libxml to stdout when using fastcgi Library - c

We are attempting to create an XML feed using libxml, the code to produce the output is working fine, a valid XML listing is produced, the only problem is that the output goes to the error log (by way of stderr) rather than the required web page (by way of stdout) when using the fastcgi library. The same thing occurs whether the code is run using a browser or curl.
Fedora: release 20
Apache: 2.4.10
fastcgi:? the latest
libxml: 2
No code has been included with this question as I don't think it will help, the problem is with the fastcgi library 'taking over' stdout and libxml not acknowledging this, rather than with the code itself.
If a listing really is considered necessary then it could be added but will add verbosity without aiding clarity.
In short the question is 'how can we use libxml with fastcgi on Linux/Apache?'
EDIT:Probably would have helped had I mentioned that we are developing in C.
EDIT:Might also help knowing that we have tried all the output methods suggested in this standard libxml example, substituting '-' for a 'real' file name, so stdout is used instead. This has not aided our cause, output needs to go to fastcgi's 'cgiOut' alternative but goes to stderr in all cases.
EDIT:As far as I can see it is only possible to pass libxml a file name, not a handle, for where output should be sent. If output should go to stdout, the file name '-' is used, unfortunately, as stated above, output then goes to the error log. If it was possible to pass libxml a file handle (when using fastcgi this would be cgiOut) rather than a name then I suspect the problem would be resolved, but I cannot see any way this can be done.


Frama-c: save plugin analysis results in c file

I'am new in frama-c. So I apologize in advance for my question.
I would like to make a plugin that will modify the source code, clone some functions, insert some functions calls and I would like my plugin to generate a second file that will contain the modified version of the input file.
I would like to know if it is possible to generate a new file c with frama-c. For example, the results of the Sparecode and Semantic constant folding plugins are displayed on the terminal directly and not in a file. So I would like to know if Frama-c has the function to write to a file instead of sending the result of the analysis to the standard output.
Of course we can redirect the output of frama-c to a file.c for example, but in this case, for the plugin scf for example, the results of value is there and I found that frama-c replaces for example the "for" loops by while.
But what I would like is that frama-c can generate a file that will contain my original code plus the modifications that I would have inserted.
I looked in the directory src / kernel_services / ast_printing but I have not really found functions that can guide me.
On the command line, option -ocode <file> indicates that any subsequent -print will be done in <file> instead of the standard output (use -ocode "" after that if you want to print on stdout again). Note that -print prints the code corresponding to the current project. You can use -then-on <prj> to change the project you're interested in. More information is of course available in the user manual.
All of this is of course available programmatically. In particular, File.pretty_ast by defaults pretty-prints (i.e. output a C program) the AST of the current project on stdout, but takes two optional argument for changing the project or the formatter to which the output should be done.

Default extension for message catalog files

I want to localize my application using the catopen()/catgets() family of functions.
As far as I understand, in the absence of NLSPATH variable, message catalogs will be looked up under /usr/share/locale/xx_YY/LC_MESSAGES.
What is the "traditional" file extension for message catalog files? I see some code examples using *.cat while others don't use any extension at all. Is it dependent on a particular UNIX flavour?
On my Linux boxes I see plenty of *.mo files, but those are GNU gettext archives. It seems catgets() can rarely be seen "in the wild" nowadays.
I meant this to be a comment, but it's a bit too long :P
Looking at the doc you've linked to, it seems probably that the code isn't opinionated as to file extension. Since you're not using MIME or anything to automatically find a handler for this file, the only requirement is likely to be that the name is correct. In UNIX, especially in the shell, file extensions often mean nothing to the system - fo example, any file extension can be used on an executable script as long as the executable bit is set and the shebang line at the top of the file specifies an appropriate interpreter.
It's possible the user community, if one still exists for this crufty sounding library, has a standard naming convention that the docs don't describe - but I wouldn't sweat it too much. It's trival to change file names, even if it means a recompile ( command line variables would make the program agnostic as to file name and extension )

How do I trace coreutils down to a syscall?

I am trying to navigate and understand whoami (and other coreutils) all the way down to the lowest level source code, just as an exercise.
My dive so far:
Where is the actual binary?
which whoami
Where is it maintained?
How do I get source?
git clone git://
Where is whoami source code within the repository?
# find . | grep whoami
relevant line (84):
uid = geteuid ();
This is approximately where my rabbit hole stops. geteuid() is mentioned in gnulib/lib/euidaccess.c, but not explicitly defined AFAICT. It's also referenced in /usr/local/unistd.h as extern but there's no heavy lifting related to grabbing a uid that I can see.
I got here by mostly grepping for geteuid within known system headers and includes as I'm having trouble backtracing its definition.
Question: How can I dive down further and explore the source code of geteuid()? What is the most efficient way to explore this codebase quickly without grepping around?
I'm on Ubuntu server 15.04 using Vim and some ctags (which hasn't been very helpful for navigating existing system headers). I'm a terrible developer and this is my method of learning, though I can't get through this roadblock.
Normally you should read the documentation for geteuid. You can either read GNU documentation, the specification from the Open Group or consult the man page.
If that doesn't help you could install the debug symbols for the c-library (it's called libc6-dbg or something similar) and download the source code for libc6) then you point out the path to the source file when you step into the library.
In this case I don't think this would take you much further, what probably happens in geteuid is that it simply issues an actual syscall and then it's into kernel space. You cannot debug that (kernel) code in the same way as you would debug a normal program.
So in your case you should better consult the documentation and read it carefully and try to figure out why geteuid doesn't return what you expect. Probably this will lead to you changing your expectation of what geteuid should return to match what's actually returned.

