printing a pointer value - c

i have this issue while trying to print *p value while p is pointed to a nodo of the list (obviusly i would like to print the value)
here is the code, hope u understand:
struct nodo {
int info;
struct nodo *prec;
struct nodo *succ;
} ;
typedef struct nodo nodo;
int main (void) { // just declaring my 3 nodos
struct nodo *p;
struct nodo anodo;
struct nodo bnodo;
struct nodo cnodo; = 200;
anodo.prec = NULL;
anodo.succ = NULL; = 22;
bnodo.prec = NULL;
bnodo.succ = NULL; = 2000;
cnodo.prec = NULL;
cnodo.succ = NULL;
anodo.succ = &bnodo;
bnodo.prec = &anodo;
bnodo.succ = &cnodo;
cnodo.prec = &bnodo;
p = &anodo;
printf("\n%d\n", checklist (p)); // calling function
return 0;
nodo *checklist (struct nodo *p) {
int j=0;
while (p != NULL) {
if (p->info >= p->succ->info) { //if first element is major or same than next
} else {
while (p != NULL) {
if (p->info >= p->succ->info) { //same
} else {
p = NULL;
while (j != 0) {
p = p->prec; //used a counter to get back to the first nodo in wich next was less than prev
return p;
feel free to ask any details

p = checklist (p);
if (p)
printf("\n%d\n", p->info);

You need to return the then
int checklist (struct nodo *p) {
int j=0;
while (p != NULL) {
/* avoid this p->succ->info */
if (p->info >= p->succ->info) { //if first element is major or same than next
p = p->succ;
} else {
while (p != NULL) {
if (p->info >= p->succ->info) { //same
p = p->succ;
} else {
p = NULL;
while (j != 0) { p = p->prec; //used a counter to get back to the first nodo in wich next was less than prev
return p->info;
or in main
int info
struct nodo *found;
found = checklist(p);
if (found != NULL)
printf("\n%d\n", found->info);


Removing items from a tree structure

I have this struct:
typedef struct Tree {
int arrel;
struct Tree *dret;
struct Tree *esq;
unsigned int talla;
} Tree;
With the following methods:
void crearArbre (struct Tree *arbre, int val_arrel)
arbre->arrel = val_arrel;
arbre->dret = NULL;
arbre->esq = NULL;
arbre->talla = 0;
int inserir (struct Tree *arbre, int valor) //Insert method
struct Tree *aux = arbre;
struct Tree *ant = NULL;
while (aux != NULL && aux->arrel - valor != 0)
ant = aux;
if (aux->arrel > valor)
aux = aux->esq;
aux = aux->dret;
if (aux == NULL)
if (ant->arrel > valor)
//ant -> esq -> arrel = valor;
ant->esq = (struct Tree *) malloc (sizeof (struct Tree));
ant->esq->arrel = valor;
//crearArbre(ant -> esq ,valor);
ant->dret = (struct Tree *) malloc (sizeof (struct Tree));
ant->dret->arrel = valor;
arbre->talla += 1;
return 0;
int rem (struct Tree *arbre, int valor) //Remove method
if (arbre == NULL)
return NULL;
if (valor < arbre->arrel)
return rem (arbre->esq, valor);
else if (valor > arbre->arrel)
return rem (arbre->dret, valor);
int val = arbre->arrel;
arbre = NULL; //Not sure about this
free (arbre); //?
return val;
void printarArbre (struct Tree *arbre) //Post order printing method
if (arbre != NULL)
printarArbre (arbre->esq);
printarArbre (arbre->dret);
printf ("%d -> ", arbre->arrel);
I have been testing the struct by inserting some numbers, find them and finally remove some elements. But, after I remove an element from the tree and calling free(), if I call printarArbre(), in the position that was the element previously removed, if I set (arbre = NULL) and then free(arbre), why is it still being printed? Do I need a flag to indicate whether a node has been removed?
Please see also the comments. The proper way would be:
int rem (struct Tree **arbreIn, int valor) //Remove method
struct Tree *arbre= *arbreIn; // shorthand
if (arbre == NULL)
return NULL;
if (valor < arbre->arrel)
return rem (&(arbre->esq), valor);
else if (valor > arbre->arrel)
return rem (&(arbre->dret), valor);
int val = arbre->arrel;
free (arbre); // free the node
*arbreIn = NULL; // set the parent's pointer (esq or dret) to null
return val;

