Creating new UI controls programmatically in visual c++ - winforms

I have just started using visual studio c++ (2010) with windows forms, but have cannot for the life of me find out how to create new UI items in response to events. What I would want to happen is click a button, and have a new row, with a couple of text boxes and buttons appear, with onebutton to delete the row if I keep clicking, more rows will appear, named row0, row1 etcv. I looked at this page, (, about adding controls programmatically, but when I add a new text box inside a click event, the text box is only created inside the scope of the event (as expected!), but I want to be able to create it insde the newRow click event, but access it and . I thought of making a 'row' class, with row.text and row.deleteButton properties, and at each creation of a row, respective events will be created for button clicks and text edits.
Is there anyway to do this, ie a function that can be created that creates new objects by passing the required name?

The trick for this to work is that you need to have declarations outside of the event handler to keep track of the newly added UI components. In the link you've given the added TextBox is locally scoped within the event function, and this will be removed from the heap (i.e. memory) when the event is finished.
So one solution would be to add a list of UI components to your form, and then have the events add to or remove from this list of components. To get this solution working you possibly need to read up on lists of objects (or possibly dictionaries) and how to handle these.
Sorry for a rather general answer, but the question is also very broad... :)


access 2007 where condition in Buttons linking between two forms

For a simple borrowed item database, I am trying to link two forms together via a button 'Return'
However, the button does not apply a filter to the correct Item.
In the main menu their is a subform that shows the list of borrowed item via a Query. The list of borrowed Items is a continuous form with the button 'return'
The following event is used when the button is clicked:
form nameReturn
View Form
Data mode Edit
window mode Normal
object type form
object name return
record First
Where condition = ="[Item_ID]="&[Item_ID]
In that situation access does not apply a filter, after some tutorials I discovered another methode and tested it.
form nameReturn
View Form
Where condition = ="[Item_ID]="&[Item_ID]
Data mode Edit
window mode Normal
in that situation a filter is applied but it does not find any records. Could anyone help in what i did wrong to find link the two forms that use the same table?

How to properly use formatter and editor in Slickgrid

We are using slickgrid in our angular directive.
And we would like to use another list directive (simple select element with input) in a cell/column of Slickgrid.
I want the list element to be visible when the grid is available, so user knows there is a list. Therefor I am using the list directive as formatter. It Is visible when the grid is rendered.
The Problem:
When the cell that holds list element is clicked, the editor mode is never fired because of the list element click event.
We thought to use an image of list that user knows there is a list, and when clicked open the list.
Is there a better way to do it?
We have managed to get it done using list directive as our rendere/formatter as well as editor.
We made our list directive as ReadOnly so it does not fire click event. And now one sees a list element when grid is rendered. And when one clicks on the cell with list, the list is automatically opened via code. The only problem we have now with this solution is that how to copy selected Item from editor to formatter (if anyone knows, please share).
Any better solution is also welcomed.

imagelist images not available in child form .net winform

I have a dll that contains a form that is being inherited by other forms. The parent form has an imagelist with several images in it and two of these are being used in toolbar buttons. It has been working for a long time but I had to add a toolbar button and an image to go with it.
The new button with the new image displays in the designer correctly in the base form, but in an existing child form, the button doesn't display in the toolbar in the designer (although it shows up at runtime with no image). In the child form, the imagelist is present with all the original images, but the new image that I added to the base form does not appear in it.
I have tried several different icons with the same result. Interestingly when I point the new tb button to one of the images that has always existed, everything is fine in the child. It just won't handle any of the new images (I've tried icons & bitmaps). I would try to delete the toolbar and imagelist and re-create it but unfortunately I don't know where the existing images are located to be able to add them back to the new imagelist.
(VS 2010, VB.NET - but C# answers are most welcome!)
I have the same problem. My parent form have an image list wich I use to present my own control box (min, max, close). All the child forms inherit from this form and everything is ok if I don't change the elements of the list. But when I add an element or change the Image index of the control buttons, this is not reflected in the child forms. Sadly I haven't fixed it yet but what I did is:
Declare the Image list as public in the designer of the parent form
Determine the forms that don't reflect the desired change
Set Manually the desired change by adding the image to the inherited IMageLIst and changing the image index in all and every form with the bug
This is not what I intended to do by designing a parent form, but it works.

Lightswitch modal window

I've got standard CreateNewEntity screen. Entity can contain list of entities of some other type. By default there is an add button that opens modal window when user wants to add another entity into collection. However, default modal window was lacking some of the needed functionality so I've done a bit of research. Turns out that default modal screens cannot be modified. So, I found a nice custom modal window helper class. The problem is that I can't seem to be able to access modal window fields in order to enforce needed logic. There are two dropdown lists that are associated. Change in one will result in limiting the other dropdown list options. I'm stuck at this particular part:
var proxy = this.FindControl("DodavanjeParcele");
proxy.ControlAvailable += (s, e) =>
var ctrl = e.Control as System.Windows.Controls.Control;
//how to obtain access to ctrl fields?
"DodavanjeParcele" is custom modal window. Before this, modal window is instantiated and initialized. It pops up after button click and functions as expected. The only thing missing are above-mentioned rules. I need to set change event handlers for modal window fields in order to define rules. As seen above I tried to cast IProxy as a standard Windows control. This is where I got stuck. I can't seem to find a way to access control fields and set event handlers. Any thoughts?
If I understand you correctly, I'm not sure why you need to search through controls or cast anything.
Control1 is an entity which creates an AutoComplete Box (dropdown list). That selection is copied into a local property in the Control1_Changed method. That property is used as a parameter in a filter query to create Control2.
private void Control1_Changed()
this.MyLocalProperty = this.Control1.SelectedItem;
Private Sub Control1_Changed()
Me.MyLocalProperty = Me.Control1.SelectedItem
End Sub
Just make sure you have Auto Execute Query checked in Control2's Properties and the second control should update and filter when Control1 changes the query parameter.
The code in my screen shots all takes place inside of Yann's Modal Helper so there is nothing special you need to do.

WPF trigger code behind button to display second form

I am a WPF novice.
I have created a form containing a combo box with which to choose a multi-field key value(populated from an XML data file).
I have also created a second WPF form which is available to display all field values from the record associated with the multi-field key value chosen from the first form.
I need to be able to click a button which will cause the second form to be displayed, with all fields filled in which are associated with the chosen key field values.
How do I go about writing such an event trigger using C#?
couple of steps (this is not really MVVM, BTW) ...
first, add a click handler to your button
second, in the click handler code, instantiate your new form
third, set the data context, etc for the new form
forth, show the new form by calling .Show()
in your xaml add a click handler to the button in question....
<Button Click="myClickHandler"/>
in visual studio, you can right click the text in the click="" and choose to navigate to the handler and visual studio will generate the code for it for you.
in your click handler, in code behind, do something like this....
public void myClickHandler(object sender,EventArgs)
MySecondForm form = new MySecondForm();
form.DataContext = theDataContextIWantToSet;
