How can I count the number of valid squares in each group? - c

EDIT:I have a logical error and I don't know how to fix it.This is my code. I think that the problem is in the while function at line 245. It doesn't add the next valid pixel to the queue, so the queue becomes 0 and it exits the WHILE function.
I need help from a veteran here! I have something like a chess table, with equal sized squares, numbered from bottom to top, right to left, but only some of them are valid for me (as shown in the picture I posted a link to). I deleted the non-valid ones from the table.
I want my C program to count the squares in each group. As you can see in the image, a valid group only has directly connected squares, and squares that connect only diagonally are not in the same group. I used colors to evidentiate the valid groups in my picture.
I know the table's width and height and I know how many squares and valid squares it has.
I stored their numbers in a vector, but I can't figure out how to count the squares in each group.
How can I do this?
Here is my picture:
I want to find out a method which works for larger "chess tables", like pictures with known sizes.

What you surely miss is : What group a valid square belongs to ?
You could use graph theory to solve that.
But you can also try some other approach.
For instance, you can use one tag list which will keep track of already visited nodes or not. You can use a vector of vector for managing group nodes.
Browse the table with same direction let's say from top left to bottom right. Check only non visited nodes.
When a valid square is found which is non visited add this node to vector[count++] and flag this node to visited.
Look for this node connected squares in bottom right direction. If one is found then flag it to visited and add the node in the same vector[count] list.
You repeat the same process until you cannot find anymore connected components (with recursion for instance).
If no connected squares are found anymore in the same group continue step 1.
At the end just sum of each of your vector[count] and it should give the expected results (for performance you could do that on the fly while looking connected components).

You should categorize each connected squares into a single component and count the size of each component. For that you can use a nested data structure such as vector to store the connected squares and nest it inside a map to distinguish the other connected squares. like,
map<int squareIndex, vector<squares> >
The basic idea is to have a visited array so that you can ignore the already visited squares. The algorithm follows just like doing Breadth First Search in Graphs. You can use a Queue to store the adjacent connected components of the current square. I would suggest to do the following.
traverse through the array from 1 to N
If queue is empty then make new index in map and push element into your map
If visited[element] is true then go to step 1, else visited[element]=true and push element into your map.
element = dequeue()
enqueue adjacent squares of the current element and repeat from step 2 for the current element
In this way finally your map will be of size 4 (for the given case) and each map element will contain a vector of the connected squares. Use size property of each vector to count the number of squares in each index.

You are searching for something called connected component.
This post sheds some light on the subject but there's a number of different implementations available on the Web.


Depth first search for a graph in C

I made the whole adjacency list representaion of graphs. I was able to implement BFS code as well. However, I am not able to understand DFS.
I have been able to come up with this algorithm:
Mark the source vertex as visited.
Push it on stack.
While stack is not empty
remove the vertex and name it as v.
call dfs for all the neighbours of v.
Is this correct? I want to do a complete traversal of the graph. There should be a base case as well in this, but what will it be?
You need to keep a visited array to keep track of all nodes that you have visited before.
And then avoid visiting the same nodes again and again.
This way your program will definitely terminate successfully

hierarchical pathfinding implementation

I want to divide my map in clusters and implement HPA*. Where do I start, each time I try this I run into problems. I need to implement this on a random and dynamically changing map.
I am unsure how to write an algorithm that places these "nodes", to connect the parts, in between sections/clusters of the map and update them. I guess every time open tiles lie in between closed tiles on the edge of a cluster/section there should be a node since inside the cluster it could be that multiple openings into the cluster do not connect to each other within this section.
Normally I would just have a big Tile[,] map. I guess I could just leave this be and create a cluster/section class that holds all the paths and nodes. And have a node class/struct that holds the 2 tiles that are connected between sections. I have read several articles about HPA* but I just can not wrap my head around implementing this correctly on a random and dynamical map. I hope to get some good pointers here although the question is not very clear.
What i am trying to do is making cluster class that holds 10x10 tiles/nodes with on each side an entry point (several if there is a obstruction on the edge). The entries link to the next cluster.

How to use Random Walk to generate a dungeon map?