delete element from a list

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
struct el {
int info;
struct el* next;
struct el* create_el(struct el* Li)
int num;
printf("\n\nInsert number:\n\n");
scanf("%d", &num);
Li = (struct el*)malloc(sizeof(struct el));
if (Li != NULL) {
Li->info = num;
Li->next = NULL;
return (Li);
struct el* push(struct el* L, struct el* e)
{ //inserts the elements from the head of the list
if (L == NULL)
return (e);
else {
e->next = L;
L = e;
return (L);
void visualize(struct el* primo)
while (primo->next != NULL) {
printf("%d", primo->info);
primo = primo->next;
if (primo->next == NULL)
printf("%d-->NULL", primo->info);
struct el* cancel(struct el** P, int val)
{ //delete element
struct el* prec = NULL;
struct el* curr = (*P);
if (P == NULL) //case empty list
return NULL;
else if (prec == NULL) {
if (curr->info == val) { //case 2 : if the element is the head
(*P)->next = curr->next;
curr = NULL;
else {
while ((curr != NULL) && (curr->info != val)) {
prec = curr;
curr = curr->next;
if (curr->next == NULL && curr->info == val) { // case 3: the elemnt is the last one
prec->next = NULL;
curr = NULL;
return (prec);
else {
if (curr->info == val) { //other cases
prec->next = curr->next;
curr = NULL;
return (prec);
int main()
struct el* head = NULL;
struct el* element;
struct el* list = NULL;
int i, n;
int elem;
printf("Insert the number of elements for the list:\n\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
element = create_el(head);
if (element != NULL) {
list = push(list, element);
printf("\n\nInsert the element that you want to cancel:");
elem = scanf("%d", &elem);
cancel(&list, elem);
All I've wanted to do was delete an element from a listr, but after all the procediment the list is printed without any modification.
Can anyone see whats wrong in the function cancel(which is meant to delete an element by including any possible position of it)?
In your function cancel, P is definitely not NULL (assuming OS has assigned it an address initially).
prec is NULL the before execution enters if loop.
So, execution executes the line
Now, if the value, val, you have provided doesn't match curr->info then execution exits the function without deleting any node.

