Proper-Casing Street names in SSRS - sql-server

With the application that I am working with and writing reports for, the user is entering the Location in all upper case. It has been requested by those who my reports are going to that the Location be in proper case. This was fine till I realized that proper case does not recognize abbreviations. Is there a way to write an expression in SSDT that will, while converting the street name into proper case, also make is so abbreviations like "SE" or "DR" are upper case?

John Saunders is right, it's not simple, and it'd be better if you can fix the data at the source. But you can wrap your Proper Case function in a series of outer REPLACE Functions. It's not simple because you'll have to analyze your data and figure out all the abbreviations you want to handle, and manually code each one. It will get huge, so you might consider creating this function in SSRS custom code, so it doesn't look so cluttered in the expression builder.
Psuedo code would look something like this:
Add a REPLACE(InnerExpression,ProperCaseExpression,UpperCaseExpression) for each individual abbreviation you want to handle. It won't be fun, but it will work.


Identify all strings in SQL Server code (red color - like in SSMS)

I was not able to solve this by myself so I hope I didn't miss any similar post here and I'm not wasting your time.
What I want is to identify (get a list) of all strings used in SQL Server code.
select 'WordToCatch1' as 'Column1'
from Table1
where Column2 = 'WordToCatch2'
If you put above code to SSMS all three words in apostrophes will be red but only words 'WordToCatch1' and 'WordToCatch2' are "real" strings used in code.
My goal is to find all those "real" strings in any code.
For example if I will have stored procedure 10k rows long it would be impossible to search them manually so I want something what will find all those "real" strings for me and return a list of them or something.
Thanks in advance!
The trouble is, Column1 is nothing particular different compared to WordToCatch1 and WordToCatch2 - not unless you parse the SQL yourself. You could modify your query to take the quotes away from Column1 and it will show up coloured black.
I guess a simple regex will show up all identifiers after an AS keyword, which would be easier than fully parsing SQL, if all the unwanted strings are like that, and its not just an example.

How can I extract human-readable text from a code snippet?

I need to write a T-SQL query against a text column where some of the values are html or coding but include normal human-readable text. For example:
{\colortbl ;\red31\green73\blue125;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\lang1033\f0\fs22 All invoices to be emailed to Jack
I don't need that information I need the real text; in this case I want to get just All invoices to be emailed to Jack
Any suggestions on how to go about extracting the text without getting the coding?
Short answer is that there is no easy standard way to do this. I’d try creating a CLR since this kind of parsing is easier in C# or VB.NET.
You can also try using regex to strip out everything that’s not human readable.
Is all of your data in similar format like you already shown? If that’s the case then it comes down to calling substring several times…

MS SQL - WHERE substring matches are phonetic?

I'd like to make a search feature that searches based on "sounds like" match.
For instance, lets say I have a company list that looks like this (lets say we live in Bizzaro world too):
Already allusion cite LTD
All ready illusion site INC
Apart assent
Assent sight
(Or something simmilar with names... George or Jeorge ? "Yah-way", or "ye-hova" ?)
When someone searches for something that "sounds like" the soundex("site") == S230, they should see results for "Sight" also.
As most people who've used soudnex before already know, normal substring matches obviously don't do this.
I'm trying to work out in my head how to make a WHERE clause that can match based on this, so instead of a typical WHERE company LIKE input, I'd like to run a soundex. Obviously if I run soundex on the whole company name, I won't be able to do substring searching (for example, a user searching "ALL" will never match a soundex of "All ready"). Soundex split on each word might not be worthwhile either, so I'm not sure running all combinations of a soundex is a good idea... or even if that's going to be computationally feasible in a database with more than 1000 records.
Basically the interaction I want to have is when (in an office or something) Tom says to Sally "That name was something like Rebekkah Schwartzkopff" and it can be searched phonetically for a fuzzy match.
Obviously we're going to run into issues with non-English named companies because of soudnex, but I'm will to compromise on this one.
I'd like to do this without adding anything to the database, or a stored procedure.
If SOUNDEX is a good beginning for what you are doing, you can use DIFFERENCE.
FROM Person
WHERE DIFFERENCE(Person.FirstName, 'George') >= 3
Note that the DIFFERENCE function returns the difference between the SOUNDEX values of two strings using a value of 0-4; 4 meaning the strings are pretty close to the same and 0 meaning they are completely different (kind of a backwards scale to me, but I suppose it works).
Very interesting question. I did a little poking around and found this:
I haven't tested it myself but it seems like it would be worth checking out.
It would require you to add something to the database, but I don't see how you can implement the functionality you want with built in SQL Server functionality...

