user / session variables appengine with python - google-app-engine

I'm new to app engine, python an web development in general. I have an issue that i don't know how to solve. I want to maintain in the server an tuple with values that the user select. I pass this values to the server in the parameters of the page.
But the problem is that this tuple is modified by all the users and I want that each user can have his own values. The users aren't identified.
I've been looking for how to solve it, and I found some answers here in stackoverflow, but major part of them are more than 2 years old, and I think that I need to use the library gaeutilities, but not sure about it, and If Google have an “official” solution to maintain session variables with python in app engine.
I defined the var “categoria” as a class variable,
class returnElements(webapp2.RequestHandler):
categoria = []
def get(self):
cat = str(self.request.get("cat"))
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/returnElements', returnElements),
and here the url
It works fine, but just with one user at time :-(
By the way Im new to stackoverflow, sorry in advance if the question isn't accurate or solved in another thread.

In any web app, you must never store user-specific data in module or class-level variables as they will be shared by all users.
If you need to persist data for a user, save it in the datastore! That's what it's for. There are various implementations of user-specific sessions, such as the gaeutilities library which you link to. That library has full documentation which you should read.


How to use external api access tokens without exposing them to the user?

Sorry if this might be a bit of a trivial question, but I wanna be sure and couldn't exactly find a definitive answer online.
I am writing a small app that uses Mapbox, and I am using react-map-gl for it. They require the access token on the client side, so they suggest using an environment variable. My question is would it be okay to simply create a .env file in the front-end folder and put the variable there?
You can't get away from revealing API keys on the front end. If someone wants to dig around in your source code, they will find them.
However, you should always configure any API key that is visible on the Internet to be restricted to specific referrers, i.e. the domain of your website.
Usually this is done during creation of an API key through your provider's dashboard.
For Mapbox, you can read the documentation on restricting API tokens here. It states:
You can make your access tokens for web maps more secure by adding URL restrictions. When you add a URL restriction to a token, that token will only work for requests that originate from the URLs you specify. Tokens without restrictions will work for requests originating from any URL.
(emphasis my own)
They require the access token on the client side, so they suggest using an environment variable. My question is would it be okay to simply create a .env file in the front-end folder and put the variable there?
There are two reasons one uses environment variables in front-end development:
As a convenience, to keep environment-specific configuration removed from source code.
To keep sensitive information out of source code. You shouldn't commit API tokens or other similarly sensitive details to your version control.
Using environment variables in front-end code will not to keep their values secret from the end user. Whatever the value of an environment variable is at build time will be visible in the compiled output.

How to protect web client ID in GCP source code

My GAE app publishes some APIs in GCP and uses the following structure:
# Replace the following lines with client IDs obtained from the APIs
# Console or Cloud Console.
WEB_CLIENT_ID = '????????????'
SCOPES = [endpoints.EMAIL_SCOPE]
description='An API to manage languages',
My doubt is if someone picks this source code from my machine or GitHub project. He or she can access the APIs using the discovered web client id.
What’s the best practice in this case?
I acknowledge that the client can expose the ID and someone have access to it. But I believe that is another matter.
There are many ways you can do this. One way is to always check in a default value for the client ID, so that when people check out your code, they have to modify it to deploy it. You can also move the client ID to its own module and not check it in at all, and make the expectation that they create their own module with their own client ID. This avoids having a modified state for a checked in file all of the time.
The client ID itself is not sufficient information to generate a valid token. The cryptography involved will prevent such a person from accessing your API.

CAN I use Google Application Engine to implement this project?