Sorting Simple Linked List - C

[UPTATED WITH ANSWER AT THE END] I tried many things but I still don't know how I can do any sorting with a simple linked list. It should be sorted like the number saved on each node goes from the lower till the higher one. What can I do?
I'm not allowed to sort the numbers as I save then on the list. The sorting must be made after the list is complete.
the code isn't completely ready yet
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#define pi 3.14159265359
#define N 50
typedef struct lista{
char palavra[N];
int repeticao;
struct lista *prox;
} Lista;
Lista* lista_cria(){
return NULL;
int vazia(Lista *LISTA){
if(LISTA->prox == NULL) return 1;
else return 0;
void insere(Lista **lis, char *s){
Lista* novo = (Lista*) malloc (sizeof(Lista));
strcpy(novo->palavra, s);
novo->prox = NULL;
while (*lis)
lis = &(*lis)->prox;
*lis = novo;
Lista* retira(Lista* lis, char *s){
Lista* ant = NULL;
Lista* p = lis;
while(p != NULL && (strcmp(s, p->palavra) != 0)){
ant = p;
p = p->prox;
if(p == NULL) return lis;
if(ant == NULL) lis = p->prox;
else ant->prox = p->prox;
return lis;
void imprimir_lista(Lista* lis){
Lista* p;
for(p = lis; p != NULL; p = p->prox)
printf("%s ", p->palavra);
printf("\n \n");
int busca(Lista* lis, char *s){
Lista *p;
int cont = 0;
for(p = lis; p != NULL; p = p->prox){
if(strcmp(p->palavra, s) == 0) cont++;
return cont;
Lista* repeticao(Lista* lis, int i){
Lista *p;
char s[50];
int cont;
printf("\n \n Doc%d", i);
for(p = lis; p != NULL; p = p->prox){
strcpy(s, p->palavra);
cont = busca(p, s);
printf(" \n\t %s: %d ", s, cont);
p->repeticao = cont;
return lis; /* return p*/
void liberar_lista(Lista *lis){
Lista *aux = lis;
while (aux != NULL) {
Lista *aux2 = aux->prox;
aux = aux2;
float produto_escalar (Lista *lis1, Lista *lis2) {
Lista *aux1 = lis1, *aux2 = lis2;
float resultado=0;
while (aux1 != NULL) {
while (aux2 != NULL) {
if (strcmp(aux1->palavra, aux2->palavra) == 0 ) {
aux2 = aux2->prox;
else {
aux2 = aux2->prox;
aux1 = aux1->prox;
aux2 = lis2;
return resultado;
float formula (Lista *lis1, Lista *lis2){
float resultado;
resultado = acos(produto_escalar(lis1, lis2)/(sqrt(produto_escalar(lis1, lis1))*sqrt(produto_escalar(lis2, lis2))));
resultado = (((resultado *50)*4)/pi)-100;
if (resultado<0){
return resultado;
void checa_plagio (float resultado) {
if (resultado>=50) {
printf("\n O arquivo foi plagiado. \n\t Arquivo é %.3f%% parecido.", resultado);
printf("\n O arquivo não foi plagiado \n\t Arquivo é %.3f%% parecido.", resultado);
int main () {
char arquivo1[] = "doc1.txt", arquivo2[] = "doc2.txt";
char string[50];
double resposta;
FILE *fp1, *fp2;
Lista *lista1, *lista2;
lista1 = lista_cria();
lista2 = lista_cria();
fp1 = fopen (arquivo1, "r+") ;
if (fp1 == NULL) {
printf("\nErro. Não foi possível abrir o arquivo.\n");
fscanf(fp1, "%s[A-Z a-z]", string);
insere(&lista1, string);
fp2 = fopen (arquivo2, "r+") ;
if (fp2 == NULL) {
printf("\nErro. Não foi possível abrir o arquivo.\n");
fscanf(fp2, "%s[A-Z a-z]", string);
insere(&lista2, string);
lista1 = repeticao(lista1, 1);
lista2 = repeticao(lista2, 2);
resposta = formula (lista1, lista2);
#define N 50
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct lista{
char palavra[N];
int repeticao;
struct lista *prox;
} Lista;
Lista* sort (Lista *lis) {
Lista *temp, *empurra;
Lista *aux1, *aux2;
Lista *guarda;
aux1 = NULL;
for (temp = lis; temp != NULL; temp = temp->prox){
aux2 = temp;
for (empurra=temp->prox; empurra != NULL; empurra = empurra->prox){
if (empurra->repeticao < temp->repeticao){
guarda = temp->prox;
temp->prox = empurra->prox;
if(guarda == empurra)
empurra->prox = temp;
empurra->prox = guarda;
if(aux2 != temp)
aux2->prox = temp;
aux1->prox = empurra;
lis = empurra;
guarda = temp;
temp = empurra;
empurra = guarda;
aux2 = empurra;
aux1 = temp;
return lis;
int main (){
return 0;
I think the most learning approach that you can take, it's to think that the linked list is an array. With that approach you can simply, access the elements of the array and apply a sort algorithm (like bubble sort) and when make the swap of the elements using the pointer to the elements. With that would be just a matter to redirect the pointers (to next elements) for the right elements.
Also, pay attention to the particular cases of the sorts (the beginning and the end of list, in this case).
Here's a example:
Suppose that we have the structure for the linked list:
typedef struct list{
int n;
struct list *next;
} List;
And we want to sort the linked list using the int n, a code example would be something like this:
void sort (List * begin) {
List *currentElement, *previousElement;
int swapped = 1;
while (swapped) {
swapped = 1;
while (swapped != 0) {
swapped = 0;
currentElement = begin;
previousElement = NULL; //No previous element in the beginning of the list
while(currentElement->next != NULL) { //Has another element, it's not the end of the list
List *nextElement = currentElement->next;
if(currentElement->n > nextElement->n) {
//swapping the elements
if (previousElement == NULL) { //is the first element
List *auxPtr = nextElement->next;
nextElement->next = currentElement;
currentElement->next = auxPtr;
begin = nextElement; //nextElement is the first element of the list now
else {
previousElement->next = nextElement;
nextElement->next = currentElement;
previousElement = nextElement; //The nextElement is 'behind' the currentElement so it should be the previousElement
swapped = 1; // a swap was made
//The elements where swapped so currentElement is already in the 'position' of the next element, there is no need to upload it value
else { // there is no need to swap, just walk foward in the list
previousElement = currentElement;
currentElement = nextElement;
I used a simple bubble sort for the sorting

