I noticed that although I specify "post" on my ngResource factory, it is passing parameters as GET.
Example of a user factory:
myApp.factory('facUser',['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource('/api/User/:route', {}, {
EditUser: { method: 'POST', isArray: true, params: { route: "EditUser", cid: '#cid', objEditUser: '#objEditUser' } }
And this is the call to edit the user:
$scope.Edited_User = facUser.EditUser({
cid: $stateParams.company_id, objEditUser: TempUserInfo
}, function success(data, status, headers) {
}, function err(data, status, headers, config) {
Thus, when I call that, for some reason I see all my values being passed on the header of the API as if it was a GET.
I am having trouble figuring out how to use $save() or how to post/put this as form.
The params keyword will resolve any route variable and the rest will be in the request query.
To send values in the request body you can do:
var user = new User( {
cid: $stateParams.company_id,
objEditUser: TempUserInfo
}) ;
And change your resource to be something like:
$resource('/api/User/:route', {}, {
EditUser: { method: 'POST', isArray: true, params: { route: "EditUser" } }
myApp.factory('facUser',['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource('/api/User/:route', {}, {
EditUser: { method: 'POST', isArray: true, params: { route: '#route'} }
And then...
$scope.Edited_User = facUser.EditUser({
route: "EditUser"
}, {cid: $stateParams.company_id, objEditUser: TempUserInfo}, function success(data, status, headers) {
}, function err(data, status, headers, config) {
Essentially the first part is parameters.
The second part is post values.
I am new to AngularJS and I have a question here.
I am using $resource for my CRUD actions.
I currently have the code like this,
.factory("UserRoleService", ["$resource",
function ($resource) {
return $resource("api/UserRoleApi", {}, {
query: { method: "GET", isArray: true },
create: { method: "POST" },
get: { method: "GET" },
remove: { method: "DELETE" },
update: { method: "PUT" }
//below is the code in my controller
UserRoleService.query(function (data) {
vm.UserRoleLookups = data;
I would like to make my UserRoleService generic, which means I don't want to provide the specific URL for the API in the factory level.
I now modify my code a little bit,
.factory("UserRoleService", ["$resource",
function ($resource, url) {
return $resource(url, {}, {
query: { method: "GET", isArray: true },
create: { method: "POST" },
get: { method: "GET" },
remove: { method: "DELETE" },
update: { method: "PUT" }
My question is what I should do in my controller?
So, instead of directly returning $resource, we can encapsulate it with a function that accepts url as a param.
Something like this:
myApp.factory('UserRoleService', function($resource) {
return {
query: function(url) {
return $resource(url, {}, {
query: {
method: "GET",
isArray: true
get: {
method: "GET"
Now, in controller, you can call it like:
example fiddle
I am using ngCacheBuster in my app.js and
.factory('User', function ($resource) {
return $resource('api/users/:email', {}, {
'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: true},
params: {
email: '#email'
and calling as
$scope.users = result;
when I am trying to call this method, it is showing as
is there a way to remove cacheBuster from my url
I want something like
Any help would be appreciated.
everything lives in the title.
when producing a resource in angular :
myModule.factory('MyResource', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource('api/MyResource/:id');
and using in a controller :
MyResource.save({att: att, att2: att2});
the Service sends the data in a json artifact ahead to the server.
I need to send the data in a x-www-form-urlencoded shape.
Where ought I modify my code to resolve that ?
Should pass the headers parameters
myModule.factory('MyResource', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource('api/MyResource/:id', {}, {
save: {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
then serialize your data before sending them with $httpParamSerializer
myModule.controller('appController', function ($httpParamSerializer) {
MyResource.save($httpParamSerializer({att: att, att2: att2}));
Complete answer (since angular 1.4). You need to include de dependency $httpParamSerializer
var res = $resource(serverUrl + 'Token', { }, {
save: { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } }
res.save({ }, $httpParamSerializer({ param1: 'sdsd', param2: 'sdsd' }), function (response) {
}, function (error) {
I finally found myself:
When defining a resource and the associated instruction, the "headers" parameter comes in hand.
myModule.factory('MyResource', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource('api/MyResource/:id', {}, {
save: { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } }
I have a need to transform response from service on each get, save, update. I've created a resource and added a transformer that gets executed, but the structure of object being returned is not the same as when I don't use transformer. Here I am talking about the structure of the response, not the object I am transforming.
Here is my resource:
.factory('Insureds', ['$resource', 'config', function ($resource, config) {
function transform(response) {
var insured = response.data.insured;
return response;
var memberServicesHostName = config.memberServicesHostName;
return $resource(memberServicesHostName + '/insureds/:insuredId', null,
'get': {
method: 'GET', 'withCredentials': true, interceptor:
response: function (response) { return transform(response).data; }
'update': { method: 'PUT', 'withCredentials': true },
'save': { method: 'POST', 'withCredentials': true }
When I don't use transformer "insured" is on the first level when the promise gets resolved it resolves as an instance of insured object. But with transformer there is wrapper object, that contains insured and responseStatus properties. It probably has to do with what I am returning from the "reponse" in the interceptor. What should one return, original response, like I am doing, or response.data, or response.resource.insured? I am confused...
The default response interceptor is like this:
function defaultResponseInterceptor(response) {
return response.resource;
Therefore, if you would like to preserve the default behaviour, you have to return response.resource instead of response.data:
return $resource(memberServicesHostName + '/insureds/:insuredId', null, {
get: {
method: 'GET',
withCredentials: true,
interceptor: {
response: function (response) {
return transform(response).resource;
Hope this helps.
I have the following base class which handles all request
makeRequest: function(mydata) {
url: './handler.php',
method: 'GET',
scope: this,
params: {
data: mydata
callback: this.myResponse,
success: function(xhr, params) {
failfure: function(xhr, params) {
In my controller I have
requires: [
onItemClick: function() {
var objCallback = Ext.create('Test.libs.Request', {
scope: this
myResponse: function(options, success, response) {
After success executes, how can I get to the controller's myResponse as a callback?
You need to pass along the fn and the scope, something like:
Ext.create('Test.libs.Request', {
callback: this.myResponse
scope: this
// You need to get a reference to those passed params inside your request method.
url: './handler.php',
method: 'GET',
scope: passedScope,
params: {
data: mydata
callback: passedCallback