Makefile dependencies on multiple files - c

I have created a Makefile for unit tests which uses GCC with arguments to create profiling files (gcno) during compiling. Here's a similified part of it where compiling and linking takes place:
UTOBJS = $(UTUUTSRC:.c=.o) $(UTUTSRC:.c=.o) $(UTCSRC:.c=.o)
UTOBJSGCNO = $(addprefix $(UTOBJSDIR)\,$(UTOBJS:.o=.gcno))
$(UTOBJS): %.o: %.c $(UTMAKEDEP)
$(call report,Compiling $(*F).c)
$(MKDEP) $(MKDFLAGS) -o.o -f$(UTOBJSDIR)\$(*F).dep $(subst /,\,$<)
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(subst /,\,$<) -o $(UTOBJSDIR)/$#
$(call report,Linking to $(UTUNIT).exe)
It compiles all the object and profile files and links together a binary. However when i delete some profile file (gcno) and call "utbuild" again it won't re-compile to restore the .gcno file. It tries to do linking again because gcno is a prequisite to it, but it wont do the compiling.
I don't know how to name this case so couldn't find solution from internet. Basically one recipe creates two files and i don't know how to write the rule that re-run's recipe even when only one file needs to re-created.
I would appreciate some links or hints.

thanks for all the comments. I've tried no-op ";" and ":=" with same outcome.
I think i need to take one step back and explain why i asked this question. It's not just about deleting or not-deleting gcno files manually, it's about general understanding how to write such a Makefile which restores any missing or out-of-date file. My Makefile has similar cases in few places and it's using parallel build so when some file goes missing it gives lot of weird errors. Usually it's solved by "clean" and "all", but i'd like the Makefile to be perfect and handle the missing file issues nicely.
As the example above is not so clear without all the rest of the Makefile then i made a new simple test.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello world\n");
CCDIR = C:\tools\MinGW
CCINCDIR = $(CCDIR)\include;$(CCDIR)\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include
CCLIBDIR = $(CCDIR)\lib;$(CCDIR)\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1
# Overcome "missing dll file" messages on Windows
CC = set PATH=%PATH%;$(CCBINDIR)& $(CCBINDIR)\gcc.exe
# Compile and link for code coverage
CFLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g3 -O0 $(addprefix -I,$(CCINCDIR))
LNKFLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -static -static-libgcc $(addprefix -L,$(CCLIBDIR))
OBJECTS = hello.o
EXE = hello.exe
$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(subst /,\,$<) -o $#
build: $(EXE)
"make build" creates following files:
Now if i delete the "hello.gcno" and run build again it tells me:
mingw32-make: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
The goal is to update Makefile so that the make re-creates the "hello.gcno". It would probably re-create "hello.o" and "hello.exe" also during that process but that's not a problem.
Just to be clear: in real Makefile i really-really need the .gcno files. It's not just an additional information or something which to avoid or do optionally. The Makefile builds the unit test executables, runs them and executes gcov to generate code coverage information and gcovr creates a report of all the .gcov files. If .gcno file is missing it won't work. Also - as it's parallel build then dependencies shall be absolutely correct to avoid some process starting earlier and it's tricky because coverage report has dependencies coming from two "branches" - .gcno files from compile stage and .gcda files from execute stage. So that's why i need it to be correct.

your only option here is this :
(if you can change the rule)
to this:
%.exe %.gnco: $(OBJECTS)

Here is a very simple solution of one thing dependig on two other things
compile:./src/main.c ./src/error.c
gcc ./src/error.c ./src/main.c -o ./exe/calc
run : ./exe/calc

