How to escape string for use in input field using AngularJS - angularjs

I have a situation where I need to escape the following string to be used as the preloaded value for an input field. I would usually use data-bind-html but this doesn't show in the input box.
Here is my string:
"Website Design & Development"
and currently my input field is as follows:
<input class="form-control" type="text" ng-model="" required>
When I use mg-model, it populates the input form value fine, but when I use the following:
<input class="form-control" type="text" ng-bind-html="" required>
Am I doing this correctly or can someone see where I am going wrong? I would ideally like a way to escape the html entities in the controller before it gets shown in the view but I am not sure if this is possible?


How can we make autocomplete=off for password input in angular js?

I am completely new to AngularJs. I need to make autocomplete=off for a password input.
Is autocomplete=off the only way or do we have to do it in some different way in AngularJs?
This doesn't nothing to do with AngularJS at all, but simply html.
Regarding to your statement, password fields shouldn't be autocompleting if they are set to type password, otherwise if you want to set a specific field inside a form to autocomplete off you can do it setting that property to false like this <input autocomplete="on|off">.
This can be defined at form level or at input level. In a form it would be like this:
<form action="" autocomplete="on|off">
Also you can define it in a form level, and override the behavior for some specific inputs like this:
<form action="" name="myform" autocomplete="on">
<input autocomplete="off" name="myInput" >
In the above code, in the form myform the autocomplete is on, it means all inputs (the one which allow it) will do autocomplete, but in the input myInput will not, since it overrides the form behavior.
More info can be found in The HTML autocomplete attribute
This should be sufficient:
<input type="password"
I added the autocomplete="off" just for redundancy but it seems completely unnecessary.
jsbin -,js,output

Conditional validation in angular ng messages

I'm using ng messages module for my validation purpose, I have two input fields. I need to check whether both the input boxes have 0 as its value. It should not allow user to save form, if both the input fields have 0.
How can I achieve this using ng-messages module?
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="text1" ng-model="text1">
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="text2" ng-model="text2">
What I need is, invalidate the form if both of these text boxes have value as 0 at the same time.

AngularJS invalid or valid error message

I create an AngularJS App without < form >. But there is input field.
One of my input field is number.
<input type="number" class="input numberfield" placeholder="0" ng-change="changePrice()" ng-model="price" ng-pattern="/^(\d)+$/" name="price" required />
Now how I show the error message without from name?
<input type="number" class="input numberfield" placeholder="0" ng-change="changePrice()" ng-model="price" ng-pattern="/^(\d)+$/" name="price" required />
<span class="red" ng-show="price.$error.pattern">The price must be given in number format!</span>
When I type some any character inside the field, it show ng-invalid ng-invalid-number tag in input class (screenshot 1). When type some number it's show ng-valid class (screenshot 2). So my code is works.
But problem is that my error message does not work.
I follow this tutorial:
But I don't have form tag
screenshot 1 - ng-invalid-number
screenshot 2 - ng-valid-number
Any idea?
Add a form tag.
Angular's validations only work when you have a form tag. You already know your problem is that you don't have a form tag, so add one.
If you can't add a form tag (like there's already some parent form tag somewhere), use ng-form instead, since you can nest those.

<input type="email"> breaks ng-model data binding in modal dialog

My app uses a modal dialog with a simple input element
<input id="fieldEmail" class="form-control" type="text" ng-model="email" required="" />
email: {{ email }}
While the modal is being displayed, I can type something into the input field and see it echoed in the text beside it, as expected. But if I change the input type to type="email" it breaks the data-binding. Input is no longer echoed.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?
it will echoed only if input field has valid put valid email in to input field and check it is working or not.this is because when type="email" ng-model only take valid email value,else it will undefined.
This is because of the type "email". Even if we use type='number', then also the 'ng-model' will be undefined unless you enter some valid number in the text box. For all the HTML5 input types we should give the valid inputs to assign value to ng-model.
And even when we use regular expressions for text boxes, the ng-model will be undefined until we give a value which satisfies the regular expression.
<h1>Hello Plunker!</h1>
Enter 3 to 12 characters only.
<input type="text" ng-model="name" ng-pattern="/^[a-z]{3,12}$/"/>

How to auto populate text field in angular js based on other form fields

I'm giving an student scenario as example.
Assume I have the below scope variables that needs to populated when I select a id.
The sample html below.
<input type="text" ng-model=""/>
<input type="text" ng-model=""/>
<input type="text" ng-model=""/>
<input type="text" ng-model="student.address"/>
<input type="text" ng-model="">
In a regular jQuery, I would write on change and trigger. But how do I achieve this in angular way.
I might want to have the entire db values in a hashmap of <studentid,List<studentdetails>> and use this hashmap values to be populated on the respective fields.
I know this is probably a little late on the draw to answering this question, but I was searching for an answer to auto-population with Angular today and found that you could populate an input using ng-value and passing it into your value held inside of {{}}.
It would look something like this: ng-value="{{exampleValue}}
Hope this helps.
