How can i add an account to Windows Phone? - silverlight

I'm new in developing applications for Windows Phone 8. Can I add custom account from my application (to Settings => email+accounts)? Thank you.

Not possible to add an account programatically with the current SDK.


Windows Phone 7 Manage files

I have storaged a web in the phone using the isolated storage and now It has to download pdf into the phone and be able to transfer it to a PC.
Since the isolated storage only let you use the files of an app in that same app, it is posible to accomplish what i want in Windows Phone 7?
No, Windows Phone OS uses the Sandbox principle witch isolates app data so that other apps cannot access and/or modify other app's data.
The only public part of WP app are known libraries as mediaLibrary and in some WindowsPhone versions Documents Library
Check this

Ad Control in Windows Phone 7?

I am developing a Windows Phone7 App. In my app I need to show an advertisement. I am planning to use Microsoft's Ad Control for this.
Is it possible to show my own advertisements in the Ad Control. ?..
Is it possible to use OpenX ads in Ad Control ?
The Microsoft Ad Control will only display Microsoft Ads, if you want to show your own Ads I would recommend something like the WP7 Unified Ad control, available from Codeplex (
The control allows you to specify which Ad providers are displayed, and the percentage chance that they are chosen. I don't believe that it currently supports OpenX Ads, but you can always raise that in the discussions on CodePlex.
I am using the control on the WP7 Apps that I have written (PayPhone Lite, LatinIslands Free and Bridges Free) and it works well.
HTH - Rupert.

Can Windows Phone Apps see the User/Device ID?

I'm building a Windows Phone App that involves users talking to each other through a web service. Does Windows Phone expose the User or Device ID to the app that I can use to identify the different users? Better yet would be a federated login through Live ID.
There is a Device ID that you can use that is unique to each phone. You get it via the Device Information which you can read about here ->
And then you can read about it a little more on this blog post with a more full featured example.

Access File and Database on Desktop from Windows Phone

I am currently working on a windows phone 6.0 application. This application accesses the files and database on my desktop.
Now I can get this app connect the database sql-server 2005 via user/password authentication, but cannot via windows integral authentication. Is there any trick here?
I cannot get access to the file on my desktop. Always got the exception "[System.ArgumentException] = {"Value does not fall within the expected range."}" Should I configure something to make the windows phone to visit the file system on my desktop not on the phone?
Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks.
What is the connections string you are currently using?
It should look similar to this:
"Server={YourServer};Initial Catalog={YourDatabase};Integrated Security=SSPI;User ID={YourLogin};Password={YourPassword};"
You still have to supply a user id and password because the device has no knowledge of a user that is currently logged into it. Also make sure to add a domain to the user id if needed.

Live messenger login with silverlight

I need to use windows messenger login to get users authenticated and get their contact details ..display name etc. Currently I am using a DLL from codeplex
It works fine. But in IE8 it does not work. IE8 with win 7 or IE8 with XP. So is there any other easy way of doing it?
Windows Live is being pushed as part of the Azure platform.
Click here for some more information on Live ID.
