Using find for searching into the same array - arrays

I'm doing a project in MATLAB and I have a question about the find command.
I have an array (maxes) which contains data stored in two columns (time and frequency). Each row represent the frequency-time pair of a point.
I want to pair those values that meet certain conditions (that its frequency doesn't differ in more than 32 units and that its time doesn't differ in more than 64). I've thought of using the find command, but I don't know how to make it search for coincidences inside the same array. Is it possible? How can I do it?
In case I haven't explain my objective clearly (sorry if my English is bad, it's not my mother tongue), I leave here the code I've done for executing that part. It works perfectly, but it uses two for loops and I want to how it will work more efficiently using the find command.
for i = 1:length(maxes)-1
f1 = maxes(i,1);
t1 = maxes(i,2);
for j = i+1:length(maxes)
f2 = maxes(j,1);
t2 = maxes(j,2);
if((t2 - t1) < 64 && (t2 > t1))
if(abs(f2 - f1) < 32)
count = count+1;
Lrow = [t1, f1, f2 - f1, t2 - t1];
L(count,:) = Lrow;
else break;
Thank you so much in advance for your help

You can use meshgrid to efficiently solve this problem
Lrow=[x1(ind) y1(ind) x1-x2 y1-y2 ]
this should solve the problem.


accessing boundaries of array without duplicating lots of code

When I try to compile my code using -fcheck=all I get a runtime error since it seems I step out of bounds of my array dimension size. It comes from the part of my code shown below. I think it is because my loops over i,j only run from -ny to ny, -nx to nx but I try to use points at i+1,j+1,i-1,j-1 which takes me out of bounds in my arrays. When the loop over j starts at -ny, it needs j-1, so it immediately takes me out of bounds since I'm trying to access -ny-1. Similarly when j=ny, i=-nx,nx.
My question is, how can I fix this problem efficiently using minimal code?
I need the array grad(1,i,j) correctly defined on the boundary, and it needs to be defined exactly as on the right hand side of the equality below, I just don't know an efficient way of doing this. I can explicitly define grad(1,nx,j), grad(1,-nx,j), etc, separately and only loop over i=-nx+1,nx-1,j=-ny+1,ny-1 but this causes lots of duplicated code and I have many of these arrays so I don't think this is the logical/efficient approach. If I do this, I just end up with hundreds of lines of duplicated code that makes it very hard to debug. Thanks.
integer :: i,j
integer, parameter :: nx = 50, ny = 50
complex, dimension (3,-nx:nx,-ny:ny) :: grad,psi
real, parameter :: h = 0.1
do j = -ny,ny
do i = -nx,nx
psi(1,i,j) = sin(i*h)+sin(j*h)
psi(2,i,j) = sin(i*h)+sin(j*h)
psi(3,i,j) = sin(i*h)+sin(j*h)
end do
end do
do j = -ny,ny
do i = -nx,nx
grad(1,i,j) = (psi(1,i+1,j)+psi(1,i-1,j)+psi(1,i,j+1)+psi(1,i,j-1)-4*psi(1,i,j))/h**2 &
- (psi(2,i+1,j)-psi(2,i,j))*psi(1,i,j)/h &
- (psi(3,i,j+1)-psi(3,i,j))*psi(1,i,j)/h &
- psi(2,i,j)*(psi(1,i+1,j)-psi(1,i,j))/h &
- psi(3,i,j)*(psi(1,i,j+1)-psi(1,i,j))/h
end do
end do
If I was to do this directly for grad(1,nx,j), grad(1,-nx,j), it would be given by
do j = -ny+1,ny-1
grad(1,nx,j) = (psi(1,nx,j)+psi(1,nx-2,j)+psi(1,nx,j+1)+psi(1,nx,j-1)-2*psi(1,nx-1,j)-2*psi(1,nx,j))/h**2 &
- (psi(2,nx,j)-psi(2,nx-1,j))*psi(1,nx,j)/h &
- (psi(3,nx,j+1)-psi(3,nx,j))*psi(1,nx,j)/h &
- psi(2,nx,j)*(psi(1,nx,j)-psi(1,nx-1,j))/h &
- psi(3,nx,j)*(psi(1,nx,j+1)-psi(1,nx,j))/h
grad(1,-nx,j) = (psi(1,-nx+2,j)+psi(1,-nx,j)+psi(1,-nx,j+1)+psi(1,-nx,j-1)-2*psi(1,-nx+1,j)-2*psi(1,-nx,j))/h**2 &
- (psi(2,-nx+1,j)-psi(2,-nx,j))*psi(1,-nx,j)/h &
- (psi(3,-nx,j+1)-psi(3,-nx,j))*psi(1,-nx,j)/h &
- psi(2,-nx,j)*(psi(1,-nx+1,j)-psi(1,-nx,j))/h &
- psi(3,-nx,j)*(psi(1,-nx,j+1)-psi(1,-nx,j))/h
end do
One possible way for you could be using an additional index variable for the boundaries, modified from the original index to avoid getting out-of-bounds. I mean something like this:
do j = -ny,ny
jj = max(min(j, ny-1), -ny+1)
do i = -nx,nx
ii = max(min(i, nx-1), -nx+1)
grad(1,i,j) = (psi(1,ii+1,j)+psi(1,ii-1,j)+psi(1,i,jj+1)+psi(1,i,jj-1)-4*psi(1,i,j))/h**2 &
- (psi(2,ii+1,j)-psi(2,ii,j))*psi(1,i,j)/h &
- (psi(3,i,jj+1)-psi(3,i,jj))*psi(1,i,j)/h &
- psi(2,i,j)*(psi(1,ii+1,j)-psi(1,ii,j))/h &
- psi(3,i,j)*(psi(1,i,jj+1)-psi(1,i,jj))/h
end do
end do
It's hard for me to write a proper code because it seems you trimmed part of the original expression in the code you presented in the question, but I hope you understand the idea and apply it correctly for your logic.
Even though this is what you are asking for (as far as I understand), I would not recommend doing this before profiling and checking if assigning the boundary conditions manually after a whole array operation wouldn't be more efficient, instead. Maybe those extra calculations on the indices on each iteration could impact on performance (arguably less than if conditionals or function calls). Using "ghost cells", as suggested by #evets, could be even more performant. You should profile and compare.
I'd recommend you declaring your arrays as dimension(-nx:nx,-ny:ny,3) instead. Fortran stores arrays in column-major order and, as you are accessing values on the neighborhood of the "x" and "y", they would be non-contiguous memory locations for a fixed "other" dimension is the leftest, and that could mean less cache-hits.
In somewhat pseudo-code, you can do
do j = -ny, ny
if (j == -ny) then
p1jm1 = XXXXX ! Some boundary condition
p1jm1 = psi(1,i,j-1)
end if
if (j == ny) then
p1jp1 = YYYYY ! Some other boundary condition
p1jp1 = psi(1,i,j+1)
end if
do i = -nx, ny
grad(1,i,j) = ... term involving p1jm1 ... term involving p1jp1 ...
end do
end do
The j-loop isn't bad in that you are adding 2*2*ny conditionals. The inner i-loop is adding 2*2*nx conditionals for each j iteration (or 2*2*ny * 2*2*nx conditional). Note, you need a temporary for each psi with the triplet indices are unique, ie., psi(1,i,j+1), psi(1,i,j-1), and psi(3,i,j+1).