The correct answer in my opinion, is, don't delete any .gcno files by themselves. If you have to "clean", use make clean, but don't just go about deleting files.
The "build" is a state machine, with all the files constituting a "state". Don't corrupt the state!
Some people say, one should be able to delete arbitrary files and the build should recover. My answer is, what about if you corrupt some .o file by hand, say, add some 0's and 1's, making it unusable (thank you user3629249 for pointing that needs to be clarified, that I am talking about corruption, not intentional editing). Should the build also recover from that? Obviously no - no build system in the world will recover if you touch the .o file this way. Then why allow deleting a file, but not allow modifying it?? Where do you draw the line?
Simply put, any corruption should not be allowed. Use make clean only, or better yet, write your Makefile properly, so you never need to clean period.
The whole Makefile has a number of problems, here is how it should look like (I am assuming this is on Windows/DOS):
UTOBJSFULL := $(addprefix $(UTOBJSDIR)\,$(subst /,\, $(UTUUTSRC:.c=.o) $(UTUTSRC:.c=.o) $(UTCSRC:.c=.o)))
.PHONY: utbuild all
all: utbuild
$(UTOBJSGCNO): %.gcno: %.o $(UTMAKEDEP) ;
%\.: Makefile
mkdir $*
$(UTOBJSFULL): $(UTOBJSDIR)\%.o: %.c $(UTMAKEDEP) | $$(#D)\.
$(call report,Compiling $<)
$(MKDEP) $(MKDFLAGS) -o.o -f$(UTOBJSDIR)\$(*F).dep $<
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
$(call report,Linking to $(#F))


How to stop Make from recompiling the whole project if one include file changes? [duplicate]

