Extracting a block out of a multidimensional matrix - arrays

Consider the multi-dimensional matrix A where size(A) has the identical even elements N. How should one find the matrix B with size(B)=size(A)/2 such that:

I generally don't like arrayfun (or loopy functions), but if the number of dimensions is not in the thousands, then this should be just fine:
Nv = size(A)/2;
S = arrayfun(#(x){1:x},Nv);
B = A(S{:});
Should work with different sized dimensions too. Just decide how you want to deal with dimensions where mod(size(A),2)~=0.


Pre-allocation of array of array

In julia, one can pre-allocate an array of a given type and dims with
A = Array{<type>}(undef,<dims>)
example for a 10x10 matrix of floats
A = Array{Float64,2}(undef,10,10)
However, for array of array pre-allocation, it does not seem to be possible to provide a pre-allocation for the underlying arrays.
For instance, if I want to initialize a vector of n matrices of complex floats I can only figure this syntax,
A = Vector{Array{ComplexF64,2}}(undef, n)
but how could I preallocate the size of each Array in the vector, except with a loop afterwards ? I tried e.g.
A = Vector{Array{ComplexF64,2}(undef,10,10)}(undef, n)
which obviously does not work.
Remember that "allocate" means "give me a contiguous chunk of memory, of size exactly blah". For an array of arrays, which is really a contiguous chunk of pointers to other contiguous chunks, this doesn't really make sense in general as a combined operation -- the latter chunks might just totally differ.
However, by stating your problem, you make clear that you actually have more structural information: you know that you have n 10x10 arrays. This really is a 3D array, conceptually:
A = Array{Float64}(undef, n, 10, 10)
At that point, you can just take slices, or better: views along the first axis, if you need an array of them:
[#view A[i, :, :] for i in axes(A, 1)]
This is a length n array of AbstractArrays that in all respects behave like the individual 10x10 arrays you wanted.
In the cases like you have described you need to use comprehension:
a = [Matrix{ComplexF64}(undef, 2,3) for _ in 1:4]
This allocates a Vector of Arrays. In Julia's comprehension you can iterate over more dimensions so higher dimensionality is also available.

Multidimensional array : Split and put back together

I am trying to turn a 3 dimensional array "upside-down" as:
I have tried the inverse function, but if we look at the inverse operation in mathematical terms, it gives us another result. I need to turn without changing the data in the array. How to do that?
To split the 3-dimensional array (A x B x C) into A-sub-array (2d, B x C) I have used squeeze: k=squeeze(array(n,:,:)). Now I have a 2-dimensional array of size B x C. How to put it back together (in 3 dimensional array)?
You can use permute() to change the order of dimensions, which can be used as a multidimensional transpose.
Putting 2D matrices into a 3D one then is a simple indexing operation. Read more in indexing here.
A = rand(10,10,10);
B = permute(A, [ 3 2 1 ]); % Permute he order of dimensions
mat1 = rand(10,10);
mat2 = rand(10,10);
mat_both(:,:,2) = mat2; % Stack 2D matrices along the third dimension
mat_both(:,:,1) = mat1;
mat_both = cat(3,mat1, mat2); % Stacks along the third dimension in a faster way

Vectorizing access to a slice of a three-dimensional matrix in MATLAB

I have a three-dimensional matrix of these sizes, approximately
A = rand(20, 1000, 20);
where the first and third dimensions are always the same length. I want to zero the elements in a main diagonal slice. This does what I mean
for ii = 1:size(A, 1)
A(ii, :, ii) = 0;
Is there a vectorized or otherwise faster way to do this? This code runs about 100,000 times, with these approximate sizes, but not the exact same sizes each time.
You can use logical indexing for multible tailing dimensions while using subscript indexing for all previous dimensions individually. This way you can easily do the operation on an 1000 20 20 matrix. To apply this to your matrix, permute is required which might be slow:
If it would be possible to permanently swap the dimensions of A in your code and avoid the permute, this would lead to the fastest solution.
Alternatively you can use repmat to expand the index to the dimensions of A
For matrices of the same size you could keep ix. Not having access to MATLAB right now, I don't know which solution is faster.
You can use bsxfun to build a linear index of the elements to be zeroed:
ind = bsxfun(#plus, (0:size(A,2)-1).'*size(A,1), 1:size(A,1)*size(A,2)+1:numel(A) );
A(ind) = 0;

how to split a matrix by given criteria

I have a matrix
I want to split the j matrix by its first row and the consecutive 10 rows, and then the rest 6. As a result, I want to have three different matrices.
Assume I don't see the size of M, nor its content. In that sense, how can I automate splitting the j matrix according to the unknown size and content of M? I would like to avoid using nested for loops.
You may want to use mat2cell for splitting a matrix.
In your case,
J = randn(3,17)
M = [1;10;6]
C = mat2cell(J, size(J,1), M)
where C{1} to C{3} are your matrices.
By the way it's not a good practice to call a matrix j as it is already defined by matlab.

how to make matlab loop over 2d array faster

I have the above loop running on the above variables:
A is a 2d array of size mxn.
mask is a 1d logical array of size 1xn
results is a 1d array of size 1xn
B is a vector of the form mx1
C is a mxm matrix, m is the same as the above.
Edit: expanded foo(x) into the function.
here is the code:
temp = (B.'*C*B);
for k = 1:n
x = A(:,k);
if(mask(k) == 1)
result(k) = (B.'*C*x)^2 / (temp*(x.'*C*x)); %returns scalar
take note, I am already successfully using the above code as a parfor loop instead of for. I was hoping you would be able to suggest some way to use meshgrid or the sort to yield better performance improvement. I don't think I have RAM problems so a solution can also be expensive memory wise.
Many thanks.
try this:
This vectorization via matrix multiplication will also make sure that result is a 1xn vector. In the code you provided there can be a case where the last elements in mask are zeros, in this case your code will truncate result to a smaller length, whereas, in the answer it'll keep these elements zero.
If your foo admits matrix input, you could do:
result = zeros(1,n); % preallocate result with zeros
mask = logical(mask); % make mask logical type
result(mask) = foo(A(mask),:); % compute foo for all selected columns