Changing nonzeros in certain columns of a sparse matrix

I have a sparse matrix in MATLAB:
and I want to change all non zero entries at certain columns into ones.
That is, something like this:
A(non zeros at columns c)=1;
Of course it can be done in a for loop, but that's clearly not the solution I'm looking for.
I tried several solutions using nnz, nonzeros, spfun - but with no soccess.
Can anyone come up with a simple way to do it?
You can do it this way:
A(:,c) = abs(sign(A(:,c))); % take the absolute value of the sign for all entries
% in the submatrix defined by the columns in c, and
% then assign the result back
A(:,c) = logical(A(:,c);
A(:,c) = A(:,c)~=0;
These may not be fast, because they process all entries in those columns, not just the nonzero entries. Dohyun's approach is probably faster.
You can try this
N = 1000;
P = 0.01;
A = sprand(N,N,P);
c = unique(randi(N,[1,round(N/10)]))'; % sorted column index
[r,cind] = find(A(:,c));
Related to Luis Mendos answer, but a bit simpler
A(:,c) = ceil(A(:,c));

What is the difference between the two for loops?

I had a question which I hope someone is able to clarify for me. What is the difference between the following two for loops?
c = zeros(16,10);
for k = 1:10
c(1,k) = log(k+1) - log(k);
for n = 1:15
**c**(n+1,k) = 1./n - k*(c(n,k));
c = zeros(16,10);
for k = 1:10
c(1,k) = log(k+1) - log(k);
for n = 1:15
**A**(n+1,k) = 1./n - k*(c(n,k));
A lot of times I find myself trying different areas when its simply a result of a specification of matrix. In the 2nd code of the for loop, it does create a new matrix also but what are the difference in terms of the calculations ?
Like noted, the capital C in the second program is very hard to notice. So I'm going to call it A.
After running the first program, say you have c1 matrix (c with all the calculations done).
The second program will produce 2 matrices A and c2. This c2 only has the first row of of the first c1, the rest of c2 is 0's. A will have the rest of c1, except for its first row, which is all 0's.
Hope this helps.

