Billing stripe in salesforce app - salesforce

I'm releasing an salesforce app and inside the app i want that the user will be able to
pay a total price according to things he purchased inside the app.
The total billing changes inside the app dynamically.
I understand that there is a billing mechanism called stripe but i dont understand how to open it from inside a visualforce page after a button click and how to change the payment amount dynamically.

this is something i'm about to start looking although not from within an app - have you seen the SDK:
this blog although not exactly what your after should get your started in the right direction.


Want to show orders notifications from orders api in React.js

I am building a warehouse management system for WordPress store in React.js: I have built an API ( for orders and fetching all the orders in my React Dashboard.
Now I want to show notification for each order in my React dashboard. What's the best approach for that to show notification automatically when someone places an order through WordPress eCommerce. Probably sockets can help but I am looking for the solution. I will appreciate your help.
I have checked for different methods but non worked. I have tried webhooks, cron jobs but this method is effiecient. I have used pusher
Go at
Click on "Get a free account". Then register yourself at it.
Create a new App at the Channels tab.
Write the name of your app anything you want.
Choose ap2 (Asia Pacific(Mumbai)) or any other closer to the region of the website's owner on the cluster tab.
Ignore everything else and click on create.
Go to the apps tab in the navigation menu and click on the app you've created.
Read documentation for further instructions

Google Analytics not tracking pages

So i'm using GA to track the pages my users visit. Unfortunately, it's only giving me the main page back. I definitely have more than one page on my website.
I think it's because i'm using React (and only have 1 index.html file) but i'm not sure how to fix this. Thanks!
What you can do is attach google analytics to DIV's and other things. What i suggest is to attach GA to other parts of your apps for better tracking
Please see this S.O. question for attaching to a div: To track clicks on a div using google analytics
If you have a GTM installed on your website it's possible to use a History change tag that has been created for such cases.
It fires every time an URL changes, even if a page doesn't reload completely. So that every time a user visits a new page (with new URL), this tag will send a pageview to GA.
if your site is single page application then you will run into this case. You will have to detect the page change by some callbacks and then trigger page view manually. Uladislau Khatskevich thought is correct history change event can be used for it, if GTM is used. History change event will help you in detecting when the page is changed. If GTM is not used then you have to provide a callback when page change

Google maps not working correctly in Ionic v1

I am having issue regarding with my map in Ionic v1 app. Just a while ago my map doesn't work correctly. Please refer to the picture below:
Some of my map functions didn't work.
You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API.
this is occurs because of googles new policy. follow the provided link and by selecting your project add payment option, billing information and card information, which will fix the problem and you will not initially.

MOBILE checkout page for PayPal Add to Cart button and variable dollar amount Buy Now button?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to get two particular button types to take MOBILE PHONE users to a mobile version of the payment page. I have PayPal Payments Standard:
~ Add to Cart
~ Buy Now without a dollar amount (customer enters it themself to pay a bill)
The buttons generated in my account lead to the payment screen where the user has to enter all their data but it's MUCH too TINY on a mobile phone. How does it get to be mobile responsive? Is it a special code, or is there some other way to do it that isn't overly complicated?
Would appreciate some help. I have done hours of research to try to solve this.
Generally PayPal payment page (the page payers see when they click the button) does detect mobile devices automatically and display mobile style. I happened to be testing a buy now button today and it worked fine. Please check the source code the button uses.
If ok please post here the code and how to reproduce.
Here is the answer I want to share to help anyone else who's struggling with this issue. As mentioned earlier, I have an old PayPal account.
I had a special phone appointment with PayPal's development team and discovered:
There are no add to cart buttons that lead to mobile checkout in PayPal Payments Standard accounts. For this I would have to get Mobile Express Checkout, which the PayPal rep himself said is complicated to integrate (I checked and it really is) OR get PayPal Payments Pro for $30 per month. I don't want to do either or those.
There is no way to get a $0 (no set dollar amount) button to lead to mobile checkout because any time the customer has to enter data such as an amount, quantity, etc, that invalidates the mobile compatibility. It is called an "Unsupported Use Case":
My only button solution is to use individual Buy Now buttons with set amounts, because there is a mobile payment page for those. But I won't make my customers pay for one thing at a time, that's incredibly annoying and unprofessional.
So I've decided to just go with a third party shopping cart for my website like PrestaShop, OpenCart, or even WordPress with WooCommerce. They won't cost me anything because I'll install them on my hosting account. (If I had under 10 products I would use the free Ecwid option, but I have too many.)
It has been a long journey!

Cannot track google maps adsense earnings?

I have been using Adsense with Google Maps with my website from last few months now.
Am using the API as per-
However, when I wanted to check the gains I am making here, I could not see them in Adsense UI. I am using a 'BUTTON' ad unit and I fail to find any earnings under this ad unit size. I have decent amount of traffic with more than 1 million page views each month.
Can someone using Adsense with Google Maps help me find these earnings?
To track your map AdUnit performance, you need to create a new custom channel in your AdSense account. Go to "My ads" tab and click "Custom channels" and then "New custom channel". Give your new channel a name and save it. Your will get a channel ID, say it is "123456789". The second step is to go to your javascript code where you add your map AdUnit. Add a new option channelNumber: '123456789' in your adUnitOptions. That's it.
