Active Directory Service Accounts - active-directory

I am currently working on a AD installation where there are about 45,000 accounts and about 60+ global catalogue servers, some accounts are active some are disabled. Some active accounts are service account which don't appear to login as the lastlogondate is several months old.
If I disable some of the service accounts which do not login the application stops working so I know the application is authenticating to AD somehow.
My question is how can I determine which account have been used to authenticate but have not actually 'logged in'? Is there an attribute I can query or can I set it somehow that AD writes to the event log?

Simply speaking, lastLogonTimestamp is the right attribute to find inactive accounts.
See following link for descriptions on different related attributes:
Just copied from above link, using PowerShell, you can get inactive users (inactive for AROUND 90 days, note lastLogonTimestamp is only an approx value) by calling:
Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive -DateTime ((get-date).adddays(-90)) -UsersOnly
For the last logon time from Hyena, I suspect it is inaccurate.
(I never use Hyena before, so just a guess.)
From the following link:
Seems by default it only get the last logon info from one DC only. If they get this info from lastLogon attribute instead of lastLogonTimestamp (very likely, otherwise the "Check All Domain Controllers" option is meaningless), it will only get the logon time on this specific DC only. So if those service account are always using DC1 in recent authentications but you connect to DC2 to get the logon time, you will only get a very old time (or none if it never use DC2 to authenticate).

I don't know what function or technique you are using in Hyena to get the 'last logon' information, but as indicated by others, the AD attribute 'lastlogontimestamp' will get you a fairly accurate date/time (~within 10-day accuracy) of the last use of an account. This attribute can be added to any query in Hyena for all of your users. You can also export out the service information on all computers and servers, to see what accounts are being used.
If you need additional assistance, contact SystemTools Support -
We are always ready to support our customers.
(I am with SystemTools (Hyena) support)


Windows domain account getting locked

I have a big problem that I need some help, please.
I have a Windows domain with AD and it has 10 DC in different networks. I have one specific user that after he changed it's password he is getting locked out (password expiration due date).
Looking at the logs I found 2 machines he was "disconnected" in the RDP and I logged him out from there. Logs were saying explicitly the machine name so it was easy and the domain controller for that region let's call DC4. I just logged him out and not more logs saying about those 2 machines.
But he is still getting locked out in the DC5 and the logs say just the computer name of the domain controller and of course he is not logged in there.
We have many integrations with others applications, using LDAP protocol to authenticate users, etc... we basically use the AD users/groups for everything.
I tried using wireshark to see some logs but wasn't lucky, maybe I just used a bad filter search, but for some integrations I have LDAPS...
We reverted his password back to the one before all of this started and he is fine of course, but we need to figure this out.
So, is there another way to check the real source of blocking an account?
In the Windows Logs I was looking for event ID 4740 and 4771. For the DC4 it has only the 4740 what just says the DC4 itself. I asked him to check for any script or something he has using his account but he said nothing he remembers.
Any recommendation you guys have?
A user account was locked out.
Security ID: SYSTEM
Account Name: DC4$
Account Domain: DOMAIN
Logon ID: 0x3E7
Account That Was Locked Out:
Security ID: DOMAIN\user_here
Account Name: user_here
Additional Information:
Caller Computer Name: DC4
Someone from MS forum was able to help me (I posted there as well, just in case). The answer/help that solved for me was looking at the 4625 event ID!
So please, use at least these 3 - 4740, 4771 and 4625.

Extract users from two Active Directory groups

I have tried multiple times to get this to work, but I haven't figured it out yet, so I'm asking in here, hoping that someone will be able to help me out.
I am using Atlassian's Bitbucket, Jira and Bamboo and they're all synced with an AD. At the moment I am using my AD user to retrieve all the other users. It works, but it's not optimal, as the password expires every three months, and I have to change the LDAP user login info on all three applications. We have ordered a Service User, where the password doesn't expire, but the problem is that the Service User is in another group.
The picture below shows how the AD is set up. My Service User is in a group called Special Users. I would like to use this user as the login user in the settings. This way I would never have to think about changing password, when my AD password expires.
I would then like to retrieve all the users from the "Normal Users" group.
Let me know if more information is needed.
You could also add multiple user directories pointing to different parts of your Active Directory.
Jira has an internal Crowd out of the box.
You may let Jira connect to User directory and let all other application use Jira for authintication.
This would save time by only updating your LDAP password every 3 months on 1 application and reflected on all 3 applications

SonarQube and LDAP - Case sensitive logins

I am checking SonarQube 5.4 and the latest LDAP plugin 1.5.1. There are however a couple of issues.
First. My AD account is majcicam. If I log in with it, it is correctly shown in the users list. However if I login with MajcicaM (note capital letters) another additional user is added to the list:
As you can see from the attached image. For every login that I do make, seems it is treated as case sensitive and thinks of it as a different user.
Second thing. Once I assign a group to my user, on the next login those settings are gone. Seems that they are not persisted.
Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? Are my settings messed up?
No bugs here, just some subtleties about LDAP Plugin configuration and behaviour. :)
Case-insensitive login
Set sonar.authenticator.downcase to true when delegating authentication to an LDAP/AD server which is case-insensitive.
Group mapping behaviour
When group mapping is configured (i.e. you manually configured* or you use the windows authentication mode with lightweight AD config), membership in LDAP/AD will override any membership locally configured in SonarQube. LDAP/AD becomes the one and only place to manage group membership (and the info is fetched each time the user logs in).