I have the following makefile that I use to build a program (a kernel, actually) that I'm working on. Its from scratch and I'm learning about the process, so its not perfect, but I think its powerful enough at this point for my level of experience writing makefiles.
AS = nasm
CC = gcc
LD = ld
TARGET = core
BUILD = build
SOURCES = source
INCLUDE = include
ASM = assembly
CFLAGS = -Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions \
-nostdinc -fno-builtin -I $(INCLUDE)
ASFLAGS = -f elf
#CFILES = core.c consoleio.c system.c
CFILES = $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
SFILES = assembly/start.asm
SOBJS = $(SFILES:.asm=.o)
COBJS = $(CFILES:.c=.o)
build : $(TARGET).img
$(TARGET).img : $(TARGET).elf
c:/python26/python.exe stage1 stage2 pad.bin core.elf floppy.img
$(TARGET).elf : $(OBJS)
$(LD) -T link.ld -o $# $^
$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $#
%.o: %.c
#echo Compiling $<...
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
#Clean Script - Should clear out all .o files everywhere and all that.
-del *.img
-del *.o
-del assembly\*.o
-del core.elf
My main issue with this makefile is that when I modify a header file that one or more C files include, the C files aren't rebuilt. I can fix this quite easily by having all of my header files be dependencies for all of my C files, but that would effectively cause a complete rebuild of the project any time I changed/added a header file, which would not be very graceful.
What I want is for only the C files that include the header file I change to be rebuilt, and for the entire project to be linked again. I can do the linking by causing all header files to be dependencies of the target, but I cannot figure out how to make the C files be invalidated when their included header files are newer.
I've heard that GCC has some commands to make this possible (so the makefile can somehow figure out which files need to be rebuilt) but I can't for the life of me find an actual implementation example to look at. Can someone post a solution that will enable this behavior in a makefile?
EDIT: I should clarify, I'm familiar with the concept of putting the individual targets in and having each target.o require the header files. That requires me to be editing the makefile every time I include a header file somewhere, which is a bit of a pain. I'm looking for a solution that can derive the header file dependencies on its own, which I'm fairly certain I've seen in other projects.
As already pointed out elsewhere on this site, see this page:
Auto-Dependency Generation
In short, gcc can automatically create .d dependency files for you, which are mini makefile fragments containing the dependencies of the .c file you compiled.
Every time you change the .c file and compile it, the .d file will be updated.
Besides adding the -M flag to gcc, you'll need to include the .d files in the makefile (like Chris wrote above).
There are some more complicated issues in the page which are solved using sed, but you can ignore them and do a "make clean" to clear away the .d files whenever make complains about not being able to build a header file that no longer exists.
You could add a 'make depend' command as others have stated but why not get gcc to create dependencies and compile at the same time:
DEPS := $(COBJS:.o=.d)
-include $(DEPS)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -MM -MF $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$#) -o $# $<
The '-MF' parameter specifies a file to store the dependencies in.
The dash at the start of '-include' tells Make to continue when the .d file doesn't exist (e.g. on first compilation).
Note there seems to be a bug in gcc regarding the -o option. If you set the object filename to say obj/_file__c.o then the generated _file_.d will still contain _file_.o, not obj/_file_c.o.
This is equivalent to Chris Dodd's answer, but uses a different naming convention (and coincidentally doesn't require the sed magic. Copied from a later duplicate.
If you are using a GNU compiler, the compiler can assemble a list of dependencies for you. Makefile fragment:
depend: .depend
.depend: $(SOURCES)
rm -f ./.depend
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MM $^>>./.depend;
include .depend
There is also the tool makedepend, but I never liked it as much as gcc -MM
You'll have to make individual targets for each C file, and then list the header file as a dependency. You can still use your generic targets, and just place the .h dependencies afterwards, like so:
%.o: %.c
#echo Compiling $<...
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
foo.c: bar.h
# And so on...
Basically, you need to dynamically create the makefile rules to rebuild the object files when the header files change. If you use gcc and gnumake, this is fairly easy; just put something like:
$(OBJDIR)/%.d: %.c
$(CC) -MM -MG $(CPPFLAGS) $< | sed -e 's,^\([^:]*\)\.o[ ]*:,$(#D)/\1.o $(#D)/\1.d:,' >$#
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
include $(SRCS:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.d)
in your makefile.
Over and above what #mipadi said, you can also explore the use of the '-M' option to generate a record of the dependencies. You might even generate those into a separate file (perhaps '') which you then include in the makefile. Or you can find a 'make depend' rule which edits the makefile with the correct dependencies (Google terms: "do not remove this line" and depend).
Simpler solution: Just use the Makefile to have the .c to .o compilation rule be dependent on the header file(s) and whatever else is relevant in your project as a dependency.
E.g., in the Makefile somewhere:
DEPENDENCIES=mydefs.h yourdefs.h Makefile GameOfThrones.S07E01.mkv
::: (your other Makefile statements like rules
::: for constructing executables or libraries)
# Compile any .c to the corresponding .o file:
%.o: %.c $(DEPENDENCIES)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
None of the answers worked for me. E.g. Martin Fido's answer suggests gcc can create dependency file, but when I tried that it was generating empty (zero bytes) object files for me without any warnings or errors. It might be a gcc bug. I am on
$ gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16)
So here's my complete Makefile that works for me; it's a combination of solutions + something that wasn't mentioned by anyone else (e.g. "suffix replacement rule" specified as .cc.o:):
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -std=c++0x
INCLUDES = -I./includes/
# LFLAGS = -L../lib
# LIBS = -lmylib -lm
# List of all source files
# Object files defined from source files
OBJS = $(
# # define the executable file
MAIN = cache_test
#List of non-file based targets:
.PHONY: depend clean all
## .DEFAULT_GOAL := all
# List of dependencies defined from list of object files
DEPS := $(OBJS:.o=.d)
all: $(MAIN)
-include $(DEPS)
$(MAIN): $(OBJS)
#suffix replacement rule for building .o's from .cc's
#build dependency files first, second line actually compiles into .o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -MM -MF $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$#) $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $# $<
$(RM) *.o *~ $(MAIN) *.d
Notice I used .cc .. The above Makefile is easy to adjust for .c files.
Also notice importance of these two lines :
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -MM -MF $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$#) $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $# $<
so gcc is called once to build a dependency file first, and then actually compiles a .cc file. And so on for each source file.
I believe the mkdep command is what you want. It actually scans .c files for #include lines and creates a dependency tree for them. I believe Automake/Autoconf projects use this by default.

