AppGyver: Can't open two modals in succession in a supersonic app - steroids

I am trying to open two views in succession, both as modals in an Appgyver project. when i do supersonic.ui.modal.hide() and, the second view does not show. If I throw in an alert('here') in between the modal.hide() and, it seems to work. What is the problem here? It's the same with supsersonic.ui.layers.pop() and supersonic.ui.layers.push(another_view) in succession.
Usage sample:
}else if (option === 'chooseLocation'){
$scope.currentOption = "location you chose.";
$scope.f = true;
$localStorage.locationOption = 'lastUsed';
another snippet that i tried this morning that's not related to modals, but also doesn't work:
var view = new supersonic.ui.View("searchresults#index?"+paramText);
The error I get on the log screen:
landing#drawer 11:23:29.382 error
"supersonic.ui.layers.popAll rejected: {}"

This seems to be a bug in the Supersonic API.
The Javascript success callback is invoked when the native wrapper has received the API call. This is invalid behaviour. The Javascript success callback should be invoked when the native wrapper has completed the API call (expected behaviour).
As a workaround, use Use Steroids.js events such as didclose to determine when the native API call has completed.
See Steroids modals and Steroids layers for further documentation.
I have filed a new bug in AppGyver Github issues


Way to implement resetApp for React Native with wdio-cli/? - webdriverio

Hellow there! I am using the wdio/cli so I created the wdio.conf.js with this command, then I start doing the test. But the issues is when have more than one test in a single or multiple test files.
In the test file I have something like this:
beforeEach(async function() {
$('~home').waitForDisplayed(81000, false);
Where home tag is a tag in the first view when the app runs in first screen. And appear this error:
element ("~home") still not displayed after 10000ms
So need to do kind of driver.resetApp()/ But dont know how to do it, what import do I need to do etc.
Did you try resetApp? You can't user driver as "main object" - Everything is under browser variable. Try this
await browser.resetApp();
Check Appium doc + wdio documentation.

HostListener and Angular Universal

I'm trying to listen to a MessageEvent sent with postMessage in my Angular 2 component.
My first attempt was simply doing:
window.addEventListener("message", this.handlePostMessage.bind(this));
And then in ngOnDestroy:
window.removeEventListener("message", this.handlePostMessage.bind(this));
However this didn't work as expected. If I navigated to another route and back, there would be two event listeners registered.
So instead I've been trying to decorate the method with HostListener, but I can't get this working when using prerendering (Angular Universal with .NET Core using the asp-prerender-module).
#HostListener('window:message', ['$event'])
private handlePostMessage(msg: MessageEvent) {
That gives me the following error on page load:
Exception: Call to Node module failed with error: Prerendering failed because of error: ReferenceError: MessageEvent is not defined
Is there a workaround for this?
You're getting this error because MessageEvent is not defined. You must import whatever file defines this.
My #HostListeners look like this:
#HostListener("window:savePDF", ["$event"]) savePDF(event) {
and you can read more about them here:
However, I'm currently experiencing the same issue you are -- that if I navigate to another route and back, I now receive two events. And that is using #HostListener. :-( However I haven't upgraded Angular in a while (currently using 4.4.6), so maybe they've fixed it since that release.
**Edit: Just upgraded to Angular 5.1.0. The 'duplicate events' #HostListener issue remains. :-(
Edit #2: I tried also using window.addEventListener like you tried, and also had the same issue, despite using window.removeEventListener in ngOnDestroy().
This lead me to dig a little deeper, where I found some code I had added to listen to messages from a child iFrame. Any chance you have something similar in your code?
var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
var eventer = window[eventMethod];
var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";
// Listen to messages from child window ("unsign" and "savePDF") and pass those along as events to Angular can pick them up in its context
eventer(messageEvent,function(e) {
window.dispatchEvent( new Event( ) );
This had been in my page's constructor. I protected it so it only executed the first time the page was constructor, and now all is well.