Change User Name In Azure Active Directory

I have an Azure Active Directory (AAD) set up in my Azure subscription associated with an email address of mine, which we'll call A.
Some time later, I updated my Microsoft Account to use a new email address B as the primary email address, with A being associated with it still so it can still be used and the two email addresses treated as being one.
In AAD there is one user, whose user Id is A which appears not to be able to be changed as it is greyed-out. Attempting to add B fails with the error: You cannot add yourself.
Is there a way I can force the user name of the AAD user to be B instead of A?
The reason I ask is because I am trying to setup an Azure Key Vault in my subscription as it appears to be failing because whether or not I sign in as A or B in Azure Powershell, I am always signed in as B. This then causes this error message, which I appear to be unable to work around:
New-AzureKeyVault : Cannot find the Active Directory object 'B' in tenant
'{Tenant Id}'. Please make sure that the user or application service principal you are
authorizing is registered in the current subscription's Azure Active directory. The TenantID displayed by the cmdlet
'get-AzureSubscription -current' is the current subscription's Azure Active directory.
Can you check that you are using the latest bits for Key Vault PowerShell?
I talked with some folks internally and we believe that an experience like this may be expected if you are using an older version of the PowerShell CMDLETs, but the lastest version should be update to date and not run into the issue you are having.
If you find that you still hit this issue after upgrading, we may have a bug on our side that we should fix.
In that case, my suggestion is for you to create a new Admin User. Then delete the old Admin Account (you may need to Transfer Onwership of your AAD Subscription to the new Admin), and then recreate your account, which will pull the lastest information from that user.
However, I only reccommend trying this after having updated the PowerShell bits.
Please let us know if either of these methods resolves your issues.
Shawn Tabrizi

Domain Administrators' groups not showing via LDAP

I have a Debian Squeeze system which is using libnss-ldap to bind to a 2008 Active Directory domain controller to look up users and groups. Everything works fine, except for some reason anyone who is in the Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins, or Schema Admins group does not get the correct group memberships. They get only the *Admin group, and no others (unless there are local groups that apply, which do show).
Stranger yet, a "getent group" shows all the correct group memberships for the user, but an "id " or "groups" (when running as the user) doesn't. We use a domain group for sudo access, and this user is unable to use sudo because it fails to see the group membership. As soon as the *Admin membership is removed, lookups work correctly.
I suspected maybe this was an AD security feature, but we have FreeBSD systems using nss-ldap on which these users' group memberships resolve correctly. There is nothing in the logs to indicate why these lookups don't return the normal results, and I haven't been able to find anything via Google to help shed light on the situation. Is anyone else using libnss-ldap in Debian to connect to an AD who can try to confirm this behavior?
Edit: I have confirmed using ldapsearch that the AD is returning the correct results. I also stopped nscd to make sure it wasn't interfering. Any user in Domain Admins sees only his primary group, local groups, and Domain Admins.
BTW, I think this is the issue:
I have had this problem also.
I found it eventually about 18 months ago. It is a security feature of Microsoft. There is a service that runs once per hour and removes the admins from the LDAP search. If you do a query as anonymous, you will receive the correct answer for 1 hour. After one hour you will receive nothing. If you log in as a domain user, you will receive the correct information. That is why you get different results.
I do not at this point remember the service name but I am searching for it now. I found it originally on Microsoft tech net about 18 months ago, but by now, I don't remember it.
The point was that the only answer to it is
Disable that service and it does many other security items so that is not a good idea.
Change the LDAP searches to run under a domain user's log in (we have done that on some users)
Create a bogus duplicate contact with the same information for each of our admins. This is probably the easiest and quickest, but the most prone to developing wrong information over time.
The rational of this security feature is to hide all domain admins from random anonymous searches so their credentials can't be compromised by an encyclopedia password attack.
Calvin Thomas
My answer was deleted, but the problem was, in fact UAC as described in The issue is that Domain Admins, when UAC is enabled on the DC, actually exist in two states. One that is a member of the domain admins group (i.e., the UAC 'shadow' user) and another that is the normal user. It appears that the DC only returns the former when queried with LDAP. By creating a new group, making that group a member of Domain Admins instead of the accounts themselves, and putting the accounts in the new group, the problem was resolved.
