Clear differences between Service, Provider and directive -> controller - angularjs

So, my impression is that Angularjs can be a bit verbose and I would like some clear understanding of what the main differences are between the following functionality AND when are they used. I 'feel' I understand, but lines are a bit vague & ethereal so I want others to clarify.
What is the difference in usage between: They seem interchangeable in their duties, and usage.
A. Service
B. Factory
C. Provider
What is the difference between a module.controller vs. module.directive.controller?
var app = angular.module("someApp",[]);
app.controller("someCtrl1", function(){
// some code
and this usage, when it sits inside a directive
app.directive("someDirective", function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<p>Hello {{name}}!</p>',
controller: function($scope, $element){
$ = $ + "post1 ";
link: function(scope, el, attr) { = + "post2 ";
I am a little hazy on the "controller" inside the return of the directive. What is this convention, in more detail?

In a brief, Service is a wrapper for factory and factory is a wrapper for provider.
the service uses a JS constructor syntax while factory uses a JS function syntax.
BUT, there is one big difference between service/factory and a provider, that the provider is accessible during the config phase while the previous are not.
See this good and detailed answer.
The main purpose of a controller in a directive, is when your directive has a isolated scope, so it isn't coupled to the parent controller and therefore it has a independent controller.

You can find a clear answer on this question
Additionaly I can say:
Services : has simple structure
Factories has complicated structure
Providers has more complicated structure
There is no differance between module.controller vs. module.directive.controller.
I did't hear about usage module.directive.controller, Correct usage is;
app.directive("myDir", ['$yourService',function($yourService){
return {
controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var that = this;
//add sume property
that = angular.extend(that, $yourService));
return that;
Basicaly, you don't need controller property for each directives. However, if your directive is a terminal directive or a parent directive, and your child directive need some functions or properties of parent directive, you need a custom contoroller in directive.
For example, if you have table directive which have child row and cell directive, table must hava a controller.


get scope in directive

everybody. I am new to AngularJS and find it very interesting, but I am a bit unclear about the following situation.
app.controller("myCtrl", ['$scope', '$http', '$filter', function ($scope, http, filter)
method: CTHocUri,
url: 'get',
async: true,
}).then(function (response) {
$scope.CTH =; // Object
app.directive("myCustom1",['$http', function ($compile,$http) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
console.log(scope.CTH); // I can't get... scope.CTH=undefined
I can't get value scope.CTH. ??
There is a VERY simple way to SEE what the issue is:
In your html, merely surround your directive with an ng-if conditional based on CTH:
<span ng-if="CTH">
That's it.
What this does is that your directive will only be born/instantiated when CTH is set to non-null/non-undefined, i.e. when $http returns asynchronously. With this, your code will work. As such, there is no need for watching or broadcasting for this type of simple serialization of asynchronous events when you can simply leverage Angular's built-in '$watch's.
NOTE 1: I do not know what your architecture is and am not suggesting what you need to do. I am merely showing you why your code won't work and how you have been caught in a simple asynchronicity trap.
NOTE 2: I assume your directive is 'as -is'. In other words you have access to the parent's scope (i.e. the controller's scope). If your directive's scope were isolated (i.e. you had a scope:{..(attrs)..} defined in the directive) you will not have 'simple' access to the parent scope. Your code will be different--eg you can pass bits and pieces of your scope to the directive attrs. However, the ng-if will still work since it is on the controller's scope.
I hope this helps.
The directive and the controller are two completely different entities. If it helps you can think of them as different classes. They will not share the same scope.
You could create an isolated scope on the directive and pass the CTH variable into it. Conceptually something like this:
app.directive("myCustom1",['$http', function ($compile,$http) {
return {
scope { cth : "=" },
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
Then in your HTML, do something like this:
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
<my-Custom1 cth="CTH">
when the directive initializes, the scope.CTH is still not initialized since its initialization accurses inside an $http call.
one way to overcome this is to broadcast and event from the controller and catch it from inside the directive. see this plnkr and angularjs scope's docs
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $timeout) {
$ = 'World';
$timeout(function() {
$scope.test = "test";
}, 500);
app.directive('test', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, elm, attr) {
scope.$on('MyEvent', function() {

