AngularStrap data-container="self" not working on Firefox - angularjs

I am trying to use hover to show dropdown / popover and use data-container="self" to make the dropdown / popover stay appear when mouse moved to it. This method works on Google Chrome but not on Firefox.
Example Code:
<button type="button" data-placement="right" data-trigger="hover | click" data-delay="300" bs-dropdown="dropdown" data-container="self">Click to toggle dropdown</button>
How can I get it works on firefox?

I never heard of the self keyword as the container parameter in angular-strap. Where does it come from?
Anyway, here, container is useful if you want to append the dropdown to another element. Since it does not seem to be your case, simply do not provide data-container, and the dropdown will be appended to the element itself.
Okay, so, I tried, and saw the problem you are describing. You could try the solution given here ( add a specific class to your button, and give it in data-container.
<button type="button"
Hover to toggle dropdown


Add close button to Angular UI bootstrap modal window template

I am following the sample code as per this link:
The plunker sample here:
I tried to define a custom template customModal.html using windowTemplateUrl to add a close button (top-right) to the modal box, but the modal dialog won't show properly and I see only dark background and the modal is kind dimmed. Also, the buttons are not responding.
Appreciate if someone could help me define such custom template to allow using close button for all similar modal dialog boxes.
Update: I want to explain why this is not a possible duplicate of this question as suggested. The other question is dealing with "Why we get error when we open the dialog when we specify the template only". In this question, I the template is not showing proper even though I followed the instruction to implement it.
in your script template add
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="dialog" data-ng-
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<span class="sr-only">Close</span>

In Angular, Is it possible to have one trigger for a tooltip to appear, and another for it to disappear?

So I have a button on my template, with a tooltip that gives some extra information about the button. I would like the tooltip to appear when the mouse hovers over the button, and then disappear when the button is clicked. Clicking the button loads a separate view.
Currently I have it so the tooltip appears on hover, but then the problem is that the tooltip sticks around after the button has been clicked. Since the button is no longer part of the current view, the tooltip jumps to the top corner of the screen for a few seconds before disappearing. I'd like it to disappear the moment the button is clicked.
So far I've tried two things to solve the problem, neither of which have worked:
I tried wrapping the JS function which opens a new view in $timeout, hoping that the tooltip would disappear before the new view loads.
I tried changing the tooltip-trigger to 'click', but now the tooltip won't appear when the mouse is hovering over it. It will appear once the button is clicked, and stay there until the view is re-loaded.
Here is my code, which includes the two failed attempts mentioned above:
<a class="the-button" ng-click="loadNewView($event)"
Click Me!
ctrl.loadNewView = function($event) {
$timeout(function($event) { //timeout
Is it possible to have separate triggers for a tooltip like this? If not, what is another way that I can make sure the tooltip disappears before the new view is loaded?
Thank you very much in advance for any wisdom you'd be willing to impart.
The simplest solution is to hide the tooltip before changing view.
If your tooltip is triggered by a click on your anchor, you can emulate a click in your loadNewFunction function to hide it.
<a id="the-button" ng-click="loadNewView($event)" uib-tooltip-html="getToolTipInfo($event)" tooltip-trigger="'click'">Click Me!</a>
ctrl.loadNewView = function($event) {
Maybe this answer can interest you since it's about a very similar question.
I found the solution (for me, at least). I learned that you can have multiple triggers if you separate them by space. For my solution, I used the value:
tooltip-trigger='mouseenter click'.
That way it always turns on when I mouse-over, and turns off when I click.
<a class="the-button" ng-click="loadNewView($event)"
tooltip-trigger="'mouseenter click'
Click Me!
ctrl.loadNewView = function() {
Hope someone else finds this helpful!

Angular - any way to return $index in ng-repeat faster?

In my Angular app I have a button where I apply a CSS style depending on the $index from the ng-repeat.
However whats happening is on page load the buttons style appears as the default (which is class button) for a second before applying the actual style I want (which is customColour{{$index}}).
<button type="button" ng-click="superAction($index)"
class="small button customColour{{$index}}">
I have confirmed that it must be down to the delay in getting the $index value having spent the last 4 hours playing around with the CSS files (ensuring things like my custom style appears at the top of my css file etc).
So any ideas/suggestions I can try would be appreciated.

AngularJS: Popout view similar to JIRA

I am trying to get a popup window that displays a view on top of my main view. I basically want to use the idea that many project management applications use, such as VersionOne and JIRA. In JIRA, under an epic, there is a "Create issue in epic" feature that gives you a popup window that is essentially a form. I am just trying to get the popup window (same size, displays data) to work with AngularJS.
A snippet from my main view where I am linking to the detailed view. I assume the magic will happen in the <a> tag.:
<h6 data-toggle="popover" data-placement="top" data-content="commands">
<a href="partials/instance-view.html">
The secondary view is just displayed in the instance-view.html file. I don't think the <h6> tag is messing anything up, but I could be wrong. Also, I know that since I am trying to display a link inside a popover tag, the popover won't work. I can always fix that later.
Assume you are using bootstrap?
If so, have you tried using the bootstrap popover plug-in inside your tag rather than your ?
i.e. ...
Modals should be used for what is trying to be achieved. In particular, Bootstrap Modals.

Icon on AngularJS input type button

I can't find any info on this but I'm sure there must be a simple solution. How do you insert an icon in AngularJS input type button. Something like this (although it obviously won't work):
<input type="button" ng-click="someAction()"/>
<i class="fa some-icon"></i>
I know how to do it with normal button elements, but is it possible with AngularJS?
The input tag doesn't allow tags inside it, but it's easy to make it look like there's an icon in the input. Bootstrap and Angular Material include this in their components.
Bootstrap Input Group
Angular Material input prefixes
