SAP mobile platform server - mobile

I want to use SAP mobile platform .
I have got Odata webservices from a SAP server.
These Webservices can be consumed with SAP MObile SDK .
DO I need to have SAP Mobile Server as well ?
What all Do i need to configure in My system?
First time SAP User.
Kindly help.
Thank you

You need SMP server as well to get the benefits of SMP Mobile SDK. You have to install SMP SDK in your local development machine to start the mobile app development. You can follow this how to guide.
Odata is an open standard, hence you are free to choose other free libraries to develop your native app using Odata. But for additional enterprise level features you have to use SMP SDK.

SMP allows you to use:
SAP mobile
SDK monitoring
registrations of cell for push notifications
auto update
Login integration
other cordova and kapsel plugins
also it will help to keep all your SAP servers in the intranet and only expose SMP to the wild
Configurations of SMP it´s a complex topic best option is use install guide form Service SAP (SAP user required)
if you want to use mobile i will say it si almost mandatory. if you want to consume odata but no mobile it´s not that necessary gateway can provide you that service


Rdbms one way sync with Realm Object Server possible?

I'm looking into Realm Mobile Database and Realm Mobile Platform to implement an offline first mobile app. I think my scenario is pretty common:
I've a website with a SQL database, I need a mobile app to display the data from the website, read only data. This app will be eventually connected so I need to sync the data from server to client when the client get connected, and then consume that data offline.
I need to know if anyone is doing something like an ETL to keep a SQL DB synched with Realm Object Server in order to sync it with the mobile clients.
Just one way SQL -> Realm Object Server -> Realm Mobile Database.
I'm just discovering Realm so I want to know if this is doable?
It's possible, but not in the freely available version of the Realm Mobile Platform on the Realm Website.
At the moment, only a sync-enabled version of the Realm Node.JS SDK is capable of opening and writing data to synchronized Realm files located on the server. This SDK is only presently available to people who have purchased the Enterprise edition of the Realm Mobile Platform. The developer edition of the Realm Mobile Platform only allows for modification of synchronized Realms from a user's local device.
A version of the Realm Mobile Platform with server-side integrations intended for indie level developers is also on its way. :)

realm mobile platform sync and web app

I'm looking at using realm for a project I'm working on which will be a multi-platform mobile app which will needs to sync data between users / devices. I think the realm mobile platform would be perfect.
However, I also need to have a admin / web app. I've seen that realm has a react-native module so I can use react-native to create my mobile app. Question is can I also use react (or react-native) to create a web admin app or even a desktop version using Electron?!.. In effect the admin app syncs to the same realm the mobile app is using via the realm mobile platform.
Hope that makes sense - Thanks is advance..
The new Professional Edition might be the solution you are looking for.
As EpicPandaForce states, you would need the enterprise license in order to use sync on the server.
There is a Node SDK for Realm: We are not officially supporting Electron yet though people have managed to make it work. However, that doesn't yet offer sync so it won't help you in this particular case but stay tuned for updates on that situation!

Azure Web Site with Push notifications

I'm trying to develop a Windows Phone 8 app. I've created a Web Site in a Windows Azure account which is an MVC 4 project with REST endpoints. I've got an SQL database in Azure to store data from the Azure Web Site. Ocassionaly, I want my application to send PUSH notifications to mobile phones. So I've created a Mobile Service and I've linked the SQL database with the Mobile Service's database in order to have got the same data for the web page and the service.
I though that when I send an HTTP POST to the web site, the script in the database from the Azure Mobile Service would be launched but it looks not to be true. Isn't it? Because of that, I would write in the controller of an HTTP POST endpoint the code to send the data to the Mobile Service endpoint in order to launch the JavaScript code to send the Push Notification.
Is that the right approach for my goal? Is there any way for sending PUSH notifications from an Azure Web Site or it is only allowed from a Mobile Service?
My last question: Do you know any books or blogs about development in Windows Azure? On the Internet there is lots of documentation but principally those are get started tutorials. I've read some books but those are really complex, boring, and not really practical.
As your website MVC4 based and is running on Windows Azure using SQL Database as backend, I will guess that it is based on ASP.NET and i will write my suggestion based on that.
Now about your question "Is there any way for sending PUSH notifications from a Azure Web Site or it is only allowed from a Mobile Service?" I would say, Azure Mobile web services are designed for the same purpose for any service running on Windows Azure to send push notification on multiple of platforms. Application developer can choose to use Mobile Services to expedite their development as well as have multiple application using the one single service for such objective.
However as you mentioned "Is there any way for sending PUSH notifications from a Azure Web Site" this is not depend on "Azure web sites" instead it is depend on what development technology you are using with your Windows Azure Application. For example in ASP.NET your can use SignalR implementation if your application is based on Java, PHP, Python, Node,js etc then you can find some other run time specific real time implementation. If you look around for websockets you will find implementation in almost every popular language or look for comet programming on this regard. Not only that you can use some of the popular 3rd party applications for this purpose as well. i.e. pusher or any other.
While Windows Azure Mobile Services will give you the best results on Windows Azure platform as it is designed to provide such specific functionality for applications running on it.
Recently released: Azure Notification Hub

How to port a PostgreSQl database to Google App engine

i am currently doing a project as one of my university projects and it uses Google maps and right now i am using a postgresql database which is on my localhost but i want to host it some where else i couldn't find any free hosting for postgres and i don't know whether i can use Google App engine or Fusion tables to do it. i am using postgres and php to manipulate data and generate KML files. Google Maps V3 javascript API as the front end
any suggestions ?
Thanks !!
PHP is one of the most requested features, but it is not yet supported in GAE, so your PHP code is useless. In the future, hosted SQL databases seem to be part of Google plans to provide "Enterprise features" in GAE, stay tuned because that could simplify what you need to do.
Currently, in case that:
your site is implemented as a Java EE or Python web appliaction
you are already using JPA/JDO (only in the Java EE case)
you are not doing JOIN statements (not supported in GAE)
Or even if your service/dao layers are already well isolated, it would be possible to host your "denormalized" database (it would not be a postgres service) and your frontend in GAE without too much effort.

Strategy for syncing data with mobile phones?

We built a .NET server application that hosts data (contacts, email, etc.). We'd like to sync our data to mobile devices: iPhone, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, etc.
How should we go about doing this?
Build several mobile apps, one for each platform (e.g. app for iPhone, app for Blackberry, etc.), each app syncs with our server.
License Microsoft Exchange protocol technology from Microsoft, so that our server application pretends to be an Exchange server, thus making syncing work automatically on all the different platforms (As we understand it, iPhone, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, etc. all have built-in syncing capability with Microsoft Exchange).
Are there other options to consider?
Any suggestions?
One option you should definitely consider is Oracle’s mobile enterprise application platform. This is a combination of several different products such as Database Lite Mobile Server, ADF Mobile, and JDeveloper.
The mobile enterprise application platform allows you to write the code once, using JDeveloper, and create packages for multiple mobile architectures, using ADF Mobile. Database Lite Mobile Server can provision the apps out to the mobile devices. After that, you can monitor and manage the mobile devices from the mobile server management console.
Here are some links to more info:
Database Lite Mobile Server:
One caveat is that the data needs to be stored in an Oracle Database on the backend. Hope that helps, good luck solving the problem.
-- Eric