AngularJS: How a Directive without a Controller can work

just reading a write up from this link
it was hard me like novice in ng to understand their code sample. just tell me a example where people would write directive without controller ?
their code
(function() {
var app = angular.module('directivesModule');
app.directive('isolateScopeWithController', function () {
var controller = ['$scope', function ($scope) {
function init() {
$scope.items = angular.copy($scope.datasource);
$scope.addItem = function () {
//Add new customer to directive scope
name: 'New Directive Controller Item'
template = '<button ng-click="addItem()">Add Item</button><ul>' +
'<li ng-repeat="item in items">{{ }}</li></ul>';
return {
restrict: 'EA', //Default in 1.3+
scope: {
datasource: '=',
add: '&',
controller: controller,
template: template
Directive usage:
Attribute: <div isolate-scope-with-controller datasource="customers" add="addCustomer()"></div>
Element: <isolate-scope-with-controller datasource="customers" add="addCustomer()"></isolate-scope-with-controller>
How we can pass customer data directly to directive. basically we have model in controller and populate model and then pass that model data to directive via isolated scope or directive use controller scope. I am very confused the how above code can work, please help me to understand. thanks
The scenario that is being considered implies that the directive will be used in a part of the application, that already has a declared controller, the scope of which contains the properties datasource and add. In turn, new controllers will be instantiated for each of the instances of the directive and will have their own isolate scope.
In reality, it is much more common to create directives that do not have a controller, but rather use the link function. These directives can either rely on the parent controller, sometimes perform DOM manipulation, bind to JS events or simply serve as means to encapsulate part of your application.
You can find a good example of a directive that does not create its own controller here. It is taken from the Angular docs. You will find that it does not even belong to a parent scope in this case meaning that no controller is involved. In reality, an element like this would most probably report to a parent controller, which would then do something with the position.
You can read more about directives, the link function, and how directives work with controllers here.

In a custom directive, what functionality does `controller` have over `link`?

In trying to get a grasp on creating my own AngularJS directives, I have an example that does everything I need, but realize that in borrowing from various examples, I now can create functionality for the directive's view in both the controller as well as the link.
It seems that I could get rid of the controller all together and just put everything into link, or is there something that I can do with the controller that I can't do with link?
.directive('itemMenu', function () {
var controller = function ($scope) {
var vm = this;
vm.addItem = function () {
'kind': 'undefined',
'firstName': 'Joe',
'lastName': 'Newton',
'age': Math.floor(Math.random() * 60) + 20
// $scope.convertToInternal = function(item) {
// item.internalcode = 'X0000';
// item.kind = 'internal';
// };
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
item: '=',
add: '&'
controller: controller,
controllerAs: 'vm',
bindToController: true,
template: '<div ng-include="getTemplateUrl()"></div>',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.getTemplateUrl = function () {
switch (scope.item.kind) {
case 'external':
return 'itemMenuTemplateExternal';
case 'internal':
return 'itemMenuTemplateInternal';
return 'itemMenuTemplateUndefined';
scope.convertToInternal = function(item) {
item.internalcode = 'X0000';
item.kind = 'internal';
You may find a lot of watery rants about controller vs link, most of them contain the information from $compile service documentation.
Answering the question directly,
controllers from other modules/files can be plugged into the directive via Angular DI with controller: 'Controller'
controller can be injected with dependencies while link has fixed arguments list of and gets by with directive's dependencies
controller kicks in before link, so it can prepare the scope for linking or recompile the element on some condition ASAP
controller function has this, its code appearance complies to other OOP-like ES5 code, and the methods can be easily transferred between other code parts, e.g. service service or third-party code
as the result, controllers are suited to be defined as ES2015 or TS classes.
directive's controller can be required by child directive and provides convenient one-way interaction between those two
controller makes use of bindToController: true + controllerAs: 'vm' and implements $scope.vm recipe (particularly useful to fight JS prototypal inheritance) while keeping this syntax
bindToController object value provides attribute bindings for inherited scope: true scope, no more $attr.$observe
bindToController object value provides further granularity for isolated scope. If there are certain attributes that should be bound to the controller and accessed with require, it can be done now
Which code goes to controller and which to link is more delicate question.
It is conventional to use Angular controllers as view models, as in MVVM (hence the controllerAs: 'vm' convention), so if there is a job for controllers (i.e. binding the services to scope values or setting up scope watchers) give it to them, leave the rest to link.
Since $attrs, $element and $transclude local dependencies should be injected into controller explicitly, the one may consider it a sign to skip them ($scope should be injected too for $scope.$ methods, but we will just ignore this fact).
There are some non-religious concerns about the job that should be done by link and not by controller. required controllers aren't available in controller itself, so this kind of directive interaction takes place in link. Since controller launches at earlier compilation phase than link, bound attribute values won't be interpolated yet, so the code that depends on these scope values goes to link. The same applies to other DOM-related code, it goes to link for a reason.
It is mostly the matter of proper code style and not real necessity. As of the code in the example, all scope stuff is controller-friendly, I don't think that link should be there at all.

