vsphere api : RemoteException while connecting a esx-i machine using vijava vsphere API - vsphere

I am getting the below exception while trying to connect a esx-i 5 machine using vijava vsphere API.
vijava is the VMware Infrastructure JAVA API.
I am using the VI Java API 5.5 Beta vijava55b20130927.
What might be the root cause of this issue.
java.rmi.RemoteException: VI SDK invoke exception:java.rmi.RemoteException: VI SDK invoke exception:org.dom4j.DocumentException: **Error on line 4 of document : Open quote is expected for attribute "{1}" associated with an element type "rel".** Nested exception: Open quote is expected for attribute "{1}" associated with an element type "rel".|
[12:02:07:318]|[12-18-2014]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[135]|: at com.vmware.vim25.ws.WSClient.invoke(WSClient.java:131)|
[12:02:07:318]|[12-18-2014]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[135]|: at com.vmware.vim25.ws.VimStub.retrieveServiceContent(VimStub.java:1437)|
[12:02:07:318]|[12-18-2014]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[135]|: at com.vmware.vim25.mo.ServiceInstance.<init>(ServiceInstance.java:100)|
[12:02:07:318]|[12-18-2014]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[135]|: at com.vmware.vim25.mo.ServiceInstance.<init>(ServiceInstance.java:84)|

If you will switch to using YAVIJAVA I can help.
The Beta version of VIJAVA has a bug where only a RemoteException is ever thrown. That bug is fixed in YAVJAVA 5.5.08-DEVELOPMENT or newer which as of this comment is only available on github (older versions in maven have this bug)
YAVIJAVA includes logging via log4j and if you enable debug logging when you run the command you can even get the XML payloads that are coming and going from the server which I can use to help you trouble shoot this problem.


How to run Apache CXF wadl2java with JDK 12?

The following command used to work flawlessly:
C:\tools\apache-cxf-3.3.1\bin\wsdl2java -client -d generated foo.wsdl
It no longer works with the latest version of JDK - 12. I have downloaded the latest version of Apache CXF, and still get the same error:
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\tools\apache-cxf-3.3.1\bin\..\lib\endorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone APIs
in modular form will be supported via the concept of upgradeable modules.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Could anyone offer a tip on how to remedy this?
I got the Apache CXF 3.3.1 wsdl2java utility to work with the latest OpenJDK 11 by doing 4 things:
Pull down this jar and place it into the {CXF_HOME}/lib directory: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.jws/jsr181-api/1.0-MR1
Pull down this jar and also place it in the {CXF_HOME}/lib directory: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.xml.ws/jaxws-api/2.3.1
In my case, since I'm running on a Mac, I vi'd the wsdl2java script and made sure these two jars are explicitly being set on the CXF classpath, by doing the following declaration within the script right before the execution of the java command:cxf_classpath=${cxf_classpath}:../lib/jaxws-api-2.3.1.jar:../lib/jsr181-api-1.0-MR1.jar
Lastly, I removed the '-Djava.endorsed.dirs="${cxf_home}/lib/endorsed"' parameter from the java command at the end of the script, since newer JDKs no longer support this argument, so my command now looks like this:$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xmx${JAVA_MAX_MEM} -cp "${cxf_classpath}" -Djava.util.logging.config.file=$log_config org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.WSDLToJava "$#"
Now, using OpenJDK11, I'm able to point to an external WSDL file and successfully generate the client code I need to consume this SOAP service with the following command:
./wsdl2java -client -d src https://somewhere.com/service\?wsdl
Whether or not this all works yet is TBD in terms of being able to call and consume the SOAP service I'm coding against, but I've at least now overcome the Java9+ support issue with this tool specific to generating client code from a WSDL.
If your needs are different, I would at least remove the '-Djava.endorsed.dirs="${cxf_home}/lib/endorsed"' JVM parameter and start calling the wsd2java command with the parameters you need set and just start iteratively adding back in the missing libs it starts throwing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError errors for.
Their FAQ specifically says starting in 3.3.x, Java 9+ will be supported but something clearly dropped the ball between the no-longer-supported hardcoded JVM arguments still being passed in the utility and the missing libraries to support the newer JDKs where these legacy libs have been removed.
Hope this helps someone out there unfortunate enough to ALSO still be programming against SOAP endpoints but trying to at least keep the client-side code you're writing up to date and taking advantage of the newer features of the modern JDK.

