how to deploy database along with desktop app created on visual studio? - sql-server

I've created a desktop application using visual studio'10 and it uses a database.How to deploy the database along with the app so that users who don't have SQL server can also access it?
The application is not at all web based.Is there any way other than installing sql server on client's system?


Dokerizing .NET Web API (with EF Core) with SQL Server Database in order to deploy on DigitalOcean

Im trying to dokerize my .NET Web API application that is connected to an SQL Server database in order to be able to deploy it on Digital Ocean.
Since DigitalOcean does not support .NET applications, I need to dockerize it in order to deploy it there. The app itself is connected to a SQL Server Database and when I dockerize it I cannot access the database. The database uses "Windows Authentication" in SQL Server and it seems that because of this, it is harder to dockerize and conncect (through containers) the .NET application to the database.
My question is:
Is it necessary to make this connection and dockerize both the .NET application and the SQL Server Database or is this something that is not required to deploy the application since the database will have to be migrated to DigitalOcean.
I'm looking for someone that is familiar with DigitalOcean and knows about application deployment there.
Thank you!

How to connect Android Studio with SQL Server database hosted in aws rds?

We currently have a .net application which is using MSSQL database hosted in aws rds instance. Now we are trying to build a application in android using the already existing database. But i'm not getting how to connect. First i tried if there are any sdk available to directly communicate. Unfortunately no such options are available. I tried with normal php api to connect with aws rds. But it works only for mysql server.
Thank you.

How Visual Studio 2015 Publish Web app and SQL, update DB

starting using VS2015 and publishing to azure websites. I'm developing using a local DB for faster interaction. And I'm publishing Web Application and a SQL Database (Project > publish). But I always getting this error.
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(4276,5): Error ERROR_SQL_EXECUTION_FAILURE:
"CREATE TABLE [dbo].[__MigrationHistory](" There is already an object named '__MigrationHistory' in the database" #ERROR_SQL_EXECUTION_FAILURE.)
Publish failed to deploy.
And it is the same for every table on DB.
How can I somehow just update the tables on the server?
There is another way to work with apps and DB in local machine and later update to the server?
I'm using vs2015, webDeploy 3.6, Windows Azure web app and SQL DB.
I got this solved by removing all files from Properties\PublishProfiles. There was lots of old files from my first publishing attempts. After this I created new profile.

How to set up Database for ASP.NET MVC Application

I created an data driven ASP.NET MVC Application locally and it works fine. Within my App_Data Folder of my project i see two databases: ASPNETDB.mdf and myProjectDatabase.mdf.
I uploaded my project files an the webserver, so that I can actually open the website. But I couldn't figure out how to connect my Database that I created locally to that website. My Website uses Authentication so that it is necessary that a user logs in/registers. But because the database is not connected this obviously doesn't work, because the application needs a database to save and retrieve user information.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Express and downloaded Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as well to work with my database. With Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio I already connected to my database with the login information my provider gave me. But how can I import my local databases? Do I need to import ASPNETDB.mdf as well, because that is where the user information are stored?
I would be very thankful for help
What version of SQL Server do you have on your production server? SQL Server Express can attach to those local MDF files. If you're using SQL Server Standard, you'll need to attach them to the SQL Process.
Also, the ASPNETDB.MDB file is the authentication database that is automatically created in your MVC project. That is the DB that stores usernames and passwords, so yes, you will need to move that database over as well.

deploy SQL Server Express database with desktop app?

I've created my first database based desktop app in .NET and not able to understand how can I deploy the database with the application installer, so that the database, application and the SQL Server is installed in one go.
If I only deploy the native client for SQL Server and the database with the installer, will it work?
The application uses the database very frequently.
You need to install the SQL Express engine if you want to use it. Deploying only the client connectivity will give you exactly what the 'client connectivity' name implies: you'll be able to connect to a SQL Server. But only a running SQL Server instance will be able to read/write your application database.
The SQL Express install MSI is actually very customizable and allows for a lot of scenarios, including unattended setup and remote deployment. For the most basic options, see Configuring SQL Express During Installation. Your application installer will have to invoke the Express installer passing in the desired parameters.
Using click once you can make sql server express a dependency of the main project and it would be deployed with the instalation data and installed, if it is not instaled yet, when you first install your app.
You can do it in the project properties, in Visual Studio.