Dependencies between angular directives

I've created a small app that has 2 directives: One that adds a google map div and initialize it, and the second, which shows layers that contain markers. The directives are independent, but I want them to communicate: The layers directive is independent, yet it needs to use the google maps directive to add markers to the map. I used $broadcast through $rootScope to communicate between the directives.
The directives are defined as follows:
angular.module('googleMapModule', [])
.directive('myGoogleMap', function(){
template: '<div id="map" />',
controller: function($scope){
// some initializations
// Listen for event fired when markers are added
$scope.$on('addMarkersEvent', function(e, data){
// do something
angular.module('layersDirective', [])
.directive('myLayers', function() {
templateUrl: 'someLayersHtml.html',
controller: function($http, $scope, $rootScope){
// Get layers of markers, etc.
// On specific layer click, get markers and:
$rootScope.broadcast('addMarkersEvent', {
data: myMarkers
After this long prologue here are my questions:
How should the connection between the two directives be implemented? Is it correct to use $rootScope and $broadcast or should there be a dependency between the myLayers directive and the myGoogleMap directive?
Furthermore, I've read about when to use controller, link and compile, yet I don't know the right way to use them here. My guess is that myGoogleMap should define its API in a controller and that myLayers should be dependent on myGoogleMap.
The example I wrote here works fine in my application. I'm looking for guidance on how to do it right and to understand what I did wrong here.
Thanks, Rotem
There are some ways for directives to cooperate/communicate
If one is a sibling or child of the other, you can use require. E.g. for this template:
Use this code:
app.directive('dir1', function() {
return {
controller: function() {
// define api here
app.directive('dir2', function() {
return {
require: '^dir1',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, dir1Controller) {
// use dir1 api here
A service, used by both directives to communicate. This is easy and works well if the directives can only be instantiated once per view.
Using $broadcast/$emit on the $rootScope (there is a slight difference: $broadcast will "flood" the scope hierarchy, possibly affecting performance; $emit will only call listeners on the $rootScope, but this means you have to do $rootScope.$on() and then remember to deregister the listener when the current scope is destroyed - which means more code). This approach is good for decoupling components. It may become tricky in debugging, i.e. to find where that event came from (as with all event-based systems).
controller, link and compile
Very short:
Use the controller to define the API of a directive, and preferably to define most its logic. Remember the element, the attributes and any transclude function are available to the controller as $element, $attrs and $transclude respectively. So the controller can, in most cases, replace the link function. Also remember that, unlike the link function, the controller is elligible for dependency injection. (However you can still do dependency injection at the directive level, so, after all, the link function can also access dependencies.)
Use the link function to access required controllers (see case 1 above). Or, if you are feeling lazy, to define the directive's logic. I think the controller is cleaner though.
Use the compile function... rarely :) When you need very special transformations to the template (repetition is the first thing that comes to mind - see ng-repeat) or other mystical stuff. I use directives all the time, about 1% of them needs a compile function.
My guess is that myGoogleMap should define its API in the controller and that myLayers should be dependent on myGoogleMap
The question is how will you communicate this API using events? You probably need only to create an API in a custom event object. The listeners of your event will be using that custom event. If so, the controller does not really need to define an API.
As a bottom line, I am perfectly OK with using events in your case.
Generally communication between directives should be handled via controllers and using the require property on the directive definition object.
If we re-work your first directive we can simply add that method to the controller:
directive('myGoogleMap', function () {
return {
template: '<div id="map" />',
controller: function ($scope) {
var _this = this;
//Part of this directives API
_this.addMarkers = function(arg){
//Do stuff
Now we can require this controller in another directive, but one little known features is that you can actually require an array of directives. One of those directives can even be yourself.