WebDriverException... moveto did not match a known command

When the Mouse Over Keyword is called I get the following error :
WebDriverException: Message :POST /session/bcb99bc5-1b47-4438-b1b7-471785ea34c8/moveto did not match a known command on Mozilla FireFox(geckodriver)
Sadly this appears to be a bug in the Mozilla/geckodriver side of the Actions implementation that has been lingering since mid 2016. If you really need this, switch to something not Firefox or grab a pre-geckodriver Firefox (47 or below, I believe) and use the older webdriver bindings (i.e., Selenium 2). Unfortunately, it is not as easy as just getting the older FF version.
See :
[Bugzilla bug report][1]
[Gecko bug report][2]
**Question:**WebDriverException: Message :POST /session/bcb99bc5-1b47-4438-b1b7-471785ea34c8/moveto did not match a known command on Mozilla FireFox(geckodriver)
**Answer:**Selenium web driver should be updated version and Firefox latest version will not supports the old selenium web driver,Firefox version should be 49.0 and selenium web driver version should be 3.0,then that issue will not come while executing the script.

Not able to start SOLR service

I have installed the solr service on a LINUX environment. Now trying to start the service using the below command
service solr start
After executing this command, am getting below error from the server
Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8080 [-] Still not seeing Solr listening on 8080 after 30 seconds!
tail: cannot open `/var/solr/logs/solr.log' for reading: No such file or directory
I created the solr.log file manually and placed it under the above mentioned path, But as soon, i issue the command "service solr start" . The solr.log file will be renamed and there won't be any new file created with the solr.log. hence the service fails to start. Could anyone let me know how to tackle this issue.
Thanks in advance.
I had a similar issue, and was able to find a hint in the /var/solr/logs/solr-8983-console.log
Originally I had been using Java 8, and Solr was working just fine for me.
When I switched to Java 11, Solr would have the issue you reported.
The log file contained the following:
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
Unrecognized VM option 'UseParNewGC'
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
I switched back to Java 8 and Solr started just fine.
First, did you use the procedure provided to install the Solr service page 461
Second, did you set the proper overrides to the environment defaults in a solr.in.sh script (p. 462 of the ref manual). You also need to make sure that the LOG4J_PROPS in the solr.in.sh file points to your log4j.properties file. Also make sure that SOLR_LOGS_DIR is pointing to the correct place.
If all that is correct, then check that the values in your log4j.properties file are set correctly (p. 468 of the ref manual).
You can get the reference manual here: https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/lucene/solr/ref-guide/ if you don't have it already.
I had a tough time getting Solr to run as a service, but in the end I simply wasn't reading carefully enough.

appcfg.cmd java version; 1.7 installed; 1.6 in path; tells me it needs 1.6 ti yokiad

I try to use this command to deploy my application to
c:\a\appeng\bin\appcfg.cmd --use_java7 update c:\a\u3e
Generates the error messsage.
C:\a>c:\a\appeng\bin\appcfg.cmd --use_java7 update c:\a\u3e
Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\CurrentVersion'
has value '1.7', but '1.6' is required.
Error: could not find java.dll
Error: could not find Java SE Runtime Environment.
I tried setting the path to use the Java 1.6 SDK we downloaded
but that did not help or change any thing.
The web resources talk about what version of Java is used
by the application once it appears on Google's servers; I
did not see anything about the Java version for the upload
process including developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/gettingstarted/uploading and developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/tools/uploadinganapp#Command_Line_Arguments as well as searching this site specifically and checking google.
Can I deploy
an application from the computer in my house without
deinstalling the Java 1.7 I use for other purposes?
Thank you for looking at this question. I resolved the problem. It was not related to Google Application Development
Server. It was a difficult-to-resolve path problem to the directory where the Java executables were kept.

Problem using App Engine on Mac Java JRE

I really appreciate the help i've been getting on Stack Overflow, it's helping me become a better programmer.
Im currently learning how to use the Google App Engine, and ive just developed my first app, but im finding it difficult to run. When i run it, it throws the following exceptions:
WARNING: Use on a JRE prior to version 1.6 is deprecated
2011-06-04 12:19:21.190 java[1921:80f] [Java CocoaComponent compatibility mode]: Enabled
2011-06-04 12:19:21.191 java[1921:80f] [Java CocoaComponent compatibility mode]: Setting timeout for SWT to 0.100000
Initializing AppEngine server
[WARN] ********************************************************
Warning: Future versions of the Dev App Server will require Java 1.6 or later. Please upgrade your JRE.
Logging to JettyLogger(null) via com.google.apphosting.utils.jetty.JettyLogger
Successfully processed /Users/josiahuma/Projects/Eclipse/JWorkspace/HelloWorld/war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml
Successfully processed /Users/josiahuma/Projects/Eclipse/JWorkspace/HelloWorld/war/WEB-INF/web.xml
Ive tried looking for ways to download and install JRE 1.6 or maybe upgrade it like the error say, but haven't found any on MAC...
Please can anyone help put me through on what exactly i need to do so i can get my first app running. Would really appreciate it.
Upgrade to 10.6. The default JVM is Java 6 there.
