Sencha Cmd ERR Invalid Path (Trial Version) - extjs

When I try to generate an ExtJS app with my trial installation it fails. It worked in the beginning. Here is what I get:
sencha generate app -ext sampleName F:\vs13\sampleName
Sencha Cmd v5.1.0.26
[INF] Loading framework from F:/../../../../../ext
[ERR] Invalid Path : F:\..\..\..\..\..\ext
Since it is a trial version it should automatically download the framework.
This will automatically download the Ext JS Commercial Trial package and use it to generate your application.
According to the documentation this is the syntax:
sencha generate app -ext MyApp /path/to/MyApp
Also I checked the path variable which includes the path to the Sencha Cmd installation:
I tried to restart the development machine. It did not help.
Any suggestion to solve the error "Invalid Path"?

Did you move Sencha Cmd installation? That could be the reason because Ext library is downloaded only for the first application you create and it is cached in the Cmd installation tree. Next applications you create use this cached Ext. If you moved Cmd then it cannot find path to the cached Ext.
You can also try to uninstall Sencha Cmd and install it again.


Sencha Architect "Unable to open your app.json file"

I've been trying to follow Sencha's basic tutorial on Sencha Architect with the Sencha Architect trial version, but I've been stuck on the step of the tutorial titled, "Save Your Project". I've been encountering this error in the Sencha Architect Logs every time I save my new projects:
As the error suggests, there was no "app.json" generated by Sencha Architect:
The "CMD Output Tab" also produces this output upon saving the Sencha Architect project:
[INF] Initializing empty workspace at C:\Users\marco\source\sencha-sandbox\Test2
[INF] Copying framework to C:\Users\marco\source\sencha-sandbox\Test2\ext
[INF] Added framework ext to workspace.json
[ERR] The specified string cannot be converted into a valid namespace identifier
Exception in thread "Thread-13"
com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Invalid namespace : Test2
If it makes any difference, I am using the latest versions of Java JDK (17.0.1) and Ruby (3.0.2p107).
Here is a selection of some of the things I've tried to resolve the issue, none of which have worked:
Restart windows ❌
Recreate project ❌
Create new project with Ext JS 6.0.x, instead of the latest version ❌
Reinstall everything and try following the tutorial again on a
completely new instance of Windows 10 ❌
What I have been able to do successfully is create and run a project through the Sencha CMD following the Sencha CMD tutorial, so I find it interesting that the Sencha CMD-generated project works perfectly fine, yet my Sencha Architect Trial version cannot create a functioning project.
I got into contact with one of Sencha's engineers today, who helped me to resolve this:
When Sencha Architect (v4.2.9) installed with CMD, the CMD version (v7.3.0.19) that was automatically installed alongside Sencha Architect was causing this error.
To fix this version issue, within Sencha Architect, I had to go to menu at Edit > Preferences > Dependencies, and change the default "Custom Cmd Base Path" from
to the install location of the standalone Sencha CMD
After doing that, you re-launch Sencha Architect, and Sencha Architect will ask you to update Sencha CMD, which you proceed with. From there, it seems that all your future projects should be good to go without issue.

Ext JS - Creating a new application

I have installed SenchaCmd- and it installed into the folder C:\users\myname\bin....
I am trying to create a new app. I have tried the cmd given in the sencha site. But it says "Not a framework directory".
Kindly help me to start it... I am new to Extjs
After downloading Sencha CMD you'll need to download the EXT JS SDK or you can download the GPL version. You can get them from official Sencha website (as you would have downloaded Sencha CMD).
Then you can generate the app by specifying the location where you have kept the EXT JS SDK or else, navigate to location where you have kept the EXT JS SDK using command prompt, then give the generate command. For example.
D:\ext-6.0.2-trial\ext-6.0.2>sencha generate app YouAppName <location>
Specify the location where you want to create the files of the application, usually the c:\inetpub\wwwroot directory if you are using IIS server on Windows.

how to create an Extjs app using sencha cmd

I am new to sencha. I need to work on ExtJS and would like to create an app using sencha cmd. I have tried many things but not getting a clear info to create an app with sencha cmd.
Please help me by treating as a beginner to build an application.
Also after the installation of sencha cmd how can we start this to run sencha commands? When I try any command in normal terminal it shows me 'sencha is not recognized' in windows PC. Also I've given the sencha cmd path in the environment variable PATH.
After you fix the PATH problem and when sencha works, run
sencha generate app YourNameSpace /where/you/want/it
Run this command in ext directory - where you unzipped Ext.
For more details see
Along with Path variable try to create another variable
SENCHA_CMD_5_0_0 and set the location of your sencha cmd
after doing this sencha cmd path will present in both path and sencha_cmd_5_0_0 variables
Sencha cmd is a Java Application, be sure you have Java SDK or JRE installed, also add the path to Sencha Cmd executable to your PATH environment variable, (My PC properties/Advanced/Environment VAriables), read the install documentation carefully.
Download Sencha SDK GPL or try the commercial version.
You could start generating a basic app or using a predefined template:
$ sencha -sd path/to/ext-6.x generate app APP_NAME path/to/project
A good starting point for more advanced applications is using the package templates, i.e the Admin Dashboard:
$ sencha -sd /path/to/ext-6x generate app -s /path/to/ext6.x/templates/admin-dashboard/ APP_NAME /path/to/project
You should run $ sencha package upgrade if required.

Sencha Cmd won't build on another workstation

So I am trying to set up another ExtJS (4.2.1) dev workstation I've got Ruby 1.9.3, Sencha Cmd installed and latest Java VM too.
The build won't work on this one though, I'm getting:
[INF] executing compass using system installed ruby runtime
Errno::ENOENT on line ["38"] of C: No such file or directory - C:/devtfs/CustomerPortal/CustomerPortal.UI/Content/Customer_Portal_UI/build/temp/production/Customer_Portal_UI/slicer-temp/.sass-cache/82daaa66b7a4761963814fd25131bf0f81370ec9/Customer_Portal_UI-example.scssc
82daaa66b7a4761963814fd25131bf0f81370ec9 folder does exist, but it's empty.
I've tried
sencha ant clean
sencha app refresh
sencha app build --clean
No go. Ever seen this issue ?
EDIT: Hmm, even after this error, the application seems to be running fine on the Sencha web server, but the index.html file is the last thing that's not created in build/production.

Sencha touch: Issues with creating my first application using the CMD in windows 7

I read a good-for-a-start post.
Then according to the author of the above post, I decided to get the requirements for Sencha mobile development: Sencha touch 2.1.1 GPL/commercial download, the SenchaCMD v4.0.2.67 which I have installed.
I have copied the Sencha touch-2.1.1 to the htdocs folder inside the xampp folder. So in other words, I don't need the SDK or anything else for now. I have also updated the PATH variable.
When I type this command: sencha generate app Helloworlds ..\Helloworlds, I get this output with errors:
C:\xampp\htdocs\senchaTouch> sencha generate app MyApp1 ../MyApp1
Sencha Cmd v4.0.2.67
[ERR] Unable to locate 'framework.dir' property from sencha.cfg
[ERR] Please ensure this command was executed from a valid framework directory
[ERR] Non-framework directory
So what should I do about this framework issue? And where is this framework.dir?
I tried to add the path of the installed SenchaCMD on it but this is what happened:
C:\xampp\htdocs\senchaTouch>sencha generate app Helloworld2 ..\C:\Users\Adrian\b
I obtain this output:
Sencha Cmd v4.0.2.67
[ERR] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
I am confused. Where is the problem exactly?
May be its late. But Here is the link which provides step by step tutorial for developing your first Sencha Touch application and deploy it to Android.
