trying to write a .bat file to auto login and exit - batch-file

im tyring to write a bat file to ensure i am logged into a remote pc by a certain time so that some other auto processes can run on that pc.
heres where i am
cmdkey /generic:TERMSRV/server /user:**** /pass:*****
mstsc /v:server
ping -n 10
taskkill /im mstsc.exe /f
problem im facing is that after lauching the remote pc is doesnt move to the ping until i manually close the cmd window
seems really simple, im just blanking. and if i could schedule it and save my creds in task scheduler i would, current gp doesnt allow me to.
thanks in advance.

You can call mstsc with start to run mstsc independently of the batch script.
start "" mstsc /v:server


Writing Batch file that monitors a certain web page's status

The issue
I am trying to create a batch file that will execute the following two commands:
cd /some/path
dotnet run
that produces the following output:
It starts my localhost server.
Trying To Accomplish
What I would like to do is, put those two commands in a batch file and automatically open Chrome to the server address, HOWEVER, the dotnet command takes some time to finish. So somehow, I would have to keep monitoring localhost to see if it is available.
Any help would be appreciated. Although opening a CMD window, typing those 2 commands, and waiting a minute isn't all that much of a problem, it sure would be nice to just click on a batch file.
Thank you.
You can create a batch file like this code :
#echo off
Set "ApplicationPath=%UserProfile%\source\repos\PruttPos\PruttPosSystem\"
CD /D "%ApplicationPath%"
dotnet run
Start "Chrome" Chrome.exe "http://localhost:5000"

Can't manage to make CMD launch a program using start

I made a .bat file which is supposed to run Thunderbird minimized.
Here's what I put in it so far:
start /min "" C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Mozilla Thunderbird"\thunderbird.exe runas /user:Administrator
I tried several tests:
- Removing /min
- Adding the runas option for administrator rights
- Adding the first empty quotes after start
- Writing the whole path into quotes
- ...etc.
Everything that happens is the .bat launches, but nothing furthermore happens.
I have no error in the CMD window.
Why isn't it working ??
My purpose is to put that .bat in startup folder so that Thunderbird launches minimized on startup.
I used to use an extension (MinimizeOnStartup) for Thunderbird, but it's no longer compatible with latest version and I couldn't manage to find any alternative.
I read through here, it wasn't enough to help:
A batch file to minimize other applications
Can you help me?
Thank you.
Using Windows 10.
Try the following (modify it accordingly)
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\
start /min thunderbird.exe runas /user:Administrator
A solution posted on reddit ...
This is Windows only. You'll need NirCMD for this. NirCMD will trigger the "Minimize" Event after we've started Thunderbird. Get it here:
The script:
START "" "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe"
timeout /T 3 /nobreak
"nircmd.exe" win min process "thunderbird.exe"

Start hostednetwork using batch file

When I want to start a local hotspot, I normally run cmd as administrator and type the command
netsh wlan start hostednetwork . It wastes of time to run cmd and type this command. Is there any alternative way to do it using bat file?
Might be late, but save only this line into .bat file:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
And then use any .bat to .exe converter like this one: Advanced BAT to EXE Converter OR you can use anyone else you like.
Convert it, right click on the new one, Properties -> Compatibility -> Run this program as an administrator
Double click the new .exe file, and there you go!
You need to set the hostednetwork for the first time if you haven't before using this line:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=SSID_NAME key=PASSWORD
IFF you want to run your hostednetwork at startup:
Open Run (Windows key + R)
type: shell:startup
Then copy the .exe file you made previously in that folder.
You may need to enable "Run as an administrator" option for that program after moving it to startup folder.
Take a look into this gist, in resume just write this into a batch-File
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=SSID_NAME key=PASSWORD
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Me too, I don't want run command every create wifi, so I find a solution, that is create shortcut. It's easier than creating batch-file.
Start: netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Stop: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
Right click shortcut / Properties / Advanced / Tick Run as administrator/ ok / Apply / ok.
You cant watch on youtube, this is tutorial video.

How to stop and restart Audio Service using a batch file?

I made a batch file with the following line
net stop audiosrv & net start audiosrv
It just flashes and closes, not actually doing the command. I think I saw something about administrator privileges in the command window but it flashed too fast to tell. What is wrong?
Create a new text file.
Then, paste the following code into it.
#echo off
net stop audiosrv
net start audiosrv
Save the file as a bat file.
Open the bat file as admin.
Here find a script for running a batch file as an admin
#echo off
if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b)
net stop audiosrv
net start audiosrv
A more comprehensive batch file approach:
#echo off
if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b)
net stop audiosrv
net stop AudioEndpointBuilder
net start AudioEndpointBuilder
net start audiosrv
The audio service is started by Windows using local system account and therefore it is not possible to stop this service without administrator privileges as command net outputs.
The solution is clicking with right (secondary) mouse button on batch file and click with left (primary) mouse button in context menu on Run as Administrator as Magoo already suggested before.
For testing a batch file just created, it is always useful to open a command prompt window and run the batch file from within this window by entering name (with path if needed) and hitting RETURN. A shortcut for opening a command prompt window can be found in Accessories menu of Windows start menu, or the command cmd.exe is executed which also opens a console window.

batch-file - batch file to check for open browser script

Right now I have a batch file I created that simple kills a chrome browser and opens up a new one to a particular homepage. I run this on a 5 minute interval with some added software that runs it if there is no activity for 5 minutes. I use this as a timeclock.
I am having some issues with the browser closing and reopening all the time. I figure I can make this script more effiecent by changing a few things.
Instead of closing and open a new browser every 5 minutes I would like to check first if the chome browser is already open and if it is then simple refresh it, otherwise open it.
Here is my current script
#echo off
taskkill /f /im chrome.exe
start "chrome" "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --kiosk ""
To check if Chrome is currently running, you can use the tasklist command.
tasklist | findstr chrome.exe || echo Chrome is not running
the code after || will only run if an errorlevel is set by the previous command, i.e. if chrome.exe doesn't show up in tasklist. You can use && to execute only if an errorlevel was not set.
You can also just check the errorlevel using a simple if statement -
if %errorlevel%==1 echo Chrome is running
Obviously chrome is closing because you are running the taskkill command. I assume you want to refresh the open page. You may need to look into using VBScript for this. This should help - refresh firefox from .bat file/ command.
