" with another different grid control. Every single one of those controls used will not only require you to spend HUGE amounts of time finding a replacement, but I think the LARGER issue is finding something that don't look like it was created by someone living in mom's basement, or by that drunken un-employed rodeo clown that does not belong in our industry.
your issue is not finding some replacement controls, your issue is how much code and money (time and resources) you have available to replace those controls.
You can no more change a bunch of code in c# to then using say client side JavaScript can then you take some Pascal code, and covert that code to vb.net code.
There no more a replacement for those controls from dev-express then there is deciding tomorrow to re-write some server side code in vb.net to now being client side JavaScript code.
In fact, what I am quite much telling you?
How the computer and IT industry has worked for 50+ years has NOT change one bit, and it not change one bit if you decide to rip out some existing controls and replace them with different controls.
Its possible you are asking for something you never seen, never heard of, and thus are imagining some magic wand here, but those don't exist in our industry either, do they?
As I noted, for quite some time, I used the AjaxToolKit. Turns out that jQuery.UI has near EVERY the same kind of controls available. But, the massive difference is jQuery.UI controls are client side ones, but worse yet, they don't work the same as the AjaxToolKit ones. In other words, there is a nice "tab" control in AjaxToolkit, and there is a nice tab control in jQuery.UI. So, they both are tab control, but THEY are VAST different in their operations, how you use them, how they work.
However, both the jQuery.UI and the AjaxToolkit tab control?
My gosh, do they look like crap.
At least the jQuery.UI one can be easy bootstrapped styled.
Again, note how we not really now back to a JUST having a control replacement, but one that looks VERY nice and VERY tasteful out of the box, and a control that should take zero efforts on your part to obtain that great look and feel.
Want to know what product has those great looking controls and great look and feel out of the box?
the DevExpress ones!!!

AutoComplete-ready ComboBox in Silverlight 3

Has anybody out there had a situation where you needed to implement an "editable" ComboBox in Silverlight? My client wants a ComboBox in their UI that allows the user to place focus on the selection box and start typing to automatically pull up the desired value from the available items, rather than requiring use of the drop-down list.
This feature is available, I know, in several implementations from third parties. For example, you can make this happen fairly easily with Telerik's RadControls for Silverlight. However, my client is restricted to using the Silverlight 3 Toolkit, with no third-party tools or plug-ins.
Any suggestions for a quick, down-and-dirty implementation? Any guidance or links are appreciated!
Okay, we had the same problem.
We went ahead and used the AutoCompleteBox from the Silverlight 3 tookit. Their implementation has a lot of things missing that we wanted. Because of these limitations, we created our own that inherited from it. It worked great and was very simple to do. Any tutorial for making your own control that inherits from another will help you.
Have fun. Since the toolkit is open source, you can always look at the code for guidance.
You can see the samples from the toolkit here: https://www.silverlight.net/content/samples/sl3/toolkitcontrolsamples/run/default.html

How to implement a Silverlight Control for time table(scheduler)

My company is going to development drag and drop feature in Silverlight. We are very new to Silverlight and just learnt SL for a week ago. But I believe the feature that my company wants can be done in Silverlight. The control about is about the time table in which the resource will be shifted around.
Here is the feature detail. We have one list box on left (resource list) and one table on the right. What we want to do is drag an item from the list onto the table then may have some data manipulation on table. I think it’s simple and but for me I don’t know how to create the table which is I think there is no built in control like this. Please take a look my screenshot below.
My questions are:
How can we approach to achieve this
What is the best way to implement
this control?
How we can handle the event such as
drop, reload, bind and so on?
How can we select and drag cell on
Yes, Silverlight can do that. It has drag-drop and rich support for creating custom user controls.
The Telerik RadControls for Silverlight have a control that does some of what you need. They also make source available.
You might want to research all the available third party controls first to save development cost.
There are too many questions in your question to answer. Best do your research and then ask specific questions.
The Telerik control is called RadScheduleView and can be seen here: http://demos.telerik.com/silverlight/#ScheduleView/FirstLook. It has nice performance and a lot of features.
We are also using Telerik RadScheduleView .It is simple and lot of demos for you to start.

need Idea for app in WPF

I've finnished to read all the topics of WPF and I want to develop an application so I'll be sure I got it.
I want it to include all the topics : binding, converters, UCs , MVVM , templates .. etc.
any ideas ?
Huh. Do you have expertize in some area besides programming? Or at least some knowledge?
For additional inspiration, here's list of ideas YCombinator would fund.
You can easily start Open source model development. Who knows if you understand WPF better you can even create a new framework altogether which will help the WPF community.
If you want to build an application, might be you can go for something like Video Albums etc, which have large capabilities of rich UI elements.

Using the Extjs Framework

I am required to use the Extjs framework in my next project. So what features are available in it? There are so many javascript frameworks available in the market like the DOJO framework.
In my opinion, the principale avantage of ExtJS is the Store mecanism. you can have a store which hold your data (as a database table) and tell some UI widget to display data from the store.
this is great because:
you bind your widget to a store, then it automatically update it's ui when element in the store are added/modified/deleted
you can easily display your data in multiple form without worrying about updating echa place (each widget update itself automatically)
others thing done right:
ability to extend ExtJS classes
How it stands up to competition...
To see how Extjs stands up to its competitors, you could review the impressive comparison chart hosted on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_JavaScript_frameworks
Where to get it...
I'm sure you could find tons of information on http://www.extjs.com/. Keep in mind that you're going to pay a handsome fee to use Extjs.
How to learn it...
If your initial impression is good, you could peel into the Learning Center where you'll find API documentation, tutorials, and more.
To learn about different features, just have a look at the ExtJS Examples page. It should give you a good initial impression of what's available. There are grids, editable grids, tabbed views, trees, windows and other dialogs, menus, toolbars, etc.
Be aware that all of the functionality shown on the examples is not available out-of-the-box, though - some of them require you to include extensions (plugins) developed by the ExtJS user community.