All of them will be passed, in order, as an array to your link function:
directive('myLayers', function () {
return {
templateUrl: 'someLayersHtml.html',
controller: function ($http, $scope, $rootScore) {
// Some get layers of markers functionality
// Require ourselves
// The '?' makes it optional
require: ['myLayers', '?myGoogleMap'],
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrls){
var myLayersCtrl = ctrls[0];
var myGoogleMapCtrl = ctrls[1];
//something happens
if(myGoogleMapCtrl) {
Now you can communicate explicitly opt-in by using the ? which makes the controller optional.
In order for that to work, you have to define both directives in the same module, i.e.:
var module = angular.module('myModule');
module.directive('myGoogleMap', function(){
template: '<div id="map" />',
controller: function($scope){
// some initializations
// Listen to event for adding markers
$scope.$on('addMarkersEvent', function(e, data){
// do something
module.directive('myLayers', function() {
templateUrl: 'someLayersHtml.html',
controller: function($http, $scope, $rootScore){
// Some get layers of markers functionality
// On specific layer click, get markers and:
$rootScope.broadcast('addMarkersEvent', {
data: myMarkers
Read more here.
Sorry i didn't understand your question, but according to your comment, quoting from the AngularJs Best Practices:
Only use .$broadcast(), .$emit() and .$on() for atomic events
that are relevant globally across the entire app (such as a user
authenticating or the app closing). If you want events specific to
modules, services or widgets you should consider Services, Directive
Controllers, or 3rd Party Libs
$scope.$watch() should replace the need for events
Injecting services and calling methods directly is also
useful for direct communication
Directives are able to directly communicate with each other through directive-controllers
You have already highlight one may for the directives to communicate using rootscope.
Another way directive can communicate if they are defined on the same html hierarchy is by use directive controller function. You have highlighted that too in your question. The way it would be done is (assuming myGoogleMap is defined on parent html), the two directive definitions become:
angular.module('googleMapModule', [])
.directive('myGoogleMap', function () {
template: '<div id="map" />',
controller: function ($scope) {
this.addMarkersEvent = function (data) {}
// some initializations
angular.module('layersDirective', [])
.directive('myLayers', function ($http, $rootScope) {
templateUrl: 'someLayersHtml.html',
require: '^myGoogleMap',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, myGoogleMapController) {
$scope.doWork = function () {
Here you use the require property on the child directive. Also instead of using child controller all the functionality in the child directive is now added to link function. This is because the child link function has access to parent directive controller.
Just a side note, add both directives to a single module (Update: Actually you can have the directives in different modules, as long as there are being referenced in the main app module.)

Is it a good practice to have a separate definition for controller when using directive

I am new to angular. And I have been experimenting with "directives". When using directives i found the following 2 ways to use controller with a directive.
Approach 1
.directive('templateRenderer', function () {
return {
// other options
, controller: 'GridController'
Approach 2
.directive('templateRenderer', function () {
return {
// other options
, controller: function ($scope, $attrs) {
// add some functions here
I am not sure what approach to use when, any suggestion would be appreciated.
It's not so general to use which one, it's based on your use,
For example, if you want to use a directive multiple time in your app, it's better you don't define any controller in your directive, like this:
.directive('exampleDirective', function (){
return {
restrict: "A", // OR E OR AE OR C
template: "<div>YOUR TEMPLATE HERE</div>",
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
// what ever function you want whould be here:
But generally, for the sake of angular's modularity, it's not a good idea to define a controller in directives.
Because the aim of directive is to use it in multiple controller and multiple views.
So defining a controller in a directive, just makes that directive less modular with restricted use.
One argument for the separate controller is for ease of testing. It's not hard at all to write tests which instantiate and allow you to test individual code on a separate controller.