How do I check /etc/network/interfaces file grammar and test it in C code?

I have a file ("interfaces_new" like /etc/network/interfaces) that I have to test.
Tests concerns File grammar and if I can detect if the settings are correct by testing, it is only better.
I searched and I fell on the ifup command that seems to do everything I want.
The trouble is that I do not want to call system in my C code, so I try to retrieve the sources of ifupdown.
I do not even succeeded, many result indicating to me that a script ifup on most system. On my Debian 7.1.0, it is a EFL binary.
What comes to my questions:
* Is it a usable tool in C code which allows to parse the grammar of a file / etc / network / interfaces?
* Is there a doc listing all the valid options? ifup man gives nothing (or I look bad :/ ), the idea being to make my own parser.
* How to get the source code of the ifup command to Debian 7.1.0?
As I originally commented:
You should read and learn more about parsing. Read interfaces(5) to understand the format of /etc/network/interfaces
The ifup command is from ifupdown package, so get its source code.
At last, you simply could popen(3) the following command
ifup --verbose --no-act --force --all --interfaces=/tmp/interfaces_new
assuming your file is in /tmp/interfaces_new.
(Warning, I did not test my suggestion, leaving that to you)

Vim autocomplete from ctags for system headers only works when popup is triggered manually

On OS X, I generated a set of ctags for the system includes using the following command:
ctags -f c -h ".h" -R --c-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q /usr/include
This was run inside of a ~/.vim/ctags/ directory, where I put all of the ctags I generate for system-wide header files (I also have stuff for ROS and CPP that I load conditionally, but that's neither here nor there).
Anyway. The ctags file is set correctly in my .vimrc, and vim can definitely see the ctags, but for some reason the autocomplete popup will only display results from #included header files if I write out the entire symbol and then start backspacing. As an example, if I #include <string.h> in a project, and then I want to call strlen(), and I start to type str in to the active vim buffer, I will only get results for symbols that are currently in the vim buffer. But, if I type out strlen and then start backspacing one or two characters and hit <C-n>, the popup menu will be populated with matches from any other included header files.
EDIT: Turns out, if I just hit "s" then <C-n>, it works as well. So the problem seems to be that it only works if the popup menu is launched manually. Which makes me think that it's a plugin problem (see below)
Additional information:
completeopt is set to completeopt=menuone,menu,preview,longest
I have OmniCppComplete, which I suppose could be interfering with the behavior. It is currently not being conditionally loaded for C++ files only. If you want me to edit and post my OmniCppComplete settings from my .vimrc, just ask.
I also have AutoComplPop installed, but I haven't done anything to configure it, so it's running with its default settings. Haven't really researched the plugin, so no idea if some of it's behavior could be interfering with the results.
I have AutoTag and TagBar installed, but those should only be fiddling with the current directory's local tagfile.
I'm honestly pretty new to Vim, and I just have no idea where to start debugging this issue, whether it be with a random plugin or with my .vimrc settings.
Vim has many specific completion mechanisms.
<C-n> and <C-p> use many sources defined by the complete option. By default, they will provide completion using the current and all loaded and unloaded buffers, tags and included files. While you can usually get quite useful suggestions with these, it is a bit of a "catch-all" solution: it is not reliable at all if you work on reasonably large projects.
<C-x><C-]> uses only tags so it may be a little more useful to you.
And there are many more, see :h ins-completion.
Omni completion is smarter: it typically runs a custom filetype-specific script that tries hard to provide meaningful completion. It is triggered by <C-x><C-o> and you can read about it in :h ft-c-omni. Omni completion is often a better choice when working with code.
Because you have two overlaping "auto"-completion plugins it's hard to say what completion mechanism is at work. You should disable those plugins and play around with the different completion mechanisms available to you.
I have not mastered this yet, but I do think the following observation may be of help.
Vim's default auto complete which can be quite noisy, often gets in the way of what you call with <C-x><C-o>. Specifically, I found myself calling up my tags based completions with <C-x><C-o> only to have them replaced with continued typing with Vim's default suggestions using my open buffers.
The suggestion of shutting off one of the plugins makes sense. In my case the key was how to shut down Vim's default behavior. I have seen several people (and to which I now include myself), set the length of the expression to a high number before triggering Vim's default. For me that is:
let g:deoplete#auto_complete_start_length = 99
... this way you eliminate the default layer of completions that comes and goes regardless of the commands you intended to inform your work.
This still feels like a hack but it helps keep my work focused on the tag-based completions.
FYI: I use NVIM on a Mac.
