Ext Js 5.0.1 Dynamic Localization in sencha architect - extjs

How to implement dynamic localization in sencha architect Extjs 5.0. There is no working examples. I found multi-lang js for 5.0 but no idea how to start in sencha architect. Can some once help me?
sencha localization extjs 5.0

In this article you can see how to localize our Sencha Touch based application. There are two aspects to this. One, you can see how to localize the Sencha Touch framework related messages, formats, etc. Second, you will see how to localize our application specific messages and formats.


How i can update extjs framework version in Sencha Architect for my application?

I wanted to update the framework version in my application to 6.7.0. I tried a lot, downloaded the new version of Sencha Architect, used the commands from the documentation. As a result, the framework seems to have been updated, but it has not been updated either.
In the console after entering the command "Ext.getVersion()", I see that the current version of the framework is 6.7.0.
In Sencha Architect worth version 6.6.0.
What am I doing wrong?
You have to edit the .xds file manually.
Apparently there is no way to upgrade from previous versions to ExtJS 6.7 in Architect itself.
The manual process is described on
But beware and back up, it could break your project: https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?471572-Architect-4-2-5-breaks-interactions-of-type-rotate-on-piecharts

how to build reponsiveApp example of extjs 5.0.1 using sencha cmd

How to build A RessponsiveApp Example of extjs 5.0.1 using cmd http://dev.sencha.com/ext/5.1.0/examples/responsive-app/index.html
Using Sencha Cmd, you can run sencha generate app to scaffold the basic application architecture.
You would then use various other commands (sencha app build, among others) to compile your app along the way, build your theme, etc.
The responsive design bits however are dependent on YOU -- you have to explicitly tell your app which parts need to be responsive, and more importantly, what they need to do in those situations. Check out the blog post and webinar from Sencha discussing this topic.

Sencha Architect 3 - Where is the soap proxy in the toolbox?

I am using Sencha Architect 3 build ( with framework enterprise, question is that I do not see the soap proxy in the toolbox, is there a way to add this to the toolbox?
I noticed on the Sencha sites that there is no conclusive answer so far on this question.
The folder \\src\data\soap is present with a \Proxy.js and \Reader.js.
It seems that the soap proxy is only included in the Sencha Complete version of ExtJS which you may not have a licence for.

Which Silverlight Version Recommended for new development ASP.NET + GIS?

I just started a new job where I need to do a new development in Silverlight technology. The existing application is an ASP.NET and GIS application.
What version of Silverlight is recommended to use?
I don't have any experience using Silverlight, please suggest me a good place to start -- Tutorials / Blogs/ resources...
If you are using ArcGIS, then you should use Silverlight 4. The current version of the Esri Silverlight SDK is version 2.4. It is built on top of Silverlight 4. If you are using ArcGIS 10.1, then you can use version 3.0. The current version (beta) of 3.0 is also built on Silverlight 4, but they were talking about building it on Silverlight 5.
Silverlight 5 would be the best bet. You can get lots of tutorials over at http://silverlight.net.
This,this and this are very good and knowledegeable for starters.
This shows many samples of the silverlight controls with source codes.
This shows different practical uses of silverlight with source codes!
If you come across any other queries while development, you can post a question and get suggestions here, on StackOverflow very easily.! :)

Sencha Touch 2 native build vs wrapping Sencha Touch 2 in Phonegap

I know there are a few questions pitting Sencha Touch 2 against Phonegap, and that is not what I mean to do here. I have been planning to build my Webapp using Sencha Touch 2 and wrapping it in Phonegap; but I just found out that Sencha Touch 2 also all allows you to build a native version of your web-app for Android and ios using there command line tool. Why haven't I heard much about this solution? What are the limitations with doing this? And what is better, using Sencha Touch 2's native build feature or going the Sencha Touch 2 + Phonegap route?
I'm guessing that Sencha Touch 2 native packaging will still be using UIWebViews (like PhoneGap) so the performance will be similar. Personally I would stick with PhoneGap/Cordova as it's a more mature product with a larger user base. You can still use the Sencha Touch 2 framework but still bundle/publish the app with xcode.
