compile angularjs ionic app with Phonegap Build - angularjs

is it ok to compile a AngularJS+ Ionic app using Phonegap Build or Steroids ?
Or should I use another platform ?
I would like your feedback!

To answer your question, yes you can use PhoneGap Build to build your application. We are using it to build our AngularJS + Onsen UI app, but it should also suitable for Ionic. The question isn't really about which front-end techniques you use, whether it is about your other needs such as platform support (PhoneGap Build supports "only" iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8) and plugins needed (again, PhoneGap Build doesn't automatically support every plugin there exists, but ~400 they support should be enough in most of the cases). If there limitations are okay for you, go ahead and try it. It is easy to setup and has quick builds almost out-of-box for your Cordova application.
About Steroids, I can't say anything as haven't used it.

yes you can use PhoneGap Build to build your application on android and window phone but ios you need key Provisioning profile good luck


Is there any framework for building website and mobile app with same codebase?

I am looking for framework which will provide me website and app development with same codebase, rather than designing website and mobile app separately.
I came across phonegap and ionic frameworks, but they support multiple mobile platforms and not the website + multiple mobile platforms within a single codebase.
Is it really possible to achieve this? If so, then how?
Thanks in advance.
I use Materialize css library to create cordova app based on material design guidelines. Originally this project is created to make mobile first applications with a touch of Google material design so it will definitely suit both- web and android app.
Unlike ionic, it's just a simple css and js library which is well documented and easy to use and integrate in cordova app.
"Browser" is an ionic platform, like android and ios
You can do 'ionic cordova platform add browser' and 'ionic build browser'
But careful with some cordova plugins not being for browsers.
You can use NativeScript for building native apps with angular.

AEM6.1 mobile Apps

I needed some inputs on mobile apps.
Query: I have an existing web application on AEM(angularJS is not used). I want to transform the same on Mobile app using AEM6.1
While reading through the documentation section of AEM Apps, I found that the mobile App built on AEM
- works on the terminology and AngularJS framework.
- mobile App has different paths and app structure as compared to AEM web Applications
-since, phonegap has to be used, relative path needs to be different than the same of web application.
I am in a dilemma as If I would be able to convert my existing web app into a mobile App or not. If anyone of you has done some research on this, it would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance!!!
You can very well convert your AEM desktop application to a mobile app(site should be responsive).
AEM makes use of Cordova (PhoneGap) and ContentSync framework to create apps for both android and iOS. More about how to config ContentSync here. In simple terms, ContentSync packages your application(/content, /apps, /etc,...) based on defined set of configurations and cordova(phonegap) helps you access native phone capabilities and to create the archive file (apk/ipa). There is more than one way to create an app using AEM.
1. Using Cordova CLI :
You setup a cordova project in your filesystem. Then create contentsync configuration for your AEM project. Generate and download the application archive from here. Cordova project you had setup earlier will have the below folder structure.
Place the contents of archive file inside www folder, modify config.xml according your application and initiate build. Using this method, you will require an Apple system to generate .ipa file since it makes use of xcode and windows makes use of npm node js for the initial dev env setup.
2. Using OOTB 'Initiate phonegap build' workflow and AEM cloud config
This is an easy approach and does not require you to setup any cordova project in your system. All you have to do is setup contentsync configuration, add a few properties for the workflow to recognise your project and then trigger the workflow. Follow this.
3. Using Apps console in AEM 6.1
This also makes use of ContentSync underneath. Apps console makes the app very easy to maintain and configure, it also has inbuilt configurations for push notification, deep linking etc. Go through the info here. Refer to the sample geometrixx-outdoors project created in apps console, will help you understand better.
PS: Cordova and phonegap are the same. You can think of Cordova as Linux kernel and PhoneGap as linux distribution.

Can you use the Ionic framework to build Mac apps?

The title pretty much says it all. I was asked this question today and really didn't know the answer.
Ionic is not intended to build desktop, or even desktop browser based applications.
From the official docs :
Ionic is focused on building native/hybrid mobile apps rather than
mobile websites.
As such, our browser support tends to be whatever Web View API is
available to native apps on a given platform. For Ionic 1.0.0
"uranium-unicorn", that means UIWebView for iOS 7+, and Android 4.1
and up. Windows Phone and FirefoxOS support is on our roadmap.
Even if you implement a browser website using ionic, the rendered output would rather weird.
Infact, Ionic has itself implemented it's website using bootstrap ;)

Cordova or Phonegap? Which one?

I'm a Web Designer and Web Developer, I want to switch to cross platform mobile framework, so I want use Cordova or Phonegap .
But my question is which one is better or overall what's the difference between these frameworks? Phonegap is an Adobe product and Cordova is an Apache product.
I do not know which one should I choose and learn?
PhoneGap is powered by the code of Cordova. I encourage you to search on Google for a precise answer. Here are a couple links about that subject.
To answer your question; they do the same thing but PhoneGap have more functionalities.
Recently phoneGap released an amazing dev tool :
The PhoneGap Developer App
Develop locally then see the changes instantly on your mobile device.

clarification needed on phonegap vs sencha touch

allows access to native features, camera, address book, etc.
has no built-in UI elements, something else is needed for that (JQM for example)
(anything else?)
Phonegap build
allows cross-compiling of an app, it could be sencha, phonegap, etc.
Sencha Touch 2
has UI elements that display natively on each OS
has its own build that allows cross-compiling
can be supplemented with phonegap if access to native features if required?
Is all of this information correct? If not please clarify.
Phonegap (Cordova) essentially generates an app that uses a web browser internally to run a webapp. The webapp that it runs can be made however you wish to make it, with any number of frameworks.
Sencha Touch is just one of those frameworks that can be used. ST can also, however, be used to generate the native apps, but it will not allow as much access to native functionality as packaging your ST app into a Cordova app.
FWIW, it was made public last week that the new version of ST (2.3) will have easier integration with Cordova, allowing a Cordova build using the Sencha Cmd tool.
