No undefined references when compiling shared library - c

Im wondering why Im getting no undefined references when compiling as a shared library using -shared as an option for gcc. Consider the following case:
#include <confuse.h>
main(int argc, char **argv)
cfg_opt_t opts[1];
cfg_t *cfg = cfg_init(opts, CFGF_NOCASE);
return 0;
libconfuse is needed here in order to run the program properly. If im compiling it as a "normal" application without specifying that libconfuse is needed (-lconfuse) im getting the following (from my perspective regular) error:
$ gcc -Wall -Wno-unused-variable test.c -o test
/tmp/ccTVz6an.o: In function `main':
test.c:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `cfg_init'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
If im compiling the same code as a shared library im not getting any error message regarding the library:
$ gcc -Wall -Wno-unused-variable test.c -o -shared
$ echo $?
Can someone please bring light into darkness?

You are compiling a (shared) library, not a program, and libraries are expected not to be complete, so undefined references do not prevent the shared library from building.
Yes, it may sound a bit surprising, particularly if you come from a OS (Windows?) where the shared libraries are always fully linked, but that's how ELF works.
If you want to ensure that all your references are are resolved when building a shared library you can use the linker option --no-undefined:
gcc -Wall -Wno-unused-variable test.c -o -shared -Wl,--no-undefined
Note that libraries used to resolve references when linking a shared library will be added to the header of that library, as NEEDED entries, and then linked automatically when using that library. See objdump -p for details.

With shared libraries (not static ones), you could link a library into your other library
So you could compile your shared library as:
gcc -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -fPIC test.c \
-o -shared -lconfuse
Later you would link that library to some main.c with
gcc -Wall main.c -lmytest -L. -o myprog
or you could load it at runtime, using dlopen(3) on ./ (read the man page about why ./ is significant to dlopen)
Simple explanations are in the Program Library HowTo. But Drepper's paper: How to Write Shared Libraries is the best reference.
And it is permitted for a shared library (or even a static one) to have undefined references, since quite often the user of that library would explicitly link the lower level libraries needed by it.


C pluginsystem: symbol lookup error

I am writing a plugin system which is separated other 3 modules:
plugin_system.c - the core of the system
list.c - contains a linked list implementation for plugins' storage
plugin_interface.h - contains the declaration needed by plugins, has no source file associated with
plugin_interface.h only contains only of types and the function:
extern int plugin_register(PluginManager *plug_manager, const char *name, Plugin *plug);
which is defined in plugin_system.c
When loading a plugin, the plugin system look for a funcion init_plugname() and call it, that function must call plugin_register to register the plugin.
The program is compiled with complex recursive Makefiles (not the best idea), but what I try to achieve is:
I compile the plugin system object in the main program folder, it is then linked with the main program. From make execution:
gcc -Wall -O2 -std=gnu99 -D DEBUG -g -fPIC -c -o /home/kowa/code/reseaux/projet/ringo/c/bin/list.o list.c
gcc -Wall -O2 -std=gnu99 -D DEBUG -g -fPIC -c -o /home/kowa/code/reseaux/projet/ringo/c/bin/plugin_system.o plugin_system.c
A plugin is compiled with gcc -fPIC -c -o plugname.o plugname.c plug_system.o followed by gcc -o plugname.o plug_system.o -shared
I try to load the plugin in my main program and get this error:
symbol lookup error: ./plugins/ undefined symbol: exists
exists is a function in the list module used by the plugin_system module to store plugins, the plugin_register function mentionned aboved calls it.
I've never done that kind of system before and I'm not an expert in shared library, I guess the problem is from how I compile the whole project, I may miss some linkage...
I just forgot to link the plugin with list.o which is used by the plugin_system.o...

Why does my .so have undefined symbols

Im creating a runtime loaded shared object in linux that impliments some JSON using jannson.h.
This is how I'm building the .so:
gcc -Wall -fPIC -c device_simulator_json.c
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname, -o device_simulator_json.o
When my application tries to load the .so, I get an error indication:
undefined symbol: json_object
I'm guessing that my .so has to include in it the jansson object. But I'm not sure which one or how. I can see the following jansson objects in my /usr/local/lib:
Because the .so I'm building is dynamically loaded at runtime (using dlopen), doesn't the jansson object I use also have to be built with PIC.
You probably should link inside your shared library:
gcc -L/usr/local/lib -shared -Wl,-soname, \
-o device_simulator_json.o -ljansson
Alternatively, you might link -ljansson into the main program (doing the dlopen). You'll better then link that program with -rdynamic
BTW, you probably should compile your shared object with all warnings and debug info:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -g -fPIC -c device_simulator_json.c
once all is debugged you might optimize with -O2

Switched from shared library to dll, now getting an error that it can't find pow()