'linker input file unused because linking not done' error when running make

I'm compiling C programs I made for a project.
Compiling get_next_line.c and get_next_line_utils.c.
I have 3 files, get_next_line.c, get_next_line_utils.c and get_next_line.h in my folder (excluding Makefile). Nothing more, nothing less.
NAME = get_next_line
SRCS = get_next_line.c get_next_line_utils.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Werror
LIB_CRT = ar rcs
all: $(NAME)
$(NAME) : $(OBJS)
%.o: %.c $(INCLUDE)
#$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
#rm -f $(OBJS) a.out
fclean: clean
#rm -f $(NAME)
re : fclean all
Error Message
linker input file unused because linking not done. I get this error several times.
I keep on running on this error when I run make. I followed another Makefile I had for another project, to no avail. I also read this article and that one too but they aren't relevant to my issue.
Any input appreciated.
Your makefile appears to be aimed at building a program named "get_next_line", but this is not altogether clear because what you are actually building is a static archive file with that (unconventional for an archive) name. That's what the ar utility does. With the gcc toolchain and many others, one would normally use the same front end (gcc in this case) for both compiling and linking. That is,
$(NAME) : $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o $(NAME) $(OBJS)
... or, a bit DRYer ...
$(NAME) : $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o $# $^
It is not clear why you are getting the specific message you report. It looks like a message from the linker, ld, but I see no reason in the makefile presented to think that the linker would ever run. As such, I am inclined to suppose that the message is associated with something altogether different. Possibly you are running make in a different working directory, and therefore using a different makefile. Or perhaps it is associated with some other command than make itself. Or maybe you have an influential variable set in your environment that alters the meaning of your makefile. Maybe you get that message when you try to run the archive as if it were a program (though that's not what I would expect to happen in that case).

How to properly write a makefile for multiple executable with same dependecies - C

Before formulating my question, I want to point out I've searched for previous answers but could not find anything useful.
I'm working on a project for my exam. Since it should consist in several executables, with various dependencies, I wanted to write a simple makefile and understand properly its behaviour for replicating it in the future if needed.
Suppose source folder consists of these files:
handler.c //this is the main file
server.c //another executable
client.c //another executable
header.h //each executable depends from this
procedure.h //not each executable depends from this
I know that, in order to compile these files, I should do something like that:
all: handler server client
handler: handler.c header.o procedure.o
gcc handler.c -o handler header.o procedure.o
procedure.o: header.o
gcc procedure.c -o procedure.o header.o
which, I'm not sure is correct at all but it's sure very tedious and long.
My question is:
is there a faster, concise, easy way of creating these files given my problem?
Is that possible to have a clear explaination of how it works?
I want to point out that, until now, I used this type of makefile for single executable, without problem:
src = $(wildcard *.c)
obj = $(src:.c=.o)
c = gcc
start: $(obj)
$(c) -o $# $^
rm -f *.o
rm -f ./start
rm -f *~
which, I suppose, takes all file from my main folder, specifies dependencies as the name of file.o and then create each .o needed file.
Thanks in advance.
It would probably be easier if you were reworking your specifications and separating object files from executables (compilation and linking phases). Object files depend on header files and source files but executables depend only on object files. Then if you properly use pattern rules, automatic variables and if you separate the dependencies from the recipes, you could use something like:
SRC := $(wildcard *.c)
OBJ := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRC))
EXE := handler server client
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(EXE)
# object files to executables dependencies
handler: handler.o header.o procedure.o
server: server.o header.o
client: client.o header.o
# header files to object files dependencies
procedure.o: procedure.h
$(OBJ): header.h
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $# $(LDLIBS)
rm -f $(EXE) $(OBJ)
Note: of course, because they cannot be guessed from your question, check the dependencies (which executable depends on which object file and which object file depends on which header file). This example Makefile is just a hint.
Note: as suggested by Vroomfondel, if your compiler supports it, you could also use it to automatically detect header files to object files dependencies. Read this to know more about this.

