Get observableArray of unique values from another obseravableArray - arrays

I'm having data like:
{ mealName: "sandwich", price: 0 },
{ mealName: "lobster", price: 34.95 },
{ mealName: "whole zebra", price: 290 },
{ mealName: "whole zebra", price: 290 },
{ mealName: "sandwich", price: 290 },
{ mealName: "whole zebra", price: 290 }
And I want to get observableArray like:
{ mealName: "sandwich"},
{ mealName: "whole zebra"},
{ mealName: "lobster"}
I've tried to reproduce it in jsFiddle, but something is wrong

unique doesn't have to be an observable array as the availableMeals is not an observable array, but since you asked I used a computed.
First I sort the array using a custom sort function. I used concat to create a copy as I didn't want to modify the order of the original array. I then loop through the sorted array and remove any duplicates:
self.unique = ko.computed(function() {
var sortedItems = self.availableMeals.concat().sort(function(left, right) { return left.mealName == right.mealName ? 0 : (left.mealName < right.mealName ? -1 : 1) });
var meal;
for (var i = 0; i < sortedItems.length; i++) {
if (!meal || meal != sortedItems[i].mealName) {
meal = sortedItems[i].mealName;
else {
sortedItems.splice(i, 1);
return sortedItems;

var uniqueMeals = ko.computed(function () {
var uniqueMealNames = mealData().reduce(function(uniqueMeals, meal) {
if(uniqueMeals.indexOf(meal.mealName) === -1) {
return uniqueMeals;
}, []);
return {
return {mealName: mealName};
Some suggestions: it's probably be better to store the unique values in an array of strings, not objects, i.e. ["sandwich", "whole zebra", "lobster"]. If so, you can drop the last line from my above code.
Also, you might consider looking into the lodash library. With lodash, this would be:
var uniqueMeals = ko.computed(function () {
return _.unique(_.pluck(mealData, "mealName"));


How to find out number of elements in MongoDB array?

My collection of products consists of _id, product/title, product/price and reviews. Reviews is an array with all reviews for that specific product. I am trying to print out 10 products with the largest number of reviews but can't find the right solution.
This is what I tried so far:
var mapFunction = function() {
emit(this._id, {
product: this,
var reduceFunction = function(key, values) {
var count = 0;
var product;
values.forEach(function(value) {
count += value.count_reviews;
product = value.product
return { count_reviews: count, product: product};
db.products.mapReduce(mapFunction, reduceFunction, {
out: { inline: 1},
query: {},
sort: { count_reviews: -1 },
limit: 10
When I run this code it prints out 10 elements, but not with the largest number of reviews.
I wouldn't use mapReduce (unless you're on a version so old you have to)
I'd use an aggregation, if you have strict data - you can omit the $match, if you have "strictish" data (e.g., it's an array or missing) you can use a simpler match: { reviews: { $exists: true } }
$match: {
"": { $type: "array" }
$set: { review_count: { $size: "$" } }
$sort: { review_count: -1 },
$limit: 10

Trying to filter an array and return a new array with the met criteria

Im trying to make a function that returns an Array (javascript). The original array contains objects (pizzas) and I have to return a new array WITHOUT the pizzas that contain pineapple on it. I dont seem to understand why it doesnt work.
I have tried to declare a new array and push() the [i] values that meet the criteria (!== 'pineapple'). But im clearly missing something.
I just started learning JS this week so tools like filter and map aren't possible for me yet.
thanks in advance!
const pizzas = [
{ type: 'margherita', size: '5' },
{ type: 'funghi', size: '6' },
{ type: 'hawaii', size: '7' },
{ type: 'vegetarian', size: '8' },
{ type: 'pineapple', size: '9' },
function filterPizzas(pizzas) {
const noPineapple = [];
for (let i = 0; i < pizzas.length; i++) {
if (pizzas[i].type !== 'pineapple') {
return noPineapple;
Your code looks almost correct, although there is no use for storing the catalogue inside your FilterPizzas function and then also take in pizzas as a function argument. I assume you want to pass this list of pizzas (your catalogue) to your function and then return the filtered result.
const pizzas = [
{ type: 'margherita', price: '5' },
{ type: 'funghi', price: '6' },
{ type: 'hawaii', price: '7' },
{ type: 'vegetarian', price: '8' },
{ type: 'pineapple', price: '9' },
function filterPizzas(pizzas) {
const filteredPizzas = [];
for (let i = 0; i < pizzas.length; i++) {
if (pizzas[i].type !== 'pineapple') {
return filteredPizzas
Have a look in the console of this working codesandbox example.
Option 1:
function filterPizzas(pizzas) {
const filteredPizzas = [];
for (let i = 0; i < pizzas.length; i++) {
const pizza = pizzas[i];
const pizzaType = pizza.type;
const isNotPineapple = pizzaType !== "pineapple";
if (isNotPineapple) {
return filteredPizzas;
Option 2:
function filterPizzas(pizzas) {
let array = pizzas.filter(pizza => {
return pizza.type != 'pineapple';
return array;