Here is the error:
symbol lookup error: ./src/ undefined symbol: pow
Everything else in the library works fine, even functions that use math.h, but when I call the function that needs pow(), it crashes. It worked perfectly fine when it was a shared library. I am using gcc and a makefile to compile. The only change I made to the makefile was adding -ldl for the library. I still have -lm in it. I changed the driver program to support the change to the dll instead of the shared library, but the function causing the error hasn't changed.
Is there more to the makefile that I need to change?
Here is the makefile:
testlib: src/driver.o src/prog3.o
gcc -fPIC -Wall -c src/prog3.c -o src/prog3.o
gcc -Wall -shared -o src/ src/prog3.o
gcc -Wall -o $# src/driver.c -ldl -lm -Lsrc -lprog3
You need to be doing:
gcc -Wall -shared -o src/ src/prog3.o -lm
That is, shared libraries must be built with their dependencies. If you omit the -lm, you're telling the linker that unresolved symbols in are intended to be resolved by symbols in the main program or libraries it has already caused to be loaded. I see you did put -lm on the link command line for the main program, but my guess is that the main program did not actually use any symbols from and thus it did not get added to the DT_NEEDED table for the main program and therefore is not already loaded.
In any case, making dependencies explicit like this is almost always best.

C: undefined reference... to library used successfully elsewhere

I am trying to compile a C++ project (openFrameworks + CodeBlocks), using an external C library. I get "undefined reference" error, although I succesfully compile and use the library elsewhere.
The code consists of sources main.cpp, testApp.cpp and header files, including one for my library "myprocessing". When I make , the code is compiled and dies at linking with error
obj/i686Release/./src/testApp.o: In function `testApp::update()':
testApp.cpp:(.text+0x261): undefined reference to `gauss_5(datarect_t)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [bin/faceGrabber] Error 1
where gauss_5 is my library function, and it is called in testApp.cpp (header with declarations is included there).
Below I paste the make commands used to compile the code, generated by CodeBlocks (I strip it for clarity)
# compiling object for: ./src/testApp.cpp
g++ -c -g [some -I...] -DOF_USING_GTK -DOF_USING_MPG123 -Wall
-fexceptions -I. -Ilib/ -MMD -MP -MFobj/i686Debug/./src/testApp.d
-MTobj/i686Debug/./src/testApp.d -oobj/i686Debug/./src/testApp.o
-c ./src/testApp.cpp
# compiling object for: ./src/main.cpp
g++ -c -g -pthread [some -I...] -DOF_USING_GTK -DOF_USING_MPG123
-Wall -fexceptions -I. -Ilib/ -MMD -MP -MFobj/i686Debug/./src/main.d
-MTobj/i686Debug/./src/main.d -oobj/i686Debug/./src/main.o
-c ./src/main.cpp
# linking bin/faceGrabber_debug . ./src ./lib
g++ -o bin/faceGrabber_debug obj/i686Debug/./src/testApp.o
obj/i686Debug/./src/main.o -Wl,-rpath=./libs -Llib/ -lz
-lmyprocessing [some libs...]
Note that my library is referenced (-lmyprocessing) in the last, linking step. So, all the headers and libraries are found by the compiler, but somehow they are not compiled-in.
I tried both .a static and .so dynamic files for myprocessing, unsuccessfully. As I mentioned, I use the same library in other project (outside openFrameworks and CodeBlocks) and it works.
You say that the library is written in C. However, the fact that the linker is able to print out the type of the argument to gauss_5() suggests that it's working with the mangled, C++ name of the function.
I suspect you might be missing extern "C" { ... } guards around your C header.

Why am I getting a gcc "undefined reference" error trying to create shared objects?

Why am I getting an "undefined reference" error using gcc?
I am trying to create a shared object (.so) that exports one function, "external()". I then try to link against the .so but get "undefined reference 'external'". What am I doing wrong here?
File: external.c
int external() {
return 5;
File: program.c
int external();
int main(char** argv, int* argc) {
return external();
$ gcc -fPIC -c external.c
$ gcc -shared -o external.o
$ gcc -L. -lexternal -o program program.c
/tmp/cc3MmhAE.o: In function `main':
program.c:(.text+0x7): undefined reference to `external'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I can even run nm and see that the .so is defining 'external':
$ nm | grep external
0000040c T external
What am I missing here?
Recent versions of gcc/ld default to linking with --as-needed.
This means if you write -lexternal before the C file the library will automatically get excluded (the order matters when testing if things are "needed" like this)
You can fix this with either of:
gcc -L. -o program program.c -lexternal
gcc -L. -Wl,--no-as-needed -lexternal -o program program.c
The latter of which passes --no-as-needed to the linker, which would cause the library to still be linked, even if you didn't call external() from it.
Note: -Wl,--no-as-needed isn't applied globally to everything that's linked, it's only applied to things that follow it in the command line order. So -lexternal -Wl,--no-as-needed also wouldn't work. This does mean that you can mix and match behaviours though, for example gcc -L. -Wl,--no-as-needed -lexternal -Wl,--as-needed -o program program.c -lmightneed would always link against external, but only link against mightneed if one or both of program.c/ caused it to be needed.