Implementing ADT Priority Que as linked list, can't sort elements

I am implementing Abstract Data Type - Priority que, but I can't find out how to put values in correct order.
My structures:
typedef int kintyr;
typedef struct qElem {
struct qElem *prv;
kintyr *dat;
int *priority;
typedef struct que {
qElem *fr,*bk;
int cnt;
And now my main functions to implement a Priority que
First to create an empty PQ:
que *qNew()
que *q = malloc(sizeof(*q));
if (q==NULL)
return NULL;
q->fr = NULL;
q->bk = NULL;
q->cnt = 0;
qFault = 0;
return q;
This is function to add elements, but it isnt working
que *qEnq(que *q, kintyr *x, int *prrt)
que *zn=q;
qFault = 0;
if (q == NULL)
qFault = 1;
return q;
if (qCHKf(q) == 1)
qFault = 3;
return q;
qElem *new = malloc(sizeof(*new));
new->prv = NULL;
new->dat = x;
if (q->fr == NULL || prrt < q->fr->priority )
q->fr = new;
que *temp=q;
while(temp->fr!=NULL&&q->fr->priority <= prrt)
temp = temp->fr;
//if (temp->bk != NULL)
//q->bk->prv = new;
q->bk = new; }}
return q;
Do you have any thoughts how can i fix this?

Word occurrences and line numbers

I'm making a program that generates a text file that contains the occurrences of words and the line number of each occurrence of another text file. I'm using an AVL tree struct that contains the word and a linked list struct that contains one node for each line number. Here are the struct definitions:
struct llnode {
struct llnode *next;
int num;
struct node {
char *word;
struct llnode *head;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
int height;
I get a segmentation fault when I try to print to the text file using the below functions.
void listprint(struct llnode *p) {
if(p->next == NULL) {
printf("%d", p->num);
} else {
printf("%d, ", p->num);
void treeprint(struct node *p) {
if(p != NULL) {
printf("%s: ", p->word);
Specifically the problem is this line
if(p->next == null) {
gdb gives me
Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at address: 0x0000000000000000
Thanks for your help.
void listinsert(struct llnode *p) {
struct llnode *prev = p;
while(p != NULL) {
prev = p;
p = p->next;
p = lalloc();
p->num = line;
p->next = NULL;
prev->next = p;
struct node *addtree(struct node *p, char *w) {
int cond;
if(p == NULL) {
p = talloc();
p->head = NULL;
p->word = mystrdup(w);
p->head = listinsert(p->head);
p->left = p->right = NULL;
} else if((cond = strcmp(w, p->word)) == 0) {
} else if(cond < 0) {
p->left = addtree(p->left, w);
if(height(p->left)-height(p->right) == 2) {
if(strcmp(w, p->left->word) < 0) {
p = singleleft(p);
} else {
p = doubleleft(p);
} else {
p->right = addtree(p->right, w);
if(height(p->right)-height(p->left) == 2) {
if(strcmp(w, p->right->word) > 0) {
p = singleright(p);
} else {
p = singleleft(p);
return p;
int getword(char *word, int lim) {
int c;
char *w = word;
while(isspace(c = getch()));
if(c == '\n') {
if(c != EOF) {
*w++ = c;
if(!isalpha(c)) {
*w = '\0';
return c;
for( ; --lim > 0; w++) {
if(!isalnum(*w = getch())) {
*w = '\0';
return word[0];
In listprint, you are not checking if p is null before checking if p->next is null.
Try this.
llnode* listinsert(struct llnode *p) {
struct llnode *prev = p;
if( NULL == prev ) {
prev = lalloc();
prev->num= line;
prev->next = NULL;
return prev;
while(prev->next != NULL) {
prev = prev->next;
prev->next = lalloc();
prev = prev->next;
prev->num = line;
prev->next = NULL;
return p;