MATLAB: vectorize filling of 3D-array

I would like to safe a certain amount of grayscale-images (->2D-arrays) as layers in a 3D-array.
Because it should be very fast for a realtime-application I would like to vectorize the following code, where m is the number of shifts:
for i=1:m
array(:,:,i)=imabsdiff(circshift(img1,[0 i-1]), img2);
nispio showed me a very advanced version, which you can see here:
I = speye(size(img1,2)); E = -1*I;
ii = toeplitz(1:m,[1,size(img1,2):-1:2]);
D = vertcat(repmat(I,1,m),E(:,ii));
data_c = shape(abs([double(img1),double(img2)]*D),size(data_r,1),size(data_r,2),m);
At the moment the results of both operations are not the same, maybe it shifts the image into the wrong direction. My knowledge is very limited, so I dont understand the code completely.
You could do this:
M = 16; N = 20; img1 = randi(255,M,N); % Create a random M x N image
ii = toeplitz(1:N,circshift(fliplr(1:N)',1)); % Create an indexing variable
% Create layers that are shifted copies of the image
array = reshape(img1(:,ii),M,N,N);
As long as your image dimensions don't change, you only ever need to create the ii variable once. After that, you can call the last line each time your image changes. I don't know for sure that this will give you a speed advantage over a for loop, but it is vectorized like you requested. :)
In light of the new information shared about the problem, this solution should give you an order of magnitudes increase in speed:
clear all;
% Set image sizes
M = 360; N = 500;
% Number of column shifts to test
ncols = 200;
% Create comparison matrix (see NOTE)
I = speye(N); E = -1*I;
ii = toeplitz([1:N],[1,N:-1:(N-ncols+2)]);
D = vertcat(repmat(I,1,ncols),E(:,ii));
% Generate some test images
img1 = randi(255,M,N);
img2 = randi(255,M,N);
% Compare images (vectorized)
data_c = reshape(abs([img2,img1]*D),M,N,ncols);
% Compare images (for loop)
array = zeros(M,N,ncols); % <-- Pre-allocate this array!
for i=1:ncols
array(:,:,i)=imabsdiff(circshift(img1,[0 i-1]),img2);
This uses matrix multiplication to do the comparisons instead of generating a whole bunch of shifted copies of the image.
NOTE: The matrix D should only be generated one time if your image size is not changing. Notice that the D matrix is completely independent of the images, so it would be wasteful to regenerate it every time. However, if the image size does change, you will need to update D.
Edit: I have updated the code to more closely match what you seem to be looking for. Then I throw the "original" for-loop implementation in to show that they give the same result. One thing worth noting about the vectorized version is that it has the potential to be very memory instensive. If ncols = N then the D matrix has N^3 elements. Even though D is sparse, things fall apart fast when you multiply D by the non-sparse images.
Also, notice that I pre-allocate array before the for loop. This is always good practice in Matlab, where practical, and it will almost invariably give you a large performance boost over the dynamic sizing.
If question is understood correctly, I think you need for loop
for v=1:1:20
array(:,:,v)=circshift(image,[0 v]);

MATLAB excluding data outside 1 standard deviation

I'm inexperienced with MATLAB, so sorry for the newbie question:
I've got a large vector (905350 elements) storing a whole bunch of data in it.
I have the standard deviation and mean, and now I want to cut out all the data points that are above/below one standard deviation from the mean.
I just have no clue how. From what I gather I have to make a double loop of some sort?
It's like: mean-std < data i want < mean + std
If the data is in variable A, with the mean stored in meanA and the standard deviation stored in stdA, then the following will extract the data you want while maintaining the original order of the data values:
B = A((A > meanA-stdA) & (A < meanA+stdA));
Here are some helpful documentation links that touch on the concepts used above: logical operators, matrix indexing.
You can simply use the Element-wise logical AND:
m = mean(A);
sd = std(A);
B = A( A>m-sd & A<m+sd );
Also, knowing that: |x|<c iff -c<x<c, you can combine both into one as:
B = A( abs(A-m)<sd );
Taking A as your original vector, and B as the final one:
B = sort(A)
B = B(find(B > mean-std,1,'first'):find(B < mean+std,1,'last'))
y = x(x > mean-std);
y = y(y < mean+std);
should work. See FIND for more details. The FIND command is being used implicitly in the above code.
