AngularJS v1.3.8 Causes "Aw, Snap" in Chrome - angularjs

I have an Angular App that we recently upgraded to AngularJS v1.3.8 and now we get intermittent "Aw, Snap" crashes in chrome. But the app runs fine in other browsers and on certain computers.
Any time we encounter this error a refresh fixes it immediately.
We have explored many options trying to figure out the root cause of this issue:
- Verify memory profile
- Verify CPU profile
- Verify Hardware Acceleration on/off
- Verify minified/unminified AngularJSv1.3.8
When we reverted back to Angular v1.2.7 we no longer see this crash. We have isolated this change and is the ONLY change between revisions.
Has anyone experienced this as well? Or does anyone know of any reasons for this? Or any compatibility issues that could lead to this error?
Error encountered using Chrome Version 39.0.2171.95 (64-bit)

For us, this occurred when we did an $injector.invoke inside a responseError interceptor. It seems that it is sensitive to that.


Error 500 - Angularjs with DNN - Christoc.Module ng-include

I have an application that I build using VB.NET and angularJS in DNN with the Christoc.Module module. There seems to be 2 issues. When I build my project and refresh the page on my site, I will receive an error 500. The same result happens on the site unexpectedly after being idle for about 30 minutes. I have tried to change settings on the website web.config to see if it was a session expiry timeout, but that doesn't seem to be the case since all pages that where access before the error are fine, and can access server functions.
I was wondering if anyone has ever seen something similar.
I use ng-include to show the current "active page". I have tried using the AngularJS $route and the same behaviour occured.
<div class="animate-repeat" ng-repeat="path in PathLinks| filter:{'path_name':variable}:true" ng-include="'/DesktopModules/module/path/' + path.path_name + '.aspx></div>
CLick here for image of the issue
I ended up simply recreating the whole module with a newer version of the visual Studio DotNetNuke Compiled Module. The original module was created using an older version of that extension. This seemed to have completely fixed the issue for me.

Protractor tests on BrowserStack iPhone devices are not working

For some reason the iPhone devices are never able to load the url requested by Protractor, they always show a blank page. It tries to load the url several times and then gives up.
The other BrowerStack devices all seem to work, including Windows, Android, and Safari/Macbook.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
For reference, we're using Protractor v2.2.0 (have not been able to updated because we're stuck in an old version of NodeJS, but we could try if that is the cause of the issue).

Angular js memory leak and website hang issue

How to overcome this issue as website hangs and become unresponsive within 5 min
Open the site with Chrome and open the Developer tools and start exploring!
Check the network tab and try CPU profiling, your question lacks details. Upload an example...
Watch this more specific video to your question:
Install the Chrome plugin 'Batarang' to profile the performance of your AngularJS project. It will give you some insight about the digest cycles / performance. Such information in combination with some code can point to the cause of your problem.
Google Chrome plugin Batarang

angular app suddenly stopped working on chrome

weirdest thing just happened. My angular app was working fine until last night. This morning, when I run it, it doesn't work on Chrome. I haven't modified anything to the code, and I see no errors on the developer console. What makes it even more weird is, the app works just fine all other browsers and even in incognito mode in Chrome. I tried disabling some extensions but that didn't do the trick either. On the surface, what seems to be the problem is that the any paths following the hashtag is not being populated whether I use ui.router or ngroute. Manually typing the paths does not work either. Does anybody have the same problem? What is going on?!
Just clearing cache didn't work. I had to to clear the cookies and plugin data as well. I'm thinking it might be related to recent Auth0 implementation. Will need to look into it so the problem doesn't occur again. For now though, I will close the question.

Ext Js communication Failure

I am using Extjs in my application with J2ee framework. it happens that after working for sometime on my application I get a communication failure. There is no server side error.I have to delete cookies from my browser (i use IE most of the times) and then restart my browser and everything works fine. CAN I GET RID OF THIS PROBLEM?
Do you know the specific error. For a while, I was getting a 502 error. This turned out to be a concurrency problem - I was firing off a datastore load then immediately doing a refresh of my control. This error mostly showed up under IE6, less so on other IEs and never on FF.
