Send data to external source in Smartface App Studio - mobile

I wanna know about "how can I send a data to external database for example MSSQL, MySQL or any?"
Is it possible? (even if I use some 3rd party library)

You should use network objects, You can not directly connect the databases.
You can use WebService (SOAP ) or WebClient ( JSON ) objects to manage your datas.
You can read more info from
Data & Network section is what you want to learn. Team


Azure Data Factory API config basic

Hi I am trying to connect to a HR system to simply pull down some data and copy in ASDB
I have managed to get it to work in excel using the following code below in the advanced editor but dont even know where to start in terms of where i put this information in Azure Data Factory
let url="",
body="{""APIKey"": ""ENTER API KEY HERE"",""Action"": ""GetQueryResultByQueryName"",""QueryName"":""ENTER QUERY NAME HERE""}",
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(url,[
Headers = [ #"Content-Type"="application/json"],
Content = Text.ToBinary(body)
in Source
my understanding is this is a REST api and i have an API key. I am very new to ADF and to API's in general, i have spent days on google trying to get a solution that works
there is a guide here
that describes how to do it in excel which i basicall want to replicate in Azure Data Factory and create a table in SQL DB
thanks in advance
I have used the ingest wizard in ADF with the "Copy" function and the source set to REST
The options on the source only allow me to pass Auth Headers and not additional headers and body (hope that makes sense)

Where to find the OSB Business service configuration details in the underlying database?

In OSB Layer when the endpoint uri is changed, I need to alert the core group that the endpoint has changed and to review it. I tried SLA Alert rules but it does not have options for it. My question is, the endpoint uri should be saved somewhere in the underlying database. If so what is the schema and the table name to query it.
URI or in fact any other part of OSB artifact is not stored in relational database but rather kept in memory in it's original XML structure. It can be only accessed thru dedicated session management API. Interfaces you will need to use are part o and packages. Unfortunately it is not as straightforward as it sounds, in short, to extract URI information you will need to:
Create session instance(SessionManagementMBean)
Obtain ALSBConfigurationMBean instance that operates on SessionManagementMBean
Create Query object instance(BusinessServiceQuery) an run it on ALSBConfigurationMBean to get ref object to osb artifact of your interest
Invoke getServiceDefinition on your ref object to get XML service
Extract URI from XML service definition with XPath
Downside of this approach is that you are basically pooling configuration each time you want to check if anything has changed.
More information including JAVA/WLST examples can be found in Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Service Bus
There is also a good blog post describing OSB customization with WLST ALSB/OSB customization using WLST
The information about services and all its properties can be obtained via Java API. The API documentation contains sample code, so you can get it up and running quite quickly, see the Querying resources paragraph when following the given link.
We use the API to read the service (both proxy and business) configuration and for simple management.
As long as you only read the properties you do not need to handle management sessions. Once you change the values, you need to start a session and activate it once you are done -- a very similar approach to Service bus console.

MYOB api for custom data addition

I want to know if there is an api for java to integrate the data from the site into the myob database like inventory of a customer
The answer depends on which "MYOB database" you are referring to.
"v19" product range: use a JDBC-ODBC bridge.
"EXO": you can use JDBC SQL-Server driver, or use the REST API documented here.
"AccountRight Live" (desktop or cloud): use the REST API documented here.
"Essentials": use the REST API documented here.
"Advanced": use the REST API documented here.
Note that solutions involving JDBC drivers typically require that your site be deployed on the same network as the target company file. If not, you will need an intermediate stage to synchronise or post data.

Passing BSON to Silverlight client?

I am building a little app that has to communicate with a MongoDB database. Of course there is a web service in front of the DB and I am not trying to access the DB directly from silverlight. At first I thought to have this service return BSON objects in order to have the client manage them.
Is this even possible? It seems like I can't even add the BSON driver's dlls to the Silverlight app (they disappear from References immediately after closing the Add reference dialog, which seems to indicate they are not compatible with Silverlight).
Or maybe I got totally lost and misunderstood it all?? It's my first attempt with MongoDb...
Why would you want to manipulate BSON objects on the client?
I'd say: let mongodb driver deal with BSON, then convert data to a more usable format (JSON / XML or similar) and pass it to silverlight client.
This is better because:
Client doesn't know about underlying database. What if BSON format got upgraded? You would have to recompile and deploy all clients.
Client doesn't know about underlying database. It communicates with the server using its own JSON (XML) based protocol. You might be able to even switch DB to MySQL and clients won't notice.

Multiple data sources: data storage and retrieval approaches

I am building a website (probably in Wordpress) which takes data from a number of different sources for display on various pages.
The sources:
A Twitter feed
A Flickr feed
A database on a remote server
A local database
From each source I will mainly retrieve
A short string, e.g. for Twitter, the Tweet, and from the local database the title of a blog page.
An associated image, if one exists
A link identifying the content at its source
My question is:
What is the best way to a) store the data and b) retrieve the data
My thinking is:
i) Write a script that is run every 2 or so minutes on a cron job
ii) the script retrieves data from all sources and stores it in the local database
iii) application code can then retrieve all data from the one source, the local database
This should make application code easier to manage - we only ever draw data from one source in application code - and that's the main appeal. But is it overkill for a relatively small site?
I would recommend putting the twitter feed and flickr feed in JavaScript. Both flickr and twitter have REST APIs. By putting it on the client you free up resources on your server, create less complexity, your users won't be waiting around for your server to fetch the data, and you can let twitter and flickr cache the data for you.
This assumes you know JavaScript. Once you get past JavaScript quirks, it's not a bad language. Give Jquery a try. JQuery Twitter plugin Flickery JQuery plugin. There are others, that's just the first results from Google.
As for your data on the local server and remote server, that will depend more on the data that is being fetched. I would go with whatever you can develop the fastest and gives acceptable results. If that means making a REST call from server to sever, then go for it. IF the remote server is slow to respond, I would go the AJAX REST API method.
And for the local database, you are going to have to write server side code for that, so I would do that inside the Wordpress "framework".
Hope that helps.