How do I exploit "EXEC #sql"?

My co-worker is being unsafe with his code and is allowing a user to upload an SQL file to be run on the server.
He strips out any key words in the file such as "EXEC", "DROP", "UPDATE", "INSERT", "TRUNC"
I want to show him the error of his ways by exploiting his EXEC ( #sql )
My first attempt will be with 'EXEXECEC (N''SELECT ''You DRDROPOPped the ball Bob!'')'
But he might filter that all out in a loop.
Is there a way I can exploit my co-worker's code? Or is filtering out the key words enough?
Edit: I got him to check in his code. If the code contains a keyword he does not execute it. I'm still trying to figure out how to exploit this using the binary conversion.
Tell your co-worker he's a moron.
Do an obfuscated SQL query, something like:
select #sql = 0x44524f5020426f627350616e7473
This will need some tweaking depending on what the rest of the code looks like, but the idea is to encode your code in hex and execute it (or rather, let it be executed). There are other ways to obfuscate code to be injected.
You've got a huge security hole there. And the funny part is, this is not even something that needs to be reinvented. The proper way to stop such things from happening is to create and use an account with the correct permissions (eg: can only perform select queries on tables x, y and z).
Have a look at ASCII Encoded/Binary attacks ...
should convince your friend he is doomed.. ;)
And here some help on how to encode the strings ..
Converting a String to HEX in SQL

Make SQL Server index small numbers

We're using SQL Server 2005 in a project. The users of the system have the ability to search some objects by using 'keywords'. The way we implement this is by creating a full-text catalog for the significant columns in each table that may contain these 'keywords' and then using CONTAINS to search for the keywords the user inputs in the search box in that index.
So, for example, let say you have the Movie object, and you want to let the user search for keywords in the title and body of the article, then we'd index both the Title and Plot column, and then do something like:
SELECT * FROM Movies WHERE CONTAINS(Title, keywords) OR CONTAINS(Plot, keywords)
(It's actually a bit more advanced than that, but nothing terribly complex)
Some users are adding numbers to their search, so for example they want to find 'Terminator 2'. The problem here is that, as far as I know, by default SQL Server won't index short words, thus doing a search like this:
SELECT * FROM Movies WHERE CONTAINS(Title, '"Terminator 2"')
is actually equivalent to doing this:
SELECT * FROM Movies WHERE CONTAINS(Title, '"Terminator"') <-- notice the missing '2'
and we are getting a plethora of spurious results.
Is there a way to force SQL Server to index small words? Preferably, I'd rather index only numbers like 1, 2, 21, etc. I don't know where to define the indexing criteria, or even if it's possible to be as specific as that.
Well, I did that, removed the "noise-words" from the list, and now the behaviour is a bit different, but still not what you'd expect.
A search won't for "Terminator 2" (I'm just making this up, my employer might not be really happy if I disclose what we are doing... anyway, the terms are a bit different but the principle the same), I don't get anything, but I know there are objects containing the two words.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I removed all numbers 1 ... 9 from my noise configuration for ENG, ENU and NEU (neutral), regenerated the indexes, and tried the search.
These "small words" are considered "noise words" by the full text index. You can customize the list of noise words. This blog post provides more details. You need to repopulate your full text index when you change the noise words file.
I knew about the noise words file, but I'm not why your "Terminator 2" example is still giving you issues. You might want to try asking this on the MSDN Database Engine forum where people that specialize in this sort of thing hang out.
You can combine CONTAINS (or CONTAINSTABLE) with simple where conditions:
SELECT * FROM Movies WHERE CONTAINS(Title, '"Terminator 2"') and Title like '%Terminator 2%'
While the CONTAINS find all Terminator the where will eliminate 'Terminator 1'.
Of course the engine is smart enough to start with the CONTAINS not the like condition.