Ok so, I'm making a 2d dungeon crawler and I want to randomize a map for it. Right now it's look like I'm going to use a Random Walk algoritm for the path, combined with a Perlin Noise for different the underworld enviroments (currently only 1, as I'm using my own shitty looking tile set consisting of only 1 rook image and 1 grass image, but whatever :D)
So in figuring out how random walks work, it looks like I'm supposed to do something along the lines of this:
*create two-dimensional array sized after the map.
*pick random start postion and end postiont (I chose to put these on opposite sides of the map, randomly distributed across its side.
*follow these steps until you hit your finish point:
*pick a direction to 'walk' at random (only up, down, left, right because you otherwise I'm left with diagonal passes which the player can't walk through)
*'walk' that direction for a random amount of steps (I randomize amount of steps first then walk one by one for bound checking later, rather than just drawing a line).
*Everytime you 'walk' on a tile, turn that tile to 1 from originally 0.
*repeat above steps until you hit your finish point.
This leaves me with too much open ground, and too much closed ground. What I'm looking for is a path covered with rooms, sort of, but I want to control how big the 'rooms' become. I don't want 'rooms' to get too big, which some become. So I want the feeling of being in an enclosed space, but also I want to use as much of the map grid as possible.
Is a random walk not suited for this? I was thinking about making every step have a certain width to it, maybe that could work.
Or maybe I'm just implementing it wrong! I'm not a math genious sadly ;P

Using A* search algorithm to solve 3x3 three-dimensional box puzzle?

I am working on a 3x3 three-dimensional box puzzle problem in my homework. I will code with C.
There are 26 boxes and at first, first place is empty. By sliding boxes I must arrange them in correct order. Red numbers shows correct order and 27th place must be empty at last. I do not want you to give me code; I searched in forums and it seems that I must use the A* search algorithm, but how?
Can you give me tips about how I can use the A* algorithm on this problem? What type of data structure should I use?
Define your problem as a states-graph:
G=(V,E) where V=S={(x_1,x_2,...,x_54) | all possible states the 3d board can be in} [each number is representing a single 'square' on the 3d board].
and define E={(v1,v2)| it is possible to move from state v1 to state v2 with a single step} an alternative definition [identical] for E is by using the function successors(v):
For each v in V: successors(v)={all possible boards you can get, with 1 step from v}
You will also need an admissible heuristic function, a pretty good one for this problem can be: h(state)=Sigma(manhattan_distance(x_i)) where i in range [1,54]) basically, it is the summation of manhattan distances for each number from its target.
Now, once we got this data, we can start running A* on the defined graph G, with the defined heuristic. And since our heuristic function is admissible [convince yourself why!], it is guaranteed that the solution A* finds will be optimal, due to admissibility and optimality of A*.
Finding the actual path: A* will end when you develop the target state. [x_i=i in the terms we used earlier]. You will find your path to it by stepping back from the target to the source, using the parent field in each node.
You know how graphs work and how A* finds shortest paths on them, right?
The basic idea is that each configuration of the puzzle can be considered a vertex in a graph and the edges represent the moves (by connecting the configurations before and after the move).
Finding a set of moves that leads from an original configuration to a desired one can be seen as a path finding problem.

Recognizing tetris pieces in C

I have to make an application that recognizes inside an black and white image a piece of tetris given by the user. I read the image to analyze into an array.
How can I do something like this using C?
Assuming that you already loaded the images into arrays, what about using regular expressions?
You don't need exact shape matching but approximately, so why not give it a try!
Edit: I downloaded your doc file. You must identify a random pattern among random figures on a 2D array so regex isn't suitable for this problem, lets say that's the bad news. The good news is that your homework is not exactly image processing, and it's much easier.
It's your homework so I won't create the code for you but I can give you directions.
You need a routine that can create a new piece from the original pattern/piece rotated. (note: with piece I mean the 4x4 square - all the cells of it)
You need a routine that checks if a piece matches an area from the 2D image at position x,y - the matching area would have corners (x-2, y-2, x+1, y+1).
You search by checking every image position (x,y) for a match.
Since you must use parallelism you can create 4 threads and assign to each thread a different rotation to search.
You might not want to implement that from scratch (unless required, of course) ... I'd recommend looking for a suitable library. I've heard that OpenCV is good, but never done any work with machine vision myself so I haven't tested it.
Search for connected components (i.e. using depth-first search; you might want to avoid recursion if efficiency is an issue; use your own stack instead). The largest connected component should be your tetris piece. You can then further analyze it (using the shape, the size or some kind of border description)
Looking at the shapes given for tetris pieces in Wikipedia, called "I,J,L,O,S,T,Z", it seems that the ratios of the sides of the bounding box (easy to find given a binary image and C) reveal whether you have I (4:1) or O (1:1); the other shapes are 2:3.
To detect which of the remaining shapes you have (J,L,S,T, or Z), it looks like you could collect the length and position of the shape's edges that fall on the bounding box's edges. Thus, T would show 3 and 1 along the 3-sides, and 1 and 1 along the 2 sides. Keeping track of the positions helps distinguish J from L, S from Z.