browser.get returning before the given URL completely loads using Protractor

I'm using Protractor with Cucumber to write some tests but I'm stuck at some point. In step after login, I'm rerouting to another page using browser.get(url) function provided by protractor. But it always returns before the page is completely loaded. I have tried many solutions so far but no luck. I have tried with browser.wait, browser.get(url).then(function(){ // code when it loads}) but Im getting 0 positive results.
Here's my code:
// Steps will be implemented here
this.Given(/^I am logged in as user \'([^\']*)\'$/, function (user, callback) {
console.log('USER: ' + user);
this.Then(/^The screen is shown, with title \'([^\']*)\'$/, function (title, callback) {
console.log('Title from feature file: ' + title);
var url = 'some/url/in/application/';
// This portion executes before page is completely loaded.
// So if I try to get any element, it throws me an error.
// [15:32:13] E/launcher - "process.on('uncaughtException'" error, see
// launcher
// [15:32:13] E/launcher - Process exited with error code 199
// It works if I add static delay to wait for page load completely
// but that will not be a good solution if I have too much pages to test
console.log('After page laoad');
Any suggested work around will be much appreciated.
[15:32:13] E/launcher - "process.on('uncaughtException'" error, see launcher
[15:32:13] E/launcher - Process exited with error code 199
The above error can be caused due to various reasons mostly related to promises. But it should throw the correct message. There is already a work around provided here to catch the exact error message.
You could change the launcher.ts file in your protractor dependency as mentioned in above forum to catch the error inorder to debug your issue.
And I would suggest you to return your promises instead of callbacks when writing step definitions in protractor-cucumber, in this way cucumber would know when to complete its async actions.
Try the below code.check whether it helps.
then try to call your function.
Use protractor.ExpectedConditions to check visibility of any elements on page which will be displayed after successful login. Write a customized method as shown below.
If element displayed, then navigate other page using browser.get();
Code Snippet
EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
this.isElementVisible = function (targetElement, timeOut) {
'use strict';
timeOut = timeOut !== undefined ? timeOut : 8000;
{' element is not visible');

How to catch ngToast messages in protractor

I am new to angular and protractor.We use protractor for functional testing and integrated with jenkins.
In some screens we use ng-toast to show toaster messages(mainly for server response messages like 'save filed' etc.).But protractor could not catch these, since it will wait for all angular timeouts(including toaster timeout) to complete.Showing error:
Timed out waiting for Protractor to synchronize with the page after 11 seconds.
I tried to set ignoreSynchronization too.
How to tackle this. I am really stuck on this..
After a long search on google I got answer.We can make use of promises with browser.waitin test cases those needs to wait for toaster messages.
browser.wait(function() {
var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
expect(getToaster().isDisplayed()).toBe(true);//and other assertions
return deferred.promise;
This is well described in this blog
Also more details about protractor.promise can be found here
Alternatively I did it in another way as:
browser.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10000);//set timeout for element
But in a protractor way of doing is browser.wait with ExpectedCondition which is described in the protractor api including custom conditions.I am currently using this explicit wait approach.

PubNub subscribe message callback not firing

I'm having issues getting PubNub's subscribe message handler to fire. I'm working on a web client that will listen for messages from mobile apps. Up until recently, this code worked fine. I could send a message from my phone and see the web app get auto-updated. But in the last few days, the web app is no longer getting updated.
It's an Angular app that I've been writing in CoffeeScript. I have a MessageService that handles all the bootstrapping for PubNub. The subscribe method of my service is passed an entity id arg to set as the channel name to listen on, and passes a function reference via the messageHandler argument.
angular.module('exampleApp').service 'MessageService', ($http, $interval) ->
pubnub = null
subscribePromise = null
config =
subscribe_key: 'demo'
# Sanity check. This gets triggered upon connection with the correct
# channel name/entity id.
connectionHandler = ->
_.forOwn arguments, (arg) -> console.log arg
return {
getChats: (id) ->
# Calls an API to fetch all of the chat messages. These aren't transmitted over
# PubNub because we do other fun things to adhere to HIPAA compliance.
return $http.get 'path/to/api/endpoint/' + id
subscribe: (id, messageHandler) ->
pubnub = pubnub or PUBNUB.init config
channel: id
message: (data) ->
if not not subscribePromise
$interval.cancel subscribePromise
subscribePromise = null
messageHandler data
connect: connectionHandler
# Interval-based workaround to function in spite of PubNub issue
subscribePromise = $interval messageHandler, 10000
Here's an example of the messageHandler implementation in one of my controllers.
angular.module('exampleApp').controller 'MessageCtrl', (MessageService) ->
$scope.messageId = 'some entity id'
# This message handler never gets fired, despite passing it to pubnub.subscribe
onMessageUpdated = (data) ->
console.log data
MessageService.getChats($scope.messageId).then (messages) -> $scope.messages = messages
MessageService.subscribe $scope.messageId, onMessageUpdated
Like I mentioned, this code was working not long ago, but out of the blue, the message handler stopped firing at all. Haven't touched it in more than a month. The thing that's driving me nuts is that I can open up the dev console in PubNub and watch the messages come in from the phones, but for some reason, that message handler never seems to get called.
I'm using the "edge" version of pubnub.js, so I'm wondering if there was some recent update that broke my implementation. Anything else you folks can see that I may be missing or doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
// Edit
Just a quick update. I've tried rolling back as far as 3.5.47 and still no change in behavior. I coded a quick workaround using Angular's $interval service to allow the app to at least function while I get this issue figured out. Updated code example above w/ relevant changes.
Quick update. After moving on to some other tasks and circling back to this after a year or so, we decided to take another stab at the problem. The interval-based polling was working fine for our initial implementation as described above, but we now have need for a more robust set of features.
Anyway, we ended up grabbing the latest stable version of the JS client (3.7.21), and so far it appears to have fixed our issue.