Makefile for C Program

I am trying to use this Makefile for a C Program. Could you please share with me a way how I can understand the Make utility better? I am trying the following:
# stack/Makefile
CC := gcc
CFLAGS += -std=c99
CFLAGS += -Wall
CFLAGS += -Wextra
CFLAGS += -g
VPATH = main src
all: bin/main.exe clean run
bin/main.exe: bin/main.o bin/stack.o
$(CC) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
bin/main.o: main.c
bin/stack.o: stack.c stack.h
bin/%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
rm -f bin/*.o
.PHONY: all clean run
And I getting this message:
gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -g -c -o bin/main.o main.c
error: unable to open output file 'bin/main.o': 'No such file or directory'
1 error generated.
make: *** [bin/main.o] Error 1
The error stems from the fact that your Makefile wants to
generate the executable and object files in subdirectory bin but it
contains no rule to ensure that bin exists when it is
needed. As #JonathanLeffler comments, you can solve that
just by manually creating bin yourself.
But it is often desired that a Makefile itself will ensure
that a subdirectory, or some other resource, exists when it
is needed, and you probably assumed that the pattern-rule
bin/%.o: %.c
would create bin as needed. It won't.
Your Makefile can ensure the existence of bin if you
amend it like this:
Somewhere below the all rule, add a new target:
mkdir -p $#
This is to make the bin subdirectory if it doesn't exist.
Then change the rule:
bin/%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
bin/%.o: %.c | bin
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
The additional | bin is an example of an order-only prequisite
It means: If any of the targets (the bin/%.o things) needs to be remade from any of preceding prequisites (the ones before |, i.e. the %.c
things), then bin must be made first. So, as soon as anything needs to be made in bin, bin will be made first.
There is another more basic flaw in your Makefile. all is dependent on clean, so every time you successfully build
your program the object files are deleted. I understand that you intend this, but it entirely
defeats the purpose of make, which is to avoid the need to rebuild everything (object files, executables) every
time by instead just rebuilding those things that have become out-of-date with respect to their prerequisites.
So all should not depend on clean, and then an object file will be recompiled only if it needs to
be recompiled, i.e. is older than the corresponding source file. If and when you want to clean out the
object files, run make clean.
Finally, your demo rule:
is inconsistent with the others. The others assume that the bin where the executable
is put is in the current directory. The demo rule assumes it is in the parent of
the current directory. If you correct the demo rule then it will be identical to
the run rule, so it is superfluous, but if it were not superfluous then it should
be added it to the .PHONY targets.
The best way to learn the proper way to use makefiles is to read the manual. Also, you can Google for some simple tutorials.

Make recursive all C files

I really can't get into makefiles. In previous projects, I hardcoded all compile tasks in the Makefile:
all: compile_a compile_b compile_c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${A_SRC} -o ${A_OUT}
and so on.
But as the latest project has more files than every project before, I want to write better make tasks and of course LESS characters as make is not really friendly to my eyes (it makes them suffer)! :-P
What I want:
One task to rule them all (just make projectname or make all, you know?)
One task for every C file to compile (I read something about this %.o: %.c syntax, but didn't really get it)
One task for linking (how to get all .o files and link them without hardcoding each?)
One task for cleaning (oh, i can do this!)
The project structure is:
bin (binary goes here!)
I don't know if I need a directory for object files, I put them in ./bin, I think that's good enough, isn't it?
Maybe I just need someone who can explain it with easy words!
As someone pointed out, there's no real question, so here it goes:
how to recursively compile all C files to bin/(filename).o
how to link all .o files in 'bin/' without knowing their names
maybe this helps.
Try this:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -c -Wall -g -Os
LD = $(CC)
LDFLAGS = -lfoo
TARGET = MyProject
OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(wildcard *.c))
all: $(TARGET)
$(LD) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS)
# You don't even need to be explicit here,
# compiling C files is handled automagically by Make.
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $#
I frequently use the wildcard function in combination with the foreach function for something like you want to achieve.
If your sources are in src/ and you want to put the binaries into bin/ the basic construction of my Makefile would look like follows:
SOURCES=$(shell find src -type f -iname '*.c')
OBJECTS=$(foreach x, $(basename $(SOURCES)), $(x).o)
$(CC) $^ -o $#
rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)
I usually take advantage of make's built in implicit rules and predefined variables (Make manual, Chap 10).
without going into specifics of makefiles, use the * to your advantage.
compileAll: gcc -c *.c
linkAll: gcc *.o -o output.exe
