Using UIRouter templates with MVC 4 Routing - angularjs

I'm trying to create an ASP MVC 4 project with Ui-Router, however I've come across a problem.
My current server-side routing configuration looks like this:
// Controller/Action route
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}");
// Redirect any other routes to Site/Index so AngularJS can handle routing
// Place routes above this otherwise they will be ignored
name: "Catch-All Redirect to Index",
url: "{*url}",
defaults: new { controller = "Site", action = "Index" }
And client-side
.config(['$stateProvider', function ($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('index', {
url: '',
templateUrl: '/home/index'
Site/Index, the redirect action, simply contains the HTML file that has the ng-app directive. Any other actions/controllers will return API data, or a template. So, in my case, I have Home/Index which returns a template containing <h1>Hello, World!</h1>.
This is all fine and dandy if one of my states in ui-router requests "home/index" via templateUrl for my application. However, the problem I have now is that if I browse to http://localhost/Home/Index, I will see the template in it's raw form - rather than what I am expecting to see, which is the whole application in the Home/Index state. This makes sense as that is how I have configured it.
I initially thought "OK, well I can solve this problem by redirecting everyone to Site/Index (where the main file is stored) and using inline templates". Well, this works well, until you consider that
The HTML file containing index.html is going to get ridiculously large and contain every template
This breaks escaped_fragment crawling
So right now I am at a loss of how to make this work; I could use inlining, but that would make web pages load slowly and break SEO. I could stick with what I have.. but that will break any bookmarks that end-users create.
Making template calls a ChildActionOnly worked well until the fact that ChildActionOnly will return a server 500 (rather than a redirect), and UI-Router appears to not qualify as a "Child Action" as requesting the template through templateUrl also triggered the server 500.
I did come across this question, however it doesn't express how exactly to solve the template situation.
Another avenue I have just pursued is having a templates area that contains all of my templates, and an api area that contains all of my api details (/templates/ and /api/ respectively). This solves the whole reloading page problem, though I am still unsure of how to approach the escaped_fragment crawling from this point of view.

I've accomplished this by creating two Areas in MVC - one for API that routes to /api/ and one for Templates that routes to /templates/. AngularJS will make calls to /template/{controller}/{action} which will return a plain HTML view, and make RESTful calls to /api/{controller} for retrieving data.
It's not a perfect solution but it works.


How to use angular ui router on "normal sites" without HTML5 mode?

In our team, we want to use angular-ui-router to assign a "state" by reading the url without hashbangs or html5mode, so that 1. We programmatically assign controllers based on "normal" urls and 2. We support ie9
We can't support hashbangs (which would give use ie9 support) because we are running this on a "non-spa website" and the urls are rendered server side. We literally just want to assign a state by reading a normal url on page load.
This seems trickier than I previously thought. Consider the following routes:
//Parent view
.state('abc', {
abstract: true,
controller: 'MainController'
.state('abc.Search', {
url: '/booking/search',
controller: 'SearchController'
Here is the goal: We want the whole path to pick up the state NOT, and we can't remove the # by adding html5mode.
If we try to add html5mode the page keeps refreshing in ie9 (we dont support ie8).
Now I know that we can remove state-routing and go back to adding ng-controller to the template, however we are in a unique position where we need to be able to programmatically assign controllers based on the url. This is the advantage on using angular-ui-state router.
Thanks in advance.

Angularjs: use config only for one controller

On one page I load content via ajax according to user picks (filters), to ensure that loaded content stays in place if user reloads or lands on the page, I put the picked filters into the url query string. Since I load the content via ajax on this particular page I don't need to reload the entire page every time a new filter is picked by the user, so I prevent browser to react on url change with the following config:
app.config(['$locationProvider', function($locationProvider) {
However this affects the entire app and prevents all other pages from reloading on url change, the behavior I don't want. How can I make this configuration to affect only one particular controller within my app?
If your goal is to prevent reloading the page when the query string changes, html5Mode is entirely the wrong tool for the job. You want reloadOnSearch: false which can be applied globally or to individual routes:
.when('/foo', {
controller: 'fooCtrl',
templateUrl: 'foo.html',
reloadOnSearch: false
From Angular's documentation on $locationProvider, maybe the cause of that behavior is by design:
rewriteLinks - {boolean} - (default: true) When html5Mode is enabled,
enables/disables url rewriting for relative links.
If your app is reacting to the url to make a change as a sort of RESTful api I would recommend using ngRoute or even better uiRouter.
Hope that helps.
This is a tricky situation, and you might not like my suggestion; heck I don't even like this suggestion because it breaks the whole awesomeness of a single page application.
But what you could do, is to create a separate html file (lets call it pick-filters.html). On that new html file, have a new ng-app and therefore a separate app.js file for this particular page. In this new app.js file (lets call it pick-filters-app.js), you can use the app.config snippet that you have shown here. This should fix your problem of all pages not reloading because only pick-filters.html is referencing pick-filters-app.js which has this config snippet.

Passport.js, Express.js, and Angular.js routing: how can they coexist?

