how do i rename file using loopback storage service - angularjs

I am stuck how to rename the uploaded file to server.
don't know how to rename the file and send that url further.
Using [loopback-storage-service]
Do i make changes in container model?
Help is appreciated.

To rename create a file inside your loopback boot folder
module.exports = function(app) {
//Function for checking the file type..
app.dataSources.presImage.connector.getFilename = function(file, req, res) {
//Return the new FileName

I checked the angular-file-upload's github page, it says
Angular File Upload is a module for the AngularJS framework. Supports drag-n-drop upload, upload progress, validation filters and a file upload queue. It supports native HTML5 uploads, but degrades to a legacy iframe upload method for older browsers. Works with any server side platform which supports standard HTML form uploads.
I also checked angular-file-upload.js, there is no provision for renaming in it.
I would recommend to upload the file first and then using your server side code rename it for you, it will be easier that way.
Update : Found this on its github issues - Is it possible to rename the file before upload?


How to create folders and images using AngularJS

I have an AngularJS app that, upon requested to upload an image, creates a folder inside the file system (CentOS) and then puts that image there, telling the user everything went OK or not.
Is this possible? All I've found is ways to download the file.
It is better to delegate this task to a service on the server, since it is file that is uploading to a server. I put simple rest service to file upload this file to the server.

Upload file is not working using AngularJS on lighttpd server

In my current project we are using lighttpd server. Here I am trying to upload the file. I am getting two Response Headers, first is with 301 Status code (Moved Permanently) and second is with 200 (OK).
But when I am checking in the folder I am not able to find any file (I mean no file uploaded).
I have tried both way to upload file as given links below:
In both way I am getting the same response.
So here I have some sort of questions:
1) Is file upload is possible using AngularJS only? (No Server Side Script)
2) If possible, Is there any config problem with lighttpd?
Thanks !
Need Help...
The server side (or any web server) must be configured to handle POST and PUT requests. CGI, FastCGI, SCGI scripts can be written, or you can proxy to another backend. For simple file uploads, lighttpd also provides mod_webdav which you can configure (and protect with mod_auth) to allow you to upload files without having to write any server-side code.

angular file upload and preview

I am using ng-file-upload library to post files to my back end Web Api. Once the file is posted I save it to the following folder
and also save the path to my database.
Now when I go on edit mode; I want to get a preview of all uploaded files (photos). But when I use something like
I get
"Not allowed to load local resource"
is this the right approach, when serving files from disk?
That path is a server path and not a client path so for sure that won't work.
You need to have an endpoint on your server to allow downloading those files with id or name/path and then set the src of the img to that url.
The implementation download endpoint depends on your backend technology.
If in your edit mode you still have access to the file object that use has just selected then you can do:
<img ngf-src="file">

REST API file upload with symfony2

I have a REST API which use Symfony2. I need to upload a file on my REST API and send this file on an other service. How I can do that?
You may want to you use OneupUploaderBundle. It is optimized for a few file upload javascript libraries and it supports Gaufrette, which will upload your file everywhere you want.
Also you can check FineUploader: it sends automatically your file to S3 or Azure.

select file in Safari in Protractor

Executing this code in Safari doesn't work, but it works in chrome and firefox:
var pathToFile = path.resolve('./scripts', file);
element( by.css('input[ng-file-select="onFileSelect($files)"]')).sendKeys(pathToFile);
In digging around it looks like it's not possible to interact with file inputs in this way in Protractor running on Safari. Does anyone know of a workaround in Safari to put a file path in an input?
This is due to a leaky abstraction, which requires a Safari specific solution:
I guess the workaround for those that really want to do file upload for SafariDriver would be not to do it natively via SafariDriver but by using external code libraries to perform the upload via HTTP/HTTPS (POST) requests (combining any other form data in addition to the file being uploaded/sent), then get response and check whether upload succeeded or not, then go back to SafariDriver code and navigate to next page to check upload succeeded or not, and/or to continue from there for the next steps in the automation.
This approach would be similar to the file download method using HTTP requests externally that has been mentioned in various posts in WebDriver and Selenium user Google groups. Here, it's just the inverse, doing upload instead of download.
Though if the upload requires a session (cookie), then you can extract Selenium session cookie and use with HTTP request. Or if session is stored with session ID in URL, extract that and pass along with HTTP request.
Selenium Issue 4220: The SafariDriver does not support file uploads
How to upload file using Selenium when the file input is hidden?
Access is denied error in IE while file uploading
Changing the value of input file
Chrome file upload bug: on change event won't be executed twice with the same file
Selenium IDE 1.4.1 throwing security error when uploading a local file
Dynamically submitting a file upload form in IE10 using jQuery