I take web application course this semester and I want to use google application engine to implement my course project, but I'm wondering if GAE can satisfy this project's requirements.
This course project is a homework submittal system which allows users(students) uploading homework to the sever and teachers checking homework online.
Assuming homework students uploaded is some html and css stuff. What confused me is how to implemnent teacher checking online function? For example:
Student A uploaded a html file hello.html and teacher want to use http: //xxx.xx/xx/xx/hello.html to check this homework.
Can GAE satisfy this requirement? As far as I konw, GAE uses app.yaml to point to different files or htmls, but when students upload their homework, they can not change app.yaml,right?
I get stuck here. Please help me. Thank you!
Yes, you can use GAE to create this application, but you'll have to move away from the idea that you are uploading and serving an HTML file as if it were living directly on the filesystem. You can't do that.
What you can do -- relatively easily -- is store the submitted file or files as datastore objects and provide a URL which takes the desired filename as a parameter and serves it out of the datastore.
You could store the submitted files in a model like this:
class HomeworkItem(db.Model):
author = db.UserProperty()
filename = db.StringProperty()
content = db.TextProperty(multiline=True)
submitted_on = db.DateProperty()
The content field is declared as a TextProperty assuming that you are dealing with HTML and CSS files, but if you were ever going to deal dealing with binary data, you'd want to use a BlobProperty.
You'd need to have two URLs to handle upload and download of assets. You can use a web framework or write some code to handle parameterized URLs, allowing you to encode things like the filename into the URL itself, like this:
And then the method that handles /review/* URLs would retrieve the data from the datastore and send it back as the reply.
GAE would satisfy your requirement but you would need to save each “hello.html” file in either the Blobstore or the Datastore and build some system to retrieve and serve the uploaded files. See this Q&A for further reference.

Getting a forwarded URL from thousands of different domains in Google App Engine

I actually asked this question before, but I cannot get my account details back, so I'm asking again:
I have a series of different domain names that I would like to all point (via URL forwarding from my domain host) to a google app engine application that reads what the forwarding URL is. So if the domain typed in was original, then when I am forwarded to my application, I can return what that original domain name was. I'm using the python variant. How best can I do this without coding for each and every variant?
So for example I might have and and that all should point to the same appspotdomain, and I wish to somehow determine what the referring URL was. I have thousands of domains and I have URL forwarding set-up. So unless I put something in the header is there a smart way to pull out the referring URL. I have tried the os.environ["SERVER_NAME"] route but this just gives the app-engine domain.
Be careful though, it might not always be available.

GaeUtilities: Session Problem

I'm programming an application with google app engine, with django 1.1 (no django pacth or others), well as you know is impossible use django login and session features so I download
Gae utility and use Session Object ( but some time this object create 2 sessions instead 1 session ... here's code
def index(request):
aSWrap = SWrap(SWrap.createSession())
def login(request):
aSWrap = SWrap(SWrap.createSession())
class SWrap(object):
def createSession():
return Session(cookie_name='my_cookie',session_expire_time=7200)
and for setting session no expiration or really long expiration...enter code here
Judging by the code, you're calling createsession twice within the same request. That will cause problems with David's library as well.
Also, gaeutilties session included a config file where you can modify all the default values as you like.
gaeutilities session also has security features lacking in gae-sessions. I'm afraid David didn't attempt to answer you question, rather just suggested you use his library which under your current implementation would have the exact same problem. You need to be sure you only initiate the session once per http request no matter what session library you're using.
I'm moving gaeutilities session to a decorator in order to address this issue as well and provide better performance. You can watch the master branch on Github for updates.
I suggest using a different sessions library. Check out this comparison of the available sessions libraries for GAE.
I'd recommend gae-sessions - it presents an API almost identical to the library you are currently using, but it is much faster and shouldn't give you headaches like the bug you've encountered above.
Disclaimer: I wrote gae-sessions, but I'm not the only one who would recommend it. Here is a recent thread discussing sessions on the google group for GAE python.
What are you trying to do with SWrap(SWrap.createSession())? It looks like the result of SWrap.createSession() is passed to the SWrap() constructor. Have you omitted part of the definition of SWrap?
Perhaps this is more what you are wanting:
def index(request):
mysession = SWrap.createSession()
def login(request):
mysession = SWrap.createSession()
class SWrap(object):
def createSession():
return Session(cookie_name='my_cookie',session_expire_time=7200)
