Code working in chrome but not in firefox in extjs - extjs

I m trying to set value to combobox in extjs, this is working in chrome but not in firefox. I used the following code:
function callFromController(comboitemid,itemvalue) {

AS a general guidence I would use:
function callFromController(comboitemid,itemvalue) {
// make sure you add a # to your Id string or use Ext.getCmp insted.
var foundComponents = comboitemid && Ext.ComponentQuery.query(comboitemid);
if (foundComponents.length) {
// I would add to see in your console.log('foundComponents[0]=%o',foundComponents[0])
// to check the value of the found component


Using document.createRange and window.getSelection in React

I am using Reactjs. In react how to use document.createRange and window.getSelection as well as document.execCommand('copy') in React ?
I want to copy the contents of my html table . So I used the code
let elTable = this.tableElement.current.localName\\ elTable= "table"
let range, sel;
// Ensure that range and selection are supported by the browsers
if (document.createRange && window.getSelection) {
range = document.createRange();
sel = window.getSelection();
// unselect any element in the page
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('Element Copied! Paste it in a file')
I got the value of elTable by creating a ref in my html table.
When debugged the debugger is entering into the function copyData .
But can't copy data from table. Why?
I am using react js.
Using the following in App.js render() method:
Gives results in the console:
Have you tried using them at all? Might be helpful if you show your code where this isn't working and we can go from there.

Adding json array response in range slider angular

I got a json response like this. It is dynamic and I want to add the details in range slider. The slider max value must dynamically increases when there will be new element in array.
"time": [
I have never worked on slider before . Any suggestion how to achieve this ?
You can use angularjs-slider library (which has ui-bootstrap as dependency). It offers lot customization in sliders & very handy with angularjs.
For your case after every new value added to array you can reload the slider by 1st deleting it & then loading it again. Or you can use their rzSliderForceRender custom event for that. Using this
Your HTML will look like:
<rzslider rz-slider-model="slider_dates.value"
And in controller slider config code as:
$scope.dates = ["2018-05-24T06:30:00",
var datesObjests = [];
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.dates.length; i++) {
datesObjests.push(new Date($scope.dates[i]));
$scope.slider_dates = {
value: datesObjests[0],
options: {
stepsArray: datesObjests,
translate: function(date) {
if (date !== null) return date.toLocaleString();
return '';
Working Plunker Example for your requirement.

Dynamic update to custom property

I am using polymer v1.9.1 and testing on Chrome.
I have a custom element containing a <paper-input>, and I want its text color to depend on some other property. This color is determined by the custom properties --paper-input-container-input-color or --primary-text-color, so I set a class-dependent value for those:
#input { --primary-text-color: red; } { --primary-text-color: green; }
<paper-input id='input' class$='[[_getClasses(checked)]]'></paper-input>
_getClasses: function(checked) { return checked ? '':'green'; }
The text is always red, I guess because of this limitation in the shim (which I guess my browser must be using). So I add a call to updateStyles:
_getClasses: function(checked) {
this.async(function() {
return checked ? '':'green'; }
Now it works correctly after checked first changes, but the initial state is incorrect (ie if checked is initially false, it is initially red but should be green). I tried adding another async(updateStyles()) to ready but no luck (yet if I call input.updateStyles() from the javascript console it corrects itself). How can I work around this?
Complete example:
I've updated the plunk with the fix.
I've updated styles in attached callback instead of ready.
_getClasses: function(checked) {
return checked ? '' : 'green';
attached: function() {

Select Style attribute using ExtJS on IE7 not working

A very stripped down example here.
function changeBackground() {
var testDiv = Ext.get("test");
var allStyleDivs ="*[style*='background-color'], *[style*='BACKGROUND-COLOR']");
function replaceBackground(element) {
In FF, IE8, Chrome this page works fine. IE7 says Object doesn't support this property or method. What's the dealy yo?
See this post on the ExtJs Forum

On click even for divs of a specific class Ext JS

I have been following:
And using the following example:
Ext.onReady(function() {
var paragraphClicked = function(e) {
}'p').on('click', paragraphClicked);
I am using something very similar:
Ext.onReady(function() {
var paragraphClicked = function(e) {
}'.product').on('click', paragraphClicked);
However it does not appear to work correctly. appears to return the ext viewport object.
I am actually using Ext 3 not 2 so I guess there must be differences.
I never used, always e.getTarget().
Maybe you can try e.getTarget(".product") ?
Or maybe you can play with the delegate options of addListener in Ext.Element.