I apologize this question turned out a bit long, but I have worked on this for some time and really needed to explain all the story.
Background: App based on MEAN stack, trying to authorize Facebook logins using Passport.js.
Following Passport.js guide I implemented something similar to:
Add a Facebook login
// send to facebook to do the authentication
app.get('/connect/facebook',isLoggedIn, passport.authorize('facebook',
{ scope : 'email' })
// handle the callback after facebook has authorized the user
passport.authorize('facebook', {
successRedirect : '/profile',
failureRedirect : '/profile'
Notice the target=_self in the html in order to skip Angular routing.
Clearly, authorization works fine. However, redirection does not work, as the routing is handled by Angular. After authorization I never land on /profile (but on the default Angular route).
Therefore, I tried with a custom callback as suggested by Passport.js here, with the hope of passing json data to Angular, and let Angular do the routing. I ended up doing something like:
// In the controller
// here I wait for json data from the server and do the routing
// I call this route from Angular
{ scope : 'email' })
// But Facebook lands here!
app.get('/connect/facebook/callback',function(req, res, next) {
passport.authorize('facebook', function(err, user, info) {
Clearly custom callbacks work for local-login, as Passport.js explains. But here do you see the problem? I call /connect/facebook from Angular, but I should receive some json from /connect/facebook/callback.
I am about to give up Passport, but before this, do you see any solution which would allow landing on /profile after FB authorization, perhaps with a custom message? Many thanks for reading through.
The same question had been reported as an issue on the Passport-Facebook GitHub account. Some additional attempts have been posted there, but not quite the fix yet.
This is a bit more in depth than can be described in one answer, but I'll try to start pointing you in the right direction.
Essentially, Angular.js routes are not really HTML routes at all, but an internal route structure that happens to use the URL for use of the end user. Remember that Angular.js is a client script, and that a full page reload is not desired, as this will reload the entire script. Therefore, /# is used to trick the browser into jumping to a specific bit of code within the already loaded script. (as opposed to the traditional anchor location in the HTML document). Unfortunately (or fortunately), HTML 5 mode allows you to hide the /# part of the url, so instead of seeing you just see Rest assured, however, that the /# is still there. Angular.js uses the HTML5 pushState (AKA HistoryAPI) to perform the magic replacement.
Given this, if you have called a server route, you are outside the Angular.js script, and any call to load the angular script again will start from the very beginning. You can't actually call your Angular.js route from the server without a full reload. Therefore, you are really doing a double route redirect here. Your server should be calling it's default route for angular, appending /#/someroute to the call. The angular.js page will load, parse off the /#, and redirect to the correct angular route. Keep in mind, however, that if there was any dependency on already loaded objects, those are no longer in memory. Therefore, any route accessed this way should operate as if it is an entry point to your application.
Effectively, you should try using successRedirect : '#/profile', keeping in mind that the profile route in angular should be treated as an app entry point.
Hopefully this gets you started.
If #Claies's way is not working, is it possible you have not get rid of the #= fragment from the facebook callback.
Have a read of this post

How to to avoid angular app reacting on specific URL hash change

I am currently rewriting an older version of and application where HTML is mostly generated server-side in angularJS.
Only some parts of the page are not powered by AngularJS while some of client side logic is still plain JavaScript. For URL routing we use UI-router
One of the cases is tabs that are used across all the application. It's current implementation contains above all rewriting location hash like this: myapp_url?foo=bar#1, myapp_url?foo=bar#2 etc.
Note - no slash "/" in hash part.
In my case angular block is in one of the tabs is not visible by default. So when user clicks tabs on a page, URL is changed to smth like myapp_url?foo=bar#TAB_id, which is not understaded by UI router and it redirects the app ( not the whole page but a angular-powered block) part to a 404 state.
Angular UI router relies on Url mask like myapp_url?foo=bar#/my_route - with slash symbol in hash part - so that could be a trigger.
I am asking how/where I could add this kind of check - for angular part whether to act or skip on url change?
I've solved it by creating a state with empty url, which does not interfere with url hash changes by javascript outside angularJS app.
.state("base.emptyState", {
url: "",
template: '';

Marionette PushState URL Handeling - How to do it?

I have been unable to find any articles on Backbone.Marionette using pushstate withOUT Node.js, or grunt, or require where a serious discussion is made about URL handeling. A user should be able to send a link to an internal page to her grandmother and have the link work, for example. The pushstate functionality seems uniquely ill-suited to the real world. Can someone comment and perhaps provide some links to serious articles on the subject?
Generally speaking, there's really just 2 things you need to do...
Tell Backbone to use pushstate by calling Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true });. You may also need to add something like root: 'myApp' to that parameter if your Marionette app is served from instead of directly on
Configure your web server so that no matter what URL the user requests, the same content (your Marionette app) is returned (without doing a redirect).
The catch is that #2 is implemented differently depending on what type of web server you are using. And you haven't told us what stack you're on. In ASP.NET, for example, this can be handled by setting up a 'catch all' route by adding something like this to your RouteConfig.cs file:
// all requests (except those explicitly handled by another route)
// go to HomeController.Index and then the Backbone router examines
// the URL client-side to determine client-side what to do
name: "Default",
url: "{*clientRoute}", // this is wildcard which captures the entire URL
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" }
Other web server stacks will have different ways of achieving the same type of thing.