sort an array of objects on multiple key using array-sort

I have a requirement where the array of objects needs to be sorted on certain keys. The keys with which it needs to be sorted is dynamic and it is Not fixed.
I came across array-sort in npm library. Using that, am able to sort on multiple keys but it sorts only on ascending order.
const input = [{id:'1',name:'John',city:'Denver',State:'CO'},
{id:'2',name:'Smith',city:'San Fransisco',State:'CA'},
I want to sort on State (asc), city (asc) and id (desc). My output should look like
{id:'2',name:'Smith',city:'San Fransisco',State:'CA'},
Can anyone please let me know how i can implement sorting on descending using array-sort
Maybe you want a JavaScript function like this?
function multicolumnSort(data, orders) {
return data.sort((e1, e2) => {
for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++)
if (e1[orders[i].column] != e2[orders[i].column])
return orders[i].desc ^ e2[orders[i].column] < e1[orders[i].column]? 1 : -1;
return 0;
Then, you may call the function with your order keys:
let orders = [
column: 'State'
column: 'city'
column: 'id',
desc: true
let result = multicolumnSort(input, orders);
Check my code
function DESC(i, ii) { // DESC
return (i[key] > ii[key]) ? -1 : ((i[key] < ii[key]) ? 1 : 0);
function ASC(i, ii) { // ASC
return (i[key] > ii[key]) ? 1 : ((i[key] < ii[key]) ? -1 : 0);
function StartSort(data, myArray, order) {
// data - row for sorting, array - array fo sorting, order - order of sorting
key = data;
arr = myArray;
if (order.toUpperCase() == "ASC") {
sortedArray = arr.sort(ASC);
} else {
sortedArray = arr.sort(DESC);
return sortedArray;
//sorting started
const input = [{
id: '1',
name: 'John',
city: 'Denver',
State: 'CO'
id: '2',
name: 'Smith',
city: 'San Fransisco',
State: 'CA'
id: '3',
name: 'Adam',
city: 'Concord',
State: 'CA'
id: '1',
name: 'John',
city: 'Concord',
State: 'CA'
let output1 = StartSort('state', input, 'ASC');
output1 = StartSort('city', output1, 'ASC');
output1 = StartSort('id', output1, 'DESC');

ES6 : Create objects in a given format from array of key values

var result = {445: "L005.0", 455: "L006.0", 456: "L007.0", 457: "L008.0", 458: "L009.0", 459: "L027.0", 467: "L005.7", 580: "L001.0", 581: "L002.0", 587: "L003.0"};
From this "result", I want to output an object like this
"445": {
name: result[445],
icon: "fa-search"
"455": {
name: result[455],
icon: "fa-search"
"456": { ... },
"457": { ... },
So you need to iterate over keys to construct new object o;
let res={}; //initializing
for(let i of Object.keys(result))
"name": result[i],
console.log(res) //to test

Group by on a complex object in AngularJS

I've an array that contains assignments of employees on tasks, it looks like something like this:
$scope.assignments = [
employee: {
id:"1", firstname:"John", lastname:"Rambo"
task: {
name:"Kill everyone", project:"Destruction"
date: {
day:"01/01", year:"1985"
employee: {
id:"2", firstname:"Luke", lastname:"Skywalker"
task: {
name:"Find daddy", project:"Star Wars"
date: {
day:"65/45", year:"1000000"
employee: {
id:"1", firstname:"John", lastname:"Rambo"
task: {
name:"Save the world", project:"Destruction"
date: {
day:"02/01", year:"1985"
I would like to group by employee, for having something like this:
$scope.assignmentsByEmployee = [
{ //First item
missions: [
name:"Kill everyone",
name:"Save the world",
{ //Second item
missions: [
name:"Find daddy",
Is their a simple way to do this ? I tried something with a double forEach, but it leads me nowhere.
Hope I'm understandable :)
Thanks !
You should just be able to loop through the assignments array and create a 'keyed array' (which just means using an object in JavaScript) on employee ID. Then you just fill up the missions array as required.
Something like
// initialise a holding object
var assignmentsByEmployee = {};
// loop through all assignemnts
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.assignments.length; i++) {
// grab current assignment
var currentAssignment = $scope.assignments[i];
// grab current id
var currentId =;
// check if we have seen this employee before
if(assignmentsByEmployee[currentId] === undefined) {
// we haven't, so add a new object to the array
assignmentsByEmployee[currentId] = {
id: currentId,
firstname: currentAssignment.employee.firstname,
lastname: currentAssignment.employee.lastname,
missions: []
// we know the employee exists at this point, so simply add the mission details
These leaves assignmentsByEmployee as an object, but you can simply foreach through it and convert it back to an array if required. E.g:
$scope.assignmentsByEmployee = [];
for(var employeeId in assignmentsByEmployee) {
